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No Introductory Thread? I think... begin here?

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Not sure where to begin or even how to begin. I guess first to say that I stumbled onto this website while trying = AGAIN! to find a way to lose weight; at the same time trying to figure out what was WRONG with me. I don't want to dwell on the past, but I wanted to give a little bit of what has gone on so that maybe someone (with compassion) would help, guide me, and understand that "baby steps" are what I can do until I can gain some momentum to run with all ya'll WILD REBELS!!


Started off life with Oreo cookies to my mom's delight! She found that it was a way to keep me entertained while she spent all her time chasing after my little sister, Miss Picky Eater. So started off my school years as a chunky monkey and into High School struggling to lose weight. I wasn't totally obese yet, but getting married then having a baby started the inconsistant race. Each year I thought I was being successful by the end of the year I failed and gained it all back.  By now I had gained up into the 200 mark.  A whole lot of things happened along the way, programs, diets, pills, books, doctors, taking college course to learn about Fitness and more studying and still no results or motivation or sticking with it.


Present day, work consistently at a desk job, gained more, exercised way less.  In a car wreck in 2010 so that contributed to even more weight gain and thus triggering a series of aches and pains (so I thought). For the past 4 years I have gained up to 300# and now severely sore and struggle with any type of movement.


Needless to say, the day after Easter I was so down, depressed and just plain mad that I decided NOT to eat any of the junk that everyone brings in after the Holidays. I was not going to eat ANYTHING. That night I was feeling pretty okay. So the next day I decided to do it again. By that evening I was surprised that I was actually feeling like some of the pain was going out of my body. I was getting a little excited, so I decided to check out the internet for topics on "Sugar Detox" and what other things would lead to feeling better.  As I kept reading and soaking in what I could I was so surprised that I didn't learn any of this in my Fitness and Nutrition training course years ago. On the third day I had found a website that I wandered into and started reading about all the things that changing your eating can do. I had seen this word before "Paleo" but the first part started out with giving up all sorts of things that I "thought" I would not get to have. By the forth day I had seen it again and then saw these funny little leggo people and thought I would check it out and that is where I found Steve Kamb talking about food, eating, fitness and getting healthy and being a REBEL!


It has been a total of 7 days now and only a few days of checking out Steve's websites and learning about some of these changes. I have to tell anyone and everyone that I run into how these simple (wish I had done this a year ago when I saw it then), but here I am now and I can hardly contain myself. The reason being is in just these few days of changes I CAN:  Stand up straight again, I can walk forward without waiting for my legs to catch up with my brain, I can actually walk forward, and I don't have to hold on to objects to make my way around a room or to get to another object to hold onto for fear of falling. AND THE BEST PART OF ALL!!!!!  THE PAIN IN MY BODY IS GOING AWAY! I am so going to be a REBEL! With or without my friends. I tried to explain what is going on inside and out and all the noticable changes and feelings and they have already been discouraging me about following an unhealthy eating program. THEY HAVE NO IDEA the pain nor do they understand that weight issue since none of them have ever had weight issues or struggles.


So here is my introduction and my struggle to this point and my EXCITEMENT TO BE HERE. My first challenge is to make it past the 5 minute warm up of a video I bought a year ago and have tried it now about 4 times in that year and only made it through the 5 minute warm up. I started on Steve's first newsletter. Just read the second one and will be looking forward to the rest of my life in a much better healthier physical active state. Yeah!!! I have 50+ more years to enjoy!!!!  BTW...I lost 5# this past week and didn't even realize it.

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Yay, welcome to the Rebellion,

You have taken an important step towards a healthier life! You have a long way to go, but now you´ve started and thats great.

What you eat will determine most of your success and if you keep of sugar and sticking to paleo-food, you will see results, fast (which you already have).


In the forum you will also find lots of advice, tips and tricks from awesome people.


Have a good one!

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Level 3: Ninja

Current Challenge with the Druids (Nov 2nd-dec 13th)



Every man I meet, is my superior in some way. In that, I learn of him. Emerson

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Thanks!  I am so feeling it!!  I was outside in my yard doing the front garden - IN THE RAIN! I have not enjoyed doing any yard work or yard playing in nearly 4 years. I am so feeling like a miracle from within.  It is "LITERALLY" like someone scraped the rust off my bones. I got the front gardening DONE! I'M SO EXCITED - I KNOW I WILL NEVER GO BACK TO EATING WHAT I USED TO EAT. Just got my third letter and getting ready to set up all the tips, preparations and get my swords in place. :positive::peaceful:

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