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UGH too many rules to eating right and weight loss

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I have been working out/exercising on and off for about 10+ years. I'm going on 37 years, 5'2", and weigh around 134 lbs. While I don't think I'm overweight, I would like to be toned. I quit smoking after 21 years of around a pack a day. I'm using Chantix, and no I don't have the usual side effects of it. Since I've been on it I have gotten a allergy to milk products and that includes anything (pre-prossed) made with milk (whey). Plus I love cheese i used it for just about every meal and sour cream. I haven't eaten fast food or drank soda in over a year. I do occasionally drink unsweetened tea. I also eat lots of veggies sometimes with hummus. My favorite food is pizza.


I absolutely hate cardio. When my doctor prescribed Chantix, she told me that I need to be doing 30-45 minutes of cardio 5 days a week. I would rather do 2 hours of cardio one day a week. My sister-in-law (who is doing T25) also told me that if I'm not sweating I will not lose weight. UGH to many rules.


I have tried using a set plan and I can follow it for about 1-2 weeks at the most. Then I get frustrated and give up for a week. Then I start again. AGAIN too many rules.


I also can not use workout videos. I am a very competitive person and when I see people on the videos doing a exercise and I just cannot get it, I will give up. I have roughly 8-10 fitness videos that I do not use. ALSO too many rules.


I used to love lifting, but with all my friends (on the weight loss bandwagon in the past year, which is great). I'm just feeling overwhelmed because now I'm listening to them on what to do and not to do.


I joined this group to hopefully get motivation and improvement to exercises that I do.



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Have you tried the elliptical? That was how I introduced myself to cardio in the beginning and I really enjoyed the motion of it. Put together a kickass playlist for yourself and pretend you're dancing.


I guarentee you, though, if you do cardio for two hours you will never do it again. Start off slow with 20 minute sessions and work your way up.

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No trees were killed to post this message, but a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced.


Dali won't be joining us for dinner. He's ordering a bicycle from room service.

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Rules that Ive been told:


1. Use coconut oil its better for you than olive oil. (too bad using coconut oil I found I'm allergic to it)


2. If you don't sweat you won't lose weight.


3. If you don't do cardio you won't lose belly fat.


4. Eat less carbs, more veggies.


5. To tone, use less weight but more reps. 


6. Fat free is the best bet. But like in Steve's blog. There are alot of myths.


So that's just the beginning of the myths that I've been fed. Its a little overwhelming. I lost 10 lbs just by cutting out sugar. I just want 11 more lbs or to fit comfortably in my favorite jeans. 

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I've done the elliptical and lasted 5 minutes, knees and hips kept locking. I've done the treadmill, stationary bike, I do like the stair climber.


Actually last summer, I took my bike out on the trail for 2 1/2 hours. I can't wait to get back out there once the weather here clears up. I just hope I can make it the 27 miles that I would like to. I do get on the stationary bike at least once a week, but I guess it's just not the same. 


I guess I just prefer to do strength training. 

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I've done the elliptical and lasted 5 minutes, knees and hips kept locking. I've done the treadmill, stationary bike, I do like the stair climber.


Actually last summer, I took my bike out on the trail for 2 1/2 hours. I can't wait to get back out there once the weather here clears up. I just hope I can make it the 27 miles that I would like to. I do get on the stationary bike at least once a week, but I guess it's just not the same. 


I guess I just prefer to do strength training. 

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Strength training is good for a variety of reasons, but if you're only using the scale as a measure of progress it could have a confounding effect (weight loss slows due to muscle growth, but FAT LOSS remains consistent).  That's why things like tape measures are better ways to see progress.


To get your last few pounds off, throw out the odd, overly specific set of rules people seem to be feeding you.  Their "rules" are nothing more than tactics - some misguided, others flat out wrong - to achieve the only equation that matters for fat loss: eat less than you burn.  You don't have to do cardio if you don't want to, but it'd come with so many benefits if you did.


Everyone has their opinion on what makes a balanced diet, but the truth is understanding what's "healthy" is both subjective and difficult.  I can say that most of the scary headlines you'll see in the news are overstating or completely misrepresenting problems, though.  The fact is the specifics of "healthy nutrition" are still one big question mark, although we do know enough to point ourselves in good, general directions.


Right now, I think you're letting too many details get to you.  Your main goal right now is fat loss, so just focus on that by eating whatever you think is "healthy," but making sure the total amount of calories is less than you burn.  Once you have this goal completed, you can embark on others and dive further into other questions.

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I've had people tell me they are a facts/rules.


Because obviously if cardio is the only way to lose belly fat then that's what I need to suck it up and do it.  Along with the pizza, if its going to go straight to my a$$ then I don't want to eat the 4-5 slices. I'm just trying to find a happy medium. 


Can I skip the stationary bike, do an hour of strength training, occasionally eat pizza and still lose weight and tone everything? 

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Too many people try to force rules at you but the truth is that you have to find what works for you.  Try some different things to reach your goals until you find the one that works for you and that you'll actually enjoy doing.  Another thing to keep in mind is that it's really hard to follow all the "rules" all the time so you should keep in mind your starting place.  Find the things that you want to change whether it's drinking less soda, more water, doing more strength training, working up to cardio, etc and try to focus on small changes one at a time.  Maybe try walking for five or ten minutes to start doing cardio.  Don't overwhelm yourself by looking at what others say is perfect and measure against that.  Sometimes victory can be only eating three pieces of pizza instead of five.  


Find what you enjoy and gets you active and make small changes.  Trying to change too much or be perfect from the start often leads to failed weight loss/toning and frustrated people that give up.  Hang in there, you just haven't found the right formula for you yet and you're in a great place to discover what it is.  

Intro, Challenges:  1, 2

Level: 1   Race: Human  Profession: Ranger

STR: 2  DEX: 1  STA: 1  CON: 1  WIS: 3  CHA: 2


"[i fear] a cage. . . . To stay behind bars, until use and old age accept them, and all chance of doing great deeds is gone beyond recall or desire." - J.R.R. Tolkien


"Your mind will quit a hundred times before your body ever does.  Feel the pain and do it anyway"



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