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Hi everybody,my name is Devon! I'm a college student from small town Iowa and I'm here for some guidance and support in a personal project very near and dear to me. See a couple years ago I was in high school and things were going pretty great, I had recently enlisted in the service, was on the football team, in drama, and grades were going great. I was far from the biggest guy on the team, or the sharpest guy in class but I had things together and it felt amazing. So the season goes on and I take a bad hit, a very bad hit. The 150 some pound guy they made fullback for whatever reason (myself) got caught between two very large, very strong players and it mangled my left hip. This had, at first, not seemed all too bad. I mean I could still walk if a bit limpy and play my part. I was stupid and stubborn however, and decided to suck it up instead of seeking attention right away and despite a lot of physical therapy and doc visits the hip problems stuck around after graduation, come time to get ready for shipment I was washed on a medical discharge. I could hardly walk and it cost me the career I'd spent my whole life dreaming of. It was devisatating.

In the year to follow my relationship would end, I lost several dear family members, witnessed a friend's suicide, and got laid off of my the job I had taken up. It it was easily the hardest year of my life and some parts of it still haunt me today. But that was then, and this is now. I didn't come here to give you a sob story, I came here because I intend to do something about all this. I've spent these last two years working through the emotional baggage of all this, what I need is support and guidance in building a better self physically after my hip went And I got out of shape, I haven't put on much weight (160ish at about 5'4) but I feel frail and very weak after everything. I'm not fast like I once was, I look at my arms and upper body and feel like a twig, and I'm just not who I used to be.

On a nerdier subject, my lifelong hero has always been Captain America, I had droves of Marvel comics when I was younger but those were my favorite. When I was younger I was bullied for being nerdy and small , I could relate to Rogers. When I would have done anything to get in to the service? I could relate, and finally when they turned me down, well you get the picture. Strength of character carried him through where physically strength failed and, as cheesy as it is, that really inspires me.

So, here I am nit for pity or condolences, but to get fit, live healthy, make friends, and make up for some hard times with some hard work :) I'd love to know how to get healthy all around and how to put on some bulk, I'm sick of feeling frail and scrawny.

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Hey! Good to have you!

I'm glad to hear that you've taken a very difficult situation and turned it around. You deserve a LOT of credit for that. I know a thing or two about getting injured, and about losing people. You can check the first link in my sig if you want the details, but suffice it to say, I get where you're coming from.

This place is an amazing source of information, help, advice, support and encouragement. I'm sure you'll be unstoppable now that you've got us lot behind you. ;)

Make Life Rue The Day                             Turning back the clock                                                Recipe book  14


Life is far too short to take seriously

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Hooray that you're here! There are a lot of very active, knowledgable, compassionate people here who post on the reg and for some reason looooooveee to help :)

You have our sword our axe and our bows and stuff

Obligatory nerdy thing to say accomplished

Good vibes and good luck :) let's work hard together!

Level 1 Halfling - Rebel Nooblet - STR 2|DEX 2|STA 1|CON 1|WIS 2|CHA 2

Challenge Thread

Challenge goals:

Pole dance 15x


Rock climbing 18x


Lab for 36 hours


What the junk is lumberjane up to?

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