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Hello! I'm Kat! I'm pretty new to this site, but not to fitness. It's been a few years of trying different "solutions" to weight loss and health improvement. I've finally started real research and turns out all you really have to do is workout and eat healthy. Who would have guessed?!


I used to be one of those girls who ate nothing but junk food and was stick thin, but after having a kid my metabolism changed and now if I look at food I seem to gain weight. I've tried many different things to lose weight, everything from intense cardio to almost starving myself. Nothing worked, at least not for long. I've had to revamp my idea of health and weight loss and move away from the commercial side of it. In the past 6 months I've moved towards a Paleo diet. I am not perfect by any means, but compared to the amount of bread that I used to eat it is a huge improvement. Now on to the fitness changes. Cardio doesn't work for me. I did half of Insanity and my weight didn't change! I used to do some weight lifting, but it was mostly on the weight machines. I've been looking into actual weight lifting, but I'll admit that I am a bit intimidated by it. I almost joined Planet Fitness, until I learned they didn't really allow people to lift weights in their "Judgement Free Zone"...a gym where you can't lift weights...really?! Thankfully I didn't hand my money over and I will be joining a regular 24 hour gym tomorrow. There aren't people there all the time and I really would feel more comfortable if someone was there for some pointers, but I am going to watch some videos tonight and print out a beginners weight training circuit thing...I'll report my success (or failure) after I go tomorrow.


My goal isn't really weight loss. I need to lose fat but I am not too worried about my weight, more my size. I need to lose 20 pounds of fat, but I am hoping to put on muscle, so I can't make a weight loss goal. I am going to make small goals as I go. At the moment it is to go to the gym tomorrow, sign up, and not make a fool of myself! Dream big!


Real quick about myself, yes I am a nerd and I love it! Nerds get to love the things they like, without holding back to look cool! My favorite game in the entire world is Oblivion, hence the name. I have a Wood Elf named Arawyn, and yes I know the Elf in my picture is Alawyn, I didn't have a picture of my character, but she could seriously be my twin in the game, we even have cute matching names!


Can't wait to meet you guys and to start the next 6 week challenge. 

Wonderful! Time for a celebration... Cheese for everyone! Wait, scratch that. Cheese for no one. That can be just as much of a celebration, if you don't like cheese. True?  :highly_amused:


Level 1 Wood Elf Adventurer


So, Start it Already! (1st Challenge)  Log

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Welcome aboard Arawyn! or Kat, whatever  :playful: 
It seems that you have tried this fitness thing for quite a while, I really hope that here you find the necessary resources to achieve your goals, which seems pretty straightforward. I don't know if you already looked through these, but this link here is full of really great things to get started: http://www.nerdfitness.com/resources/#resources-free

And also, good luck with the gym tomorrow :D

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~ Baby Steps Into Giant Strides ~

-Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail Better.

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Thanks! I've looked through some of it. The paleo article is actually how I found this website.

I'm already rethinking the gym today, but if I don't start changes will never be made. *positive thoughts*

Wonderful! Time for a celebration... Cheese for everyone! Wait, scratch that. Cheese for no one. That can be just as much of a celebration, if you don't like cheese. True?  :highly_amused:


Level 1 Wood Elf Adventurer


So, Start it Already! (1st Challenge)  Log

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No, I haven't moved on to the online game. Honestly I've hardly played Skyrim. I'm a little bit of a nut when it comes to completing something, so I decided that I wanted to go through every location and do every quest, really do everything in the game. SOOOOO I did every quest and found all the locations and went through them in Cyrodiil and did EVERYTHING besides the main quest. Then when to the Shivering Isles and completed half of that...then my PS3 died. I have no idea what happened  :miserable:  Soooo I started over on my husband's Xbox. I'll play Skyrim when I'm done with Oblivion...My character was bad ass though! 


Quick update! I have successively joined the gym and worked out for a little bit. Nothing amazing, but I started and I'm proud! :D

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Wonderful! Time for a celebration... Cheese for everyone! Wait, scratch that. Cheese for no one. That can be just as much of a celebration, if you don't like cheese. True?  :highly_amused:


Level 1 Wood Elf Adventurer


So, Start it Already! (1st Challenge)  Log

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Thanks juudar! I've tried too many time to do too much at once and that always causes me to fail. Plus I try the all or nothing approach. This time will be different and I am hoping the changes cause me to succeed. Make small changes over time so that real healthy habits develop!

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Wonderful! Time for a celebration... Cheese for everyone! Wait, scratch that. Cheese for no one. That can be just as much of a celebration, if you don't like cheese. True?  :highly_amused:


Level 1 Wood Elf Adventurer


So, Start it Already! (1st Challenge)  Log

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Your avatar (or maybe the name Arawyn) made me think more Lord of the Rings (Online) too. I'm a completionist as well, just without the time and unrestricted freedom to play like a madman that I once had. So don't feel bad, I personally haven't beat any single player RPGs since FFX-2 on PS2 probably! I like MMOs that don't "end".
I'm also hoping to jump into the next challenge (my first as well), us noobs need to stick together!

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Yeah, similar to Arwen. I like the extra syllable in mine. I like that Oblivion doesn't really end because there's all these random quests that come up but I still want to do all the main quests; plus my character was so cool!!! Oh well. I have a level 9 wood elf and she is getting pretty good, AND I didn't have all the DLC on the PS3 that my husband has on his Xbox360, WOOT!! I'll get there. 


And yes, I am ready for the next challenge. I don't know which guild I am interested in though. I'm thinking maybe the warriors, since I want to lift weights. Are you leaning towards any particular guild? 

Wonderful! Time for a celebration... Cheese for everyone! Wait, scratch that. Cheese for no one. That can be just as much of a celebration, if you don't like cheese. True?  :highly_amused:


Level 1 Wood Elf Adventurer


So, Start it Already! (1st Challenge)  Log

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D'ohhh - late response!

I see myself becoming a Scout or Ranger, but with the heart of a Warrior who yearns for the skills of a Monk.

I've been "comfortably heavy" for most of my life, but walking/running/cardio has been the top exercise I've been able to stick with the longest. I'd love to learn some boxing/kickboxing/MMA while doing weight training, so shifting into a Warrior or Monk could be a future adventure. Jack of all trades, yeah!


I'll follow your challenge and cheer you on! I'll have to research and prepare myself as well.

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