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Rollercoaster ending in a woot!!!!

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So, after being told by all 5 military branches that active duty is simply not an option for me (I have acute gout).  I kind of dropped off the wagon.  Ate off the paleo menu, stopped working out, etc.  I had a complete blow-out for a week.   Finally looked in the mirror and told myself to buck-up.  I have come way too far to just let this all go.


Thats the first bit of good news, the second...


I went to my doctor today.  My uric acid levels in my blood have been cut in HALF since joining nerd fitness.  With acute gout it is rare for the gout to disappear completely, but it has happened in cases.  I may not be able to go active military as soon as I was hoping, but it is still a possibility if I continue to fix my body and diet.


Motivation back on track!



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I haven't made a goal, I have made a lifestyle change.

I am not where I want to be, but I am closer than I was yesterday.

It was hard to make changes at first, I will never go back.

The only person that was standing in my way was me.

Now that I have gotten out of my way, nothing can stop me!


Level 4: Burger-Flipping Ass Kicking Ogre Ranger:  STR:7 DEX:8 STA:11 CON:2 WIS:5 CHA:12

Challenges -(1),(2),(3), Current

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Sweet! Now you have some really good motivation to keep you going. And even if the problems don´t completely disappear, you will feel better anyways so it´s a win even if you loose. But I'm rooting for you to be able to join sometime in the future and kicking that acute gouts ass!

Level 3: Ninja

Current Challenge with the Druids (Nov 2nd-dec 13th)



Every man I meet, is my superior in some way. In that, I learn of him. Emerson

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