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Hi all, 


Like many others, I've been cheking out this community for a while and finally decided to de-cloak and join. 


== About Me ==

I'm in my early 40s and I want to increase my overall fitness. I am 5'8 and about 160 lbs. I will be working on increasing muscule tone, flexibility and endurance. 


== Current Regimen ==

I am a fairly active but other than going to the dojo a few times a week, I have no structured routine. I train in what some would call 'small circle Aikido' - not much need for power, but flexibility and speed is a must. I get around 7,000+ steps in a day, and started a 'standing desk' trend at the office that I've kept up for two years. So I have decent means for calorie burning, but I need to work cardio.


== Diet, etc. ==

No specific diet, but I've cut a lot of junk over the last few years and loosely watch my caloric intake. I used to have a huge problem with soda, but with the help of a friend I realized that I was not 'addicted' to soda itself, but that I love the fizz. I then switched to straight seltzer water and have not looked back. I cut out most sweets, but still have them in moderation. I cut out most salted, fried snacks, but as with sweets revisit once in a while. Other than that I try to keep everything else in moderation too, including grains, which I love in all forms.


== Where I am Headed, Fitness-wise ==

I need to establish a routine, badly. One of my focuses for building that routine in the next 6-week challenge deals with sleep, because I do not get enough rest. I will be trying out the Tabata style of HIIT for the challenge, and doing exercises to work my core. I am interested in learning more about Animal Flow and Parkour. If all goes well over the next few months, my wife and I will be doing our first Tough Mudder next spring. Judging by my goals, I think Assassins is the group I'll be gravitating to.


== The Nerd Side ==

Old school RPGer, console platform gamer, and board gamer. Also, I love stats. I will be tracking mine through my challenges. :)


Level 1 Wood Elf Rebel

STR 1 | DEX 2 | STA 3 | CON 1 | WIS 2 | CHA 1



"Self-scruntiny applied with kindness..." ~ Epictetus

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Hi TacoTako!


I’m ChristArtist, an Ambassador for the Adventurer’s.


It looks like you are wanting to level up your live in many areas! While I see your Martial Arts experience, I'd like to invited you to consider the Adventurers for helping you establish your routine, and your sleep, and your workouts, and all of that stuff after level 1, to lay that foundation for the next guild!


For this challenge, I have created an accountabilibuddies group for Level 1s to support each other for the next 6 weeks.  If you are interested in Storming the Castle - please come join me!

Once you get your challenge thread up...sign up at the level 1 sign up sheet - and I'm sure the Assassins or Monks will be checking in with you!


In the mean time, for more information, head on over to the Adventurer’s Tavern where you’ll find lots of great ideas and inspiration.

If you’d like to talk to me,  you can either check out my current challenge  Prep for Camp NF, or pm me on the board.  

If you have any questions on how to use the forums, check out this tutorial.

I’ll be following your thread here as well so Let’s do this!

In His hands and Under His wings, Phil 4:13; Is 40:31; Jer 29:11
 Adventurer by choice

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