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New recruit- a Nerd girls journey.

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Hi everyone!

I've joined the revolution to fight side by side with you all, to lead the best possible life I can. And I most definitely will be needing your help, support, guidance, and care!

In 2003 I developed an eating disorder that in all honesty, even though I say I "beat it back then", I've never really gotten rid of. I've always remained obsessed with my weight, my curves, what I eat, to the point that it has contaminated and effected my relationships with friends and family. Not to mention my poor partner. It is an insidious disease that I have left inside me for too long.

Then, about 2005 I injured myself and had surgery to "fix" the problem. My knee has never been the same. As a consequence, from protecting myself physically and subconsciously, my leg is now weak, weaker than what it was before I injured it out of incorrect training technique. To have so many physical fitness goals in front of me shatter so quickly... it devestated me and caused futher ruptures in my personal life with my loved ones. I had just gotten my blackbelt in Tae Kwon Do. My freaking blackbelt. I have never been able to wear it since, or go back to training for fear (and doctor/physio advice) of further injury.

Anyway- a few months ago I started doing Ryoho yoga (from DVDs, the only way I could learn it due to my location) and started noticing a change in my body. I didn't expect yoga to effect me like it did, but this did dramatically. I don't think my core has ever been as strong as it is today, nor my mind and body so aware of itself.

And then a few days ago I stumbled across nerdfitness.com, and, well, I have been inspired.

I will not hide in the shadows any longer.

I will not feed my body useless food.

I will strengthen my knee (with caution) to make it stronger: make my whole body stronger.

I will show my partner that I am not weak, not driven by things in my past.

My mission is to now be the best that I can be without stressing over every detail. I want to be as strong as Lara Croft, as flexible and dynamic as Buffy, be calm and collected like my Buddhist mentors, and as determined and dedicated as my favourite actors are- so that I can be the best at my career like them.

I have joined the revolution- so hear me ROAR.

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Welcome to the group, Raider86. I think you have some admirable goals and I wish you the best of luck in your journey. I hope you will find support within this community and your local community to help you along the way.

Smurray -- Ranger (Level 4)

STR 8 | DEX 5 | STA 8 | CON 8 | WIS 14 | CHA 9


Current,, First, Second, Third, Fourth

It never hurts to add a little more color to life... a lot more color could be a bit painful.

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Thanks smurray :) I'm really excited about taking the plunge! And I know I'm definitely in good hands here. I'm already looking at places I can buy a pull-up bar from for my doorway!

Not to mention daydreaming about adding tall, horizontal bars to the bricks of my home (on the sideway-path of my house that has nice tall fences to hide prying eyes) that I can sideswing from once I'm strong enough. I don't have a big backyard but I'm already thinking of how I can create my own hard-core Buffy/Lara training zone :)

I'm looking forward to hearing stories from you all, tips and tricks, and general banter :)


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And I know I'm definitely in good hands here. I'm already looking at places I can buy a pull-up bar from for my doorway!

A lot of your big-box stores (wal-mart, target, etc.) have pull up bars that hang over the doorway that do not require you to physically attach it to anything. When I was closer to 200 pounds a couple years ago I used one with no issue. Well the door frame and bar had no issues; I, however, did have issues with pullups...



If you can't fix it with squats or fish oil you're probably going to die.

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I spoke with a friend of mine who recommended his Everlast one that he has in his doorway- seems well supported on both sides and from the top, so I will do some price comparisions and possibly grab the same one. They make the most sense to me- as they don't really take up much space at all.

I seriously don't know how they don't wreck your doorway though!!! :) Thanks for the suggestion of checking out the major chains, will add them to the list!


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I got one from amazon that has two sets of hardware so you can hang it at two levels; this has been HUGE towards strength training at home as I can now do pullups, chinups, inverted rows, and seated dips (putting my feet on the couch arm) whenever I want.

Congrats on joining the fight! You've got lots of us at your side cheering you on.

One day at a time. No excuses. Battle Log | Current Challenge - Bleep All the Things

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I got one from amazon that has two sets of hardware so you can hang it at two levels; this has been HUGE towards strength training at home as I can now do pullups, chinups, inverted rows, and seated dips (putting my feet on the couch arm) whenever I want.

Congrats on joining the fight! You've got lots of us at your side cheering you on.

Thanks Dio :) Do you remember what model yours is? That sounds really good, might try and find one of those so I can do inverted rows without my table!

Glad to have people cheering me, first Angry Birds workout this morning... oh man I have slipped since my gym days last year (before I moved to my new home where there is no gym near).

I got catching up to do!

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I will mention that mine is a bit difficult to switch back and forth (not hard, but not a split-second thing) so it may not be ideal for supersets that include both pullups and inverted rows unless you have someone to switch it in between. I get around this by putting my feet up on the back of the couch. Not perfect, but works fairly well.

One day at a time. No excuses. Battle Log | Current Challenge - Bleep All the Things

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I know a knee injury, especially one that requires surgery may seem impossible to overcome. I always think that The Godfather of Fitness himself, Jack Lalanne, had a knee injury from his high school days that made him "unfit for military service during World War II," (though he eventually managed to trick a doctor into approving him for service in the US Navy). If he could do all the incredible things he did with a bad knee you maybe able to too).

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I know a knee injury, especially one that requires surgery may seem impossible to overcome. I always think that The Godfather of Fitness himself, Jack Lalanne, had a knee injury from his high school days that made him "unfit for military service during World War II," (though he eventually managed to trick a doctor into approving him for service in the US Navy). If he could do all the incredible things he did with a bad knee you maybe able to too).

Thanks mate! I'm reading up on him now- I really hope to overcome this challenge in my life :) It's gonna be tough but I'm sick of feeling like a 25 year old cripple!

Appreciate your support :)

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Thanks everyone!!! I admit, I feel stronger already by knowing I've got the best team around me :) I'm at your side too! Together we are going to rock this thing!

I'm already doing better in the Angry Birds workout than I expected- On my way to a 2 minute plank sometime very soon! (1.40 this morning! Wooo!!!!) Can't wait to see this stomach lose some flab so I can show everyone how strong I am underneath :)

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