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Almost Halfway There!

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Hey, I just officially made an account and this is my first time posting. I just figured I'd start chronicling my journey now.

I've been obese for most of my life. I'm only 17, still young. My name is Ian. 

I've been steadily gaining weight over time, and for years. I was 10 or 11 years old when I first hit 200 pounds. 

Back in the first couple days of June, I found this site. I had spent a lot of time that past week playing Watch Dogs, (I am a gamer, like many here), and after all the Mirror's Edge, Assassin's Creed, and Watch Dogs I had played, I decided that parkour looks like it's a LOT of fun. While it may not be the most epic story to start my journey, it's what happened. I was suddenly inspired, and instead of saying, "Nah, I'm fat and weak. I can't do that", like I had done in the past, I decided to go just try it out. I hopped on my computer and looked up "how to get into parkour" or something along the lines of that. The first link I clicked on was an article here on NF, talking about parkour and how to get started. 

From there, I just started reading a bunch of articles on the site, and from there I got REALLY inspired. To lose weight, get in shape, build muscle, and eventually, master parkour. Y'know. Level up my life. 

So I just, like I had in the past, decided to start. But instead of eating a bunch of "low fat" pre-packaged meals I bought at the grocery store and running on the treadmill until I was MISERABLE for a week before giving up, this time I used my secret arsenal of information provided to me by this site. I've always been unhappy with my body, diet, and level of fitness. But every time I tried to do anything, I got nowhere.

This time was so much different. 

While I didn't initially decide to go with the paleo diet, which Steve recommended, I started really keeping track of all of my calories using this app called myfitnesspal (which helps a ton and is free if anyone is trying to count calories.) I wanted to have big results, so I set my calorie intake limit at 1400 per day (my basal metabolic rate is about 2350) and started doing a mix of strength training and cardio. It was far easier than any of my prior attempts, and far more successful. 

I started on June 8th, 2014, at 270 pounds, 5 feet and ten inches tall. My BMI was about 38, which is Obesity Class 2, and just two points away from Morbid Obesity. 

Within two months, I lost 35 pounds, reaching 235 pounds at 5 feet and eleven inches, and a new BMI 32.77, which is Obesity Class 1. Still not exactly ideal, but pretty good for just two months. 


It wasn't that difficult, it just took a lot of willpower, and I stuck to my routine. However, after a little over two months I hit a wall. Not only did I start slipping up on my diet a bit (my birthday party, going out with friends to eat, etc.) but I got really busy as Marching Band Season started up, and not long after, school. It made it harder to stick to my routine. I got back on track as quick as I could, but still had trouble losing anything. I've sat stagnant at 235 since the beginning of August. So, a few days ago, I decided it was time to step up my game. I cut out grains to see the effect it would have on me, and I've lost five more pounds in under a week! 

So I'm at 230 pounds right now, and I'm thinking I'm going to start the Paleo Diet. Steve spoke highly of it in the past, and after reading about all of its benefits and why it works, I'm convinced too. 

Maybe I'll expand on this topic more in the future, but just wanted to record my progress. Instead of just focusing on weight loss, I'm getting stronger and lighter enough to start focusing on actual parkour training. It's super exciting! 

Also, just wanted to thank this whole site for inspiring me to finally get off my ass. It's done me a lot of good. 

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Dude, this is amazing!!!1 Super congrats on all your real life chievo's!

I too was similarly inspired (mirrors edge) but I was 265lbs and asthmatic so I thought it was hopeless for me, but slowly I've gotten much better and whist I'd still no better at parkour, I can actually run without asthma getting in the way most of the time, so I'll get there xD

I've been at this since last Oct and this site has been nothing short of incredible! The articles are so inspiring, and they're many great members here!

Hope you progress more in the coming weeks, be sure to let us know! :-) Again, congrats!

IntroductionBodyware: Fitness Journal

Challenge Belt: (1)(2)(3)(4), (5), (6), (7), [WOOT](8), [TEMP HIATUS], (9)


Bodyweight Info: Starting: 264.5lbs, Current: 167.8lbs (NEUTRAL)


IronGlider v2.10, Adventurer Rank: Level 8


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