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"I am certain this all must seem very strange to you. Though I must ask you something." Claire pauses as if contemplating the words carefully, while Bacon raises an eyebrow in interest and a bit of suspicion. "Do you believe in rebirth, reincarnation, any of that. You must after everything you have learned." She looks to him as if she dearly hoped he did.


“Belief is a strange concept” the sorcerer begins, trying not to get his words and thoughts lost in the shakiness of alcohol. “I am neither a priest nor a religious person. For me, belief is hope, fortified by a certainty that things are as such and without any willingness to look further into them, to question those concepts. I don’t know if that makes any sense” he pauses, as he listens to his own words. “My concepts of the world were shattered and my mind blown when I first learned about the Planes, entire worlds in parallel dimensions of existence. Whatever my thoughts on reincarnation might have been, I have witnessed several occurrences as of late pointing towards it being possible, if not the norm. Everything changes and the flow is eternal. I should know, I’m a magician after all”.


Claire nods and continues "You see, my husband and I. Well, beings like us we are often feared or viewed with a sense of awe from a great distance. It is not often that we grow close with others. Of course my husband is quite the exception, people seem to love him." She turns to the fireplace, as if to attempt to conceal her emotions. "Though I have always struggled with this. But you, well the past you, always treated me like a friend. In fact you, well, your past self sat in that very chair and pronounced that there was no such thing as reincarnation. Yet here you sit, while slightly different I cannot help but feel as if you are the same." She turns again to face Bacon. "In the battle that is to come your heart is what I need. You may not have the physical strength like the barbarian does, but you have always been willing to see what others would not. And you were one of few who accepted me as I am."


With her final word her hair begins to turn white, from her naked back wings begin to spread. Her eyes begin to glow deeply. An overwhelming wave of emotion threatens to envelop Bacon as he witnesses her true form.


"Tell me, is this still true?"


Bacon tries to keep his cool but realizes his fingernails are digging into the chair’s wood as he witnesses Claire’s transformation. Was there something in whatever he drank in the woods, causing him to hallucinate? Or could it be the fruit? This brings his mind back to the treant’s prophecy of dark times ahead. Of the need to hold steadfast. Claire just spoke of the same. Bacon grinds his teeth and finally pulls himself together as Claire frowns and quickly assumes her disguise. "It appears you are not yet strong enough." She looks down to her feet. "Perhaps you never will be..." She then raises her head looking into Bacons eyes "Tell me, did I frighten you? What do you think of me now that you have seen what I truly am?"


“I, uhm… oh, wow… this is, um…” Bacon struggles to find the words. “It is not you that frightens me” he finally begins. “You are the second person today to tell me of a coming storm and how I must hold my ground in it. All this sounds unreal in a place like this. Not just this building, the entire city. It all feels… too good to be true. Yet, in our hardships, we needed to... believe such a thing is true. It is the shattering of this illusion that scares me when I see your true form and hear those words. It is the fear of what else might not be as it appears. Our minds are creatures of comfort and they struggle to deal with change in what they took for granted until now. It’s what I said before on belief. It is the walls protecting our peace of mind. It is this battering of the walls that frightens me, but it is only out of habit. I mean, the magic that flows through my veins manifests itself by altering people’s minds. Once the initial shock passes, I am open to pretty much anything”


Bacon leans forward and stares Claire straight in the eye, as if to emphasize his next words. “With all that said, I accept you as you are and think no less of you now that I have glimpsed at your true form, whatever that may be.”

Lvl 65 Multitasker

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Bacons words fill Claire with joy. She quickly wraps her arms around him. 


"You have no idea what that means to me friend."


She takes a seat next to Bacon and listens to the stories he has to tell. She nods and listens with great interest. When he mentions the illness she frowns then moves closer. She places her hands upon the sides of his head then kisses his forehead. 


A strange feeling spreads throughout Bacon's body, starting at his forehead and quickly spreading outwards. Once it reaches every part of his body she releases him and smiles.


"While I cannot truly repair all the damage I have done what I can." She smiles and takes his hand. Together they return to the great hall, Bacon taking Claire by the arm (a difficult task due to the difference in their size.) 


Hon'ga sees the pair enter the room and smiles.

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - J.R.R Tolkien

"Progress, not perfection."

"Persist, Pivot, or Concede." - Matthew McConaughey

"Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't."

Rants, Thoughts, and Workouts-->Battle Log | The Improvening (Current Challenge)

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Hon'ga to thank  Flo remembers Claire's words from the tavern as she enters the Castle grounds with her friends. The grandeur, although slightly understated, is still easily detected in the people and the buildings around her. Upon noticing the guards, she happily feeds her ego for choosing the green and gold materials. They might actually fit in here, if they were walking with an understandable purpose and ease. Her Elven nature and building interests wonder at the marvel of the doors and what must have taken place to create them. Flo subtly nods to each set of guards in respect and understanding. Do not bring your mischief, Flo. The wooden carvings make Flo blink several times, recovering with little evidence she is sure.  The common symbols among her journeys since Harglen still surprise her even when she should expect its presence. Past life reckoning is hardly mysterious to her and her kin. The way ii relieves itself however is very individual. Flo feels quite young in the face of some powerful connections.


Flo sits next to Sara, for the familiarity. She lets her old court training take care of the smiles and pleasant nods to folks who are trying to make eye contact with her. The temptation to decipher why they wanted such personal recognition, perks Flo's attention long enough to watch the two men that just shared similar smiles with Flo (sense motive: 14). Really? Hum… Well, that's family for you, boys. Good luck.  The food is happily accepted by Flo. Throwing her curiosity into some of the items she couldn't even determine what it might have looked originally, she shows no sign of shyness. One stew keeps her well occupied. The servant who filled it earlier is back at her side, with a hot refill with perfect timing. He does not overflow her bowl, but adds enough so that Flo can memorize the flavors. They share a warm and friendly smile that cancels any divide there may be between them. They were the same over a good bowl of stew!


As Flo decides she'll need to leave some room in her happy body, she searches the people from her seat with her eyes. She decides it's too much distance to find out anything interesting. Her and the Men seem to get up and move into the room with a silent cue between them. She hopes they make a great picture for these people to remember them. Of course, we do.  Flo notices belatedly that Bacon is pulled free of their grouping and soon after Bronan is no longer near her either. It would be surprising if we were left together,  she supposes. She strolls through some groups, being polite and curious, but questions that scream in her head are not getting satisfied at all.


She senses someone at her side and turns to see Orithia at her side with hand outstretched. "I do not believe me have met, I am Orithia. I had the pleasure of meeting your companions at my home earlier today. I must say they clean up quite nicely. I am certain that is of your doing." She motions to a table and they sit, she pours them each a bit of drink which they quickly consume. "You must have so many questions. I assure you most will be answered tomorrow, though I am certain you will have many new ones by the end of the day!" She laughs. She then points to the  two female figures standing guard. "They idolize her, swear their lives to her. Though certainly she needs no protecting!" She shakes her head. "Ah it seems I am rambling. I must find my husband." Orithia quickly stands leaving Flo curious. So, she gets up and chooses the next few groups with determination. But soon enough, frustration helps her reach for a forth glass of wine. It feels as though tonight is bringing her so close to the end of the circle started in Harglen, with the promise of answers connecting. Then just as quickly, she feels the drawn of a new pulling, but in the opposite direction with a whole new set of circumstances and questions. But she knows, in her Elven Soul, it is all connected, just it seems to her in this moment to be never-ending.


Ha, enough child, there is fun to be had.  Flo lets the mood swirl all about her. Her youth is begging to come out and play, and she embraces it freely. Searching for no more secrets or mysteries, but laughter and dance. The two men from earlier invite her to join their little group of dancers. She watches their bodies to get a feel of the music within them. At first, everyone is stepping to a regular deep sound and swirling to the rhythms which fits nice on the surface. But something is building. She looks to the men and they smile at her understanding.


They start a quiet clapping that doesn't meet up with the deep beats, but forces your attention to it so the flowing rhythms are broken into pieces. Flo is so excited, she jumps in. The clapping gets louder and harder as the sound takes the room over. Bodies are still swirling, but others are skipping from one person to the next, some even getting lifted and thrown, sending them on their way to the next beat. Flo takes the jumping steps with the help of a few burly bodies. A smart-looking half-orc woman gets a hold of her and grins wide. Flo cheers her agreement and lets herself be thrown high and far, enough that she spins in the air as she does. Then the landing is happening and Flo feels her feet touch the floor, but not for long. (acrobatics: 8) She lands on one knee and slides through at least two surprised women who skip back laughing. She is hauled up like one of the family and she finishes the song with a dizzy laugh that doesn't stop.


Flo's spirits are up and the ones she's been consuming are still going down. She gets convinced to sit with several ladies, matrons mostly. Her eyes can't stay off their costumes and their treasured jewelry. One woman notices, but without malice asks Flo to guess how much it is worth. Before Flo can consider the ramifications, she is being given pieces to look at and guess. The first few guess brings roars of laughter (appraise: 4, 6, 12). So, that is obviously way off! Come on, Flo, focus. Her ego begs for some show off time and Flo doesn't argue. Or can't she not sure which. Another tiara comes into her hands and Flo looks deeply into the two stones left in it. It's old. The old woman seemed determined to make Flo guess way off. Flo smirks at her and looks deeper still. (appraise 16). "My Lady, you should have guards accompany you wherever you may roam with such a beautiful  piece. If I had six hundred gold pieces to spare, I would, only then, feel like I was not insulting you, if I wanted to purchase  it from you." The old lady's eyes widen with respect and then just as quickly give the mother-eye to Flo when the word purchase flows unevenly from Flo's lips. What? I'm being good!


Two others put exquisite items in Flo's hands. Flo's hands shake a bit with well-grained habits. Instead, she looks up to the women waiting, their wine refilling as often as hers and announces in a serious voice, "How could you bring such trivial pieces of tin and straw to such a prestigious event as this?!" One of the poor women drops her jaw in surprise before catching on with the rest of the women. Their gathering gains even more looks from the room with their laughter and jesting.


It is enough to break up the appraising game and the women disperse happily looking for more fun and food. A young woman, Flo had not seen before, stands beside her with a small bracelet in her shaking hands. Flo turns to the female, who was more child than woman. "Yes, Love?"

"Is this something I should keep? Or sell it to pay for some cloth that we really need?" Flo sobers as instantly as she's capable of. And although wine clouds her, she takes this question with a seriousness she barely understands.

"Let us look." It is old and cracked along one side, probably due to being worn constantly, and being rubbed against gloves. It is thick though and the metal is not obvious at first. There are some fine etchings, only slightly faded with time. If it were to be cleaned up, Flo imagines the etchings will look brand new even now. Flo's eyes sparkle. This is no ordinary piece. She looks up to the girl who is watching over her shoulder intently. "My dear, this is a special piece that cloth cannot measure up to. Please, tell no one of this piece until you are ready to know its truth. No, I don’t know what that truth is, but it is extraordinary." (appraise: natural 20) Flo hands back the bracelet and wraps in gently into the girl's hands with a warm, but serious look. "Take good care of this. The cloth will show up without the need for this kind of sacrifice."

"Truly? Oh my. I thought my aunt was silly to tell me to keep it with me no matter. But… do you think it's mag-" Flo stops the word with a look.

"It's family history, that's how we shall describe it, yes?" The girl nods quickly and bows deeply to Flo and practically runs away, retreating to her friends waiting to hear about what happened.


Flo looks about the party with glassy eyes and smiles when her finds Bacon and Bronan, both. An unusually clear thought comes to Flo unbidden. I would never be jealous of any partner they may take in life, but no one will take them from me, ever. These two men are mine. And I am theirs.

The Way

Better Now than Back Then

Better Now than Later On

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Bronan is quite impressed with the castle and food, enjoying himself thuroughly having a chance to speak with his friends after so long as well as new ones. When Hon'ga motions that he should follow him for a wlak, Bronan nods and joins him. He enjoys being outsdie in the cool night air, simply strolling and taking in the sounds. He is a warrior for sure, but battle beats a man done and every now and again, and it is nice to recharge for a time without worry of being on the defensive.


He is just that here in these gardens, relaxed with his defenses lowered, though never compeltely, not even when he sleeps, such is the way of the Brobarian. This is where the Golden Eagle had led them, to this man, to these people. Bronan has dedicated his life to following that majestic bird. If this man is his enemy, then he had misjudged the recent years of his life, and deserved to be taken by surprise.


He nods whan Hon'ga notes his growth. "More in spirit than anything else have I grown. In will. In knowledge as well. The body is only the beginning, that lesson has been the most surprising."


When they enter the building. Bronan feels a pang at leaving the gardens. He belongs in the outdoors, that is where he most enjoys himself, it is where he feels at home. But he also enjoys battle and weaponry as much as any warrior. He looks about as Hon'ga points out the equipment. Once again a strange sense of familiarity touches at the back of his mind. He stops and looks at Hon'ga when he speaks of decisions. "No decision is truly hard. You choose that which, with what wisdom you have, is best for those you care about and important to you, your family, your clan, and then your friends. Those are who matter. Be decisive, as in battle, and live with no regrets at those decisions you've made with what you knew at the time." he looks to the weapons and craftmanship, then back to Hon'ga. "You speak of a long life, and I seem to recognize your craft, though I have not met you in this life. Tell me, did you know me in one of these past lives that I've come to believe in, as Rurik did? How many people in this life did I know from one in my past?"

Massrandir, Barkûn, Swolórin, The Whey Pilgrim
500 / 330 / 625
Challenges: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 34 35 36 39 41 42 45 46 47 48 49 Current Challenge
"No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. " ~ Socrates
"Friends don't let friends squat high." ~ Chad Wesley Smith
"It's a dangerous business, Brodo, squatting to the floor. You step into the rack, and if you don't keep your form, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." ~ Gainsdalf

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Hong'a nods and smiles. "Truly there is nothing I would not do for my family." When Bronan motions to the weaponry Hon'ga's smile grows even wider. "Of course you recognize my work. It was one of my creations that you wielded against the dragon." The smile fades quickly. "I cannot say I am sorry to see it and the temple destroyed." He motions Bronan to follow him back outside to the garden. 


As they begin to return to the party they pause by a small pond, above the large golden eagle nests. Its children wrapped within its wings. Hon'ga crouches and rests his hand in the water, letting it run across his fingers. "It is true, though even I am not certain if saying I knew you is the correct way of putting it." He takes his hand from the pool and rubs his hands together. He seems to chuckle to himself "... Rurik too." He sits in a squatting position placing his hands on his legs.


"From one man who has lifetimes worth of regrets, I hope that you may continue to live without them. Perhaps you will permit me to share one with you." He moves to a small bench beside the pool and sits. 


"Shortly upon waking in this world I found a young girl who would become like a daughter to me. We where hunted, for she was a pure blooded dragon. It was not permitted for female dragons to separate from their kind. They could not choose their mates. All in an attempt to keep their bloodline pure. There where some who fought this, but not enough." He sighed. "I saw no other option. So I hunted their leaders down one by one. Slaying dozens of others in the process. In the end I stood upon a mountain of corpses, and my daughter was hunted no more and the females free." Hon'ga looks to his hand, as if he can still see the blood staining them. "Now there are only a handful of full blooded dragons left, because of me." He looks to Bronan "...though it is not what I did that grips me. But what I was willing to do. I would have killed every one, if it meant she could be free." He shakes his head. "And it is for those deeds that the temple you discovered was built, and they where committed with that very same sword. Perspective is a funny thing isn't it."


He stands slowly and motions for Bronan to join him. "Though as you said, one cannot live in the past." He looks to Bronan, placing a hand on his shoulder "The path ahead for you will hold many difficult choices. Often there will be no right path, only one slightly less wrong. Come let us return to the party, and speak no more of such sobering things!"


They return to the party but Bronan cant help but dwell on the meaning behind the story and why he would share it.

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - J.R.R Tolkien

"Progress, not perfection."

"Persist, Pivot, or Concede." - Matthew McConaughey

"Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't."

Rants, Thoughts, and Workouts-->Battle Log | The Improvening (Current Challenge)

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Bacon rejoins the festivities and scans the crowd for his friends. Once he spots Flo in the crowds, he gives her the serious look and nod, implying that something indeed went down while he was away from the spotlight, something they'll have to discuss later on. He takes a seat and enjoys a glass of fine wine to ease his tension, however he tries not to over indulge in the alcohol, despite his tension. The drink in the woods was strong enough anyway, making him a bit tipsy already. He'd have to be sober enough to make sense during the discussion that was bound to follow. When Bronan makes his return to the hall, the gnome sees Hon'ga next to him. Claire's words return to the sorcerer. Hon'ga is not unaware of the knowledge imparted upon Bacon. Did he perhaps say something similar to the Brobarian while they were away from the spotlight? This would have to wait for after the party and Bacon was not exactly the kind of person talented at waiting. For some reason, the gnome has a sudden urge to throw away all his fancy clothing and run back to the woods, back to the heart of the forest where he somehow felt at peace, as if he belonged there. The thought of Flo flashes up next, how she would react to such a scene. Once again, Bacon finds himself faced with an odd feeling. He doesn't quite understand it, but he knows he would feel like a terrible person if he made her sad and upset, especially after all the effort she put into picking their outfits. The idea is enough to provide him with something to control his escapist urge and Bacon carries on with his social graces, right up to the time that they have to say goodbye and thank everyone for the delightful evening.


Once everyone is back at the inn, Bacon waves that they should skip the common room and go to their own room instead. The gnome takes off the necklace of seashells with a bit of exhaustion, but otherwise doesn't change back into his usual clothes. Bacon hops up to take a seat on the bed and starts talking as everyone else gets comfortable. "I guess I'm not the only one thinking that this place is too good to be true, that something's hidden behind the veil of normality, right?" he begins. "I've had more run ins with people who claim to have known us, or at least previous incarnations of ourselves, which frankly confuses me but let's not get into the reincarnation talk right now. The spirits of the forest believe that a great storm is about to come down, and I'm talking metaphorically, not the actual thunder and rain stuff. As does Claire, which is some kind of white, winged creature in reality. I couldn't exactly tell, but she seems to be an outcast of sorts, hiding in the shape of an ordinary human. She told me that Hon'ga is the same, or something similar anyway. Bronan, got any clues from the time you spent with him?"

Lvl 65 Multitasker

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Bronan listens to Hon’ga’s story quietly and respectfully, trying not to pass judgment. He doesn’t drink much once he returns, simply socializing with the warrior types in the crowd and making his rounds. He avoids his compatriots for the most part though, wanting time to think to himself.

Once back at the inn, the Brobarian is more than happy to skip the common room this night. He drapes himself across the bed behind the gnome and listens to Bacon’s reflections, his arms folded behind his head. His eyes are closed, but he is clearly wake and listening, just resting, as he nods along as Bcaon speaks of something being off. When asked about his time with Hon’ga, he’s more than happy to spill the beans. He speaks casually, his voice tired, obviously exhausted from having to be so social all day.

“If she’s the girl from a story Hon’ga told me, she’s a pure blooded dragon. I don’t think he is, but he’s something different, and he’s old, very old. I suspect we might have known him, not one of his ancestors, in our previous lives. He’s something odd. He said he found his would be daughter shortly after waking in this world, so he’s either not part of it, or something else I haven’t thought of.”

He rolls over onto his elbow and opens his eyes, looking at his friends. “Something is too good to be true here, yes. Hon’ga said that saying he knew us and Rurik was not the right way of putting it when I asked him about previous lives, but wouldn’t expand more on his past. Something is unbalanced with him. He hunted down dozens of pure blooded dragons simply because of differences in how they choose their mates. He destroyed the large majority of the dragons, including their culture and way of life, simply because he didn’t agree with them forcing his adoptive daughter, one of their own, to be constrained by it.”

Bronan shakes his head, “I don’t necessarily think he’s our enemy, but he may not be our friend either. Whatever he is, he’s very powerful if he did those things, which might explain the peace here. But if they are indeed that powerful, I don’t know what they want us to do that they can’t do themselves.”

Massrandir, Barkûn, Swolórin, The Whey Pilgrim
500 / 330 / 625
Challenges: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 34 35 36 39 41 42 45 46 47 48 49 Current Challenge
"No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. " ~ Socrates
"Friends don't let friends squat high." ~ Chad Wesley Smith
"It's a dangerous business, Brodo, squatting to the floor. You step into the rack, and if you don't keep your form, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." ~ Gainsdalf

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Bacon sends her a cryptic nod and a serious face. "Huh? I wonder what this is all about?" She doesn't ask him anything as he's obviously trying to blend back into the crowd. He looks pretty uneasy and fidgety. She smiles warmly to him, hoping to ease him some, but can't tell if it did any good. She moves up to him, lays a hand on his shoulder and moves away again so he won't have to say anything.


She smiles at one of the ladies from earlier and shares a secret grin with her and smiles more inside, easing her worried self. She scans the place for Bronan as she had just spotted him, but he has somehow disappeared. How can that even be possible!? She decides her mental state has been quite taken over by the spirits of the evening. Well, we will be together to chat later.


She dances a few more times, but only to the less vigorous tunes as she feels light-headed and a bit removed from the space around her. Flashes of memory come and go much more freely than she normally allows. The faces of her brothers mix with the less familiar faces of the battle scenes of years ago and the statues she saw in that hallway so long ago. She tries of eat some to settle her mind. She is not comfortable with all the feelings coming up, connected to the memories that battle her will to be seen and heard… and felt. Enough!


She stumbles into a corner and leans heavily against a pillar. She doesn't even bother to look up to see what the pillar is holding up. It was all too much now. This place, these people, this big mystery; it was too big and she had no idea why she was here. She didn't like that feeling at all. She smiles absently at those who search out her gaze, but she no longer makes an effort to be a part of the charade. The darkness that she holds tight is making its way to the surface and she is not able to resist it.


They are all little marionettes to some bigger game. Even the people around her, not just her family, are in the midst of something that they likely don't know or are being subtly forced to accept. I don’t know any of this. Damn you head, be still. But the faces are no longer friendly in her mind, they want something from her that she doesn't want to give. And why should we give them anything? A shared past or not, we owe these people nothing! I just assume fly through this crowd, cut your purses and make you think the friend next to you did it!


She snaps out of the anger enough to realize the party is finishing up and she breaths a heavy sigh. Finally! Bronan waves her over and she wastes no time getting to his side. Bacon is already heading out the huge doors and Bronan and her follow suit. She sees Bacon wave them past the tavern common room which seems to be everyone's idea as no one seems to be slowing down a bit. Bacon takes the shells off and hops up on the bed. Bacon starts to talk about his visit with Claire. Bronan leans back and listens. She nods in agreement to things being off, but Flo can't sit or relax as she hears Bacon's story. A storm?


What?!  Claire is an it? Wings? What? And Bronan spoke with Hon’ga? And I played tricks to entertain people all night!


She is jealous. The darkness rises again, sending her the flash of an age-old argument in the form of a memory of her brothers and her mother. So other people, other than me of course, get treated as important and I am left, again, to be the side-kick or story-teller of tales that everyone already knows? She feels small as Bacon finishes his story. She doesn't ask any questions as she normally would, but instead finds a limited amount of face-saving in silence. She hears their words, but can't get loose from the shame of her past. Have I always been like this? Is there something about this other life, with these people, that holds some key as to why I am not as valued as others are? She sobers up a bit when the question shouts out to her from deep within. She tries to listen to Bronan more carefully.


I am a part of this, somehow. They wouldn't send the eagle to me otherwise, right? Her mind drifts again, the alcohol still quite present and she misses something that sounded important. Bronan repeats it for her and she starts to think more carefully about why they are there.


But Flo's anger explodes instead. "If he killed all those dragons for the sake of himself and this female dragon, what's to say he won't kill us if we don't do, whatever it is he's expecting from us? These last years have been odd and it started with the dragon we killed. How many people come flood a town when they hear of one dragon being killed? I mean, are people just waiting around for something big to happen that will save them? And why us? Are we really connected to all this or do these two creatures possess magics that make us susceptible to their stories?"


Flo falls against the wall and slides down into a heap on the floor, by the time her words stop flowing. She must look obscene. A beautiful outfit wrapped around a crazed Elf. "I apologize my friends. I am not myself, nor am I happy with all the mystery, especially when I have no ability to find out. Information has been doled out to us in pieces and not enough information has been shared to make sense of this. I am beyond frustrated, and admittedly a bit jealous that you two were given more. But that is my past creeping into my heart and not your fault or responsibility." She takes a deep breath, not realizing that was going to come out. "So, what do we do? Or at least, what are our choices? Safe choices would be best."

The Way

Better Now than Back Then

Better Now than Later On

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"I don't know" Bacon says with almost a sigh as he lies back on the bed mimicking Bronan's stance, with hands behind his head and looking at the ceiling as he tries to focus or catch a glimpse of inspiration. "I mean, we're caught between a pureblooded dragon and her even more powerful protector, strong and crazy enough to carry out a full blown dragon genocide on his own. Maybe he'll lose it soon, like Rurik couldn't contain himself. Maybe he has an equally powerful enemy inbound, perhaps someone not so happy about the dragon killings. Whatever it is, I feel as if we're playing second fiddle to powers much greater than ourselves here. Maybe we'll just provide the little extra edge required for either side to win. I have a feeling this is all connected to our past, but we have precious little clues to help us make sense of it."


Bacon stands back up and jumps down off the bed and on the floor. He takes a few steps towards Flo, eyeing the contrast of her beautiful dress with her tense figure. "Seems like our seperate paths have left marks on us all, not just myself" he says with a soft smile. "Apology accepted, friend. This is not a competition of who contributes most to our investigation anyway. Sounds like you needed to vent that frustration out. Don't let it get the best of you, alright?"

Lvl 65 Multitasker

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Bronan sits up and rubs his eyes with one hand, waving off Flos apology with the other. "I think we're all tired of traveling across the land not knowing what we're doing it for. Hopefully we find out soon. We don't have enough information about these people or what they want to make any decisions tonight. We do have enough to know we need to be careful. I'll keep my hammer with me always in case one of them needs a good crack."


Bronan slides of the bed and onto his back on the floor, laying his left arm behind his head, and his right hand on his hammer at his side. He seems to be making himself comfortable for the night right there instead of going off to his own room.

Massrandir, Barkûn, Swolórin, The Whey Pilgrim
500 / 330 / 625
Challenges: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 34 35 36 39 41 42 45 46 47 48 49 Current Challenge
"No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. " ~ Socrates
"Friends don't let friends squat high." ~ Chad Wesley Smith
"It's a dangerous business, Brodo, squatting to the floor. You step into the rack, and if you don't keep your form, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." ~ Gainsdalf

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"You see me and you do not run."

Flo crawls to the bed and takes the warm spot Bronan made and curls up to sleep within the comfort and safety of her family.

"Come let us sleep this away to be fresh for tomorrow."

She pats the bed next to her, inviting Bacon back up to the comfort of the bed.

"We are together and that is all I know I want for certain. Good dreams, my friends. Good dreams."

Flo lets her eyes close with only a few startling alerts from noises outside their temporary haven.

The Way

Better Now than Back Then

Better Now than Later On

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As the group begins to prepare for sleep a figure watches from atop an eve across the large thoroughfare. Her keen eyes able to see all that occurs. She frowns as she notices the men preparing to remain in the room. Her short jet black hair drifts lazily in the cool breeze. Dark wrappings cover her chest, and she wears long loose dark pants. Intricate tattoos cover a great portion of her body, extending from her neck to each arm and leg. As she stands she grabs a large sword she had rested next to her.


"You're just like the rest of them... What a disappointment..." She pauses as another figure steps onto the roof next to her.


"I should not be surprised that you would come home and not stop by." Claire smiles and looks to the woman standing next to her, then turns her gaze back to the small window. "Why did you not just speak to her, there is no need for all of... this." She motions around her, at the rooftop and the night in general.  


The woman turns "I wouldn't expect you to understand. Mother." She leaps from the building and disappears. Claire remains for a short time atop the roof, looking through the small window.


The group awakens to find the city in quite a flurry of activity and fanfare. Through their window they see people lining the streets. Vendors sell various trinkets and delicacies that the crowd seems to enjoy. Cheering and merriment fill the air. As the group peers through the small window they see a raised stage, upon it Hong'a, Claire, and a few of the attendents from the previous night stand. 


Without warning a great horn is sounded, shaking everything around it. Near the entrance to the path to the right a large parade can be seen entering the village. The door flies open and the young girl Liz returns, accompanied by the orc woman Bor'ga. She smiles seeing them looking through the tiny vantage and motions them out the door.


"Come I have prepared a private area so that we may watch the precedings." 


The group follows the woman to the end of the hall, where she opens the door reveals a small patio overlooking the roadway. Foodstuffs and drink sit upon a center table. A railing encloses the space. Kadra leans upon the railing looking to the large precession approaching. Orithia and Sara chat besides the food with cups in hand. Varren sits upon a stool feeding small scraps to a large black cat seated upon his lap. Quanlan moves to Kadras side with drink to share. 


They all look up and smile when the group arrives. Varren approaches and takes a small bow. "Had hoped to see ya fore I set off friends." He raises a small glass "I hope today may provide some answers, and hopefully not too many more questions." He drains the remainder of the glass before setting it on the table. Liz dutifully retrieves it and rushes it to be cleaned. "I must be off, but I have a feeling I will see ye soon!" He exits, the large cat following him lazily.


The group mingles for a short time before the horn sounds again, this time accompanied by a loud voice. The parade has arrived and people begin to cheer. Despite this the announcement is mostly clear. Bacon hears "Arthur, King of..." before it is drowned out by the sound of the crowd. He looks to the road and sees his hunting companion. Now bedecked in glorious full plate armor. A woman, presumably the queen, walks besides him. Behind ranks of soldiers in magnificient armor carry large spears and shields. They approach the stage and bow. Hon'ga smiles and returns it, before stepping down and embracing Arthur. He then too takes the woman in his arms. Claire quickly follows suit, and the two women smile and laugh. Once done they continued down the road as the parade proceeded. 


A magnificient display it was. Northern giants, beast men, all sorts walked down and where greeted by Hon'ga. He in turned welcomed them to his home. He greeted them all in their own custom. Even when a large boar being ridden by the leader of the halfling tribesmen defecated in the street. Appararntly it was a great honor and it was not cleared by an attendent until the group of halflings was out of sight.


From their vantage the group could see that at the entrance to the town many broke away from the road and began to set up tents and large movable structures on the outskirts of town.


Suddenly strange shadow began to be cast over the town. Looking up the adventurers see two great dragons circling. The come to land right at the end of the road, followed by a handful of dragonkin attendents. They walk side by side nearly filling the great street. One a dark black with purplish hues, the other a brilliant gold. As they near the platform they pause, and change into human form. Quickly the attendents rush clothing to cover them, and Bacon immediatly recognizes the man as another member of the hunting party, Darkon. Beside him stood a woman with golden hair who embraces both Hon'ga and Claire.


The festivities continue for some time. But as the last group passes Bor'ga rushes to them motioning them down the stairs. They find themselves outside the tavern. The crowd seperates to let them through, and the voice breaks through for a moment and the group hears "and the Heroes of Harglenn" he continues but the group cannot hear as they are propelled forward and into the road. They walk towards the platform, stopping before it. Hon'ga once again steps down and approaches them.


"I must apologize for the theatrics, but I do hope you have enjoyed yourselves. You are my guests after all!" he pauses letting the group take in the moment. An attendent steps forward and hands each a small envelope before stepping away. Hong'a continues.


"Today is a gathering of minds and peoples. A time for celebration but also a time for questions, and answers." He smiles. "You may meet with me again at your designated times to ask what you will. But for now I hope you may enjoy the festivities!" With that he turns and takes Claire in his arm and returns to the castle. 


But the party is only beginning.

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"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - J.R.R Tolkien

"Progress, not perfection."

"Persist, Pivot, or Concede." - Matthew McConaughey

"Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't."

Rants, Thoughts, and Workouts-->Battle Log | The Improvening (Current Challenge)

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Flo tosses with a bad dream or maybe just a sour gut. She lifts her heavy eyelids, taking in the darkness with only a thin stream of moonlight from the window to mark a few boundaries for her. She remembers where she is immediately. She listens for the others. They are still here. She feels sticky and restless so she slides lightly down to the bottom of the bed and touches down onto the floor quietly. She turns to check on Bronan and Bacon. She can’t make out Bronan well on the floor, but she meets Bacon's eyes and stops short. "You stayed up?" She whispers, knowing the answer already. "I need… something. I can't stay under this roof. I need to run or…" She smiles at Bacon. "I don't think I've missed you so much as this last time of separation. It was too long and I don’t fancy being away from you again like that. We three are a family. No matter what this all turns out to be, you and Bronan are always my first concern, after me of course." She grins at the mention of their long-standing banter about her overly neutral ways. "I will not be too long, and I won't go unarmed, heroes or not. Remind me to spot you some rest, if your magic doesn't come through like it usually does." She nods to him with another smile and heads to her room. She grabs her regular clothing, her new wool piece, her leather, all her weapons, and a few coins.


The stairs are quieter than she expects as she heads down to the tavern's main floor. It's empty when she comes to the main room and she cannot see much commotion through the windows on the street. The moonlight is abundant down here so she searches for an unopened bottle of wine. She finds a decent bottle and moves to the bathing room in hopes that some water may still be in the tub. The little window has only a slight reflection and Flo has to focus hard to see the condition of the room. "Drat." No water at all. Not even cold.


She moves through the tavern, picking up a bar rag that looks mostly unused. She smells it and with only a small crinkling of her nose, she uses the rag to wipe down what she can of her exposed skin. It helps, but not a lot. She tosses the rag on the bar and moves to the nearest window. The moon light is bright enough for a run. She double checks her equipment as she's not fond of exposing her whereabouts at this time of night. It looks like the light of the day is thinking about showing up, but she figures she has some time to shake loose the grim from last night. She tests the door and thankfully it is unlocked, no need to invent a reason to get back in by other means.


The direct moonlight shifts her mood slightly, a sense of freedom, however minute, begs to be given attention. "Aye, we will be free, even if for a short while." She trots off in the direction of the nearest exit of the town she can recall, looking for some open ground to enjoy.

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The Way

Better Now than Back Then

Better Now than Later On

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Once everyone's laying on their beds, Bacon sits up a bit and tries to focus. His thoughts are a screaming vortex inside his head, preventing him from getting any sleep. There's a lot of things that do not make sense yet, along with a feeling of impending doom. The gnome was hoping he would get some rest and it would all make sense in the morning, but he is beginning to understand that it'll be a long night. Inhaling deep, he slowly lets the air out along with the slightest of whispers. The smell of wet soil hits his nostrils as he feels the magic coursing through his body. The sorcerer can't exactly explain it, but he feels like a young plant that just burst out of the ground: full of life force and potential but at the same time seemingly static, aware of the slow long process of growth. Bacon smiles in satisfaction. Looks like the latest magic trick he picked up was working. He would have the time to sort out his thoughts now. He would be up in case they had any unwanted visitors at night. And despite all that, he would be fresh and energetic in the morning.


The smooth movement of the elf attracts his attention, but Bacon says nothing, only looking towards Flo's bed. You stayed up?" she whispers, knowing the answer already. The gnome only nods. Hopefully, this will make Flo a tad more uncofortable and in need to explain her actions. "I need… something. I can't stay under this roof. I need to run or…" She smiles at Bacon. "I don't think I've missed you so much as this last time of separation. It was too long and I don’t fancy being away from you again like that. We three are a family. No matter what this all turns out to be, you and Bronan are always my first concern, after me of course."  Bacon feels the urge to point out the paradox of her words, her need to run away as opposed to how she claims to feel about himself and Bronan, but manages to swallow his comment. It would only sound ironic and insensitive, against a woman that already had shown signs of emotional instability. Maybe she just needs to vent, let it all out. Who is he to judge, he also left town to get some time alone in the forest. "I will not be too long, and I won't go unarmed, heroes or not. Remind me to spot you some rest, if your magic doesn't come through like it usually does." Bacon smiles again. "No need for any of that. Just be careful out there"


For some reason, the gnome feels inclined to follow her discreetly as she exits the room. However, he decides against it. Flo is way more familiar with the shadows than himself and would surely spot him. That would put him in a position of having to explain. Instead, he just focuses on the information provided by his ears, trying to discern what she's doing downstairs. When he hears the front door, he hops down to the floor and dashes to the window, catching a glimpse of the elf's form running away in the night. "Godspeed, Mysta Flo Von" he whispers before going back to sit on the bed.

Lvl 65 Multitasker

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The rhythm of Bronan's breathing does not change and his eyes do not open as he flashes to consciousness at Bacon's feet hitting the floor. The only sign he is awake is a barely perceptible tightening of his grip on his hammer. He listens to the pitter patter of Bacon's feet moving across the room. The strides are urgent, but not panicked. No knife at his throat then, no reason to feign sleep. Opening his eyes, he turns his head to find the gnome staring out the window and Flo gone. Figuring the LittleBro would have woken him if it he was needed, Bronan rolls to his side adjust his position, and lets himself fall back into his dreams.

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Massrandir, Barkûn, Swolórin, The Whey Pilgrim
500 / 330 / 625
Challenges: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 34 35 36 39 41 42 45 46 47 48 49 Current Challenge
"No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. " ~ Socrates
"Friends don't let friends squat high." ~ Chad Wesley Smith
"It's a dangerous business, Brodo, squatting to the floor. You step into the rack, and if you don't keep your form, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." ~ Gainsdalf

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An open road frees Flo from the town proper and she runs for the distant line of trees. The tents and carriages of even more visitors were haphazardly set up to form tiny alcoves of families and clans. She steers clear of them as best she can, but there are many. She pushes on, speeding up her legs now that they seem warm and ready.


Sweat leaves tiny trails of grim on her temples and at her wrists as she approaches the edge of the field. Her leather was cleaned by Liz, but she had yet to clean off last night's evidence from her body. She will smell overly ripe when she returns. The thought makes her grin unexpectedly. She moves into the thin edge of the forest, weaving in and out of the trees, in shadow, then in moonlight. Her mind wanders and her feet, her whole body, relinquishes any desire beyond this movement. Only her fear of attack is engaged, but that is always the case, as far as she can remember.


"You will do well to remember that life is beyond long and it is ever changing. One journey does not complete a lifetime, my girl. They, our family and others, are still invested in old traditions that they are unwilling or unable to change or let go of for the sake of the new world that grows around us. New people, new ideas. Be not afraid, Flo, of chaos and the unknown. It is there you will carve out your mettle and receive your confidence. Now go, run the gauntlet again and this time carry your bow at all times."

"Yes, father, I will make you proud."

"I am already proud, do this to enhance your pride, distinguish yourself from others who think they can play in the dark as we do."



Flo could see the obstacles her father had made for her that year as if they were here now, overlapping the simple uneven ground, roots, and fallen trees. Flo pulls out her bow, knocks an arrow, and starts working on her acrobatic battle moves (take 10). She even works on the 'front flip with an immediate fire' move she has been perfecting (take 20). The usual jumps and rolls go smoothly and she feels her blood starting to pump strong and loud. She attempts the first flip and loses her bow on the landing. She shrugs it off and goes again, and again. Only a few times is she stable enough to shoot the arrow into the ground out in front of her, but that's how she expected it to go. Dizziness proves to be the ender of this sublime time and Flo dutifully heads back to town as the sun is making a real effort to rise above the tree line.


Returning, however, proves much different than leaving only an hour before. Her intense practice and her emptying her mind, and her stomach by the feel of it right now, she had missed the sounds of more people rising and working, getting ready for the day's events. She smiles openly to the first folks she comes close to. They are working on something, but she doesn't know or care what.  She says good morning. They look up and each of them gifts her with a gentle, albeit excited, smile and hello. "It looks to be a wonderful sky coming to us this day." She smiles again, but more because that was her father's favorite way of saying good morning. He use to come out this early as well. Her love of darkness and light came from him as sure as she breathes.


The town is downright buzzing when Flo squeezes into the tavern. She spots Liz and smiles. She heads up to her room to change and perhaps find some real hot water and soap. She peeks into the room they had shared to see if Bacon and Bronan are up and about. "I'm back, Bacon. Morning, Bronan. I'm going to try to clean up and get some food. It's quite busy and noisy out here this morning. I am better. I will be ready for whatever we have to do. See you both in awhile." She tosses her old smile and light mood into the room for them to partake of and scoots over to her room to get ready for the daylight.

The Way

Better Now than Back Then

Better Now than Later On

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Flo strips down and takes a look around the room for a basin and cloth. She tosses the borrowed clothes from last night into a corner. Was it only last night? I have transformed myself in a few hours? Ha! More likely, I am at the beginning of another new place. She decides that the only way out of this mystery is to find out whatever she can and survive whatever these monsters have in mind for them. She finds her traveler's outfit cleaned and folded next to her cleaned and sharpened weapons. She takes a moment to wipe down her leather and she gets her new vest from under her pillow. Once in her own clothing and armor, with her weapons stowed in their spots, she felt much more at ease. You all want us to be heroes, here you go.


The balcony was a cute little thing she hadn't expected. The folks there were mostly familiar to her and she felt safe enough to let herself enjoy their company. Bronan and Bacon came out as well and Flo felt at ease. And it does not hurt that Bor'ga set a nice table for them. Varren's cat was interesting and Flo spent more time watching the cat, at least until they left shortly after. She smiles openly to Liz as she spirits away dirty cups and plates. She turns her attention to the drink and food. Finding them quite pleasant, Flo partakes of it all with gusto, refilling her body with cheeses, nuts, and pork. She limits herself to one glass of wine and then she tries the water. It is actually tasteful and she decides she will refill her cup many times.


The horn blows, a voice rings out, and the parade commences, bringing an astounding variety of peoples to the steps of the King and Queen. Flo cannot recall if their titles were ever spoken aloud, but hers seem to fit. Several groups she had never seen and she enjoyed the people watching. The shadows of dragons was another story. She flinched. Maybe not enough for anyone else to notice, but she feeling of safety vanishes as the dragons land and proceed to fill all the space as they moved down the street to the platform. When they changed shape, Flo becomes quite fascinated. She had never seen it happen and never quite believed it was possible.


Before Flo grabs another slice of meat, Bor'ga escorts her and the boys quickly down to the street and down the to the platform. She hears the heroes of Harglen and winches inside. When they reach the platform, Hon'ga and Claire greet them. A servant hands each of them a envelope. As flo starts to feel out the contents subtly, she is distracted by Hon'ga's next statement.  Hon'ga invites them to hear more, "You may meet with me again at your designated times to ask what you will. But for now I hope you may enjoy the festivities!" Flo takes serious interest in this development and watches the reactions of her friends and Claire.


Wait? Designated times? Who else needs answers? The only ones that are not in the know are us, right? Unsure how to respond, she instead tries to determine Claire's reaction to her reactions. How were they expecting us to take in this offer of information? (sense motive: 17) It was hard to know if Claire's reacti0ns would be noticeable since she wasn't even a humankind. And what was Hon'ga? Flo concentrates and tries to identify any clues that could help distinguish between genuine and false intent. (perception: 18) Are you going to tell us some truth or are you going to test us repeatedly with partial revelations and more puzzles. If we're a part of your scheme, how much more and why are we being tested?

The Way

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Better Now than Later On

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The morning hustle creates a noise that comes through the window and snaps Bacon out of his condition. His magic kept him awake all night and although his body feels rested, his mind is slightly numb, as if it had slipped into a state of suspended meditation for some time. The sorcerer jumps down to the floor, puts on some clothes in a hurry and heads downstairs to get some cool water. The splash on his face is rejuvenating, leading him to pour some water over his head as well. A slight tingling sensation creeps up his spine and under his skull as the blood begins to flow, bringing a renewed energy with it. How long has it been since he took a shower? He never had time before the festivities, with the trip in the wood and all. Finally setting his mind to it, the gnome heads out to make arrangements. Checking out the window, he notices the raised stage and the figures on it. "So, it begins" he tells himself. "Whatever it, is". Great timing, he would need to be all clean and dressed up for the upcoming festivities.


Once he's clean and wearing some of his cleaner clothes that he feels better in, Bacon walks out to the patio and grabs an apple from the table, munching his breakfast in noise as he checks around at whatever is happening. Arthur makes it to the stage with Bacon simply commenting "King, eh?" before he sips a little bit of fruit juice from a glass. Even the halfling leader's boar and its shenanigans are unable to ruin the sorcerer's appetite. The dragons however are a whole different story. Bacon feels the supernatural fear that accompanies dragonkin before he spots the wyrms. His mouth still open wide, a hard boiled egg held in front of it, he pauses to scan the skyline for the source of this. When he sees not one, but two dragons, the egg just rolls out of his hand, onto his tongue and down his throat with a loud GULP! Recognizing Darkon helps him recover from the shock as the wyrms shapeshift. Of course. Even the name is probably meant as a joke. There was definately something reptile-y about him, but the gnome somehow thought he was a Yuan-Ti, one of the snake-men, not a full fledged dragon.


"Hang on!" he is heard over the noise in the patio, some of the people there turning their gaze to him. "Didn't Hon'ga say he k..." Fortunately, his words are cut off by the announcement about the "Heroes of Harglenn". Bacon is ushered forward along with his friends, but can't help giving Hon'ga and Claire a raised eyebrow of suspicion as he receives the envelope, even looking over his shoulder for Darkon.


"You may meet with me again at your designated times to ask what you will. But for now I hope you may enjoy the festivities!"


Hon'ga's words attract the sorcerer's attention back to the situation at hand. "Designated times?" he repeats the phrase mechanically. Bacon is about to inquire why all the privacy, but stops himself just before the words roll out of his tongue. Maybe his friends should take this. Maybe it would be a breach of etiquette on such a public situation. Maybe they'll be able to dig up some more information. Gah, if only the thunderstorm of thoughts in his head would stop for a moment, just once!

Lvl 65 Multitasker

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Bronan wakes to find himself alone, his face plastered to his hammer, drool leaking down its side. When he pulls his cheek from it, the ox emblazoned on its side is imprinted in his face. He looks out the window to find all the excitement, which shocks him to wakefulness. This seemed like the perfect distraction of noise and merriement to conceal a tussle on the top floor of the inn should someone want something of that sort, and he knows nothing of what anyone but he and his friends want in this palce, they'd made sure of that.


When Bor'ga and Liz come for them, he nods and heads out of the room, but instead goes to his room. There he picks up his palte and straps it on, the whole time wishing that he had never given up his morningstar for the stranger to enchant. He should have stayed with it until the process was complete. He sighs, hoping he isn't being so suspicious to with people who would be their friends in the end, but with the world the way it has become, he has no choice.


Armored with at least his ahmmer at his side, and FOB's knife in its leather sheath on his right arm, he heads to the patio at last. There he sits and does his best to act like he's not suspicious, and just calmly takes in the sites. More question indeed he mutters as the dragons come through and he grips his hammer. Anything left of Bronan's good mood and patience is swept away when they are ushered down stairs and all of a sudden thrust into the spotlight, in the middle of a parade full of people and powerful beings from every corner of who knows where.


As Hon'ga speaks to them, Bronan stares at the man frowning. When he's handed an envelope and told to come, seperately from his friends, for more riddles, he takes all he has not to grab the man by the front of his shirt. The effort is obvious on Bronan's face as he holds the envelope up in his clenched fist. "Enough of this." he says through clenched teeth. "You have led us on a journey of years, fueled only by stories from a dying friend we hardly knew we had. We will come together, and you will speak planely of why we have come here, and what it is you want from us. I am done with these riddles."


With that, he drops the paper, turns on his heel, and walks back into the tavern. Anyone who gets in his way, he walks right through.


ooc: sorry for mispellings, posting in a rush. Will edit tomorrow.

Massrandir, Barkûn, Swolórin, The Whey Pilgrim
500 / 330 / 625
Challenges: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 34 35 36 39 41 42 45 46 47 48 49 Current Challenge
"No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. " ~ Socrates
"Friends don't let friends squat high." ~ Chad Wesley Smith
"It's a dangerous business, Brodo, squatting to the floor. You step into the rack, and if you don't keep your form, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." ~ Gainsdalf

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Flo spins effortlessly, giving Bronan room to stride pass her with no contact. She turns back to Hon'ga with an evil smile and slowly chuckles with anger bubbling up.


"So Great Big One, I assume you knew at least one us would say it. I mean truly, your dividing ways, they appease no one, but yourself. You want us for something. Say it and be done with the charades. Guests?! I cannot imagine we are your guests! HA! Truly? Suppose we were to walk out of town, you would not feel compelled to intervene?"


Flo holds up her hand with a half step toward Hon'ga. Not willing to let anyone interrupt her.


"Oh no, you get to save your comments for another time. I say, we have been more than generous with our patience and now it is done. Our patience is no more. You must come clean to all of us, together, and tell us exactly what it is that you expect us to do for you. You see, I am not fond of playing with puzzles unless all the pieces are available. You have not shown us everything. For instance, how is it that dragons fly these skies after your decades of killing their kin? And who thought a dinner party and a parade should hold more importance than telling us the truth we need? Does your true nature prevent you from utilizing common sense?! Humph!"


Flo looks down to Bacon, asking with her eyes if he wanted to add anything. She stands her ground until Bacon makes his move, whatever it may be.


(intimidate: 23)

The Way

Better Now than Back Then

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Before bacon and Flo can follow Bronan Hon'ga raises a hand up, palm facing the group. Slowly the world around them grows quite. People still move about enjoying the celebration, but seem to take no notice of the goings on at the platform.

Hon'ga steps down and approaches the group. "I could return your threats with my own, and I believe you have glimpsed enough to know that they would not be just noise."

He sighs then casts his head down "But that is not how friends conduct themselves." Surprisingly Hon'ga lowers himself to a knee "I must apologize. I had not realized how mentally taxing your journey has been. And that it has troubled you so." He rises slowly, dirt covering much of the lower areas of his garb.

"I shall provide more answers later when we all shall sit to speak. But I will answer what I can now. Your first error is believing that I have summoned you here. You are not the first to follow the Eagles here. I do not control their flight. Perhaps one day a man spies the eagle while hunting. He tells his children, who grow to love the story of the great golden eagle. They tell the tale to their children and so on. Then perhaps, generations later, one child chooses to seek out the eagle. They then find their way to the forest, which determines if they can pass or not. Fate or coincidence call it what you will. Those who arrive here and make safe passage through the forest are always welcome. There is no price to pay."

He smiles "I'm certain someone you met set you upon the trail, but I would ask you to think of your journey so far. What are the odds that yiu all would meet, and stumble upon a relic of the past, which would then lead you here? Certainly one could claim it as coincidence, for certainly after so many years have passed the likelihood rises. Buy I like to believe that it was fated."

At the mention of the dragon's he looks towards Bronan, still ma king hos way throught the crowd. It is tough to tell if he is dissapoint ed or had expected it. "I was not the only one who wished to see change. I have also helped them regain most of what was lost."

"As far as the separate invitations it is only customary. So that everyone, both king and commoner, may have their voice heard. Now I must go to my first of many. I hope you can regroup with your friend and ease his mind, aND know that there are many who cold ude your aid. Farewell."

With the final word the noise of the world around comes crashing back. Hon'ga and the rest take their leave.

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - J.R.R Tolkien

"Progress, not perfection."

"Persist, Pivot, or Concede." - Matthew McConaughey

"Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't."

Rants, Thoughts, and Workouts-->Battle Log | The Improvening (Current Challenge)

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  Hon'ga steps down towards Flo and Bacon and Flo tenses up.   "I could return your threats with my own, and I believe you have glimpsed enough to know that they would not be just noise."


"What?! I never threatened you! I am angry and I want answers. We want answers. But you only throw more power at us and expect us to succumb to you. I never... " Flo's voice fades to nothing as she realizes Hon'ga's face is changing. 


"But that is not how friends conduct themselves." Hon'ga speaks clearly. Flo stops and watches this powerful creature drop to one knee before her and Bacon. She is shocked and pleased to see that he indeed has honor in him. Perhaps there is hope in this mess. Hon'ga speaks to them from the ground.


"I must apologize. I had not realized how mentally taxing your journey has been. And that it has troubled you so." He rises slowly, dirt covering much of the lower areas of his garb.


"You are quite right, this is not how friends act. I apologize for the heat in my words." Flo releases her anger and her words and sets to listening to Hon'ga. He states his intentions and she feels more hopeful.


"Farewell." Hon'ga and Claire turn to leave and with them the barrier dispels and the noise comes rushing back to Flo's ears. She stops herself from covering her ears, instead using her sudden movement to look to Bacon.


"I think I won that fight." She laughs out loud at her own sarcasm and turns back towards the Inn to search out Bronan. "Let's see what's next for us, shall we?"

The Way

Better Now than Back Then

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Two years prior to current events.


The dwarf enters the bar, rain dripping from the large cowl shielding him from the rain. A cat pokes its head out form behind the folds of his clothing about his chest. Sensing the break in the rain it deftly jumps free from its shelter landing at the mans feet. Purring it wraps itself about his feet, but never disrupting his stride to the bar.


With little effort he pulls himself up onto a large stool, those around pay him little mind. All seem far more interested in washing away their own sorrows and minding their own. The cat perches himself on the stool next to him.


"Tis no place for strays, best be moving on friend." the large man says from behind the large oaken bar. 


With a smile Varren draws back his hood, resting one hand upon the large feline. "Won't be no trouble. Friend. Hows about a pint. Pour yourself one while your at it, looks as though you could use a drink." 


The bartender lets a small smile reach his lips. "Would be a pleasure to join ya." He motions to a woman half concealed behind a small door at the far end of the bar. She returns with a small plate of bread and cheese. Varren smiles and as the bartender sets the drink down slides a few gold pieces accross the bar. The mans eyes grow wide and he quickly cups them in his hand so no curious onlookers may glimpse his newfound prize. 


"For a moment of your time friend." The bartender nods and leans closer.


"I'm looking for someone. Run into a bad way. Many would seek to do him ill. Perhaps he deserves it, not much to suggest otherwise. Seen anyone of that sort?"


The bartender frowns "Not much to go on. Tis a time that seems to breed that sort of folk. Though there is one..." His attention is drawn away as a small group of men approach a figure seated in the corner. From a glance Varren can see that this will not be a friendly exchange. 


"I think it would be best if you set everyone out for the night, and get that pretty lass somewhere safe." he says as he passes the man another golden coin. The bartender is quick to oblige. Soon only Varren, the three men, and the mysterious figure are the only men to remain. Varrens feline companion sleeps lazily upon the stool.


"This oughta be intersting" he says as he rests back upon the bar, foot upon the top of a nearby table.

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - J.R.R Tolkien

"Progress, not perfection."

"Persist, Pivot, or Concede." - Matthew McConaughey

"Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't."

Rants, Thoughts, and Workouts-->Battle Log | The Improvening (Current Challenge)

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The figure sat in the corner, away from everyone, brooding and downcast. His once bright silver eyes darkened from the memories he'd rather forget. Wearing a long, hooded black traveling cloak over his leather armor, he'd learned the hard way not to walk around unarmed in recent times. Keeping his back to the wall and a clear view of the door, he sees the Dwarf enter, followed shortly by three hooded men.


While the Dwarf speaks to the barkeeper, he sighs inwardly as he notices the three men approaching him. Preparing himself, knowing what's coming, he wishes it were otherwise. Standing to meet the three men, his tall frame towers over them, with arms crossed under the sleeves of his cloak, he greets them.


“Gentlemen, to what do I owe the pleasure?â€


Though the leader of the three men cannot see his face, he spits the words at him as if they were poison. “Half-Elf scum, you've committed heinous crimes in this land. We're here to accept your surrender.â€


“Aye. I've brought shame to myself and others. I regret every second of it, and I seek to put it right, but I'll not be letting you take me in. They're my crimes, and I can't set them right sitting in a jail cell. Allow me to leave, and I'll not return until all's been set right, but know that if you attack me, I will defend myself. I do not wish to harm you, but I will if I must.â€


“You don't have a choice,†the leader says, just as he draws a dagger and lunges at the Half-Elf.


Quick as lightning, the Half-Elf dodges to his right, the enemy dagger missing by a hair's breadth. As he moves, he pulls his hands out from his sleeves, revealing a punch dagger in each hand. Pivoting on his right foot, he brings his left knee up to strike the attacker in the gut, doubling him over in pain. 


As the first man falls to the floor, gasping for breath, the Half-Elf straightens his arms towards the other two men, stopping his daggers just short of their throats.


“As I said, gentlemen, I have no wish to harm you. Now, unless you wish to join him, take your friend and go.â€


With that, the Half-Elf calmly, slowly, steps away from the men, keeping his daggers and a watchful eye trained on them as they pick up their leader and retreat out of the tavern.


Keeping his still-covered face hidden and sheathing his daggers, he addresses the only person left in the room: “And you, Dwarf, I trust you've seen what you came for?â€





 (Reflex: 1d20 = 17+3 dex = 20)


(Attack: 1d20 = 12 + 1 base attack + 0 str = 13; Damage unarmed: 1d3 + 0 str = 3)

 (Perception: 1d20 = 19 + 2racial = 21)

"Someone ever tries to kill you, you try to kill 'em right back." - Captain Malcolm Reynolds


Current Challenge


Also, I Agree With Tank™

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"Oh I, I... I seen all I need'n to."

He slides off of the stool to the floor, rather gracefully despite the fact that it was most likely built for someone of a much taller stature. Varren moves towards the man eyeing the scene. Not too much damage to the place. A small trail of mud leads to the door, left by the man as he was dragged, rather quickly, from the scene.

Varren frowned. "Tell me. How many more must come to harm so that you may remain free? Those men, honest folk, seeking to bring you in to see justice served. What is it your doing now that makes your life worth so much more than theirs?" Varren pauses long enough to let the words sink in, not long enough for him to respond.

"Come with me boy, I can set you on a better path. One that might just be worth a damn." He makes a high pitched clicking noise with his tongue and the cat's ears prick up. It stretches itself out before jumping down to follow the dwarf outside. The rain seems to have settled, but Varren picks his longtime companion up anyways and places him once again in the folds of his tunic. A small ox pulled cart lies just down the road. Many men run about carrying torches. A large group can be seen heading down the main road. A mass of light surging forward, seeming to absorb the smaller as it descends upon the tavern.

"Get underneath the cloth, and not a word nor a muscle moved or you'll see us both done." The man, who had yet to introduce himself complied. As the group approached Varren pointed to them excitedly.

"Quick sometin's gone wrong in the tavern there. I think ones been stabbed."

A man, dressed in armor carrying a longsword addresses him. "You saw this man with your own eyes."

"Just a glimpse ser. The owner ushered us all out when things turned bad. I seen 2 men dragging their friend out holdin his gut. I aint seen no one else leave since."

The man in plate eyes him for a moment and his cart. Then settles his gaze on the small establishment. "Circle it, he wont get away again. Best be on your way dwarf, your cart blocks the path."

With that the mob moves themselves by. Varren climbs to the seat on the wagon and sets the large oxen in motion, lumbering through the mud at a steady pace.

As they grow farther away from the city Varren calls back "I'd stay under their for a bit more, certain there's lookouts about. M'names Varren son, I have a feeling we'll be spending quite a bit o time together.

After the scene in the roadway the group finds themselves once again within the tavern. The time for their meeting grows near, and Bacon and Flo inform Bronan on what occurred after he stormed away from the stage. The chance to have the questions answered now lies near. But Hon'gas where not quite what they expected.

They had not been summoned by him. In fact, they had not been summoned by anyone. If he was to be believed it was either by coincidence or fate. Surely Rurik had set them in search of this man. But was it solely for them to regain some of their own history? If it was even theirs to learn.

At some point Bor'ga arrives, Bronans mace now complete cradled in her arms. She leaves it with the man, certain he will settle all accounts at a later time.

Once the time was nearly upon them they made their way, together, to the large castle. Many people walked about. The great wooden doors swung upon and they where escorted through to an area none had seen before. The attendent stopped and motioned to another grand set of doors, flanked by what appeared to be great statues carved of the dark wood that was quite common in this remarkable structure. The attendent leaves them instructing them that it will be only a moment.

Arthur bursts out from the doors, his face is deep red and the shock of seeing the group stops him dead in his tracks. "Heroes, I must apoligize." He seems to settle himself for a moment. "I am certain we shall speak again soon, best to not leave him waiting. I pray you get the answers you seek." And with that he walks away at a rather brisk pace.

Inside Hon'ga stand besides a large wooden chair. Three more stand before it. To one side a table filled with fresh fruits and drink. The ceiling lies mostly open as streams of light illuminate the lush foliage within. Upon great branches nearly a half a dozen golden eagles rest. Hon'ga smiles as the group enters, though he does look a bit weary.

"Friends it is a pleasure. Not only to see you again in hopes if providing you answers, but also that you signify the last of these gatherings this day." He laughs deeply. "Please help yourself to food and drink." Eyeing the provisions, it seems as if nothing has been touched. Perhaps they where refilled before each meeting?

Once they are all seated Hon'ga leans forward.

"Now tell me, what is it you would like to know?"

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - J.R.R Tolkien

"Progress, not perfection."

"Persist, Pivot, or Concede." - Matthew McConaughey

"Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't."

Rants, Thoughts, and Workouts-->Battle Log | The Improvening (Current Challenge)

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