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“What is it you’re doing now that makes your life worth so much more than his?"


“Well, I……â€, the Figure starts. Before he can finish, the Dwarf keeps going.


"Come with me boy, I can set you on a better path. One that might just be worth a damn."


Not sure whether he should trust this stranger, the Figure nods slightly and follows him out of the tavern.  If nothing else, maybe the Dwarf can point him towards a better town than this one.  Someplace where nobody knows his name. Or, more importantly, someplace where nobody knows what he did, or what he used to be. 


Keeping his hood up against what little rain was still falling, he moved silently towards the cart. 


"Get underneath the cloth, and not a word nor a muscle moved or you'll see us both done."


Getting inside the cart, he quickly makes himself comfortable, but staying ready just in case those guards decided to take a closer look.  He felt bad for hurting the man in the tavern, but he didn’t see any way around it.  The guy DID attack him, after all.  And he practiced restraint this time.  Not too long ago, he’d have slit all their throats without a second thought, including the Dwarf.  But that time was behind him now. 


Once they’re well away from the city, the mysterious figure hears the Dwarf call back:


“I'd stay under there for a bit more, certain there's lookouts about. M'names Varren son, I have a feeling we'll be spending quite a bit o time together.â€


Glad to finally know something, anything, about this Dwarf, the man replies:


“Thank you for your help.  My name is Ellod.  If I may ask, where exactly are we going?â€



(Bluff check: 1d20 = 9 + 5 (Bluff) + 1 (Cha) = 15)


"Someone ever tries to kill you, you try to kill 'em right back." - Captain Malcolm Reynolds


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Also, I Agree With Tank™

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Varren chuckles. "A place that will give you a chance at a new start. And a place where false names aren't needed."

"Oh and a place where you may actually learn how to fight!" He laughs deeply.

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - J.R.R Tolkien

"Progress, not perfection."

"Persist, Pivot, or Concede." - Matthew McConaughey

"Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't."

Rants, Thoughts, and Workouts-->Battle Log | The Improvening (Current Challenge)

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"I, uhm..." Bacon replies out of pure habit, before he stumbles upon his own ignorance. "I guess I should apologize for that incident back there. Let us not dwell on such misunderstandings, however. There are greater things than that. Things that transcend this place, probably this lifetime as well. We have been burdened with revelations from past lives that we barely understand, we have faced the one called Rurik and we were led here by the Golden Eagle. I am afraid our minds are unable to grasp the magnitude of things in order to form the proper questions we should ask you. And without those, we are doomed to never receive the right answers. Therefore, I would hear anything you might want to tell us, instead. On our former lives, our common past, the bigger picture in general. Unless my friends here would like to ask their own questions, that is..."

Lvl 65 Multitasker

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“Where I might learn to fight?! Who do you think….â€, he exclaims before stopping himself. He had just realized that Varren already knew his name and saw through his bluff.


“Ok, Varren, let’s try this again. My name is Oramac. Some call me ‘the Silent’, but I suppose that doesn’t mean much to you. Clearly you know more about me than I know about you. That will need to change.â€


During their travels, Oramac learned a little more about Varren, and they occasionally would stop to get the lay of the land, or talk to local farmers and peasants. Oramac soon came to learn that they were part of some sort of covert information gathering system for a man called “Hon’gaâ€. Oramac wasn’t so sure he liked working for a man he’d never met, but Varren was kind, and so far he’d been true to his word. If this Hon’ga was anything like Varren, maybe he was a man Oramac could begin to trust, instead of just being another mark.


After quite a while of this, their travels took them to a forest with a trail as straight as an arrow. Taking the trail, Oramac could occasionally look up and see golden colored eagles flying overhead. Though he didn’t yet know their importance, the Eagle brought him comfort. As if he knew that while it was overhead, he was safe.


Being among the trees on the path, seeing it extend from one horizon to the other without deviating, caused some apprehension in Oramac. He tried questioning Varren about it, hoping for useful information.


Eventually, they reached a magnificent town. Not the largest Oramac had ever seen, but certainly the most unique. Glimpsing the modest castle at the center, and the plethora of smaller buildings radiating out from it like a sun, he knew this was the place to which Varren was taking him.


On the edge of town, he was greeted Hon’ga and a beautiful woman named Claire. They both seemed larger than life to him, as if this were just a passing moment they would remember for eternity. They were to teach Oramac just a few of the immense complexities of life, beginning with a past life he never knew he had. Hon’ga also knew about Oramac’s past crimes, which caused discomfort for Oramac until Hon’ga explained that he wanted to help Oramac on his journey to set things right.


Even after nearly two years with Varren, Oramac still found things he needed to learn. True to his word, Varren had indeed found someone to teach him to fight. Oramac had thought he was good. After all, he managed to survive where many others had died. But the little Tiefling Master he’d met made him realize just how poor his skills really were. He had a long way to go, but she’d shown him a whole new world of combat, mostly by beating the hell out of him in the sparring ring.


His one failing in this place was learning to trust. Though he was more willing to trust a stranger now, he still found it very difficult to completely trust someone. Many of the people here had tried to help him, and indeed he’d made progress, but he still had a long way to go.


He did eventually hear of three Heroes arriving. Asking around, he discovered they were the Heroes of Harglen! Three people whom he admired and revered, and also the last people on earth he wanted to see. Once they were in town, Oramac kept a distance from them, preferring not to talk to them, though he did see them occasionally. Flo, with her Elven grace talking to the shopkeepers; Bronan and his hulking size and intimidating presence; and Bacon, the joker who is so much more than he appears to be.


Being in the crowd at the time, Oramac heard Flo’s outburst after the parade. He couldn’t really blame her. It had taken him quite a while to get used to Hon’ga and his ways. He knew not what Hon’ga said, but it was shortly after that when Hon’ga sent for him with news that would alter his life forever……

"Someone ever tries to kill you, you try to kill 'em right back." - Captain Malcolm Reynolds


Current Challenge


Also, I Agree With Tank™

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Flo hunches over her wooden puzzle, murmuring to herself. The wine glass having been emptied twice is being replace with a jug of cider thanks to the wit and skill of Liz. I must make sure Liz is taken care of after I leave. What?! Flo looses focus on the tiny opening she was fighting with and tosses the pieces on the table as opposed to setting them down and the noise startles her. She had been so absorbed in her memories, looking for links to the past, she let her hearing diminish and left only her eyes sharpened in the world around her. She could have told anyone how many times Liz cleaned up their table, how many times Bor'ga had to open a new barrel of ale as the crowds were gathering in stronger numbers.


Flo looks to Bacon and Bronan and nods her head finally to Bacon. "I believe I can offer no good questions that lead anywhere other than needing the story itself that ties us to all this." Flo's left arm swoops up gently indicating the town and the story that they couldn't see. "If a question comes to me that would bring different information, I would like to ask it, but Bacon, you're right. The story. It all comes down to the story, and how we fit into it." She looks to Bronan.


"Bronan, you may still be sore with him and I do not for a moment lay any blame at your feet for those feelings. I too am less than pleased with his ways. But, I think I trust him enough to believe he, and this place, are not bad things. I don't think he nor Claire want any harm to come to us. Doesn't really excuse his enormous lack of social graces, but when you live in the long timeline, you forget." She curls her lip.


"I know, my mother and my brothers live there all the time. I am ashamed that I reacted so strongly against Hon'ga as I feel now, I was only yelling at my family. Hon'ga may know of our other lifetimes, but I know too well this one. Being left out of important matters does not rest well upon me. Perhaps I was expecting Hon'ga to be more like my father… perhaps. Silly thing is, my father would never be in the position of such power and influence over so many people. It isn't his way."


Liz steps up to Flo with a plate of rolled slices of meat and grapes, taking the jug away to refill with more cider. Flo pulls the puzzle pieces to the edge of the table and dumps them back in their pouch. She quickly munches her food and drinks the cider when Liz returns with it. She smiles to Liz and then turns and grins at her mates. Pointing to the wash room, she asks, "Bacon? Bronan? Do you want a chance at it? It's quite lovely." She smiles as she turns away from them and upstairs to grab clean garments. It's a nice thing to have so I am not being shy with it.



She stands ready awhile later, in her armor  with her bow, but with no arrows. A sign of trust. Openly at least. Her gauntlets were polished and sharpened and five darts were strategically placed within her clothes for easy access and limited wasted movement. They make their way to the castle. At yet another set of amazing doors,  the bustling of Arthur gets Flo's attention. She stands in silence as he controls himself and stammers out a greeting before rushing off. "Interesting. So perhaps not everyone is happy with the proceedings as they are set by Hon'ga?"


The King's chambers were very beautiful and intimate compared to the Hall from the evening before. The green, the eagles, the open air above them. It is all big and grand, but comforting and secluded. Flo felt at home for the first time since she arrived in this town. "I could enjoy this space."


She hears Bacon speak first, "I guess I should apologize for that incident back there. Let us not dwell on such misunderstandings, however. 


"Bacon, you have no reason to apologize, Hon'ga and I are capable of taking full responsibility for our mistakes and anger. We have both apologized with sincerity and it is done." Flo nods to Hon'ga.


Bacon continues, "We have been burdened with revelations from past lives that we barely understand, we have faced the one called Rurik and we were led here by the Golden Eagle. I am afraid our minds are unable to grasp the magnitude of things in order to form the proper questions we should ask you. And without those, we are doomed to never receive the right answers. Therefore, I would hear anything you might want to tell us, instead. On our former lives, our common past, the bigger picture in general. Unless my friends here would like to ask their own questions, that is..."


Flo shrugs and motions that she has no questions at the moment. She looks to Bronan.

The Way

Better Now than Back Then

Better Now than Later On

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Hon'ga met with Oramac shortly after his conversation with the Bacon and Flo. They sat across from each other, the magnificent eagles silently looking on. Hon'ga smiled to the man "I take it from your mood that you have not spoken with them yet?" He leans forward, hand upon his knee. "Much has changed about you since you have arrived, but for you to truly find redemption you must settle this. They are good people, you worry yourself over some offense they know nothing about." He takes a deep breath and leans back into the chair. Speaking to Oramac in an almost fatherly tone. 


"We all have our burdens, but we cannot let them break us. There will be plenty of opportunities however. I must ask for you to set out again immediately. I am certain that they will join you shortly. I must apologize for asking this of you, but you must leave before the conclusion of the festivities. Varren and the others shall follow in a few days."


He cups his hands together as if thinking. Then stands. "It is up to you when you address the situation, I trust you will have the courage. Safe journeys." They clasp hands, placing their free hands upon the others shoulder. Oramac quickly gathers his belongings and sets off without a word.


Hon'ga chuckles. "So many questions from one who claims to ask none. Sadly to tell you everything would require a great amount of time. But I shall do my best." He sits back holding his hand to his temple in concentration.


"I awoke upon this world not knowing who, or what I was. Since then I have been many things. For a long time I sought purpose. Something that would justify the power I had been given. You see, centuries ago, the world was much different than as it stands today,  yet quite similar. Doom hung oppressively over the land. I soon learned the cause. Our world had been drawn into an ancient war between beings who dwell on different worlds." He takes a pause gauging their response.


"You see it is the belief of others that know of their exsistence that many things now exsist in this world thanks to their interference. Magic, monsters, even certain species. Many legends, religions, and popular figures are actually based on beings from these worlds. Demons, Devils, Valkyries, Angels, all different names for them. This war continues due to one critical element. One of these worlds, held by those who most would call demons, is dying. It is being eaten away form the inside out, and eventually no life will exsist upon it. They first sought to conquer the world of the beings many call angels, but you see they where too evenly matched. So they sought another planet to call home. That is when they ended up here."


Hon'ga moves to the table and pours himself a drink. "And so their battle found its way to our door. Though there where many on both sides who oppossed it. My wife, Claire, being one of them. Some see our protection as their responsibility, others would let our world fall to protect theirs home and species." He drinks a large portion of his beverage. "So I began to gather heroes, any who would defend this world against the coming enemy. And this is where I first encountered your ancestors, or perhaps more accurately, your strength. You see it is your power that is passed down and lives on. So while it may not have been you in your past life, it is undoubtedly the same power coursing through you. Together we faced the threat and defeated it at a great cost. And I have continued as sentinel since then. So you see I cannot allow myself to get caught up in other affairs, when in truth it is the survival of the whole that I now concern myself with. For the enemy is desperate as their time grows short. And I am certain we shall soon see their return. The chaos and violence that now spreads across the land cannot be a coincidence, so too with your arrival."


He finishes his drink and sets it aside before standing. "For now that is all I have to share, I would ask that you follow my attendent to your next meeting. There is someone who could use your aid. I find myself quite tired after such a long day, if you would excuse me." Hon'ga bows and exits. The attendent arrives again and leads them down a hall for a ways. He then opens a small door. Inside Arthur paces around a large wooden table with a map upon it.Seeing the heroes brings a smile to his weary face.


"I knew you would accept, what has he told you?"


Arthur frowns when he realizes the group has not yet learned of what Arthur seeks from them. "To put it bluntly." he says as he walks around the table "my kingdom is facing a revolution like it has never seen. For years I used my position with Hon'ga to keep mystical powers and beings out as my line has done for generations. But recently, it has grown quite difficult. Monsters attack villages, and the truth has become quite hard to veil. A man, Hargull, now leads an open revolution. He seeks to allow all to come and settle in the kingdom." He sighs.


"I know how it sounds, this seclusion, a kingdom of only humans. But I do it to protect them, just as my father and his father and so on did. We have been a part of this gathering for as long as my realm has exsisted. Indeed in my youth I had thought that I would be the one to introduce magics to my people. But they are, and perhaps never will be, ready. They have no desire to face it. This man, Hargull, at first he spoke openly in my lands, I even met with him on occasion. He never raised arms, never once did he react violently. Then one day he appears with a large army of mercenaries, ready to make war. He has built himself a city in the forest south of my lands." Arthur shakes his head.


"He sets villages to the torch, takes the survivors as slaves. These are not the actions of the man I knew. I fear the enemy has set their hooks in him. I have men specially trained to face him and his forces, but there are innocents. On both sides. Many locals have risen up against him in makeshift miltitias. And many more join his cause every day believing that itis just." He balls his hands in to fists and slams them into the table "I cannot allow my people to die, but I cannot in good conscious set people to the sword who fight for a false idol. Please will you help me expose this mans true intentions and prevent even more death?"

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - J.R.R Tolkien

"Progress, not perfection."

"Persist, Pivot, or Concede." - Matthew McConaughey

"Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't."

Rants, Thoughts, and Workouts-->Battle Log | The Improvening (Current Challenge)

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As his companions fill Bronan in, he simply glowers over his mug of ale. It seems that the Brobarian has decided that he doesn’t like or trust this Hon’ga, and that his mind is set. He’d come from a place of little magic use, a simple place where his people did what they could to be as strong as possible to be able to compete for resources with the he bands of orcs and trolls that lived in the mountains. It was a simple life compared to what the wide world had showed him. Although he’s adjusted and opened his mind to a great extent, this town is just too overwhelming and comes off as too good to be true, and he can’t shake the feeling that they’re not seeing it all. He doesn’t even want to ask questions as he doesn’t trust the answers he’d get.

"Bacon? Bronan? Do you want a chance at it? It's quite lovely."

Bronan shake his head as he takes another quaff. “I just want to find out what they want, decide if we’ll do it, and get out of this place.”

When Bor’ga arrives with his mace, he takes it and thanks her. He lifts a pouch of coins from his belt, having been waiting for this, and hands it over, nodding his tanks but not saying a word. He is in no mood to socialize and he intends to make it clear.

When they are brought before Hon’ga, Bronan simply watches the man, once again glowering. He is done with being impressed, and ignores the surroundings beyond glancing about for any obvious traps. He stands with his arms crossed as the others speak, and simply gives a slight shake of his head when Flo looks to him in case he has anything to say. When he excuses himself and dismisses them to another room after such a brief time, Bronan’s eyes narrow. Such a short meeting when they’d each been given their same slots before.

His mood does not improve once they are brought before Arthur. He hears the king through, then speaks bluntly, “Maybe if you did not doubt your people’s strength, they’d have better tools with which to defend themselves. Who are you to decide if they are ready? Maybe if they knew the truth of the world instead of you hiding in from them, then they’d see that they need to embrace whatever weapons and magic’s are available if they want to survive? Maybe he is right with this idea of letting all choose their own path and opening opportunity to all, and he has gone to the sword because you refuse to see this wisdom yourself. Perhaps you have made your people weak in your seclusion, and it is the natural order of things for the strong ones to rise up, strike the weak down, and take these valuable lands for themselves. I’d rather have those strong ones at my side in the fight that is to come.”

Massrandir, Barkûn, Swolórin, The Whey Pilgrim
500 / 330 / 625
Challenges: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 34 35 36 39 41 42 45 46 47 48 49 Current Challenge
"No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. " ~ Socrates
"Friends don't let friends squat high." ~ Chad Wesley Smith
"It's a dangerous business, Brodo, squatting to the floor. You step into the rack, and if you don't keep your form, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." ~ Gainsdalf

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Flo merely looks at Hon'ga, letting out a sigh as he leaves. So much for real answers. So now that we've met you, we get to go out and help people with these monsters coming from another place? Flo mumbles under her breath, "Isn't that what we've been doing?!" Who in all of Heaven and Hades needs this from those whom consider themselves holier than the rest of us? She doesn't let her lips part with any of the specifics as she doesn't not believe he can hold his temper against the onslaught of truth from someone so little in his sight. Flo shrugs, "At least we're done with this town, right?"


They get escorted to another room and another plea for help comes to Flo and her friends. Flo is unsure what to make of Arthur as he explains his justifications for ruling his people in seclusion. Flo knows the ways of seclusion quite well. She was brought up in it. Granted there was magic and little to want for in her secluded upbringing, but stifling is stifling. Her father helped her escape the trappings of their society. He taught her to thrive on the search and to remain curious to the world around her. Why take that from people?


Bronan speaks first and Flo tries to keep a wide grin from her face. Do all these people think we're going to simply run in and save them because they ask? She shakes her head at Arthur and tries to explain things to him. "You see, Arthur, we are not heroes for anyone. If you chose to keep your people in seclusion, then you took that risk without their consent. Do you really think everyone of 'your' people are so loyal to you that they will simply forgive such a dictatorial decision like that? You basically judged your people as not good enough to handle real life. I'm not sure I will jump to your defense now that another has come with a supposed freedom to offer."


Flo takes a calming breath. "Now, before you get upset, please know I understand your plight. At least, I believe I see what you're truly worried about. If this man came in peace at first and then 'suddenly' became violent and relentless, it is possible he is now possessed or being puppeted by one of the monsters that Hon'ga speaks of. If that is the case, although we do not know that right now, then perhaps it is something we will be willing to look into. But you need to speak more about this man and what he started out like and what he has become. And, you have to offer some explanation for what you plan to do if this goes in your favor. I will not help, if you only plan to hide your people away again without giving them a voice."


Flo looks to Bacon and Bronan and turns back to Arthur, "I have given my say so far in this." Flo becomes silent, watching Arthur for tells of his mood and attitude. She lets Bacon and Bronan fill whatever conversation might happen while she focuses on Arthur's motive and if he is in fact speaking the truth as he knows it. She tries to remember any details of the area she might have and any of its history or current knowledge. So father, what happens next? Flo smiles and looks for answers in Arthur and his words.


(Knowledge - local = 7)

(perception = 16)

(sense motive = 15)


The Way

Better Now than Back Then

Better Now than Later On

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Sitting in the room, speaking with Hon’ga like this, Oramac felt overwhelmed.  He had begun to look up to Hon’ga as a friend, even possibly as a father figure.  Sitting across from him, listening to his tale of the War Between Worlds and of the Strength passed from previous lives to the current one, Oramac felt tiny and insignificant.  He was also still brooding with his own inner darkness.  It was a darkness that had plagued him ever since THEY had arrived. 


"I take it from your mood that you have not spoken with them yet?" Hon’ga asked.


Oramac simply nodded, unable to speak of his shame; especially with this man. 


"Much has changed about you since you have arrived, but for you to truly find redemption you must settle this. They are good people, you worry yourself over some offense they know nothing about."


“No, Hon’ga, I worry myself over an offense so grievous I fear for my life.  What redemption is there if settling this requires my death?â€


"We all have our burdens, but we cannot let them break us. There will be plenty of opportunities however. I must ask for you to set out again immediately. I am certain that they will join you shortly. I must apologize for asking this of you, but you must leave before the conclusion of the festivities. Varren and the others shall follow in a few days. It is up to you when you address the situation, I trust you will have the courage. Safe journeys."


“Thank you for everything you’ve done for me, Hon’ga.  I may not know how to properly thank you, nor how to do these things you’ve asked of me, but I truly value your advice.†Oramac says as he leaves the room.




Hefting his pack, Oramac looks back towards the only place he’d ever really called home. He trudged away even as the festivities rang in the air.  As he enters to forest, he thinks about Hon’ga’s words to him.


“He wants me to tell them?!  Is he insane?! I can’t say anything.  What would they think?  The one would probably kill me before I finished talking.  Hell, they’d probably all kill me.â€


As he continues down the never-bending path, this time heading away from that magnificent city, his thoughts cannot stray far from his last conversation with Hon’ga.  He’d learned to trust Hon’ga more than any other person, and yet, he couldn’t quite wrap his head around why Hon’ga would instruct him to speak of his folly.  Surely it would be his death, and that would render all the aid Hon’ga had given him useless.  Not to mention there would be one less person (he cannot call himself a “heroâ€) to help the kingdom to which they travel.  Perhaps he ought to at least offer to share his knowledge of the place first.  It couldn’t possibly right his wrong, but if it helped them in some small way, maybe, just maybe, he could have some peace.   


After several days on the path, remembering the bigger picture of the War Between Worlds, and of his eternal Strength, Oramac makes his decision.  When the opportunity presents itself, one way or another, the Strength will live on.  

"Someone ever tries to kill you, you try to kill 'em right back." - Captain Malcolm Reynolds


Current Challenge


Also, I Agree With Tank™

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Bacon takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly as he focuses, not making any effort to hide the noise as he exhales. "After defeating the dragon of Harglenn," he begins "after facing Rurik, after what Hon'ga has told us, after all those reincarnation stories, if there's one lesson to be learned it's that we should look at the bigger picture." He looks around to make sure he has everyone's attention, meeting their stare before he continues.


"My friends here make some valid points in questioning your decision on how to govern your people, even if you had aspirations of being the one to introduce magic into their lives. I understand however that this is how leadership goes; you are faced with a decision and the responsibility of your choice. Maybe it was the wrong one, maybe that's why people listened to this rebel before he even resorted to violence. Regardless, I cannot blame you for your choice, Arthur. You made a stand. It's the consequences that you're dealing with now."


Bacon takes a moment to refocus in order to avoid trailing away in theoretical discussion. "Like I said, bigger picture. There's evil beings at work here, demons from another world. We cannot look away and use our personal arguments with Arthur's policy as excuses. Especially when there's innocents on the line. However," he casts a sharp glance towards Arthur "the answer is not as convenient as your plan of 'exposing' this man. I say we get the innocents out of the way and stop the bloodshed. Then, I wish to know more of this Rebel before I offer my allegiance to either side. Only then can we convene again and work this conflict out."

Lvl 65 Multitasker

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"Working for innocents in a war-torn area is something that I can do, and will, if Bacon says so."


Flo nods firmly, letting Bacon have the floor. He's good at this, I would likely get angry or stop caring. And Bronan will... I wonder what Bronan will think of helping out people in a civil war? I don't know a lot about Big Bro. He always seems to be in the moment. She has always liked that about Bronan.

And anyhow, if we change our minds on the way, that works too.

The Way

Better Now than Back Then

Better Now than Later On

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Arthur laughs,a laugh of a man who is worn thin and wit nowhere to turn. Laughing at himself for placing his hope in the heroes, as well as other things.

"I see how you all act here, especially in regards to Hon'ga. Especially you..." he says as he eyes Bronan. "I find it funny how similar you two are. So ready to cast aside with the same old excuse, that there are bigger problems to worry oneself with. My duty is to every last person in my kingdom, I did not choose this life, but I will not throw those who cannot defend themselves to the wolves. I am not the one who devised my peoples seclusion, and I'll be damned if I am the one who leads them to their destruction."

He storms out the door.

From the shadows Varren steps "that could have gone better." He takes a small sip from a flask at his side. "You must forgive him, he is worn quite thin. I would have you know that it is not Hon'ga who asks this of you. But Arthur himself. Hon'ga has decided that the threat is not significant enough to get involved..." he takes another drink. "You'd think marrying tge man's daughter would get him some pull... Anyways I'm doing this for Arthur because he's my friend, and I trust him. I hope that you will join me. We leave in the morning in two days time."

He turns to leave, but not before passing a quick glance towards Bacon. For a second it flashes a look of dissapointment.

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - J.R.R Tolkien

"Progress, not perfection."

"Persist, Pivot, or Concede." - Matthew McConaughey

"Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't."

Rants, Thoughts, and Workouts-->Battle Log | The Improvening (Current Challenge)

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Bacon returns Varren's stare with a shrug and a look of "well, what did you expect" painted all over his face. He won't be held responsible for anyone's behavior, be it his companions' or someone else's.


"Didn't expect any better" he says once Varren is out of the room. "At least Hon'ga treats us with a minimum of respect. Dragons get on my nerves with all that 'holier than thou' attitude." He takes a few steps and punts the table with all the maps of Arthur's kingdom. "Screw all those almighty beings and screw their motives and elaborate politics and screw reincarnation and inherited power. Whatever they know, or think they now, about us is wrong. Our past does not dictate our present, nor our future. If they were hoping for a bunch of knights in shining armor to save them, they should have gone to some paladin order. I'm only in it because innocents will die if I'm not. Because they will die for the pride and ego of everyone that's been around us lately, for their petty games and political scheming." The sorcerer stops abruptly, then realization sinks in. Every muscle on his body is tense. His teeth are almost grinding as he struggles to contain the rage. Magical energies cackle as they have covered him in a layer of shifting colors. He takes a few deep breaths, trying to calm down. "Perky fairies my ass" he mumbles as he strides towards the door. "I need some air"

Lvl 65 Multitasker

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Bronan watches the king with disdain as he storms out. You didn't choose their seclusion, but you have thus far failed to lead them from it, and it is likely why they remain defenseless.


He shows no surprise when Varren steps from the shadows, though he should have sensed him there. More intrigue. More cloak and dagger. He expects nothing more of this place at this point. Bronan responds to his words, the disdain he felt before showing clearly on his face, "It seems to me Arthur should be doing something more than grasping at straws and asking three strangers, overhyped by the people's stories, to save his kingdom from a rebel."


After Varren leaves, Bronan watches Bacon lose his cool. "Well said", he says, patting his friend on the back as they head to the door, "we may learn from our ancestors, but they do not define who we are. At least not completely. I look forward to speaking with this Hargull, perhaps he won't have his head stuck between his glutes like the rest of these folks. Hopefully it's not even further up there."

Massrandir, Barkûn, Swolórin, The Whey Pilgrim
500 / 330 / 625
Challenges: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 34 35 36 39 41 42 45 46 47 48 49 Current Challenge
"No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. " ~ Socrates
"Friends don't let friends squat high." ~ Chad Wesley Smith
"It's a dangerous business, Brodo, squatting to the floor. You step into the rack, and if you don't keep your form, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." ~ Gainsdalf

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The last few days pass quickly. It seems as if the group had grown tired of the place, the townsfolk remained as pleasant as ever. Arthur had departed shortly after his meeting with the heroes, the festivities had proven grand but now the town returned to its former serene state, with little indication of what had occurred only a day before.

The group rises with the sun to meet Varren. Each with their own reasoning. Few people are awake and the only sound heard is the blacksmith duo striking the forge. Hon'ga and Claire meet them at the edge of town.

"I had hoped your stay would have provided a breef respite from your hardships, but I fear that is not the case. Know that your are welcome, and safe travels." He addresses each with a traditional farewell unique to them, then Claire approaches Bacon. "I had hoped you would stay for a time, but I could not ask that of you. Please take this..." she passes him a simple gold chain. "I hope to see you soon friend" she wraps her arms around bacon, then moves to bronan and flo kissing their cheeks.

After their farewells they head further down the path spying varren leaning up against a large wooden cart crafted from the mysterious wood common to the town. A large oxen stands tethered to it, ready to pull the burden. His cat rests lazily nestled among a pile of supplies. He nods and smiles.

"I knew you'd come. And know that I thank ye. Know that I am here to guide you to our destination. Once there you will be calling the shots, it is up to you how you wish to proceed." He nods then leaps into the drivers seat before motioning for them to join him. They find a seat wherever they can.

The journey lasts a few weeks time. The air clears up quickly as Varren's true character begins to shine. He prepares them delicious meals from his ample supplies, and they travel with little incident. The trusty ox able to traverse even the most difficult of terrain.

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - J.R.R Tolkien

"Progress, not perfection."

"Persist, Pivot, or Concede." - Matthew McConaughey

"Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't."

Rants, Thoughts, and Workouts-->Battle Log | The Improvening (Current Challenge)

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The large wooden wheels carve their way through the muck as the ox steadily trudges forward. A light rain falls upon the group as the sun begins to dissappear beneath the horizon.

The back of the cart now stands mostly empty, with plenty of room for the heroes of Harglenn. They sit beneath a makeshift awning of cloth. Bronan strikes it with a flick of his finger every so often. Scattering the accumulated rainfall.

Bacon leans back on some of the supplies staring back at the road behind them while Flo sits to his left peering forward.

The only light comes from a small torch placed in its rest on the right side of the cart seat. His cat sleeps soundly tucked away in the back, sheltered by what remains of their supplies.

Varren sings and despite the weather the groups mood is surprisingly high. They grow close to the border of Arthurs kingdom of Harkonia. Though they dare not enter it. Instead they head for the great forest at its southern end, to the newfound city and home to a possible rebellion.

As they reach a small grouping of trees Varren slows the oxen pace, eyeing the shadows. Slowly a few figures step out and the dwarf brings the cart to a hault, he motions for the group to stay where they are as he steps down from the cart to address the figures.

"No further dwarf, your kind ain't welcome here. But well be taking your supplies surely, and no funny business. There's a dozen more of us got bolts set to fly!"

The figures steps forward into the light lead by an older man; the talker and obvious leader. The rest younger men, one no more than a boy. The youngest carries a crossbow, the others crude old weapons.

Varren loops his fingers in his belt and takes a defiant step forward. He pauses as if waiting for the impact of a bolt. When none comes he laughs.

"As I thought. There's no one out here but you four. Do not listen to this old man boys, turn and head home. There's much life left for ya if you turn back now."

The man snears "You filthy fu..." he is cut off when Varren's blade finds itself lodged deeply in the man's skull. In an instantly one young man bolts into the trees, the boy holding the crossbow fires wide, and the final young man makes a hesitant charge.

Varren dispatches the charging man quickly, striking him in the knee with his hatchet before using it again on his skull as he screams, the boy, now alone desperately attempts to load the crossbow. He manages at the last second but trips in the mud, loosing the bolt into the air.

Despite it all Varren can smell it when the boy soils himself and he snarls "best be off boy, less you wanna end up like your friend. Face down in your own shite."

The boy attempts to stand, slipping a few times before finally seeming to learn how to walk again. He quickly dissappear in tge brush. Varren retrieves his dagger and returns to the cart. Without a word the oxen pulls them forward, leaving the old man's body in the muck. Once away from the scene Varren shakes his head. "Ignorant fools."

They arrive at the outskirts of the makeshift city in the morning. Mostly ramshackle and temporary construction it is quite large. The outskirts are lined with the remains of a cleared forest. Wooden gates and walls stretch everwherw.

They enter the city through one of numerous gates with little issue. To most they are just another face in the crowd.

The streets seem to be thrown together at whim with little reason, though Varren takes little time finding a large tent. He throws back the entrance and enters, quickly followed by the heroes.

Mud spatter can be seen reaching up the sides of the white tent. A wooden floor keeps the ground even, and a pair of muddy shoes lie to the side of the entrance. AT the center a small fire pit sits. A small table with 5 different chairs built of various materials sits in the far corner.

A man sits in one, eating what appears to be his breakfast. Seeing Varren he smiles but freezes when he sees who accompanies him. He tries to smile when Varren speaks "tis good to see you friend. Keep the pleasentries short, here we have Bacon, Bronan, and Flo. We've had a long travel as you well know, so hows about you tell us what you've learned?"

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - J.R.R Tolkien

"Progress, not perfection."

"Persist, Pivot, or Concede." - Matthew McConaughey

"Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't."

Rants, Thoughts, and Workouts-->Battle Log | The Improvening (Current Challenge)

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In the days of his travels to Harkonia, Oramac often found himself lost in thought.  Some thoughts, such as those in Hon'ga's small kingdom, bring him happiness.  Others, such as his past, bring him dread and shame.  


Along the path, his thoughts turn to Varren, with whom he spent quite some time before coming to Hon'ga's kingdom.  He truly enjoyed the Dwarf's company, though he relaized he still didn't know much about him.  He knew that Varren's family had been killed long ago, though he didn't know how or why.  He did suspect Arthur had had a hand in saving the Dwarf, though.  Varren was obviously very protective of his friends, and especially children.  And that cat, Oramac chuckled at the thought.  Near as he could determine, it had belonged to one of Varrens children, before his family was killed.   The most unusual thing about him, though, was his surprising tendency towards violence.  Again, Oramac suspected Varren's past had something to do with this, not unlike his own.  


Oramac eventually came to see Varren as a brother.  Both of them had spent a great deal of time traveling the country, often alone.  Varren seemed to be more of a vagabond in his travels, though, letting the wind take him in whatever direction it may.  Oramac, on the other hand, had often gone and done what he was told without asking why.  


"But no more!", he thought to himself. 


Assuming he wasn't killed immediately once he revealed his past, Oramac would never again follow an order to kill without understanding why.  He shivered at the thought.  





It had been two days since he started on the path towards Harkonia when he came upon the small, ramshackle town led by this "rebel".   Oramac was surprised that he could simply walk into the town.  He'd expected to see sentries and walls, and had even prepared himself for the task of sneaking into the place.  


Once he was in, he quickly found a place to stash his pack before taking some time to wander the streets, which were lain out in the most haphazard way Oramac had ever seen.  Taking his time, observing the people running to a fro around this place, Oramac knew he would have to report on what he was seeing.  He quickly made his way to a messenger and, carefully sealing it, sent a note to Varren:




I've made it! The land here is wonderful!  You will enjoy the folk here.  


Do you remember the old man's place?  Half-brown and half-white with a small black window at the top?  It's just like that!  


Thank you for sending me this way.


- Your Friend"





It was during breakfast after two days of waiting, wondering what would happen to him, that Oramac would finally get his answer.  


He looked up from his eggs and ham to see Varren entering the tent, to which he smiled happily.  But his smile was short-lived, for following Varren were Bacon, Bronan, and Flo.  Oramac froze.  Knowing this moment would come didn't make experiencing it any easier.  Thankfully Varren spoke first:


"Tis good to see you friend. Keep the pleasentries short, here we have Bacon, Bronan, and Flo. We've had a long travel as you well know, so hows about you tell us what you've learned?"


Slowly, deliberately, Oramac wipes his mouth on his napkin and stands to greet the four people in front of him.  


"It is good to see you too, Varren.  I'm glad you found the place.


And you three, Bacon, Bronan, Flo.  It is good to finally see you.  I......I've got much to tell you.  Please, sit and make yourselves comfortable.", he says, trying to stay calm and cheerful.  


"First, I am Oramac.  I've spent the last two years living in that city from which you came, learning from the people there.  But that's a topic for another day."


Oramac pauses, carefully choosing his words to speak about what he's learned. 


"I've learned much about this place.


First, everyone seems to consider this a place where all are welcome, of any race.  Most of the people here seem happy, and a few are downright exuberant, but there are quite a few slums, such as where we are now.  That said, everyone is fairly well cared for.


Most of the soldiers here are simple mercenaries, though they do seem relatively well-trained and armed.  At the moment they're all vying for control of the army set up here.  


Speaking of, I've done a little asking around, and nobody seems to know where the money came from to hire this army, nor pay for all the food and expense of them being here."


He pauses to take a sip of water before continuing.


"Unfortunately, there is bad news as well, and it is bad indeed."


Oramac keeps an eye on Varren as he mentions the next part. (Perception)


"Many people loyal to Arthur have been captured and are being used as slaves to build up the city, or worse, being forced to fight on the front lines against their own countrymen."


Oramac sits back down to let everyone discuss this, his mind still wracking with memories of his past.  






After a moment, he remembers Hon'ga's last words to him: “for you to truly find redemption you must settle this.â€


Setting his jaw, he speaks to the others: 


“Heroes, wait!  I have more to tell you.  It's not directly related to the situation here, but I can wait no longer.  I have a dreadful confession to makeâ€, he pauses to see the heroes reactions.  


“Hon’ga told me I must settle this, and I worry what it means for me, but we’ve all learned about our eternal Strength.  I don't know how true it is, nor whether it forges our destiny for us or not, but knowing it must live on; I’m prepared for whatever happens.  I will put my fate in your hands.â€


As he slowly removes his daggers, still in their sheath, and throws them aside, he continues. 


“Heroes, I’ve dishonored myself and, unfortunately, all of you.  It was long ago, shortly after your time in Harglenn.  I’d heard of trouble in a village called Avalain, far removed from Harglenn, and I went there hoping to help.  Once there, I found two men named Torin and Jiraan.  They were brothers, and they wanted to protect their families and their land.  Regrettably, I convinced them to pretend we were you three.  I sought to help defeat whatever plagued the town, and knew that your name would carry a weight that ours never would, and now, never will.  We ventured into a small cave under the village to seek out this horror that had already taken many innocent lives.   


After what seemed like hours, we reached a great cavern under the village.  It was perfectly circular, with strange writing on the walls, and a giant open tomb in the center.  Sitting on the edge of the tomb was what appeared to be a man.  Not even a very large man, but he had small horns on his head, and a strange purple aura around him, as if the air itself was radiating with some evil power.  We confronted him, asking him to stop harming the village and explain himself.  He never even spoke.  He just laughed and launched himself at us with a speed and fury like nothing I’d ever seen before.  


Unfortunately, we were no match for him.  In a matter of seconds he had killed my two companions, and I was left alone.  For as long as I live, I’ll remember their names and the horror and fear on their faces.  I fought for a time, but soon realized I could not kill him, if he even could be killed.  His anger and rage seemed to grow with every strike I landed, until he was nothing more than a seething being of pure hatred.  So I ran.  I managed to get away from the cave, and the village, only to look back and see a massive force tear the land asunder, pulling the village down into the earth.  I went back to search for survivors, but there were none. The destruction was complete.  The only good is that I also found no trace of the man that had caused the damage.â€


Dropping to his knees, leaning forward to bow his head before them, he finishes speaking: 


“The shame I feel knows no bounds. I realize that I have no place among you, and that my life is forfeit.  All I hope is that what I've told you about Harkonia can be of use to you as my Strength is sent on to someone more worthy than I.â€



Perception check: 1d20 = 6; + 6 Perception = 12

"Someone ever tries to kill you, you try to kill 'em right back." - Captain Malcolm Reynolds


Current Challenge


Also, I Agree With Tank™

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Bacon spent most of the remaining days lost in the nearby forest. He had grown tired and disgusted of his experience in that town. At first he thought something was wrong with himself. How could he harbor such feelings towards such an unusually open and peaceful place? He struggled with the thought for a good while, but eventually came to the conclusion that the town's situation only intensified the irony and his sense of it all being too good to be true. Coupled with Hon'ga's cloak and dagger games, it felt like everything about that settlement was mocking him. He needed to get in touch with his wilder side, the source of his magical powers. At times he would even go looking for the stag or the living tree, the only ones he ever felt close to in that area, but every time to no avail. It was entirely up to them and they didn't seem like they wanted to be found again.


The gnome emerges from the forest to rejoin his companions, more rugged than they have ever seen him before. His clothes are dirty and his body is decorated by a myriad of cuts and bruises earned by thorns and brambles of the woods. Strangely, instead of looking like someone who had a rough time, Bacon seems more invigorated, in silent attunement with his condition. To someone who has no previous knowledge of his powers, he would seem like a native of the forest, a ranger or even a druid. Hon'ga bids them farewell, then Claire approaches Bacon. "I had hoped you would stay for a time, but I could not ask that of you. Please take this..." she passes him a simple gold chain. "I hope to see you soon friend" she wraps her arms around Bacon, then moves to Bronan and Flo kissing their cheeks. The sorcerer says nothing, smiling at the irony of the chain's shine against his dirt-stained chest. "Fare thee well" is his flat response, in Draconic.


The journey is surprisingly uneventful, save for Varren's stubborness to be the one who prepares the meals. "Should expect as much from a dwarf" Bacon thinks to himself as he tries to hold back his fascination with cooking. In an attempt to see things in a more positive light, he tries to enjoy Varren's curlinary results and even chats with him on the subject upon occasion, looking to pick up some tips and ideas.


Things are different however once the cart reaches the borders or Harkonia. Varren disposes of the bandits before anyone has a chance to say or do anything. Bacon simply shakes his head in disappointment. An old man and some kids, dressed in rags and with their bluff exposed, did it have to end with such brutality? They seemed to have picked up arms out of pure desperation, not villainy. If Varren, Arthur and their men responded like that, the rebellion shouldn't come as a surprise. "That could have gone better" Bacon comments once Varren returns to the cart, intentionally mimicing his tone days ago after the meeting with Arthur.


Doesn't get any better when they enter the tent and hear Oramac's tale. Bacon looks to the ground as he tries to focus and take in all the information. The mercenaries. The power struggle for control of the army. The unknown source of the money. Then Oramac tops it off with his confession. It's ironic, but not even remotely funny. It doesn't sound like a trio of people inspired to heroic deeds. Imposters, that's more like it. If he bothered with things such as reputation and legacy, he should be furious at the way those people acted.


Bacon raises his eyesight. Oramac is on his knees, disarmed and with his head bowed in surrender and regret. Oddly enough, he doesn't feel rage. The thought of senselessly murdering the man just to vent off the anger doesn't even occur. And even if it did, wouldn't that make him the same as Varren just a while before? No, Bacon feels pity. The sight of the man disgusts him. His nostrils grown bigger as he breathes in deep, he waits for his friends' reaction. They are the only ones he trusts in this madness.


Unintentionally, his hand is inside the vest, over his heart. The tattoo feels warm under his palm.

Lvl 65 Multitasker

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Bronan too spends his remaining time in town out in the forest. At time walking, at others finding a spot in the woods to sit and whittle wood for hours at a time, enjoying the solitude. Though he and Bacon saw each other and walked together at times, most was spent apart. Both understood without saying it what the other was looking for. When they leave and bid farewell to the leaders of the town, Bronan remains silent and stoic. He'd have already been off himself on foot, leaving the others to catch up, if he'd known the way.

Bronan lightens up a bit during the wagon ride, and by the time they reach the forest he once again seems to be his quiet but contentedly pleasant self. He frowns when Varren kills the two men with little thought, but he is in no position to stop him, having stayed in the cart. When the dwarf returns, Bronan chastises him, "That was needless. If we had time to simply step from the cart before you went off like that, they would have known they were outmatched and we could have simply gone on our way after stripping them of their weapons."

Bronan's mood darkens again after that, their time with Hon'ga and their mission brought to the forefront of his mind along with his suspicions of anyone involved with them, including Varren. He sizes up Oramac as he speaks, and shrugs off the bad news. Enslaving your foe for a time was common practice where he came from.

When he tells his background, Bronan looks confused, not angry.

"Why should we be upset at this? Your intent was to help the town, you did not know you'd be overmatched. You cannot blame yourself for such things, but instead just work to become better.

The corner of Bronan's mouth lifts in a small smile, and he might have laughed a bit had he been in a better mood, "Or are you wary because you impersonated us? I doubt you're the first or the last to try to use our fame for personal gain. I don't much care about those things."

Massrandir, Barkûn, Swolórin, The Whey Pilgrim
500 / 330 / 625
Challenges: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 34 35 36 39 41 42 45 46 47 48 49 Current Challenge
"No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. " ~ Socrates
"Friends don't let friends squat high." ~ Chad Wesley Smith
"It's a dangerous business, Brodo, squatting to the floor. You step into the rack, and if you don't keep your form, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." ~ Gainsdalf

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"It's not as if we said no outright." Flo yells, but then stops, letting her words fall on Arthur's deaf ears. She shakes her head, "Humans! So sensitive to scrutiny."
From the shadows Varren steps, "That could have gone better."

"You don't say?" She hides a snarl.

"You must forgive him, he is worn quite thin. I would have you know that it is not Hon'ga who asks this of you. But Arthur himself. Hon'ga has decided that the threat is not significant enough to get involved..."

"Hardly matters to us who's asking."

"You'd think marrying the man's daughter would get him some pull... Anyways I'm doing this for Arthur because he's my friend, and I trust him. I hope that you will join me. We leave in the morning in two days time."

Flo looks to Varren. "Well, we have time to consider."

Varren turns to leave, but not before passing a quick glance towards Bacon. For a second it flashes a look of disappointment. "What was that about?" She looks to Bacon, but doesn't press him. This place has been a waste of time beyond being with her men and getting good food and rest. She was vibrating inside, waiting to be let loose. They all walk back to the tavern and then split up, nodding to each other with the understanding that they would be ready to go in two days. Out of here, is out of here. Flo notices as she looks for rations, that the festivities are just about done. One grand parade and then nothing. Huh, sounds boring. She chuckles to herself. It is not likely she'll have much good to say about this place, minus a few folks.

She returns with her rations and proceeds upstairs to pack. Later, downstairs, Flo tells Bor'ga she wants food that will get her ready for the trail. Bor'ga smiles and disappears into the back room. Flo gets up and follows her. In back, after surprising Bor'ga only slightly, Flo asks Bor'ga, "I would like to sponsor Liz in her training and welfare. I don't want her to be left wanting. Don't spoil her." As if that would happen with Bor'ga here! Flo grins. Bor'ga nods her understanding with a smile, taking the pouch of coins with a slight bow of her head. Flo smiles widely. "Your service has been impeccable. I wish you long life and prosperous living."

The first morning comes and though it's quiet in town now, she practices following folks, but at a more than generous distance. She eats well and drinks all the water she can handle. She had bought enough rations and her waterskin and wineskin were ready to go for the morning. She spends the rest of the afternoon and evening in the tavern, playing cards with two locals and working at getting Liz to talk more openly. It didn't matter what she wanted to be. Flo was just wanting to share a bit and Liz seemed the most logical choice. You are an Elf... but... I will forgive you that.

The trio meets Hon'ga and Claire at the edge of town. You gave us nothing, but riddles with no clues to what more there may be. She nods, allows Claire to kiss her cheek, and moves on with her best neutral face. They meet Varren soon after along the path. The cart is full, but Flo finds a spot next to Bacon and she leans on her elbows occasionally, watching the road approach slowly. The days turns to weeks and Flo starts to get excited about this adventure. Whatever it is. There was undeniable tension for Bacon regarding the food. She tries once to talk with Varren about giving Bacon a shot at making meals, but nothing more seems to come of it, except Bacon hung around watching closely. It's good he's interested.

The road was quiet so when Varren steps from the cart, has a quick chat, and then decimates the poor fools, it comes as an unhappy surprise to Flo. "What a waste," she mumbles. Then to Varren she voice carries, "You might have thought to question them for news before clawing them apart, Varren." Flo doesn't try to chastise him so much as she truly wonders why Varren doesn't seem in control. Or at least confused about why he reacts way too intensely for the situation.Hmm, not sure we can trust his gut, when we'll need to.

The rest of the trip goes quickly and soon they are looking at tents and crude buildings. A mass of ridiculous roads. How do these people stay sane with such chaos around them? Has anyone had military training? Flo doesn't bother checking out the rest. She follows the others to a tent. A man sits in one, eating what appears to be his breakfast. Seeing Varren he smiles but freezes when he sees who accompanies him.

Varren speaks "tis good to see you friend. Keep the pleasantries short, here we have: Bacon, Bronan, and Flo. We've had a long travel as you well know, so how's about you tell us what you've learned?"

Flo watches the fearful male closely. He is full of fear and guilt. But why? As the story unfolds, it becomes quite apparent why this man is now bowing his head, waiting for death. Bronan speaks, letting the man know that death is not coming for him just yet. "It is true, we don't have concerns with infamous tales of our adventures. We will likely never hear of them in our time. You hold onto guilt too easily, friend. Let loose the anguish and rise." Flo shakes her head internally and wonders why she just went all ritual and formal. I guess, I like his truth. Although, he has some work to do on his sense of self if he's gonna survive living in this world. Flo shrugs and offers the man a handshake to seal the moment and hopefully finish it. If Oramac is coming with us, he would do well to grow a pair of matching swords to protect his delicate side.

The Way

Better Now than Back Then

Better Now than Later On

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Oramac waited to greet Death, but it never came.  


Bronan spoke first: "Why should we be upset at this? Your intent was to help the town, you did not know you'd be overmatched. You cannot blame yourself for such things, but instead just work to become better."


Oramac raised his head to look at the massive man, whom he had expected would be the one to deal the death blow to him.  


"Or are you wary because you impersonated us? I doubt you're the first or the last to try to use our fame for personal gain. I don't much care about those things."


Impressed with his insight, and forgiveness, Oramac could not dare to hope for the same reaction from the others.  Looking to Bacon, who did not speak, Oramac noticed a look of pity and disgust.  "I deserve at least that much", he thought to himself. 


Finally, Flo spoke.


"It is true, we don't have concerns with infamous tales of our adventures. We will likely never hear of them in our time. You hold onto guilt too easily, friend. Let loose the anguish and rise."


Oramac looked from one to the next, rising slowly with disbelief.  Maybe he would be allowed to attone for his wrongs after all.  


"Thank you all.  I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your kindness, and the chance to prove myself to you three."


He glanced at Bacon, who had not spoken, wondering what the Gnome might be thinking about him.  


"If I may, when I was in the company of Torin and Jiraan, headed into that damn cave, I experienced something I'd never known before.  It took me many months to realize what it was.  I had felt friendship with those two men.  While I regret setting foot in the town, and leading them to their destruction, it was the first time I'd ever felt comfortable around others.  I hope that I can eventually earn all of your friendship and respect as well, though I realize I have a long way to go, if it's even possible."


Oramac went to retrieve his daggers, carefully securing them to his belt and wrists.  


"Heroes, I will gladly answer any questions you have for me, now and in the future, but I think our time may be better spent deciding what to do in this place. "

"Someone ever tries to kill you, you try to kill 'em right back." - Captain Malcolm Reynolds


Current Challenge


Also, I Agree With Tank™

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Flo throws out a tease to Oramac to judge his wit. "Punch daggers? Huh. Remind me to make peace with you each night before I sleep." She grins slightly to reassured the scared one that it is in jest and that he would need to buck up quickly.

The Way

Better Now than Back Then

Better Now than Later On

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"Make peace?  What are you....."  Oramac starts, before seeing Flo's sly grin and realizing she's joking.  Not something he has much experience with. 


"Oh!" he exclaims with a laugh.  "Forgive me.  I've not had much opportunity for humor in my life.  I am a quick learner though!"

  • Like 1

"Someone ever tries to kill you, you try to kill 'em right back." - Captain Malcolm Reynolds


Current Challenge


Also, I Agree With Tank™

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Bronan watches Flo lighten the mood and ease the man's nerves. A good thing, else Varren was likely to get bored and try to kill everyone. Bronan didn't think having to smash the dwarf would be a good way to start their time here. Then again, he is a friend of Arthur's, Hargull's enemy...


Storing the thought in the back of his mind, he looks to Oramac. "Deciding what to do? Waiting does not make the bar any lighter. Where can we find Hargull?"

Massrandir, Barkûn, Swolórin, The Whey Pilgrim
500 / 330 / 625
Challenges: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 34 35 36 39 41 42 45 46 47 48 49 Current Challenge
"No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. " ~ Socrates
"Friends don't let friends squat high." ~ Chad Wesley Smith
"It's a dangerous business, Brodo, squatting to the floor. You step into the rack, and if you don't keep your form, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." ~ Gainsdalf

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Bronan's comment causes Bacon's muscles to relax, then Flo eases the tension with her joke as the sorcerer coughs up a choked laugh. What would he do without his friends giving him perspective and keeping cool all those times his impulsive nature got the best of him. "We need to infiltrate that army" he announces to the group as he tries to refocus by being all business-like. "I know we suck at this political game and we're not the types to enjoy it, so I don't think we should get involved in the power struggle for control of the military. We could, however, pretend to join and learn what we can from the inside. I've heard soldiers make a lot of confessions around the campfire and my enchantments can give them a little push. Maybe we can learn about the source of the money or where we can find this Hargull. If we meet him pretending to be his supporters, he should probably have his defenses a bit lower."

Lvl 65 Multitasker

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