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Flo and Bacon enter the large chamber with the lake to find Bronan pitted against the large creature that had grabbed Bacon. The light streamed through an opening in the caverns roof, illuminating the reefclaw. It looked like a large crustacean, complete with pincers and eyes at the end of long tendrils upon its face.


Attempting to sieze the muscled figure in its claws the beast lunged forward. Bronan bellowed, bringing his club down onto the claw, crushing it. The beast shrieked and recoiled in pain. Bronan pressed with a swing at the beasts eyes with the sword. It strikes, but instead of cutting through the stalk it seems to snap it. Bronan steps back looking at the blade with a puzzled look on his face.


"The swords not even sharp!" he exclaimed. 


Quickly he recovers, and summoning all the strength from his legs he leaps atop the beast. He proceeds to swing the weapons into its skull with reckless abandon, cracking it in the process. A dark blue blood sprays upon him. The beast grows still as Bronan looks up to find Flo and Bacon entering the cavern.

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - J.R.R Tolkien

"Progress, not perfection."

"Persist, Pivot, or Concede." - Matthew McConaughey

"Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't."

Rants, Thoughts, and Workouts-->Battle Log | The Improvening (Current Challenge)

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"Bacon, you live my friend!" Bronan exclaims, letting his hands and weapons relax to his sides. The joy is clear on his tanned face. He then kneels down atop the large crablike creature and swings his hammer into into shell, trying to break through to the meat on the other side, "Would you like some lunch? I imagine this thing is full of delicious protein. Bring my sack over, I have a..." then he stops short, puts his hammer down, looks at the sword, and frowns. He had been beginning to say that he had a whetstone, but now just realized he hadn't brought one since he had not brought a blade himself. Hopefully he could find one below.


The Brobarian picks up his hammer and replaces on his belt, before hopping down from the creature onto the island to search for a suitable stone to sharpen the blade. Once he finds one, he looks to his companions. "This is going to take a bit, we might as well make camp and rest while I sharpen this blade, assuming it's the one we're looking for. The two of you could sort through the rest of the pile while I work."

Massrandir, Barkûn, Swolórin, The Whey Pilgrim
500 / 330 / 625
Challenges: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 34 35 36 39 41 42 45 46 47 48 49 Current Challenge
"No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. " ~ Socrates
"Friends don't let friends squat high." ~ Chad Wesley Smith
"It's a dangerous business, Brodo, squatting to the floor. You step into the rack, and if you don't keep your form, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." ~ Gainsdalf

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"Holy Hells!" Flo swears as she rounds the corner to lay eyes on the nasty monster again. Bronan is fighting it which eased her immediately. "Ah, Bronan, you are the fierce one. Kill it!" She watches him with a strange envy. She's never really wanted to be in the thick of it, but after the spider incident, she could see how killing a monster would be extremely rewarding and ego-boosting.


"Not sharp? Bacon Dear, did you see the sword close up before you were snatched? Why on this lovely earth would a sword be in a treasure chest and not be sharp? You know magic things, can a blunt blade still kill a dragon? And, do you always look like this when you're wet? It's - " Her voice comes up short as she hears the death blow to the skull.


"Bronan! You are wonderful!" Flo's excitement overflows again and she starts pulling Bacon along with her to try and get to the little island again? "Can you still walk on the water? I never drank anything beyond the potion-killer goo." She looks to Bacon for guidance, but keeps an eye on the treasure. I do love me some treasure!

The Way

Better Now than Back Then

Better Now than Later On

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Bacon observes as the massive Brobarian finishes off the crustacean and takes a second to ponder the group's options. "Camp sounds like a good idea. I can examine the blade, perhaps it is still deadly despite the bluntness, thanks to the magic in it. That, or I can figure out if it needs to be sharpened, reforged or something similar of sorts. Also, the thought of a campfire sounds extremely lucrative right now, I could dry my clothes and that thing looks like it would make a great stew. Gah, if only I had some celery with me, it's been a good long while since I last had some delicious crawfish gumbo!" The little gnome pauses briefly, closes his eyes and takes a deep breath to refocus. "Camp it is, then! But we'll need to go some guarding, in case that thing's mom decides to show up. Also, we should first finish checking out that little island for treasure. Oh, you know what? Let's make camp on the island! It's gonna be our own private little fortress!"

Lvl 65 Multitasker

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"Stew and treasure? Ah, I am your willing servant, Bacon. I will carve the monster up and see if we can make a fire of sorts." She looks about not terribly hopeful on the campfire idea. "None the less, I need to do whatever it is that you two did to get across. Do I drink from the fountain or play with the pole here? Hum... I shall do both." 


Flo runs to the fountain room. She fishes a coin out of her bag and drops it in, waiting for the lights to play. If and when they do, she drinks a healthy gulp or two and then heads back to the pole. She tries again to read the message while she roams the surface of the statue with her delicate fingers. "It feels like I'm picking a lock." A really difficult lock. She hopes she has gotten the light to show here as well. She hopes more than knows and heads over to not dip her toe in the water, but to stand above the water and float like magic.


"We shall feast and marvel in our fortunes. And of course figure out how to kill the dragon." She steps gingerly onto the invisible path and puts her full weight on it slowly. The give is insignificant so she steps up with the other foot and puts her faith in the bridge completely. She eases over, pretending to be on a tricky rooftop. "This would be great practice, I should make one of these." She gains confidence in the movements she is forced to make and dallies no more as she heads to the island with dispatch. As she steps off the bridge her feet feel like they are double checking their asurety, no certain if it is land or bridge. "It's a good thing, I don't travel in boats. If this is what it feels like to come to land again."


She doesn't wish to seem too eager about the treasure so she goes about carving meat from the monster. She sniffs it, but seeings how she knows not of fish, she can't decide if it's good enough to eat. "Oh, Bacon? Should we really eat this? Hum? It doesn't smell putrid that I know of, but that is hardly to be taken with any kind of professional assessment." She giggles as she carves the flesh and drops it onto the ground beside her.

The Way

Better Now than Back Then

Better Now than Later On

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The group assembles upon the island. It seems as fitting a place as any to rest and prepare for the coming battle. The chest that had contained the sword lay smashed, wooden fragments spread about the tiny sandbar. Coins and gems lie strewn about. The aftermath of the creatures abduction of Bacon.


Closer inspection of the meat from the large beast proves that it is edible, and there is plenty to go around. Sadly they have no way to preserve what is left, but perhaps there are others who could benefit from the feast.


As the group looks back over the open water, they seem to be able to see the bridge. Not truly, but its as if there eyes know there is something that lies just above the water. Like looking through imperfect glass that distorts what lies beyond.


Bacon inspects the weapon. It has a strong magical presence, but any attempts to sharpen it do nothing.


There is little left to do before the final battle, only the secret room Bacon found is unexplored. Soon the group must return to the goblins, and learn how they will face the Dragon.

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - J.R.R Tolkien

"Progress, not perfection."

"Persist, Pivot, or Concede." - Matthew McConaughey

"Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't."

Rants, Thoughts, and Workouts-->Battle Log | The Improvening (Current Challenge)

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"Amazing. This much mess made in less than an hour of time!" Flo brings the breast meat to Bacon and smiles. She then gathers the coins and gems. "I think we might be able to spare some of this to share... with the man that saved me, at least." She wasn't much for being overly generous, just not in her nature. But the Goblin did save me. She pockets a few coins and a gem, before getting the pile done.


She piles the coins and then takes a closer look at the gems. Then, with her keen senses now able to show off, she elaborates profusely on the qualities to look for in a stone.

"You see this guys? This is how a gem stone is appraised. I've been doing it for awhile now and it's fascinating. This here is the table, the top flat surface of the stone. And the crown, if it has one, is at the top part of the stone, right here. Then of course you have the girdle going around the middle of the stone. This one isn't cut well, but it's not too shabby. Then all this below is the pavilion, it's where all the fun happens."


Flo fidgets with excitement, but then holds out on the most important aspect, like it were a fire story from her grandfather.
"But, what it all boils down to... light! This is what you want. You want the light shining down through the table and crown, the top, to reflect off the facets, bounce around and exit back out the top. The more light that does this the better and more brilliant the gemstone." She stops chatting a moment and does a real appraisal of what gems she has found. Then while looking for any she might have missed, she falls back into her rambling.
"Oh sure shape and design are important, but it's never anything I bother with in these parts. City-states is where that kind of action is." 


She settles next to the coins finally and glances around, admiring the bridge and watching Bronan sharpening the sword. "I'd say there's plenty to bring back to the goblin-kin. The meat of course, not the loot." She grins with a 'what were you thinking I would say' look on her face and starts sorting the coins by size and type. She is more mumbling than speaking to anyone at this point, absorbed in the whole world of value and kingdoms. "I often wonder if coins are all made in one place or do some folks from far away have different ones. I mean that would be a wonderful reason to collect them..."



Slight of hand -- 24

Appraisal -- 25, 17, and 19

The Way

Better Now than Back Then

Better Now than Later On

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Bronan frowns upon finding out that the sword can not be sharpened, and is little more than a club. The little goblin men might know more about why it was so dull and how to fix it, they knew about the sword in the first place after all.


He listens Flo as she explains how to appraise the gems, speaking in depth about how it's all about how the light reflects and refracts, all wiht the intent of being focused out of the single face. It all sounded very familiar to him, as the shaping of his muscles and how the light shined off of their glistening surfaces when they were oiled for Brodin's appreciation on feasting days sounded very similar. He keeps the observation to himself though, as she seemed to be enjoying the gem stones much more than his form, currently glistening due to still being wet from the lake.


"I only suggested stopping to give time to sharpen the sword. Since that is futile, I shall head back to see if the goblin with the book knows what is stopping it from being sharp."


With that, he heads back toward the goblins, apparently not concerned with exploring the secret room now that he has the sword.

Massrandir, Barkûn, Swolórin, The Whey Pilgrim
500 / 330 / 625
Challenges: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 34 35 36 39 41 42 45 46 47 48 49 Current Challenge
"No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. " ~ Socrates
"Friends don't let friends squat high." ~ Chad Wesley Smith
"It's a dangerous business, Brodo, squatting to the floor. You step into the rack, and if you don't keep your form, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." ~ Gainsdalf

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The group finds their ways back to the room occupied by the remaining goblins. The leftover crab seems to have lightened their spirits a bit. Fights with Words and Fights like beast are having a heated discussion in the corner. Like Beast sees the group enter and smiles, pats his brother on the shoulder and walks over.


"Thank you for the food, we have managed to clear the entrance of debris. My brother wishes to take everyone and run. Normally I would be against such an idea, but our people are in no condition to fight. However I have promised you my aid, so I will help you fight the dragon. My brother isn't too keen on that idea. In truth we don't have many able bodied warriors left, hes worried that there may dangers outside of the cave. But I am certain they will be fine."


Like Beast nods and walks away and begins preparing himself for battle. Fights with Words heads to the group. 


"The food was a most generous gift, you have done much for us. But I must ask one more favor. Please convince my brother to come with us. We need the protection, and in truth, I fear for him. I have already lost enough family to this beast..." He trails off for a bit. "I take it you have found the sword? Did you find any power stones? If you did the protection amulet should still be on my masters body." Words lowers his head, obviously saddened by thoughts of his now dead master. He walks to the shelf at the far wall, pressing a concealed button the wall begins to part, revealing a secret entrance. A shattered ladder lays at the base of a steep cliff.


"This should lead you to the vault, the ladder must have broken during the tremors."


Fights with Words moves to his injured comrades, preparing them for the journey ahead.

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - J.R.R Tolkien

"Progress, not perfection."

"Persist, Pivot, or Concede." - Matthew McConaughey

"Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't."

Rants, Thoughts, and Workouts-->Battle Log | The Improvening (Current Challenge)

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Flo listens to the Goblins with a strange look on her face. At the mention of power gems she realizes the gems are for the necklace. Excited, she's happy to have brought them all. Like I would have left any of them there for any reason whatsoever?! She smirks when the brothers speak up for each other. She knew what siblings were like, but she wasn't getting involved. If they want to come fight, that would be great. If they don't, we have Bronan. She hopes she isn't putting too much pressure on Bro to take on the dragon himself, but we were going to anyway... 


"Tremors? What kind of tremors? Hum. Anyone have rope or is the cliff climbable? I might be able to take the rope up with me and attach it somewhere and toss it down to you." Flo walks over to the entrance and peers up, letting her eyes adjust to whatever light there may be. Is it short enough to climb up? Flo tries to gauge the distance and looks for ledges that may help get her up in one piece. "Like Beast? Is your brother's master's burial place up here as well? Do we get to the necklace first or do we come across the dragon first?"


She looks to Bronan and Bacon. "Are you ready? There's only one way to get to this dragon so we best get to it." She looks toward the group of Goblins and risks asking, "Is there a possibility that there is an extra short bow and some arrows I could use? Completely understandable if not, just thought I try."


Okay, here we go!

The Way

Better Now than Back Then

Better Now than Later On

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Bronan nods in acceptance and smiles at Fights Like Beast when he still offers his aid and walks away to get ready. The brobarian liked that one, a true warrior it seemed. When Fight With Words asks for him to be talked out of fighting, Bronan frowns deeply, and shakes his head as the thought of disuading the other warrior.


"Why not just wait here to see if we come back? If we fail, the dragon will likley hunt you down anyway, and him fighting with us makes that less likely. Wait to face anything outside until your brother is back to help. I will also accompany you to safety as well, repaying aid for aid. Either way, I can not dissuade him form the path he chooses. Your brother is a warrior, this is what he is meant for. He knows in his heart whether he should fight or not, it is for only him to decide. You could help our chances though. We have found the sword," Bronan lifts is and holds out out parallel to the ground, in his palms up, presenting it to Fights With Words, "but the blade is dull. I am not sure it will be more useful than my clab or hammer in my muscled arms, despite its magical properties, if it is not sharp."

Massrandir, Barkûn, Swolórin, The Whey Pilgrim
500 / 330 / 625
Challenges: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 34 35 36 39 41 42 45 46 47 48 49 Current Challenge
"No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. " ~ Socrates
"Friends don't let friends squat high." ~ Chad Wesley Smith
"It's a dangerous business, Brodo, squatting to the floor. You step into the rack, and if you don't keep your form, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." ~ Gainsdalf

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Fights with words looks at Broan "You speak with a wisdom I did not expect. It had not occurred to me what would happen if you where to fail." He sighs "As you say my brother is free to do as he wishes." When Bronan reveals the sword the goblin takes it in his hands. He summons a goblin from a nearby table "and bring me masters journal." The goblin holds it in front of him. Turning the pages with reverence, the journal is precious to them. "There!" Yells Words.

He begins to read to himself, then he nods and the other goblin takes his leave. Words looks to Bronan "The sword is genuine. It's crafter was a genius, but feared the power of his creations. They are crafted with one purpose only, and once that purpose is done the item is spent And destroyed." He hands the sword to Bronan "in other words it is little more than a pretry piece of metal until it is in the presence of a dragon."

Words sees that Bavon holds to jewel from the room of fire. "You have removed the source of power to the room of fire, it can be used to power the protection amulet. I assume it still lies with the body of our master, we where unable to recover our dead after the dragon attacked us."

I thank you for your offer to travel with us, after you have dealt with the beast I will take you up on it.

After the conversation. Flo moves to the cliff. It is high enough that a fall would be quite perilous. But she can discern a path that would allow her to scale it.

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - J.R.R Tolkien

"Progress, not perfection."

"Persist, Pivot, or Concede." - Matthew McConaughey

"Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't."

Rants, Thoughts, and Workouts-->Battle Log | The Improvening (Current Challenge)

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"Okay my friends, I can get up this, but I'm not sure who else." She looks around at the assembled war party. Hum... I reckon I should test it first. Why are you going first?! Again, you act not like the quick-footed quiet rooftop shadow you are, but this embolden team member willing to try things that seems well out of your league. I know! I don't get it, but we need to do this. If I can get up, which I'm quite certain I can, then I can let the rest of them know what to look out for. You can't possibly think the dragon is just sitting up there waiting patiently for all of us to get up there or pick us off one-by-one, can you?!


Flo's stream of conscious argument fades thankfully and she heads to the cliff's bottom. "Anyone have rope?" She pulls her dagger out and stuffs it in her mouth, a very habitual thing for her. It wasn't a roof top exactly, but she would enjoy it, she was certain of that. With a big smile, and with or without rope, she climbs steadily along the route she spied earlier. She can't help but look for looming shadows with wings and teeth.

The Way

Better Now than Back Then

Better Now than Later On

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(Not sure if I have a rope, as it seems that I accidentally deleted the PM with my character sheet in it. Hopefully cn3wton still has something. Rope is standard-issue equipment for most of my characters, but I'll just assume there isn't any on Bacon's backpack)


"Whoa whoa whoa WHOA! Hang on a second there" Bacon interrupts the discussion as the words sink into his mind. "How do we know the sword's gonna work if we meet the dragon? I mean, you just said that whoever forged this sword made it so that, and I quote" he speaks the words out with minor pauses for emphasis "once that purpose is done, the item is spent and destroyed". Bacon pauses and glances around, to see if anyone's getting what he's trying to say. "So how can we be sure that the sword wasn't created nice and sharp, served its purpose and is now destroyed and blunt? I, for once, don't want to face a dragon just to test any theories. Never go for a hike unless you've checked your waterskin's full, that's what my ol' uncle used to say."

Lvl 65 Multitasker

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Bronan smiles at Bacon's concern. "Do not worry little Bro, the sword is just nice to have. My might and club are more than enough to take him on should the blade fail."

Bronan sets said club down and opens up his sack of supplies. Reaching in, he pulls out a 50' length of rope, shaking it as he does to make sure the rest of the contents stay in the sack. He then moves over to the hole, loops one end of the rope around his waist and grips it tightly. He then braces himself against whatever object he can and kicks the rest of the rope down the hole. Looking to Flo and Bacon, he nods toward the hole, "After you".

Once they and FLB are down, he'll tie the rope off to something, toss his club and sack down (warning them first), then follow.

(Ooc:Sorry for the short/uncreative post. Posting from my phone.)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Massrandir, Barkûn, Swolórin, The Whey Pilgrim
500 / 330 / 625
Challenges: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 34 35 36 39 41 42 45 46 47 48 49 Current Challenge
"No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. " ~ Socrates
"Friends don't let friends squat high." ~ Chad Wesley Smith
"It's a dangerous business, Brodo, squatting to the floor. You step into the rack, and if you don't keep your form, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." ~ Gainsdalf

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The group gathers around the base of the cliff, Flo begins to expertly scale it. Bronan digs around in his bag and Bacon looks on with interest. A tremor hits, shaking the ground and sending dust and small rocks cascading down the cliff. 


Flo's grip breaks only once, but she expertly grasps on as she begins to fall, using the momentum to swing to an outcrop. Taking just a moments rest she continues the rest of the way up.


Down at the base, after recovering from the unexpected tremor, Bronan seems to be calculating something in his head. He picks the bag up, testing its weight then frowns. Then he smiles and turns to Bacon. 


The big man wraps the rope around bacons waist then looks him in the eye. 


"Uh Bronan, please tell me your not going to do what I think you are going to do!"

The big man frowns "Do you trust me friend?" 

Bacon, without hesitation smiles "Of course! But..."


Before he can finish the sentence Bronan seizes the rope and begins to swing bacon around in a circle, using the momentum he casts Bacon towards to top of the cliff.


Flo turns just as the flying form of bacon arcs over the edge of the cliff, landing surprisingly gently atop its summit. This would be Bacons first real flight, but that was a fact that eluded him as shock, fear, and amazement left him stunned. 


Suddenly Bacon sees forms begin to slowly approach from the shadows. They seem to move with unnatural slowness, as if they where being dragged along. The first figure steps into the light. A bleach white skeleton covered in rusted mail steps forward. Bacon can make out 2 more flanking the first. 


The group must act fast, for the skeletons will surely be upon them in due time.

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - J.R.R Tolkien

"Progress, not perfection."

"Persist, Pivot, or Concede." - Matthew McConaughey

"Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't."

Rants, Thoughts, and Workouts-->Battle Log | The Improvening (Current Challenge)

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After a glorious and exciting, albeit short flight, Bacon manages a less-than-spectacular landing on the top of the cliff. Instinctively, he gets back on his feet as quick as he can and tries to act cool and look as though he did the most natural thing in the world. When his blood cools off and his head stops spinning, he realizes that there's no one around to see him anyway, so he grips the improvised belt around him with his little hands and tries to get it off his tiny frame. More nimble than his physique would suggest, he is quickly successful and can't hold back a triumphant "Voila!" Once again, he automatically looks around at his expected, theoretical audience but before he's able to let out a sigh of loneliness, he realizes that there is indeed someone around to witness his awesomeness. The shambling figures don't look very excited as they come out of the shadows to reveal their bony frame.


"Uuuuh, folks?" his voice begins to increase in tension as doubt gives way to fear. "I seem to have a minor undead situation up here, need some help!"


Trusting his protective magic, Bacon tries to utilize his small frame and the skeletons' slow speed to his advantage as he prances between them to keep their attention and buy time for the rest of the group to scale the cliff. Eventually, he takes a rolling dive between two enemies only to end up in their arms, held like a battering ram. One of the two skeletons proves to be either brighter or faster than the other and without much thought or elegance tosses the little gnome over his head and onto a nearby rock. Biting a lip to swallow the pain, Bacon lets the adrenaline cover it up until the battle's over and gets back onto his feet again.


"Oh seriously, you're gonna go wrestler on me, Deadman?" he shouts an insult to the shambling corpse.

Lvl 65 Multitasker

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The rock is dry for the most part which eases Flo's concerns as she grabs at another spot to pull herself up another notch. All is going well, when she loses her grip and her footing on the same side. She instinctively lets herself swing away from the desired hold and looks the way she is moving


 A small outcrop is close enough. She lets the momentum take her just about to her limit of her range. She curls up her legs, knees up high, and starts to twist off her only hold, headed up and over the outcrop. She forces her feet down and her legs follow as she comes over the outcrop. She keeps one hand sliding down the cliffside as she drops down onto the outcrop. Her legs bend to take off what little pressure there may be on the touchdown. Her other arm flares outward over the open air, slowing her even more and giving her a chance to raise her chest up and keep her balance.


A grin slaps itself over her face. She could do that again anytime! She has all of her balance and decides she can breathe more. She looks down at the boys to see if they noticed her moves. Unfortunately they looked strangely entangled. She shrugs, slow her heartbeat just a bit, and then reaches up to continue her ascent. She jots down the idea to remember this place so she can play on this more.


The cliff's face was less sever here and she gained some good distance in a short time. She pauses to hear what she can. Nothing from above, but the conversation happening below her took a turn toward worry. She gets to the next flat foothold and turns to ask them how they're coming along. Much to her surprise, a familiar figure slides up past her vision. Bacon? She follows his quick ascent and marvels at how softly he landed. She turns down to see Bronan getting set to climb next. She tosses him a big smile and a firm nod of approval. His finesse was a sweet thing to witness. I wonder how far he could throw me? I could get up any wall.


"… oila!" She hears Bacon above, but can't quite tell what he's up to. But he sounds good so she bends her focus back to climbing. She is able to step up three or more times before needing to find another step. She hears Bacon again. She hears Bronan moving below her. Great. She is just about to break the surface and see the top of the cliff when Bacon's voice raises high and loud right near her. "Uuuuh, folks? I seem to have a minor undead situation up here, need some help!"


Flo's movement take on a strong focus keeping all other thoughts in the dark. She reaches the top and gains her feet in time to move and dodge an oncoming bony swing. She slides to her right, passing one of them, arching her back and leaning back as far as she dares. She regains her balance, grabs a rock and tosses it hard at a skull in front of her. Without waiting for an outcome, she heads down and rolls past the skeleton, hoping for a trip, but much more interested and getting another rock. As she grabs two rocks, she spots her next target. She angles her arm and throws the rock from her side. She flicks hard and is satisfied to hear a decent crack as a result. The first rock must have missed, if this is the noise made when rock and bone connect. She feels a brushing behind her and has to jump forward to avoid a possible snatch.


She spots a hopeful safe place and turns to head in that direction. She feebly blocks an arm with rusty metal. It didn't hurt, but this is combat. She turns away from the attack and steps quickly out of its arm's length. She pitches the second rock at a skeleton baring down on her. She dodges again, smelling something foul as the arm flew past her face. She hears more battle noises. She is backpedalling this persistent skeleton. She looks around but this is her only defense. She can maybe reach the edge again and maybe get it to fall off. She looks quickly behind her and moves toward the edge. A glancing blow lands on her shoulder. She takes another chance and looks back. If she could just get it over -


Crash! Smash! Flo hears what can only be Bronan's club. She decides to bring the skeleton between her and Bronan. She sees Bronan turning toward her. She, against most of her instincts, slows up and gives the skeleton the illusion of an easy hit. She waits for it to commit to its swing. She jumps back and to her right, like a cat. She drops down into a crouch, watching the club's swinging path to the inevitable finishing spot of a bony head. Crack!


She jumps up and back, avoiding the cliff's edge. She hears Bacon yelling. She lands hard, looking for others, but they are now alone with a mess of bones at their feet. "Bronan!" Flo rushes to him and jumps into his arms. She kisses him about the head and laughs out loud. "You are a great beautiful beast!" She hops down and searches for her flashy, feisty friend. "Oh Bacon! How art thou, my friend?" She dusts him off, assistance not asked for. She pulls up his collar and adjusts a bauble or two before letting him be.

The Way

Better Now than Back Then

Better Now than Later On

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Hearing Bacon yell about undead, Bronan forgets the rope (assume it drops anyway once Bacon unties himself and starts running around) and starts scrambling up the cliff after Flo. He's about halfway up when a stone comes loose as he puts his weight on it. He manages to save himself pretty easily, reset his grip, and keep going. When he's a man's height from the top, he can hear Bacon's grunts and groans and fears for the little one. He decides that the current climb rate is too slow, so he grips an outcrop with both hands, braces himself with his feet against the wall, and gives a tremendous heave, propelling himself upward through the air! He manages to just barely snag the lip of the cliff with the fingertips of his right hand. Thank goodness for those extra farmer walks and grip strength Brodin had bestowed upon him for doing them!


Wrenching himself over the lip of the drop, he finds Bacon and Flo in dire straits, surrounded by the most terrifying thing he had ever seen, a being with no muscles what so ever!


"Bro, do you even..." he begins, but is cut off as the skeleton Bacon was just badmouthing lifts him up by the throat. How is it possible for them to even lift with no muscles? Whatever black magic enchanted these things was an atrocity to all that is right and natural!


Bronan charges in, ripping the club from his back on his way,  before whipping it beneath Bacon's feet and shattering the pelvis of the skeleton holding him aloft. As the top half of the undead drops, releasing Bacon from its grip due to the force of the club, Bronan lets go of the weapon with one hand and grabs the skeleton by the rib cage. He tears it away from Bacon, launching it into the chest of the other that had been pursuing the gnome. The impact sends bones from both of the creatures flying in all directions before they both continue backward and over the cliff face.


The smash of the two skeletons can be heard from the base of the cliff as Bronan turns, and finds the last skeleton (who obviously doesn't get enough protein), pursuing Flo. Two steps, another powerful swing of his club, and the head of the creature explodes like a fragile vase, the rest of the body collapsing into an unmoving pile.


The Brobarian smiles at the lady bro's kisses and nods along laughing at her exclamations, "I am, aren't I?". His gaze then drifts back to the pile of bones that the skeleton had just been reduced to, eyeing it warily. He is obviously still shocked that such an afront to Brodin exists.

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Massrandir, Barkûn, Swolórin, The Whey Pilgrim
500 / 330 / 625
Challenges: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 34 35 36 39 41 42 45 46 47 48 49 Current Challenge
"No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. " ~ Socrates
"Friends don't let friends squat high." ~ Chad Wesley Smith
"It's a dangerous business, Brodo, squatting to the floor. You step into the rack, and if you don't keep your form, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." ~ Gainsdalf

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As the dust settles from the battle, Fights like Beast barely manages to climb over. Breathing heavy, he holds his sides attempting to regain his breath.


"Somebody dropped a skeleton on me!" He exclaims with ragged breath.


After taking a second he looks around, eyeing what remains of the groups foes. He nods in approval "Nice work, but this is troubling. These where not here when we first entered the vault. I believe we best keep moving."


The goblin sets off in the direction the skeletons came from while checking for possible ambushes from the side. The path expands and contrasts, as debris from the earlier tremors lay in their way. Finally they make their way to the entrance of the great vault, the large door lies open just enough to let a single man through. Near the entrance a still form lays. The goblin makes his way to the body, and kneels before it. The group approaches cautiously, and open further inspection you can tell it had once been a man. However half of his body seemed to be eaten away, just like the statue from the beginning of the journey. Beast pulls a large blanket out from the pack he carries on his back and begins to cover up the form. But not before taking a golden necklace from the corpse, surprisingly unmarked and in near perfect condition.


Beast covers what remains of his master and turns to the group. He drops his pack and begins to pull a short bow from it. He tosses it to flow and drops a small bundle of a dozen arrows at her feet. "I nearly forgot, I heard you ask for a bow back at camp. But you had set off before I could give it to you." He continues to dig through the bag and pulls something else out, which he passes to Bacon "It's a small crossbow friend, I thought that you may find a use for it." He then passes him a small pile of 10 bolts. "May I have the power stone you recovered from the fire room?" He asks Bacon. 


Bacon passes the stone to the goblin, who then places it in the open socket of the necklace. The stone glows for a short time then returns to its original coloring. The goblin sighs "If only we had retrieved this..." He looks down at his feet, obviously fighting back a flurry of emotions. When he lifts his head, a look of determination is all that can be seen. "This amulet and the sword are the key to defeating the beast." He passes the amulet to Bronan. "The amulet protects the person who wears it, and those within a short distance, from the beasts breathe. Our only chance is for us to distract the beast from you presence warrior, giving you time to move in and strike. But I will be honest, I have no idea if the sword will even work, but I would put my life on it." He looks to the covered form of his master "We came here looking for the sword, I have to believe that it will work. We all must be careful, for when he moves in to strike we will be susceptible to the beasts corrosive breathe. Aim for the underbelly of the beast, that is where he is weakest. And whatever you do, keep the blade hidden until it is time to strike." 


And with that the group cautiously enters the vault. It is littered with broken artifacts, weapons, and armor. The dragon had been busy in its race to destroy the sword.They begin to make their way deeper into the room when a voice echoes through the room. "So, the old mans goblins have found a brave group of adventurers to come and slay me? And what a pitiful group at that." The dragon climbs down from its perch on the ceiling, seeming to uncoil itself and growing larger as it descends. "I am afraid there is nothing here for you, but death."

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - J.R.R Tolkien

"Progress, not perfection."

"Persist, Pivot, or Concede." - Matthew McConaughey

"Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't."

Rants, Thoughts, and Workouts-->Battle Log | The Improvening (Current Challenge)

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Bronan takes the amulet, examines it shortly, and then drapes it over his head and around his neck. The golden chain was designed to be long, but on the Brobarian’s massive frame, it hangs just below the top of his chest, resting between his massive pecs. Setting his club aside for this battle, he takes the dragon slayer sword and “sheathes” it in the sac, hanging it across his back. He then takes his shield from its spot there and straps it to his rippling left forearm before taking his warhammer up in his right hand. Hopefully the fact that he was not wielding the sword would draw attention away from it, allowing him to get close before revealing the weapon.

The Brobarian takes it slow at first as they enter the room, the dragon uncoiling its massive form and approaching them. The beast is truly a massive thing, and to Bronan he knows this is what he has trained his body for, to be able to overcome such a monstrous challenge.

I am afraid there is nothing here for you, but death.

“That death shall be yours.” He responds, keeping his distance as he leads the group to the right as Fights Like Beast goes left, giving the group time to plan their attack. There is no planning for the bro, for he would be charging straight in once an opening emerged. When Flo darts to the right for a pile of rubble and Fights Like Beast charges in, Bronan digs deep as he did for the most challenging of workouts. He finds that primal rage within that allows him to summon that extra bit of strength and endurance he needs to defeat those most monumental of challenges, iron or beast, and lets it loose.

When Flo fires and draws the beast’s attention, Fights Like Beast charges in. The dragon sees this coming though and snatches him up in its claw. Bronan’s muscles flex and veins pop as he takes off at the dragon, switching his warhammer over to his shield hand and raising the barrier up. The monster tosses the goblin into a chest on the other side of the room and looks to the charging human, laughing at the attempt. It then billows its corrosive breath at the barbarian.

Obscured by the breath, Bronan rips the sword from his back, and it is indeed something much more brilliant than it was before, the blade reflecting the light of the room brilliantly. The shock on the dragon’s face is obvious as Bronan charges straight through the breath unharmed, the amulet on his chest glowing fiercely before bursting as he breaks through the breath attack, its power spent.

“This is your last set!” he yells, now within striking range of the beast’s belly and bringing the sword across in a mighty arc. Blood sprays as a huge gash is opened across the beast’s weak spot as if it were completely unarmored. With a furious roar, the beast backhands Bronan a few meters through the air as it recoils. The beast knew it was hurt.

Bronan catches the blow on his shield, avoiding the worst part of it, but still tumbles through the air toward Flo. He manages to land on his feet and skid another few meters before gathering himself, sword still in hand. With a smile on his face that says the warrior was doing what he lived for, he turns back toward the shocked dragon and charges back in…

HP:14+2(rage), AC:10-2(rage)+2(shield)=10
Rage: 5 rounds left (currently active) [+4 Str, +4 Con, +2 Will save]

Massrandir, Barkûn, Swolórin, The Whey Pilgrim
500 / 330 / 625
Challenges: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 34 35 36 39 41 42 45 46 47 48 49 Current Challenge
"No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. " ~ Socrates
"Friends don't let friends squat high." ~ Chad Wesley Smith
"It's a dangerous business, Brodo, squatting to the floor. You step into the rack, and if you don't keep your form, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." ~ Gainsdalf

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Bacon sticks with the group, trying to use the Brobarian's massive figure as cover while at the same time staying within the protective amulet's range and not get trampled over by his larger friends. Once they're in position, he readies his crossbow and tries to lay some suppresive fire in order to attract the dragon's attention and create an opening for Bronan's surprise attack. The little gnome might not be the best marksman, but accuracy is not the issue at the moment. Instead, he tries to time his shots and fire while Flo is reloading, in order for them to provide covering fire for each other and maintain a steady pressure on the mighty beast.


The bolts fly wide and during one attempt, he sees Fights Like Beast getting tossed across the room, landing hard. Next thing, the rock that had been Flo's cover explodes with a bang and a hail of debris. Bacon cowers behind his own spot, shaking in equal parts fear and anger. "You can't even hit a dragon at point blank" he mutters to himself. "Your friends are in danger and you're useless."


The dragon's corrosive breath shakes him out of his headspace. He seems to be unaffected, as do his friends. The amulet works! Ah, the wonders of magic. "Hold on" he says. Magic? His illusions might be too weak to affect the Wyrm, but there's one last little trick up his sleeve...


Taking advantage of Bronan's charge and the nasty cut he manages to inflict, Bacon leaves his cover as well and gets closer to the dragon. Placing the crossbow's tip between the scales, he unloads with a grin before sticking out his other hand to touch the flesh underneath. His tiny fingers prance around the wound and he cannot hold back a giggle, but soon it turns sour as whatever he's trying to do obviously isn't working.


Suddenly, he feels extremely small next to the dragon. And extremely close to it.

Lvl 65 Multitasker

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Flo takes the offered bow and arrows with a nod of thanks. She runs her hands along the bow and counts the arrows, checking their fletching. Always good to know about how well they're likely to fly.  She grabs her skin from her belt and takes a long pull from it, hoping for wine, getting the much needed water instead. With a few changes, the quiver finds an acceptable place on her back. Bow in hand, she is satisfied and looks to the others. They were ready, waiting only on her. Flo offers a sheepish grin and then they all step out at the same time, falling into an innate marching order born of an intense few hours.


Beast is most obviously a fighter as his face turns to stone when he focuses. His muscles bunch up, he is well built. Of course, next to Bronan's arms, Beast's arms just looked tiny, but still formidable. Bronan was pushing himself into a mood, of which she hoped never to be on the receiving end of. A dragon. Are we really doing this?  She suppresses the fear that rises and moves it into her body. That familiar passion courses through her and she feels the excitement of her shadow-life.


She wouldn't be using much stealth and nicking. Flo can feel the new sensation, the excitement of battle, building alongside the stronger passion of invisibility. This battle lust, I think they call it, is a bit dizzying.  She knocks an arrow. Her attention is drawn by Beast as he lets out a low growl. He looks glorious, with smoldering power waiting to be unleashed. She paints a picture of him in her mind, saving it for a night of story-telling.


She slips her gaze to her beast of a man, Bronan. He looked… peaceful. He was at home with this battle lust. He was ever the intriguing fellow. Bacon's strides are smart and have a seriously focused direction. She hopes he'll find a good vantage point. Her as well. She knows this time her spot will not be a shadow. She keeps her eyes on Bacon and smiles without realizing. She is quite fond of him and to see him stealing himself was very admirable and …. She didn't know this other feeling lurking inside her, but it definitely belonged to Bacon specifically. She throws a prayer up to Those That Listen that her party find success and life after this battle.


The voice is startling. It rumbles down to her bones. No surprise most folks run. She raises her bow, but is forced to run to cover as the dragon belches. She hurtles broken armor and a chest, landing deftly amongst bones and rotten leather, before scrambling to a spot behind a fallen pillar. The mound underneath her gives her some height and Flo sees an opening. She lets loose the arrow. She lets her body follow through the shot, before grabbing another arrow. The sound of the hit wasn't encouraging, from here she knew it did little.


She searches the dragon's body for a better shot. "There!' Flo fixes her sight again, feeling confident she has a good target. She sees little else. For a speck of a moment, she considers stepping back, but it doesn't mesh well with the planned path of the arrow so she ignores it. Her own brand of silence descends around her. Her intention is only one thing. Until she sees the tail coming, but her stubbornness kicks in and she stays the course. The pillar disintegrates with a viscous boom. Pieces cloud her vision.


She hears a battle scream, encouraging, come from Beast. She has to recover her weak spot having lost sight of if in the explosion. There is an unearthly growl and then a silence. A crash into the debris carves the silence into shards, lost. She could only imagine it was Beast who suffered that crash. She pulls hard on the bow and gets her head up to find a better place to hit. She finds an opening, but it's a difficult shot. She spies Bronan under his shield avoiding the acid easily. Sword now in hand, he delivers a massive attack. The dragon reels back, angered and severely hurt.  Her shot becomes readily available and she takes it. The arrowhead digs into dragon hide and Flo is rewarded with a growl from the offended dragon.


Flo hops out of the pillar rubble and scans the room quickly, looking for another barrier. A burning sensation is grabbing her attention. She's likely bleeding, but she won't stop to tend it. She gets another arrow in place, noticing her blood on the fletching. Her only thought being, Will this affect my next shot?

The Way

Better Now than Back Then

Better Now than Later On

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The dragon turns on the group, seething with hate. "Very clever, but what will you do without your precious amulet. I will reduce you to bones and leave you here to be forgotten."


As he moves to breathe his deadly corrosion a small figure leaps from a large pile of debris onto the back of the dragon. You instantly recognize fights like beast as he manages to hold himself upon the beasts back just below its head. One of his arms hangs useless at his side, his knife stuck in his teeth and one on his hip. He looks down at Bronan "Take care of my kin friend". He then yells his final war cry. Grabbing the knife from his hip he plunges it onto the beasts left eye. While the dragon roars in pain and claws at his face, Beast swings down, using the knife as a handhold, into the beasts mouth and slashes a large organ in its throat. Acid bursts forth from the wound covering beast. He does not scream, but laughs as the beast clamps its jaws down, crushing the goblin.


A dark green acid mixes with the blood drips from the dragons mouth. It does the closest thing a dragon can do to spitting. And turns at the group. With his ability to use his deadly corrosive breathe now gone he charges towards Bronan.

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - J.R.R Tolkien

"Progress, not perfection."

"Persist, Pivot, or Concede." - Matthew McConaughey

"Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't."

Rants, Thoughts, and Workouts-->Battle Log | The Improvening (Current Challenge)

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The dragon's bellow was nerve-wracking and Flo's next shot deals a pittance of the shot before. This one barely digs into the gap between two scales. The dragon isn't taking chances. Slamming claws scatter stones, treasure, bones, and the dragon's own blood. Another pillar becomes rubble as the awkward path of a half-blind dragon tears through what was thought to be open air. Flo tries to duck behind a section of stone block. She trips up and is only able to get her head and shoulders to safety. With luck, she feels no extra damage, only her arm is still sore. She can only hear stone scrapping and the guttural hatred of the enemy. Flo scrambles up, sets her feet firmly, and draws back hard on the bow. Takes one breath and lets the arrow loose, watching it fly true to her target.


"Bronan!" She can't drop it though and Bronan is still in danger. Wings hurl themselves open brutally. Bronan is lost to her vision, buried beneath and expanse of the wings. Flo lowers her bow and regains a good stance. She sites her arrow at the dragon again, searching for another weak spot. "Come on. Show yourself." She growls, fiercely wanting to end this dragon before it can get at Bronan again. Flo watches the dragon slam another pillar and waits. She aims firmly as the dragon composes itself and turns back toward them. There! She pulls with everything she's got. As the dragon's body lowers to charge Bronan again, she gets an excellent angle. Never budging, she lets the arrow go, confident it would stop it.


"No!" Flo's dealt damage is great and the crossbow bolt right after added much. But still Bronan must face the dragon. She tries for another shot, but it's too close and she won't risk hitting Bronan. She keeps her aim. Flo's narrow focus suddenly includes seeing the dragon-slaying sword rise with Bronan's strength and bury itself in the dragon. Bronan still stands. She loosens the bow and, momentarily forgetting her minor injury, swings the bow to sling on her shoulder. The sting of an open wound reminds her. She searches out Bacon's form.


Satisfied that the other two are safe, she goes over and sifts through the area near the chest, looking and hoping to find something of Beast's that she could bring back to his people. They must know of his magnificent feat! She also naturally keeps her eyes open for interesting treasures.

The Way

Better Now than Back Then

Better Now than Later On

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