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[Sept.15 - Oct. 26] There is only war: A Warhammer Fantasy PvP experiment

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I will have to look into the mock battles to see their prowess to see if they will be worth it.



I'm feeling a bit intimidated.  I've just moved apartments and am still cleaning out the old place for Wednesday (the 1st).  Between that and 12 hours a day at work I don't have the time or energy to do a huge long workout every day, also most of my exercises are upper body, which are supposed to have a rest day in between working out specific muscles. I'm feeling a bit lost, any advice?


My current troops:

2 warriors

2 crossbowmen

1 irondrake




So have my enemies posted their final armies yet? Because I guess I can't really PM my moves until they do?


You general may join either the Marauders or Warriors. Now you should PM me with each squad's starting position (No ranged units=I'm guessing no back row) and orders. Roughly 1) who will try to fight what enemy squad 2) if the enemy flees, will they pursue or attack another enemy 3) if they prevail, who will be their next target.


Thanks for this. 



I have to say this is a lot more involved than I thought it was going to be - so I might only battle this week and then take my halberd and walk off into the sunset. 

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Level 1 :: Lycan (STR-2 :: DEX-2 :: STA-2 :: CON-2 :: WIS-1 :: CHA-1)

Challenges:  One

Daily logs: Battle log / MFP

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So have my enemies posted their final armies yet? Because I guess I can't really PM my moves until they do?


I have to say this is a lot more involved than I thought it was going to be - so I might only battle this week and then take my halberd and walk off into the sunset. 

Guess CommanderKidd has, unless he decides to retreat and skip the fight. We're waiting for cn3wton to post his deployed forces. From what we've seen so far, I'm guessing he'll recruit until the last minute before posting :)


Just so we don't have to search previous posts, you said your troops were

20 Chaos Marauders (2 squads of 10)

10 Chaos Warriors

5 Marauder Horsemen

3 Chaos Trolls

3 Chaos Ogres

1 Chaos Spawn


I just need you to post where each of those will be deployed (front/back/flank). Then, once cn3wton posts what he'll deploy and where, you can both PM me with the orders for each of your units


I know it seems a bit complicated, but please bear with me as we learn/try it out. Hope the excitement still burns in you :D

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Lvl 65 Multitasker

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First battle - squads and positions. I hope this is right?


Chaos Marauders

Size: 10 units

Deployment Zone: Front


Chaos Marauders

Size: 10 units

Deployment Zone: Front


Chaos Warriors

Size: 10 units

Deployment Zone: Front

Abilities: Rakun leads the Chaos Warrior squad (skulltaker)


Marauder Horsemen

Size: 5 units

Deployment Zone: Flank (left)


Chaos Trolls

Size: 3 units

Deployment Zone: Flank (right)


Chaos Ogres

Size: 3 units

Deployment Zone: Back


Chaos Spawn

Size: 1 unit

Deployment Zone: Back

  • Like 1

Level 1 :: Lycan (STR-2 :: DEX-2 :: STA-2 :: CON-2 :: WIS-1 :: CHA-1)

Challenges:  One

Daily logs: Battle log / MFP

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That helps a lot. I will post what I have somewhere between 6 and 8:00 pm MST (-7:00 UTC), with a note of what I plan to have by midnight. There's just one final unit that I hope to be able to get in the late evening. That will give JoeBlend time to see what I've got +/- the one unit. Then I'll update the status of that one by midnight MST.


Hmmm. Decisions, decisions. This is complex, but quite fun. And it is definitely motivating!

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All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity:

but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible.

~T. E. Lawrence


When we contemplate the whole globe as one great dewdrop, striped and dotted with continents and islands,

flying through space with other stars all singing and shining together as one, the whole universe appears as an infinite storm of beauty. 
~John Muir

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hmmm a little complicated because I still plan to work out today. I'll write down what I currently have and put in parentheses, the things I expect to have by the end of the day. This is my honest best guess. I'll figure out tonight how they'll be deployed.  I'm assuming at some point, my general has wised up and realized there is a horde of pirates hiding out in the beach?? Or should I pretend I don't know that?


10 lothern sea guards

3 tiranoc chariots

10 archers

5 dragon princes

1 sister of avalon

(7 silver helms)

(1 tiranoc chariot)

(1 eagle claw)

Xena, Level 14+ Valkyrie Ranger

January 2017  December 2016

Oct/Nov 2016


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Marauder squad
Size: 30
Position: Front
Ability: sword and board

Norse Hunter squad
Size: 14
Position: rear
Ability: dual melee weapons

I'm a little confused about when Norse would retreat (seems like they wouldn't unless by morale mechanic). Also, you'll notice I changed my mind about the squad layout.



Also 1 yhetee on each flank since we don't have to follow the minimum squad size even if they may just explode instantly.



Size: 1

Position: Left Flank



Size: 1

Position: Right Flank


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So I am not really comfortable with doing 19 single jumps with the rope for a unit. Its too easy. So instead I used what minutes I had been saving to recruit 1 hellstrider, then I did 95 double unders... My god they sucked. I cant do them in a row, so it took quite a bit of time. I did most of them last night with finishing them off this morning before I got the remaining points I needed for a surprise troop. I think thats fairer, I just hope they where worth it! 


We dont need to tell our opponents our army positions right? Just what we have? I didn't look at my opponents positioning just in case. I don't want an unfair advantage. But I will post it here if thats what we are suppossed to do.


Without further ado, my army list.



10 Chaos Marauders

40 Chaos Warhounds (two groups of 20)

5 Forsaken accompanied by Chaos Warrior General Dreghar

3 Dragon Ogres

1 Chaos Spawn



10 Marauder Horseman

3 Chaos Chariots

6 Hellstrider's of Slaanesh

5 Chaos knights


Right Flank

3 Chaos Trolls


Left Flank

3 Chaos Ogres


I was going to get more, but I decided that I should really rest on my rest day.

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"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - J.R.R Tolkien

"Progress, not perfection."

"Persist, Pivot, or Concede." - Matthew McConaughey

"Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't."

Rants, Thoughts, and Workouts-->Battle Log | The Improvening (Current Challenge)

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So I am not really comfortable with doing 19 single jumps with the rope for a unit. Its too easy. So instead I used what minutes I had been saving to recruit 1 hellstrider, then I did 95 double unders... My god they sucked. I cant do them in a row, so it took quite a bit of time. I did most of them last night with finishing them off this morning before I got the remaining points I needed for a surprise troop. I think thats fairer, I just hope they where worth it! 


We dont need to tell our opponents our army positions right? Just what we have? I didn't look at my opponents positioning just in case. I don't want an unfair advantage. But I will post it here if thats what we are suppossed to do.


Without further ado, my army list.


10 Chaos Marauders

40 Chaos Warhounds (two groups of 20)

10 Marauder Horseman

3 Chaos Chariots

5 Forsaken accompanied by my Chaos Warrior General Dreghar

6 Hellstrider's of Slaanesh

5 Chaos Knights

3 Chaos Ogre's

3 Chaos Troll's

3 Dragon Ogre's

1 Chaos Spawn


I was going to get more, but I decided that I should really rest on my rest day.


D_R said to post our positions so that we can choose our moves. So I have done that.

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Level 1 :: Lycan (STR-2 :: DEX-2 :: STA-2 :: CON-2 :: WIS-1 :: CHA-1)

Challenges:  One

Daily logs: Battle log / MFP

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Hmmm. Decisions, decisions. This is complex, but quite fun. And it is definitely motivating!

It's a delicate balance that I try to maintain. Such compliments are appreciated and greatly motivating as well


I'm assuming at some point, my general has wised up and realized there is a horde of pirates hiding out in the beach?? Or should I pretend I don't know that?

As a Sea Captain of one of the strongest naval nations, you were sent there to eliminate the pirate threat and make the seas safe again. The locals are but a side nuisance, or so you hope


I'm a little confused about when norse would retreat (seems like they wouldn't unless by morale mechanic)

Barring some special situations (Magic, creatures with the Terror ability etc) retreating has to do with morale and sustaining heavy losses. I won't get into the details.


So I am not really comfortable with doing 19 single jumps with the rope for a unit. Its too easy. So instead I used what minutes I had been saving to recruit 1 hellstrider, then I did 95 double unders... My god they sucked. I cant do them in a row, so it took quite a bit of time. I did most of them last night with finishing them off this morning before I got the remaining points I needed for a surprise troop. I think thats fairer, I just hope they where worth it! 


We dont need to tell our opponents our army positions right? Just what we have? I didn't look at my opponents positioning just in case. I don't want an unfair advantage. But I will post it here if thats what we are suppossed to do.


I was going to get more, but I decided that I should really rest on my rest day.

Yes, you need to tell them the positions. Because they can see them when the armies face off before battle. Also in order for them to be able to give proper orders, no sense picking to charge into a unit that you want to keep in the back row. If you have units with special deployment rules, such as Ambush or Scout, you may keep their entry positions and timing a secret, but you must inform your opponent that you are keeping units off board for later deployment, as well as their type and squad size.


In other news, congratulations for an impressive recruiting round and being wise enough to rest. I rely on players' honor to adjust difficulty, just like you did.


So when is the deadline today for giving orders and our army details? im on U.K time :)

Yes, tonight

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Lvl 65 Multitasker

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D_R said to post our positions so that we can choose our moves. So I have done that.


Updated my army list to include positions

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - J.R.R Tolkien

"Progress, not perfection."

"Persist, Pivot, or Concede." - Matthew McConaughey

"Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't."

Rants, Thoughts, and Workouts-->Battle Log | The Improvening (Current Challenge)

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So I wrote up two short stories, one for the "mock" battles and one for the coming battle.


Dreghar recieved the emissary. A female slave carried a message. The woman did not cower, but kept her head down as she proceeded through the camp. Surely she had seen similar sights in the pits. One of Dreghar's female attendants took the rolled parchment from the messenger and delivered it to Dreghar as he sat on his makeshift throne, carved from one of the twisted trees surrounding the camp.  The note was short and simple. 



I have heard of your return, I hope you will accept this gift.


I hear rumors that you will be facing 2 foes in your coming battle. 

I have some unruly slaves that need to be dealt with, perhaps you would enjoy taking care of them.


In the shadow of the mountain.


~ Zarthan


Dreghar eyed the messenger, a gift? This Zarthan knew him well. At a wave of his hand his attendents moved to the girl. She would have to wait, battle was at hand. Dreghar grabbed his makeshift weapon and assembled a small band of warriors. Together they moved to the clearing beneath the mountain. 


"Perhaps this is a trap" the demon said.


He laughed, perhaps it was. It would be thrilling nonetheless. Into the clearing a group had assembled. Bodies where strewn about, and those left standing where looting the dead. Easy prey, nothing but vermin. Dreghar frowned, they where not worth his time. He motioned for his cavalry and dogs to run them down. It would be over quickly.


"These sacrifices don't please you." said a figure as it stepped from the forest. Flanked by a few slavers, this could be none other than Zarthan. Dreghars forsaken moved into position behind him. 




The slavers attacked. They where well armed, this was what he had been waiting for. Zarthan motioned and more slaves appeared from the forest, bolstering the ranks of the slavers set against him. Dreghar and his forsaken cut a swath through what seemed to be an endless tide of grunts. Suddenly as he swung his weapon it snapped, the makeshift mace now just a long sharp stick. He dropped it and moved into fray, using his fists and any weapons he could get his hands on. His forsaken fought with teeth and claw, one actually crushing a slaves head in its massive jaws. As the battle ended Zarthan was nowhere to be seen. 


When dreghar arrived back at the camp he set about turning his now broken weapon into something usable. He hammered the top two thirds of the iron into a sharp blade. It would serve. He set it aside and sought out his gift. 


"Until we meet again Zarthan."


And for the coming battle.



Dreghar surveyed the coming battle ground. His gaze lingering over the center. That was where he would be, waiting for those brave enough to challenge him. His troops began to move into position, as his cavalry began to head to the flank he waved them off, instead choosing to send his trolls and ogres. They where stupid, but they should hold the well enough. Motioning his cavalry to take up support positions in the rear, the she demon apparated next to him


"Are you sure it's wise to leave the flank to those beasts?"


Dreghar smirked, it would be unsporting if his cavalry destroyed the enemies before he got a chance to. He looked at his crude weapon, broken in the skirmish against Zarthan. He could not help but smile at the memories of the carnage. His forsaken moved to take up position with him. Some still retained semblances of their once human form, but most of their bodies where in a constant state of flux. They where unpredictable fighters with savage ferocity. Just the kind of warriors he liked to lead into battle.


He had set about mastering the warhounds that had encircled his camp. They now moved amongst his front line. The she demon projected his will to them, and they where eager to please.


His plans where set, a horn sounded.


"At last"

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"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - J.R.R Tolkien

"Progress, not perfection."

"Persist, Pivot, or Concede." - Matthew McConaughey

"Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't."

Rants, Thoughts, and Workouts-->Battle Log | The Improvening (Current Challenge)

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Ok ive been fairly quiet so far,but i think now is a good time to show my units (bearing in mind i will add more assuming my toe doesnt hinder my exersise):

Warband Warrior X10 men (Deployed Centre Left)
Warband Warrior X10 men (Deployed Centre Right)
Chariots X2 (One on each flank)
Clansman Cavalry X5 men (Deployed Forward Centre)

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Human Level 1 Monk

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A new challenger appears...


The night is dark and Malichi smells the scent of the living in the air as the warriors draw together on the battlegrounds west of his decrepit tower.  Looking out from one of the remaining balconies and surveying the shambling masses under the moonlight, he wonders if this will be enough to drive back the "mortal invaders" that have came to near his quiet sanctuary of death.  While he does like the idea of new parts to stitch together and a fresh taste of blood, he loathes the idea of putting off the rest of his research to go out and take them for himself.  


A wolf pads up the twisting stairwell into the room behind him and quietly studies the Necarch for a moment before morphing into the form of a well-built man with jet black hair clad in full plate.


Looks something like this...  



"Is this all your meager powers could muster before the upcoming battle?" says Albrecht from behind Malichi as he casually removes his helm with both hands.


Turning Malichi wonders how lost in thought he must have been for an assassin sneak up on him!  Well, this might be an enjoyable warmup and pleasant snack before the main event.  He quickly gathers the magical energies and hisses "FOOL!" as he channels them into the 'Gaze of Nagash' to destroy this trespasser before he evens draws his sword.  


"Good show!" quips Albretch as he drops his helmet and raising a hand forward and bringing his own power to bear contesting the withered one's spell.  The two undead necromancers lock against each other in a contest of wills that seems to take hours, although mere seconds elapse.  Albretch is hardly surprised that the Necharch has considerable force behind his invocation, but fortune favors him this day as he manages to focus his roughly matched power enough to redirect the attacks, destroying the furniture around him and scarring the walls behind him but his own body not suffering a scratch.  Malichi is startled that he had not sooner realized his opponent was also a vampiric sorcerer and thus not quite so easy to obliterate.


Taking advantage of his opponents surprise, Albretch sweeps forward in the blink of an eye, his heavy armor proving no hinderance to his supernatural charge.  His right hand is around Malichi's neck lifting it from the ground and the momentum is more than enough to propel him back over the edge of the balcony.  However, Albretch stops short and holds fast around the neck of his opponent, looking in his eye an mockingly intoning, "It has been quite some time since you've fought, eh?"


Malichi considers his options.  It is likely he could still raise magic and harm the interloper enough to be dropped.  It wouldn't be pleasant, but it would be no terrible hardship on his immortal form.  It would then be easy enough to send his minions into the tower to deal with this unexpected difficulty.  No sooner does he think this than he hears the hungry howl a the pack of Dire Wolves.  His mobility to look is rather restricted at the moment, but he is quite sure that the howl came from directly below him.  He closes his eyes and reaches out with the tendrils of his mind to try to enlist the beasts to his cause, but it is hopeless.  The beasts are firmly in the sway of another master, and he would be willing to wager on who it is they answer to.  With this, Albretch speaks up.


"You look like shit, but I didn't think you were so worn down as to fall asleep in the middle of a fight.  Perhaps it is best that I continue my plan to take over your undead army, but do not offer you the lieutenant position I had in mind."


Malichi's cold gaze levels, as best as possible, on the eyes of the vampire that has him by the throat.  "Who are you?"


"I never thought you'd ask.  Lord Albretch von Carstein, division commander within Lord Konrad von Carstein's army.  A lot of folks say Lord Konrad keeps getting crazier, but I like to think that he keeps getting more fun.  Well, I was until I fell in battle somewhere around here.  It would appear that your efforts to raise strong troops for you army has paid off.  Or, maybe not, since you're not strong enough to control me."


Konrad von Carstein...



Albretch continues, "Anyway, I am terribly hungry, so I intend to take your army and lay waste to the mortals I sense nearby.  I had intended to offer you a chance to serve me, as I would hope you understand that the only way you lesser vampires of the other bloodlines can possibly make yourself useful is in service to a von Carstein."


"HOWWLLLLLLLLL!" say the Dire Wolves below.


Malichi spits out the words, "I'll see you dead first," and begins to channel the magical energies to attack his foe yet again.  BONK!  His head is rudely cracked against the wall before he can do anything meaningful with the power.


"Now, I'm fine with killing you, because as I said, I am terribly hungry.  But, I'll give you to the count of three to convince me that you are worth keeping around.  If you do, you might even get a chance to be beaten into submission by me again after rising up in the near future."


Malichi's eyes burn with hatred as he realizes that he cannot stand the thought of seeing this other vampire for another minute, let alone following him long enough to hatch a plot.  He decides it is best to try his luck with the dire wolves below as he has already exerted his will to hopefully have some undead troops moving this direction and he is sure hopes his magical might will prove more trustworthy with a little distance between himself and this current foe.


"1.  2.  3.  Ah... Ah..  Ah."  counts the Count.


In my head, this sounds like...


Not wanting to leave anything to chance, Albretch keeps his grip around Malichi's neck until his own hand dissolves as he shifts form into a cloud of bats and follows him down.  The bats follow slightly above Malichi's falling body until they are almost to the ground and then they morph into a Dire Wolf to finish the trip down.  As Malichi smashes into the ground, the Dire Wolf too smashes on top of him.  Before he has time to begin casting a spell or thinking of escape, Albretch's wolf form testh close around his neck and rip out his throat.  The other wolves circle around, understanding there will be some meat left for them, but knowing better than to step up to soon and challenge their master as he drinks the blood of the former resident of this tower.  He dines well, knowing that this army now has a skilled tactician in charge that is willing to do more than simply cover in the back lines in fear.




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Level 10 Vegetarian Vampire Warrior

STR: 16 DEX: 7 STA: 6 WIS: 46 CON: 27 CHA: 17

Intro | Challenge: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

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Hey it's 19:30 uk time and I won't be online for the rest of the night now.

I've not seen my opponents forces and deployment yet so I will just have to guess work some orders.

Neophytes buff up the sidhe and woads who will hold the line whilst the chariots wheel around the back of the enemy shooting as they go.

As the enemy marches upon my centre my infantry will charge into combat with the sidhe attacking the strongest enemy unit

At the same time my chariots will ravage the weaker enemy units deployed at the back before rear charging the enemies engaged with my forces in the centre

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Hey it's 19:30 uk time and I won't be online for the rest of the night now.

I've not seen my opponents forces and deployment yet so I will just have to guess work some orders.

Neophytes buff up the sidhe and woads who will hold the line whilst the chariots wheel around the back of the enemy shooting as they go.

As the enemy marches upon my centre my infantry will charge into combat with the sidhe attacking the strongest enemy unit

At the same time my chariots will ravage the weaker enemy units deployed at the back before rear charging the enemies engaged with my forces in the centre


You only needed to say what you had and where it was... the battle strategy should have went in a pm.

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - J.R.R Tolkien

"Progress, not perfection."

"Persist, Pivot, or Concede." - Matthew McConaughey

"Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't."

Rants, Thoughts, and Workouts-->Battle Log | The Improvening (Current Challenge)

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I've been thinking about my flanks, and now think i would like to add 1 yhetee to each, if it's not too late (I haven't seen my opponent's troops posted yet), even though it seems like squads of less than 10 will just explode instantly once in battle. I'll edit my troops post to include them with a note that I edited it in case it is to late.

Typed with some words possibly being replaced with "words I must have meant" without my knowledge.

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Race: Vampire (von Carstein)

God: No thank you.

General: Albretch von Carstein

·         Are they spellcasters or not? Yep.  

·         Do they prefer to fight from a distance or up close and personal? Sword, board, and full plate all the way, with spells tossed in for good measure.

·         What is their weapon of choice? A bastard sword used one handed and a decorated shield.

Armor more bat wings than horns, shield bottom row, far left.  Fine with the pictured banner.



·         Are they frontline leaders or do they achieve tactical superiority by giving orders from a vantage point? Tactical superiority.  As much as he relishes a good fight, there's no reason to go rushing in before the pawns have played their part.  Why waste his energy on those that can't cut through a spell strengthen horde of skeletons first?

·         How do they feel about their race's religion? Religion?  He tries to avoid it whenever possible. 


Motivation: He took over Malichi's armor when he was mistakenly risen by the necromancer's spells.  Seeing no reason to let such a weakling enter combat with the armies grouping nearby, he relieved Malichi of both his command and his head.  He fell while doing battle in the name of Konrad von Carstein, and now he rises to do battle in his own name (and that of his family).  


He enjoys the simple things in life.  His primary motivation is to crush his enemies, see them driven before him, and to hear the lamentations of their women.  ... And long walks on the beach, but only by moonlight.

Level 10 Vegetarian Vampire Warrior

STR: 16 DEX: 7 STA: 6 WIS: 46 CON: 27 CHA: 17

Intro | Challenge: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

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# Don't worry, it looks like a horde because undead units are cheap and mostly worthless.  =)


Leader Abliity: Beastmaster

Spell Selection: Invocation of Nekhet (I only get one spell at level 1, right?)


# Front Row

35 Dire Wolves (Front Center Vanguard)

35 Skeletons (Front Center)

2 Crypt Horrors split into squads of size 1.  1 left of skeletons, 1 on right.  (Front)


# Back row

30 Grave Guards led by me.  (Back)

2 Blood Knights in squads of size 1.  1 on my left, 1 on my right.  (Back)


# Deploying two beast squads to each flank (Beastmaster)

# Left Flank

Size 5 squad of Dire Wolves. (Left Flank)

Size 10 squad of Fell Bats.    (Left Flank)


# Right Flank

Size 5 squad of Dire Wolves. (Right Flank)

Size 10 squad of Fell Bats.    (Right Flank)

Level 10 Vegetarian Vampire Warrior

STR: 16 DEX: 7 STA: 6 WIS: 46 CON: 27 CHA: 17

Intro | Challenge: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

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I only sort of understand the strategy, so I'll just pick some stuff and see what happens. Worst case, everyone dies and I have to do a lot of burpees. Life is cheap.



1 squad (10) lothern sea guards

1 eagle claw



1 squad (10) archers

partial squad (2) sisters of avalon


Left flank

1 squad (5) dragon princes

1 squad+ (7 silver helms)


Right flank

1 squad (3) Tiranoc chariots

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Xena, Level 14+ Valkyrie Ranger

January 2017  December 2016

Oct/Nov 2016


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