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[Sept.15 - Oct. 26] There is only war: A Warhammer Fantasy PvP experiment

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Dreghar stares into the dwarven outpost as they make a pitiful attempt to prepare themselves. For them there was nothing to prepare for but death.


Dreghar turns his gaze to his true opponents. 




The name held little meaning to Dreghar, he turned to the she demons shadow, lounging lazily on his throne.


"Do not underestimate her Dreghar, much has changed since you have been gone. She carries the blessing of Khorne."


Dreghar couldn't help but smile. Followers of Khorne where always the most fun to break, but he had to destroy her army first. His flank was protected by his ogres and trolls. They would stop any flanking maneuver with their flesh. His opponents forces where adapting a similar strategum. He chuckled, this was going to be bloody.


He began to march down the slope, his forsaken close behind. A large horn was raised, the glorious sound radiated across the battlefield. It had begun.


The Ogres on the flank met first, a collision of epic proportions that shook the very ground. Fighting with a brutal savagery no other troop would muster. Blows that would shatter rock rained down on each side. The ogres of Rakun gained the upper hand as a club crushed the skull of its foe. The remaining two ogres on Dreghars side ripped the arms off of one opponent, but they where quickly subdued. In its last act before death one of Dreghars ogres grasped his killer by the jaw and pulled. Bringing the other ogre down with him in a shower of blood.


Just before the two armies met in the center Dreghars hounds broke off from the group, preparing to pick off any enemy that attempted to flee or that was slow to enter the fray. The two armies met with a thunderous clash; music to Dreghars ears. The rank and file where evenly matched to the left, however Dreghars knights where prepared, and they rode into the fray, slaying any who stand against them. The Dragon ogres to his right where being swarmed by men. As the last one fell however, a large pack of warhounds ripped into them, taking them by surprise. Only one follower of khorne remained. He charged into the pack, taking 8 warhounds with him before he was eaten alive.


Dreghar cut his way through his enemies, in search of his prize. Until he finally caught a glimpse of her, Rakun, covered in blood and in the thick of the fighting. A chaos spawn moved from her side towards Dreghar, and his own spawn moved to intercept. They would fight to the death. Rakun's head turned as she saw Dreghar approaching. He seemed to be at home on the battlefield, as if he had nothing to fear. A warrior moved to intercept him, he was decapitated by Dreghar effortlessly.


Forsaken met the followers of Khorne in a brutal display. One forsaken crushed its opponent with a large club like arm, before being dispatched by two warriors. Rakun cut down two of Dreghars guard with a single swing of her halberd. Soon Dreghar was alone, surrounded by three of Rakun's best, and the general herself.


In the back of his mind Dreghar could faintly hear the she-demon. He did not care what she had to say, this is what he lived for. The four moved to engage him at once. He swung his large makeshift weapon pushing two back and scoring a hit on one of the warriors, but Rakun managed to open a large wound across his chest. Suddenly out of the corner of his eye he noticed something. His riders where coming to his aid. At first he was enraged, he could handle himself, but he would use them. 


Rakun and her guard took notice of the riders just before they hit. Dreghar dropped his makeshift weapon and rushed the nearest warrior. Seizing him by the armor he picked him over his head and threw him into the path of the stampede. The warrior was trampled to death, but the beast he hit floundered and collapsed. Sending it's rider onto the ground near Dreghar. The longsword the rider carried lay at Dreghars feet. He picked it up and quickly decapitated its owner. Rakun had managed to dispatch the rest of the riders, but her warriors had fallen.


Dreghar turned, his troops encircled them. His cavalry had just ridden down the last of Rakun's forces. She was enraged, covered in the blood of her enemies. Dreghar laughed, covered in blood, some of it his own. He drew in a deep breath, taking in all the sensations around him. The smell of blood and death, the pain from his wounds. The anticipation of his troops was palpable.


Rakun charged, with Dreghar meeting her. Bringing the longsword up to parry. The woman was in a frenzy. Dreghar seemed to be enjoying himself. Each scored minor hits on the other. Dreghar purposefully avoided killing blows. Rakun lunged, a move which he pushed aside easily, but unexpectedly she continued with the momentum and struck him with all of her weight, putting Dreghar off balance. He moved to raise his sword to defend himself but Rakun planted her feet and swung the Halberd in a great ark severing his left arm above the elbow. She then drove the point into Dreghars chest.


All was quite, neither opponent moved. Dreghars eyes concealed by his chainmail cowel, but he was grinning. Suddenly with burst of explosive speed he struck with a backhand with his remaining hand. Sending Rakun flying.


The halberd fell to the ground.


"I told you." The demon appeared before him, she placed a hand on his chest. "Oh dear..." She raised what remained of his severed arm. "Here let me help with that." 


What remained of his arm began to twist and contort. The sound of breaking and reforming bone could be heard. The pain was like nothing he had ever felt before. It radiated throughout his entire body. Bone and musculature extended from his limb beginning to twist and reform into a large, jet black, clawed hand. Much like those of the forsaken. He could feel the she-demons power coursing through it, he had denied her power in the past, but in his weakened state she had forced her way in. He would need to be even more vigilant.


Rakun reeled from the blow, and clawed at anything she could get for a weapon, but it was too late. Dreghar moved to her and grasped her head in his newly formed hand. Smashing it into the ground repeatedly. He then kicked her for good measure. She lay there, beaten but unbroken.


"She will provide much pleasure for us." The she demon said. Dreghar looked into Rakuns eyes. He could see the fear there. Not the fear of death, but of capture and the shame of not dying in battle. No one wanted to be a prisoner of a follower of Slaanesh. 


Dreghar gathered the fallen leaders halberd and his own discarded weapon. 


He stood over his fallen enemy, and their eyes met. An unspoken understanding was shared. The she-demon moved behind the fallen warrior.


"Where should we start love?"


Dreghar dropped the halberd and swung, as the demon screamed her protest he severed Rakun's head. But not before she had grasped her fallen weapon. A warriors death.


"You fool, do you know what you have done!" she howled. Dreghars newly formed arm burned with the demons rage. 


"You will pay for this"


Dreghar smiled, sure he would, but he would probably enjoy that too.





Dreghar moved over the battlefield. Not a single one of Rakun's troops had fled. But as he came upon the flank held by the trolls he discovered quite a site. As if the battle had never ended, or begun, both sides trolls just stood there, staring at eachother with eyes devoid of any intelligence. Dreghar couldn't help but laugh. Then he set his warhounds on them. 


It sat atop the only elevated area in the clearing. A defensible position where one could see enemies coming. His remaining troops had encircled the outpost, but had not entered.


The honor of entering the outpost was Dreghars, and with his newly found arm he forced his way through the feeble blockade. His troops rushed in. His hounds feeding on what livestock remained before they could be driven away by the hungry warriors. But the outpost had been abandoned. It was little more than a group of homes around a central market. The walls where finely made however. 


In the center of the outpost there was a platform shadowed by a statue carved in the likeness of some unknown dwarf. He swung Rakun's halberd and severed the statues head from it shoulder. Venting his dissapointment.


He called forth one of the remaining marauders. The man had somehow formed a bond with a small group of warhounds. Dreghar set the man on the path of the fleeing dwarves.


He then put his followers to the task of turning the outpost into his new stronghold. 


Within a short time the outpost was a mere shadow of what it once was. The outpost itself had been torn down and rebuilt into Dreghars own fortress, all but the walls. More and more followers arrived and the defenses began to grow.


Dreghar stood in his new throne room, his new seat had been carved with images of the battle, Rakun's body buried beneath it. A group of men carried a large object wrapped in a dirty shroud, they placed it in the center of the room, obviously struggling under its weight. After placing it they exited. Dreghar pulled on the shroud and revealed the statue. It was in the shape of the she demon, seductive and dangerous. Nude and raising a longsword overhead. She appeared next to him.


"Is that supossed to impress me?"


She moved her hands along the statue, Dreghar moved to his throne and watched as she inspected it. It had been a struggle to surpress her for long enough to keep the statue a secret. The demons power had indeed grown after the battle. After finding the statue to be satisfactory she moved to Dreghar who now stood in front of his throne. She shoved him back into the seat with suprising force and smiled. 


"Oh we aren't done yet."




So the dwarf gets to run away scot free? Thats no fun. I send 1 marauder and 10 warhounds after him. You can determine wether they catch up and fight or not... It should be a fairly easy win for him, but still!


It was alot of fun. Can't wait until the next one!

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"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - J.R.R Tolkien

"Progress, not perfection."

"Persist, Pivot, or Concede." - Matthew McConaughey

"Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't."

Rants, Thoughts, and Workouts-->Battle Log | The Improvening (Current Challenge)

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So this has really gotten me into using the jump rope. I've had it for awhile but got discouraged and stopped using it.

I can tell you what helps you learn quick. Jump rope in bare feet. When you miss the jump it hurts like a mother.

I have been practicing double unders, and did my first one successfully a few days ago. My current streak is only two in a row though.

So today I did 41 double unders. Then i did 20 minutes of free jumping. Wherein I tried new things like 1 legged jumps, running in place, and cross overs. The last is what I am most proud of,as I wrapped myself in the rope numerous times. And almost fell once because of it.

My forces continue to grow!

  • Like 2

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - J.R.R Tolkien

"Progress, not perfection."

"Persist, Pivot, or Concede." - Matthew McConaughey

"Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't."

Rants, Thoughts, and Workouts-->Battle Log | The Improvening (Current Challenge)

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So I've already announced to D_R and c3nwton - but I'm dropping out of the PvP. For some reason it has been stressing me out a bit - so I think the best thing for me now is to head off and just concentrate on my challenge. 


Have fun everybody!


Good luck on your challenge - you're a busy gal who's trying to do a lot!

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All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity:

but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible.

~T. E. Lawrence


When we contemplate the whole globe as one great dewdrop, striped and dotted with continents and islands,

flying through space with other stars all singing and shining together as one, the whole universe appears as an infinite storm of beauty. 
~John Muir

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So I've already announced to D_R and c3nwton - but I'm dropping out of the PvP. For some reason it has been stressing me out a bit - so I think the best thing for me now is to head off and just concentrate on my challenge. 


Have fun everybody!


We'll miss you, but I can see how this could get pretty stressful.  Good luck with the challenge - I'll be stopping by!

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Level 63 Human ... Oath of Ancients Paladin

"We are better than we know, if we can be made to see it, [then] for the rest of our lives, we'll be unwilling to settle for less."  - Kurt Hahn

STR: 14 | DEX: 14| CON: 17 | INT: 17 | WIS: 17 | CHA: 14


The SIde Tracked Quest (rough draft)



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Miss you too lish...I found myself getting a little too stressed out a couple days ago and had to settle down...competitive streak is hard to tame...I'll be writing something in a few hours...If the general of Albion writes something first, that's ok too. I have a feeling there might still be a surprise waiting...

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Xena, Level 14+ Valkyrie Ranger

January 2017  December 2016

Oct/Nov 2016


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Miss you too lish...I found myself getting a little too stressed out a couple days ago and had to settle down...competitive streak is hard to tame...I'll be writing something in a few hours...If the general of Albion writes something first, that's ok too. I have a feeling there might still be a surprise waiting...


Daniel was going to write up the RP of our battle, but I am curious how you did.  I'll have to check in later.

Level 63 Human ... Oath of Ancients Paladin

"We are better than we know, if we can be made to see it, [then] for the rest of our lives, we'll be unwilling to settle for less."  - Kurt Hahn

STR: 14 | DEX: 14| CON: 17 | INT: 17 | WIS: 17 | CHA: 14


The SIde Tracked Quest (rough draft)



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I was stressed out a couple days ago as well Lishvicious, and I still wonder how well I'll fare here as a newbie. I'm glad your working on what works best for you but I'm also happy to stay for a while yet myself. I successfully doubled my workout today (sets of 10 to sets of 20 reps, still only 1 set though). Since I am feeling motivated to push myself now and work harder I'm going to keep trying. This is also the only thing I'm participating in right now though. I do hope to set up a challenge for myself soon, just have to find the time to write it up properly with measurable goals and such.


@cn3wton these dwarves are a sneaky lot by dwarven standards that's for sure, I also wouldn't discount luck as Okri has survived a lot of hazardous situations lately it seems. Huzzah for secret tunnels!

  • Like 3

Okri Kadrinsson ~ Level 1 Dwarf Adventurer


Str 2  Dex 1   Sta 1   Con 3   Wis 2   Cha 1


Challenge Commander Kidd's first adventurer challenge


“So comes snow after fire, and even dragons have their endings.†

― J.R.R. TolkienThe Hobbit

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I was stressed out a couple days ago as well Lishvicious, and I still wonder how well I'll fare here as a newbie. I'm glad your working on what works best for you but I'm also happy to stay for a while yet myself. I successfully doubled my workout today (sets of 10 to sets of 20 reps, still only 1 set though). Since I am feeling motivated to push myself now and work harder I'm going to keep trying. This is also the only thing I'm participating in right now though. I do hope to set up a challenge for myself soon, just have to find the time to write it up properly with measurable goals and such.


@cn3wton these dwarves are a sneaky lot by dwarven standards that's for sure, I also wouldn't discount luck as Okri has survived a lot of hazardous situations lately it seems. Huzzah for secret tunnels!


Thats why I only sent a small group after you. I am in this for role play and fun. I dont find in any fun in absolutely destroying someone. Do what you can, and we will make it work! 


Meanwhile I have taken over your outpost and am quite fond of it. Of course I have redecorated and such, tearing down most of it, but still. Lol

  • Like 4

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - J.R.R Tolkien

"Progress, not perfection."

"Persist, Pivot, or Concede." - Matthew McConaughey

"Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't."

Rants, Thoughts, and Workouts-->Battle Log | The Improvening (Current Challenge)

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Yes!  We're figuring this out as we go.  Since I've never played Warhammer, I didn't know what to expect and probably over recruited for this battle. 

  • Like 1

Level 63 Human ... Oath of Ancients Paladin

"We are better than we know, if we can be made to see it, [then] for the rest of our lives, we'll be unwilling to settle for less."  - Kurt Hahn

STR: 14 | DEX: 14| CON: 17 | INT: 17 | WIS: 17 | CHA: 14


The SIde Tracked Quest (rough draft)



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Thanks you two. I saw that you had redecorated cn3wton, I will just have to clean it out when I get back from my little hike lol.


I appreciate how supportive you guys have been, I'm hoping that the motivation I've been feeling for this will help me progress in my workout abilities and develop habits for fitness regardless of time constraints. As it has been said, the number one priority should be my health (though it's hard to say that when I know I have 20 littles demanding my time too lol).

  • Like 1

Okri Kadrinsson ~ Level 1 Dwarf Adventurer


Str 2  Dex 1   Sta 1   Con 3   Wis 2   Cha 1


Challenge Commander Kidd's first adventurer challenge


“So comes snow after fire, and even dragons have their endings.†

― J.R.R. TolkienThe Hobbit

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From the bow of her flagship, Marielle scanned the beach for signs of the enemy, but the mists refused to lift. Albion guarded its secrets closely. After the long journey, she could sense the unease of her troops and summoned the leaders on deck.


She spoke in a strong clear voice that cut through the gloom of fog, “We have heard tell of the Fenbeasts Albion wreaking havoc and raiding on the neighboring lands. We must show our strength and ensure that this gloom spreads no farther!â€


There was a general grunt of affirmation, this was why they had come. “But these times are troubled, and our enemies are many. I have been warned of pirate activities in these waters. We must be prepared for tricks and surprises, perhaps to fight a battle on many fronts… â€


Blah blah blah war…a bunch of troops, and bunch of killing (so many squats wiped out in a roll of the dice!)…ok, a couple details I guess:


As the elven warriors rowed quietly toward shore, barbarian warbands poured onto the beach, weapons ready.


On the front line, as the Sea Guards were making their way toward shore, they were lifted from the small boat and torn apart by some elemental magic.


[i’m a little unclear, looks like they didn’t die…but anyway, some powerful scary magic from the general!]


On the flanks fierce fighting ensued…these were the most powerful Asur warriors, ready to defend against the enemy, whichever, wherever. To the left, there was light damage, but to the right, the ship carrying three Tiranoc Chariots was sunk, the warriors and their horses all going down. They took with them the Albion chariot. 


Malarielle inhaled sharply then steadied herself. The chariots had been hard-won, but there would be others. The Asur archers, in all their forms were finally able to sight targets within the mists and decimated the valiant Barbarians of Albion. A few surviving barbarians chased after an Albion chariot and disappeared back into the mists.


The elves landed cautiously on the beach. Triumphant in victory yet grave. The barbarians needed to be stopped, but one had to respect their defense of their home island. The Asur would not pursue further, yet something still did not feel right on this beach. Surely pirates lurked…somewhere…

  • Like 5

Xena, Level 14+ Valkyrie Ranger

January 2017  December 2016

Oct/Nov 2016


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Sad to see you go, lishvicious, but I understand how all this can get too much. Especially combined with an ambitious challenge or several other PvPs/Accountability groups. Wish you the best and will still be lurking in your thread :)


Second post has been modified with results, in case you were wondering about the outcomes


I know the mechanics need more work, but the basic idea of "heavy losses to give us something to work for until next battle" is doing ok.


Thanks for participating! Hope you had fun

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Lvl 65 Multitasker

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Alala watches her units move into position as the Norscan forces come ashore. She readies to cast her first spell. Focused and determined, she attempts to raise the Singing Wind against Halftor's Shield Maidens, only to fail.


Arrayed now in battle lines across the beach, the Norscans begin their steady march across the sand to engage the Amazons, as they close from the higher ground near the treeline. As they advance, Halftor's Thralls unleash a shower of arrows at the first squad of Amazon Warriors, killing three.


Alala's three squads of Piranha Warriors send a rain of arrows into the Norscan front line and a dozen Norscans fall. A high-pitched, ululating war cry comes forth from the Amazon ranks as the the Medusas press the attack on the Thralls. The piercing gaze of the Medusas kills all of the remaining Thralls. 


On the Amazon left flank, more carnage. Alala's Huntresses shoot into the Norscans, killing all five Reavers on that side, while on the Amazon right flank, the Beastmaster of the Jaguar Pack sends the ferocious war felines against the Reavers there and eliminates them. The Jungle Stalkers, behind the Jaguar Pack, use indirect fire to take down the three Ulfwerenar. The remaining Marauders from the front line, having experienced heavy casualties, fall back towards the dragon ships.

Alala again tries to cast the Singing Wind against the Shield Maidens. This time she succeeds, but the proud women of Norsca don’t even blink.

The Piranha Warriors attempt to cut down the Shield Maidens before hand-to-hand combat, and eight of the Shield Maidens die by Amazon arrows. The Medusas shoot the largest front line group that still remains, the Bondsmen, and eliminate them.


Meanwhile, the Huntresses shoot the Marauders on the Norscan right flank, killing two of them. On the other flank, all the Marauders there are slain by the Beastmaster and her pack of Jaguars. Only two Giant Wolves remain, and the Jungle Stalkers cut them down.

Two Shield Maidens remain of the original ten. Proud and unbowed, they are slain by the sheer mass of Amazons, but not before they take seven Amazon Warriors with them.


The three remaining Marauders have managed to hold Halftor's right flank against the Amazons. Five Huntresses charge the Marauder position, slaying them, but they pay for it with their lives. The Jaguar Warriors hit the two Wolves, but before they die, the Giant Wolves send three Jaguar Warriors to their Goddess.


Halftor's remaining Ulfwerenar enter their battle frenzy, and Alala again aims the Singing Wind, but the magic is not there. However, the spears and javelins of the Amazons take down the Ulfwerenar, despite the fearsome rage of the Wolf Warriors.


The Norscan army defeated for now, the Amazons tend to their wounded and their fallen. And around the campfires that night, the Amazons celebrate their victory. They praise the heroic deeds of their fallen, and those of the Norscans, their foes. Songs of the battle already are being composed.


Their win today was an important one, but Alala knows all too well that there are other armies across the sea with eyes that turn towards Amazonia. This is but one battle and her failure at spellcasting worries Alala. The memory of vague prophecies whispered of in the temples of the Sisterhood, and dark dreams of her own, disturb her joy at the victory. Nevertheless, she dons the serpent headdress adorned with the brilliantly hued feathers of tropical birds - the sign of a victorious general - and moves among her chieftains and warriors, praising and congratulating them. She sings the songs to honor the fallen and says the Sisterhood prayers for the dead, as an acolyte places the oval shells from the shore over the sightless eyes of her tribeswomen. Inwardly, she pictures her Goddess, Rigg. Alala silently apologizes for her failings and resolves to work even harder before the next invader arrives in Lustria.

  • Like 4

All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity:

but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible.

~T. E. Lawrence


When we contemplate the whole globe as one great dewdrop, striped and dotted with continents and islands,

flying through space with other stars all singing and shining together as one, the whole universe appears as an infinite storm of beauty. 
~John Muir

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Thats why I only sent a small group after you. I am in this for role play and fun. I dont find in any fun in absolutely destroying someone. Do what you can, and we will make it work! 


Meanwhile I have taken over your outpost and am quite fond of it. Of course I have redecorated and such, tearing down most of it, but still. Lol



Yes!  We're figuring this out as we go.  Since I've never played Warhammer, I didn't know what to expect and probably over recruited for this battle. 

This is very sporting of you two, but please don't feel bad about being awesome!

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Xena, Level 14+ Valkyrie Ranger

January 2017  December 2016

Oct/Nov 2016


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From the bow of her flagship, Marielle scanned the beach for signs of the enemy, but the mists refused to lift. Albion guarded its secrets closely. After the long journey, she could sense the unease of her troops and summoned the leaders on deck.


She spoke in a strong clear voice that cut through the gloom of fog, “We have heard tell of the Fenbeasts Albion wreaking havoc and raiding on the neighboring lands. We must show our strength and ensure that this gloom spreads no farther!â€


There was a general grunt of affirmation, this was why they had come. “But these times are troubled, and our enemies are many. I have been warned of pirate activities in these waters. We must be prepared for tricks and surprises, perhaps to fight a battle on many fronts… â€


Blah blah blah war…a bunch of troops, and bunch of killing (so many squats wiped out in a roll of the dice!)…ok, a couple details I guess:


As the elven warriors rowed quietly toward shore, barbarian warbands poured onto the beach, weapons ready.


On the front line, as the Sea Guards were making their way toward shore, they were lifted from the small boat and torn apart by some elemental magic.


[i’m a little unclear, looks like they didn’t die…but anyway, some powerful scary magic from the general!]


On the flanks fierce fighting ensued…these were the most powerful Asur warriors, ready to defend against the enemy, whichever, wherever. To the left, there was light damage, but to the right, the ship carrying three Tiranoc Chariots was sunk, the warriors and their horses all going down. They took with them the Albion chariot. 


Malarielle inhaled sharply then steadied herself. The chariots had been hard-won, but there would be others. The Asur archers, in all their forms were finally able to sight targets within the mists and decimated the valiant Barbarians of Albion. A few surviving barbarians chased after an Albion chariot and disappeared back into the mists.


The elves landed cautiously on the beach. Triumphant in victory yet grave. The barbarians needed to be stopped, but one had to respect their defense of their home island. The Asur would not pursue further, yet something still did not feel right on this beach. Surely pirates lurked…somewhere…

This was pretty awesome, i like the storytelling :) i dont like losing all but one of my warriors though :P come sunday i should have some more forces to give whoever a good fight :D i think your ranged troops won you that for sure :L

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Human Level 1 Monk

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Mine and Christ-Tien Jinns Battle for Albions Coast Part 1


Those damn Empire galleons were everywhere, not to mention the ironclad steamers of the dwarves.


It was getting increasingly difficult to make a nice dishonest living


To go to all the work of relieving people of their unwanted coins and jewels and then finding somewhere to hide it just for some slack jawed Empire soldier or greedy gold grubbing dwarf to stumble across it by accident and take it was a crying travesty.


But recently Captain Herja had heard tales of the wild mists in the North retreating, and what was more that there was land there.

Nice wild unexplored land, miles away from the shipping routes and the prying eyes of others. Somewhere nice and safe where she could hide her hard earned ill-gotten gains.


And so she sailed at the forefront of her motley assortment of ships towards the northern mists.


A deadly sweet smile creasing the corners of her mouth as she heard her look out bellow




* * * * * * * 


Things were not right on Albion, the mists that had protected the land for so long had started to retreat, and what’s worse the Truthsayers didn’t know why.


To try and gain more knowledge the tribes had dispatched small scouting parties far and wide across the entirety of Albion.

One such party was led by War Chief Quinnan MacCaffrey


Although it was beneath a Chieftain to go on such a lowly mission things had grown quiet recently and Quinnan had decided to accompany one of his scouting parties so he could stretch his legs and find out first-hand what was happening to the island.


His party were checking one of the huge monolithic and mysterious Ogham stones on the coast line, beautifully oblivious as the opening salvo tore through his forces.

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Part Two


“Storm at them with shot and shell ye scurvy cack handed friggers or there’ll be Mannan’s price to pay†the Pirate Queen bellowed as her pride and joy Valkyrie an enchanted flying galleon cut through the grey clouds.


Flames spewed forth from her ship, sending cannon balls screaming in to the sand and showering the area with tiny gobbets of flesh, like gruesome confetti (thanks for the line Chris)


* * * * * * 


Quinnan bellowed in primal fury at his men as his entire group holy and revered druids were sundered from this world by iron and fire before they had the chance to even cast a spell


He knew he had no weapon here at his disposal with which to fight the great wooden dragon that soared through the clouds and spat molten death at his men.


But he did have the weapons to stop the ridiculous dressed foreigners that were leaping off of rowing boats and setting foot upon the sacred ground of Albion.


With one wave of his hand his chariots sped forth away from his main party, the bows and spears of the charioteers raining death on the outsiders whilst remaining unscathed behind the armour the chariots provided.


He joined his own small bodyguard of Woad Raiders who had worked themselves up in to a murderous frenzy and gave the order to charge, all semblance of coherency lost in their barbaric rage.


On his flank materialised beings of the elements and death, dreaded figures that were known as the Sidhe, clearly formed by the land itself as it sought to repel the invaders

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Part 3


Through her telescope Herja noticed the damage that the chariots were causing to her lads down on the beach, and with several mighty spins of the large wooden wheel she bought Valkyrie round in a tight arc, giving her guns the perfect firing arc


She didn’t even need to give the order. She trained her men harshly, hardly and regularly. They knew that is this opportunity passed them by then they would each be losing an extremity very dear to them.


With the thunderous booms of a sky giant hammering upon a titanic forge the cannons discharged death towards the beach, the copper armour of the chariots proving to be of no use


* * * * * *


Quinnan led his Woad Raiders through the rain of death that the foreigners with harpoons were laying down on them and charged in to their line like a thunder bolt.


Despite the casualties that the harpooners had wrought on his woad raiders there was still enough to cleave through the harpooners as though they were butter and in a matter of seconds the cowardly dogs broke and fled back to their rowing boats.


On his flank the Sidhe had engaged a contingent of stunted people with barrel chests and great bushy beards, incredulously despite the huge casualties the stunted folk were taking they did not run, it seemed they were determined to die

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Part Four


Over all things were going well Herja thought.


Despite her cowardly harpooners fleeing and her grog lubbers getting wasted and some passing out and subsequently dying of drowning in the surf before they even did anything she felt sure of victory.


Whatever those creatures were that were savaging her dwarves had been held in place just long enough for her surprise to make it-self known


The water bubble and surged as three huge serpentine shapes burst from the surf and barrelled straight in to the enemy creatures.


What followed was a brief and brutal fight, despite the savagery of the Albion monsters they were caught completely off guard by the serpents and it was all they could do to take the serpents with them to the afterlife.


That just left the woads, trying to chase down the fleeing harpooners, a sound like firecrackers going off told Herja that one of her ships had sailed in to range their deck guns opening up and finishing of the woad raiders to a man.


The battle had only lasted a matter of minutes but not one native Gael had survived


* * * * * *


Slowly and painfully the world came in to stark relief.


Quinnan felt wet and cold and there was a roaring sound in his ears.


It took him some moments to realise he was afloat on the shore line, the tide lapping against him.


A fiery pain in his shoulder brought him out of his reverie and he looked down to see the ruin of what had been his shoulder, he could feel the lump of metal lodged in his collar bone, an impact that must have rendered him unconscious for some time, because all of the foreigners had gone.


Limping and coughing up blood Quinnan hobbled home to assemble the war host

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