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[Sept.15 - Oct. 26] There is only war: A Warhammer Fantasy PvP experiment

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What else do we need to do for our characters before Sunday?

You don't need to do anything else, but if you're really hyped and creative, you may feel free to rant about them, post artwork for reference, tell us about their background story, personality traits, motivations, aspirations, you name it.


I shall post the intro story on Sunday, in which the characters will start out as lone heroes, drawn to the battlefield for their own different reasons (control of an area, aquisition of a powerful item there or just for the heck of combat) and then you're free to roleplay until Sunday if so you desire. The idea is that the most orderly will set up camp nearby and muster their first troops into a small warband, while others, like the greenskins, will just show up when the battle begins and jump into the fray

Lvl 65 Multitasker

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Here's a short intro story to my character. I kept it pretty tame, as tame as a story of a person who hangs out with Slaanesh can be anyways.


Dreghar stepped forth from the realm of darkness and death into the small dark cave. He breathed deep, the scent of death and destruction within the cave filling his lungs. A rush of northern air struck him from the mouth of the cave, chilling his naked flesh. 


It did not take long for the demon to present herself. "It's been so long Dreghar, have you missed me?" She appeared behind him and ran her hands across his back shoulders and chest as she circled him. "You look good for a man whose a thousand years dead." She said, with a lustful grin on her face.


Before he could move she placed her hands on his chest. "What's the rush? You've only just returned, perhaps we..." Dreghar stepped through her. The illusion evaporating in an instant. She laughed and spoke to him again, this time from within his mind "Later then."


He stepped out of the cave into the frozen forest, what once was a large town could be seen in the distance, nothing but smoldering ruins. A large battle had just taken place here. 


Suddenly a great beast burst forth from the tree line, heading straight for him with unnatural speed. Tusks grew from its maw, eyes burning with bloodlust. The beasts legs were corded with muscle and ended with hooves matted with dried blood. It reeked of death.


Dreghar charged to meet it driving his shoulder into the beasts head. The force of the collision was massive. Both traded crushing blows, the beast tearing into Dreghar's flesh with tusk and teeth. Dreghar was lost in the sensations of the battle, all of his senses overloaded with the pure thrill of it. As his amusement faded he thrust his right arm into the beasts maw and grabbed on to the its innards and pulled. Numerous deep lacerations wept blood from his arm, mixing with that of the beasts. He stood there, covered in blood, enjoying it all as the beast slowly passed.


His splendor was abruptly interrupted when a man astride a horse emerged from the trees, flanked by three others. Those behind rode with swords drawn, and one carried a large purple standard. "God man what happened here?" The man looked down at him from his perch. He appeared to be a man of high standing, those around him obviously his escort. They must be fleeing from the destruction, how unfortunate Dreghar thought. Just then a young woman rode forward "Father why have we.." She cut herself short after seeing Dreghar. Covered head to toe with nothing but the beasts blood. 


A large smile spread across Dreghar's face, and consumed with lust he attacked. The she-demon laughed as he charged.


"Welcome back."



So basically this guy is possessed by a female demon, who just so happens to be a servant of Slaanesh. He doesn't mind as he enjoys being in battle and all that entails. Its a give and take, as she gets to experience what he does through him, and he gets to keep smashing things and enjoying battle. He can resist her to the point that she doesn't have much control over him, but she can make him see/hear/feel things. So basically good times are had by all.


  • He does not use any magic
  • He is a melee character all the way
  • Weapon of choice is kind of hard to explain. Its basically a polearm but the ends in the shape of a mace. It has the tattered ends of a flag to it still, as its the remnants of the flag from the story above. He basically just grabs whatever he can gets his hands on and modifies it to his purposes.
  • Hes a front line leader. While he has a lot of tactical knowledge once hes in the battle he just lets loose and that all kind of goes out the window. 
  • The religion thing is kind of tough. He believes that Slaanesh's power is just a means to an end. He believes of course, but he does what he wants.

I don't know what you want to do as far as armor? Basically the same as the weapon, kinda just takes what he needs. Think traditional frank frazetta barbarian. 


Concept art coming soon!


Love the story dude, epic work!



I think we are still just figuring out characters and stuff, right (?)...please let me know if everyone else is already building their armies and I'm off frolicking in the woods of Avelorn!


Yea we are still in the pre-game phase doing character generation and stuff. Although there is nothing wrong with frolicking in the woods of Avelorn!



Race: Chaos

God: Khorne

General: Rakun (Warrior)


  • Are they spellcasters or not? Not.
  • Do they prefer to fight from a distance or up close and personal? Up close, for sure - you better get out of the way unless you want my halberd lodged in your forehead.
  • What is their weapon of choice? Halberd.
  • Are they frontline leaders or do they achieve tactical superiority by giving orders from a vantage point? Definitely frontline - nothing like a fresh spray of blood over your face.
  • How do they feel about their race's religion? Complete loyalty to Khrone, blood must be spilled.



I'm not sure how to do a back story, since I don't know much still. Any advice on where to start when starting out with Warhammer? I would like to know more...


I will write some stuff on this for you. If you want a book that will basically explain everything you want to know in one great story then look for the book 'Valkia The Bloody'. It's about a Northern Tribeswoman who through ruthless, blood hunger and skill in combat unites many tribes until she has an army thousands strong and tries to march in to the otherworld to go to the foot of Khornes Throne and personally present him with the skull of a demon from his hated brother, Slaanesh

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Yep - I understand that :), I was just getting carried away and over excited by the thought of actually playing Warhammer in real life :tongue:. I've known a few people that played and I've always loved the painted models. Although I probably shouldn't pick up another expensive hobby right now...

If you ever find yourself in the UK let me know. I will take you to GW HQ where they have a huge indoor castle courtyard that is a gaming hall, I used to look over rules and teach folk how to play games so I'd be more than happy to give you a run through



Heh, yeah I've started enjoying reading about the game and forgot about thinking about my character at some point. Even found three shops in my area that I could go play 40k at. Too bad I'm broke. Maybe when Im grown up and have a job I can play games.

I'm totally gonna answer some questions about my character soon or tomorrow or the next day, and sign that spreadsheet too.


Same offer to you! Although travelling to the UK might be more expensive  :nevreness:



Heres a quick concept sketch of my character. Should give you a better idea of what is in my head.


I definitely want to do a full blown painting with him in it now... Maybe tomorrow I will start one.




Don't know why its so damn fuzzy....


You just keep on knocking it out of the park with everything and anything you churn out, you're an animal

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Raider I am loving everything you're doing but it's looking like it may be a bit of a monster to manage and update. If you need any help let me know

For starters, since you worked for GW (feels good to know part of my money ended up paying you) please be kind if I post something inconsistend with the world, I do not claim to have complete knowledge of it. Other than that, I might need some help with future stories and battles, but for now I'm good.


What I need, from you and everyone, is alternative cost ideas for recruiting troops. Xena brought up the driving issue and it looks like Bretonnia is made for bicycle riders as it stands now. Also, if at any point during the game, someone does something unlisted that feels relative (i.e. "I tried Archery this weekend, can I recruit some archers?") speak up and let us know.

Lvl 65 Multitasker

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I will write some stuff on this for you. If you want a book that will basically explain everything you want to know in one great story then look for the book 'Valkia The Bloody'. It's about a Northern Tribeswoman who through ruthless, blood hunger and skill in combat unites many tribes until she has an army thousands strong and tries to march in to the otherworld to go to the foot of Khornes Throne and personally present him with the skull of a demon from his hated brother, Slaanesh


You are seriously the best! Thanks for this - I'll go looking for the book now. 


If you ever find yourself in the UK let me know. I will take you to GW HQ where they have a huge indoor castle courtyard that is a gaming hall, I used to look over rules and teach folk how to play games so I'd be more than happy to give you a run through


Yeah I think flying to the UK would be awesome but from Adelaide, Australia - pretty damn expensive! :P

Level 1 :: Lycan (STR-2 :: DEX-2 :: STA-2 :: CON-2 :: WIS-1 :: CHA-1)

Challenges:  One

Daily logs: Battle log / MFP

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For starters, since you worked for GW (feels good to know part of my money ended up paying you) 


thank you for paying my mortgage  :nevreness:



please be kind if I post something inconsistend with the world, I do not claim to have complete knowledge of it. 



dude there have been that many different stories and retelling that there isn't really a 'right' version any more only what is correct right now. Do your thang

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You are seriously the best! Thanks for this - I'll go looking for the book now. 



Yeah I think flying to the UK would be awesome but from Adelaide, Australia - pretty damn expensive! :tongue:


You are seriously the best! Thanks for this - I'll go looking for the book now. 



Yeah I think flying to the UK would be awesome but from Adelaide, Australia - pretty damn expensive! :tongue:


I figured, but hey thought I'd offer.


And if there are any questions about any background stuff just pipe up

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What I need, from you and everyone, is alternative cost ideas for recruiting troops. Xena brought up the driving issue and it looks like Bretonnia is made for bicycle riders as it stands now. Also, if at any point during the game, someone does something unlisted that feels relative (i.e. "I tried Archery this weekend, can I recruit some archers?") speak up and let us know.


Will look into this later

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Thanks, DR, for all your hard work. This is inspired stuff!



Heres a quick concept sketch of my character. Should give you a better idea of what is in my head.


I definitely want to do a full blown painting with him in it now... Maybe tomorrow I will start one.


Don't know why its so damn fuzzy....


Way cool. Can't wait to see how you develop it!


I'm happy! I got to do some sketching for a cartoon character for my Fight the Fire app yesterday. It's still rough and has nothing to do with this thread other than seeing cn3wton's cool sketch got me all excited about having had a chance to do something arty. So, I'll stop hijacking and get down to the business of war.


Note: I'm making this up as inspiration strikes, without doing research, just pulling odd bits from memory of mythology and reading over the years and trying to twist them into something interesting and fun, so let me know if I get too far afield...


Race: Ammahz'n

Goddess: Khalith

General: Alala (Warrior Priestess)

  • Are they spellcasters or not? Priestesses, yes. Others not so much, except for healing after battle.
  • Do they prefer to fight from a distance or up close and personal? Will start out from a distance, but rapidly close once the archers and javelins soften up the enemy line. Amazons relish hand-to-hand fighting, particularly single combat between champions of opposing sides. This is thought to especially honor the Goddess.
  • What is their weapon of choice? Labrys (a double-headed axe) - all Amazon girls are trained to use the "weapon of the Goddess" from an early age. It is considered a holy weapon, of particular use in defense of Amazon lands and in retribution for any crime against women or children
  • Are they frontline leaders or do they achieve tactical superiority by giving orders from a vantage point? All Amazons who wish to lead must prove themselves on the front line and in single combat. Alala came up as a frontline leader and struggles with the necessity to stand back and train others, she wants to be on the thick of it...badly. She is not above engineering an opportunity to be caught out at the front when things get bloody.
  • How do they feel about their race's religion? She is a priestess, sworn to defend her people and tend to the dictates of Kahlith, the Amazon Goddess of War.


Oh man, I just looked at the time... I'll get something together about Alala's origins tomorrow.

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All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity:

but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible.

~T. E. Lawrence


When we contemplate the whole globe as one great dewdrop, striped and dotted with continents and islands,

flying through space with other stars all singing and shining together as one, the whole universe appears as an infinite storm of beauty. 
~John Muir

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Added motorcycling, horse riding and everyone's favourite, the burpees, as alternative options for cavalry. There's also been a major increase in Yoga options, especially for agile/stealthy units. Introduced Martial Arts training as an option for recruiting most professional fighting Infantry. The idea is that pretty much any activity can earn you troops, instead of putting extra things to do on everyone's shoulders. Still, some armies favour or exclude certain kinds of training (it's a known fact that Orks aren't very fond of yoga). Planning to add some units I've skipped, back then I had no idea how they could fit into the game. Chaos players especially, rejoice, for I plan to add Daemon and Beastmen units.


The flood of ideas and data is slowly starting to form something more specific. It's not too complicated I hope, but will require players to keep track of several things. Oh boy, this is going to be legen(wait for it...)dary! Let's do this!



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Lvl 65 Multitasker

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Thanks for adding martial arts!!  TKD is on my challenge list this time round! 


This looks epic DR!

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Level 63 Human ... Oath of Ancients Paladin

"We are better than we know, if we can be made to see it, [then] for the rest of our lives, we'll be unwilling to settle for less."  - Kurt Hahn

STR: 14 | DEX: 14| CON: 17 | INT: 17 | WIS: 17 | CHA: 14


The SIde Tracked Quest (rough draft)



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Thanks for adding martial arts!!  TKD is on my challenge list this time round! 


This looks epic DR!

Gotta keep it open for the Monks as well. And people like you and kzacher ;)


I did think for war machines why not have 'x reps/mins on an exercise machine'? it's themed and pretty general

That's a great idea! I'll modify the spreadsheet accordingly. Also added climbing, bouldering, rapelling and Mountain Climbers to the Pirates' list (thanks CTJ)


This is looking super good - and it means I will be even more organised with tracking my workouts - gotta get those troops!

That's the point, to fuel motivation, consistency and increase fun had during workouts!

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Lvl 65 Multitasker

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Hi, Id love to join if youre alright with it :) do I have to be a certain level yet?

Add yourself to the spreadsheet, give us some info about your general and tag along. No requirements of any kind.


Submissions are open until Sunday. After that, admission is temporarily locked until further notice. Since we have several players already, fights will be broken down into more than one battlefields. You will each learn your opponent(s) on Sunday

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Lvl 65 Multitasker

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Added motorcycling, horse riding and everyone's favourite, the burpees, as alternative options for cavalry. There's also been a major increase in Yoga options, especially for agile/stealthy units. Introduced Martial Arts training as an option for recruiting most professional fighting Infantry. The idea is that pretty much any activity can earn you troops, instead of putting extra things to do on everyone's shoulders. Still, some armies favour or exclude certain kinds of training (it's a known fact that Orks aren't very fond of yoga). Planning to add some units I've skipped, back then I had no idea how they could fit into the game. Chaos players especially, rejoice, for I plan to add Daemon and Beastmen units.

What? I could see Orcs breaking out some DDP Yoga with Diamond Dallas Page and his former wrestling companions.

Hmm.. Reading or studying might be too easy for spell casters, unless it required a lot of it; especially with some professional students around. But as a representative of the druids, I would like to mention meditation as being quite inline with acquiring spell slingers. It's definitely more self-improving than driving, and such exercise of the mind fits right in with wizards, but I understand if you want to keep things more physical.

I don't think I noticed a way to recruit zombie dragons in my list. How exactly am I to get around? Walk??? I'm not sure if zombies are coordinated enough to carry me in a litter.

BTW, is there a chance that the only spell casting player character can... (I haven't answered all your questions yet, but I suppose it isn't a surprise that I am a magic user given my interest in Necharchs). Umm.. Not be noticed by the disciple of Khorne right away. =). I like my skull, but they're welcome to pluck a few off the necks of my skeletons, I suppose.

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Level 10 Vegetarian Vampire Warrior

STR: 16 DEX: 7 STA: 6 WIS: 46 CON: 27 CHA: 17

Intro | Challenge: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

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Ok, here is my general, Dryden fighting for Albion. I havent got alot of experience in making backstories so I will use a template posted here:



General:Dryden (warrior-druid)

Are they spellcasters or not? To a certain extent the use of natural magic,but only rarely for direct combat

Do they prefer to fight from a distance or up close and personal? Up Close,where the fun is!

What is their weapon of choice? Fists,although a sword and shield for practicality

Are they frontline leaders or do they achieve tactical superiority by giving orders from a vantage point? From the front

How do they feel about their race's religion? Strongly for, the motive for fighting being protecting nature.

Hoping I havent made any glaring lore errors,hehe

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Human Level 1 Monk

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BTW, is there a chance that the only spell casting player character can... (I haven't answered all your questions yet, but I suppose it isn't a surprise that I am a magic user given my interest in Necharchs). Umm.. Not be noticed by the disciple of Khorne right away. =). I like my skull, but they're welcome to pluck a few off the necks of my skeletons, I suppose.


Dreghar has marked you. He will wade through your armies of bone, rejoicing in the chaos and the sound of splintering limbs as he hunts you down.


Don't worry their won't be enough of your skull left for anyone to display once my army is done with yours.


In all seriousness I am really surprised more people haven't picked a spell caster as their general. I mean I guess I understand the appeal to front line fighting and everything. I think that once abilities and benefits for your general start appearing that may change. Generals can always evolve.


Hey maybe our generals can level up!

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"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - J.R.R Tolkien

"Progress, not perfection."

"Persist, Pivot, or Concede." - Matthew McConaughey

"Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't."

Rants, Thoughts, and Workouts-->Battle Log | The Improvening (Current Challenge)

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I have lots of reading to catch up on (this is exciting!), but here is my character sketch. I've tried to be as true to the world as I can based on my limited research.



Are they spellcasters or not? Yes and no. Malarielle is not a mage herself, but she would certainly try to recruit mages and magical weapons into her army (most Asur armies are aided by mages). She does have some magical abilities (part of everyday life for Asur) but they are on a smaller scale.

  • Do they prefer to fight from a distance or up close and personal? Up close (apparently archery is for the younger elves)
  • What is their weapon of choice? Long sword (more below)
  • Are they frontline leaders or do they achieve tactical superiority by giving orders from a vantage point? Initially usually from a vantage point, but she is a formidable fighter and sometimes will move to the frontline to wet her blade and strike fear in the enemy.  
  • How do they feel about their race's religion? She fully “drinks the kool-aidâ€. “For we are the Asur, beloved of the Gods, heirs to the world and we shall never fall!!!† She reveres all the elven gods, particularly and Asuryan, the Phoenix King and Lileath, the bringer of fortunes.

Malarielle is from Avelorn and a distant cousin of Alarielle (the Everqueen). She has served as a handmaiden to the Everqueen, for the customary 7 years, probably more than once (elves live a long time…) and was regarded as a ferocious warrior. She might have become the captain of the handmaidens, but at the time lacked the aptitude for politics and preferred to leave and retreat into the woods. Upon the death of her father, a powerful general, she inherited the family sword (“Nimangâ€). As she began to wield the sword, a new power emerged: in her hands the sword would glow as it tasted blood. A small cut would provide a welcome glow in a dark cavern, but in battle, as the blade dance and blood spills, it becomes terrible to behold. She believes that she is chosen of the gods to fight for her people in these troubled times.


I don’t have a picture yet (will look for a good one), but let’s assume she’s hot in an androgynous elvish kind of way.  :-)


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Xena, Level 14+ Valkyrie Ranger

January 2017  December 2016

Oct/Nov 2016


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Hmm.. Reading or studying might be too easy for spell casters, unless it required a lot of it; especially with some professional students around. But as a representative of the druids, I would like to mention meditation as being quite inline with acquiring spell slingers. It's definitely more self-improving than driving, and such exercise of the mind fits right in with wizards, but I understand if you want to keep things more physical.

I don't think I noticed a way to recruit zombie dragons in my list. How exactly am I to get around? Walk??? I'm not sure if zombies are coordinated enough to carry me in a litter.

BTW, is there a chance that the only spell casting player character can... (I haven't answered all your questions yet, but I suppose it isn't a surprise that I am a magic user given my interest in Necharchs). Umm.. Not be noticed by the disciple of Khorne right away. =). I like my skull, but they're welcome to pluck a few off the necks of my skeletons, I suppose.

I've added meditation from the start as a special cost for some units, especially the more spiritual ones. I'm trying to keep things physical, yes, so it's there, but meditating alone won't earn you units. As for mounts, everybody starts walking. As you gain experience, you'll also get a basic mount, later on upgraded to flying etc. Oh and don't worry about the Khorne guys, they may despise magicians but they consider them weak and cowardly, they'd prefer a big tough opponent without a second thought.


In all seriousness I am really surprised more people haven't picked a spell caster as their general. I mean I guess I understand the appeal to front line fighting and everything. I think that once abilities and benefits for your general start appearing that may change. Generals can always evolve.


Hey maybe our generals can level up!

You may or may not have noticed that magic-using units are extremely scarce, so yes, picking a spellcasting general is not such a bad idea. But even then, some may turn to magical professions later on, becoming priests or mage-smiths. Come Sunday, you'll be presented with the options for picking your character's starting ability ;)

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Lvl 65 Multitasker

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