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[Sept.15 - Oct. 26] There is only war: A Warhammer Fantasy PvP experiment

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BTW, is there a chance that the only spell casting player character can... (I haven't answered all your questions yet, but I suppose it isn't a surprise that I am a magic user given my interest in Necharchs). Umm.. Not be noticed by the disciple of Khorne right away. =). I like my skull, but they're welcome to pluck a few off the necks of my skeletons, I suppose.


Ha! Magic scum - you have no honour! Your blood would taint Doombringer - The Carver of the Dead, the halberd that once belonged to my mother Karril.

Level 1 :: Lycan (STR-2 :: DEX-2 :: STA-2 :: CON-2 :: WIS-1 :: CHA-1)

Challenges:  One

Daily logs: Battle log / MFP

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edited my first post with character details and my call out, do people prefer it that way or should I add it to the end of the thread?

Okri Kadrinsson ~ Level 1 Dwarf Adventurer


Str 2  Dex 1   Sta 1   Con 3   Wis 2   Cha 1


Challenge Commander Kidd's first adventurer challenge


“So comes snow after fire, and even dragons have their endings.†

― J.R.R. TolkienThe Hobbit

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So.... is it sunday yet?

My feelings exactly


edited my first post with character details and my call out, do people prefer it that way or should I add it to the end of the thread?

Going back and searching for posts is never easy. By the way, wow, this thread has already reached 6 pages and we haven't even started. Challenges and calling others out is unavailable for the first round, but don't worry, you'll get your shot at those elves!

Lvl 65 Multitasker

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From the Blasted lands, he emerged. a Black Orc with his armour nearly melted unto his skin, it's almost arguable that he's not an orc at all, underneath all of that, if not for small gaps in his armor which show small patches of dark green skin covered in scars. A foul creature with eyes burning of intense hatred, hatred of whom however, no greenskin has the answer too. The last Warboss who attempted to beat the question out of him found his nose in the back of his own skull, his double-edged axe taken and his entire tribe leaving him behind. A long scar caresses the left side of his helmet, the red hue gave him the nickname "Redskar" and like all other warbosses, it became his insignia, his calling card, depicted by every Boss and Big Boss punching himself in the face giving himself a scar similar to their new leader. And from thence, the Redskar Waaaagh! was unleashed, fueled by a hatred as pure as evil itself...


Race: Greenskin


Deity: Gork and Mork


General: Black Orc (veteran/battle scared Orc, for those who don't know)


Spellcaster? No


Upclose and Personal or Fight from a distance? Up close and personal


Weapon of Choice: Giant Axe


Frontline or Vantage Point? Frontline


Feelings of Religion? Redskar recognizes the divinity of Gork and Mork, as he had survived some insane circumstances. He believes that by fighting in pure hatred, he's honoring the Green Gods.

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Level 25 Final Fantasy Rebel

My Epic Quest | My Journey | Currently on the Trial of Orthos
Str: 60 | Dex: 23 | Sta: 66 | Con: 28 | Wis: 55 | Cha: 14

Goals for 2021:

  • Build my brother a Destiny 2 Lamp
  • Learn how to do a Handstand
  • Play 1 song on the acoustic guitar
  • Clean up the Christmas Decorations and finish setting up my apartment (hang things up, plus some other few things that need to be organized)
  • Re-introduce Pull-ups into my routine
  • Build a shelving unit next to my Desk

"No matter what, if you can hold your head up high, you've done the right thing."

"When you stand with your family, your family stands with you."

"Write what needs to be written."

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I have lots of reading to catch up on (this is exciting!), but here is my character sketch. I've tried to be as true to the world as I can based on my limited research.



Are they spellcasters or not? Yes and no. Malarielle is not a mage herself, but she would certainly try to recruit mages and magical weapons into her army (most Asur armies are aided by mages). She does have some magical abilities (part of everyday life for Asur) but they are on a smaller scale.

  • Do they prefer to fight from a distance or up close and personal? Up close (apparently archery is for the younger elves)
  • What is their weapon of choice? Long sword (more below)
  • Are they frontline leaders or do they achieve tactical superiority by giving orders from a vantage point? Initially usually from a vantage point, but she is a formidable fighter and sometimes will move to the frontline to wet her blade and strike fear in the enemy.  
  • How do they feel about their race's religion? She fully “drinks the kool-aidâ€. “For we are the Asur, beloved of the Gods, heirs to the world and we shall never fall!!!† She reveres all the elven gods, particularly and Asuryan, the Phoenix King and Lileath, the bringer of fortunes.

Malarielle is from Avelorn and a distant cousin of Alarielle (the Everqueen). She has served as a handmaiden to the Everqueen, for the customary 7 years, probably more than once (elves live a long time…) and was regarded as a ferocious warrior. She might have become the captain of the handmaidens, but at the time lacked the aptitude for politics and preferred to leave and retreat into the woods. Upon the death of her father, a powerful general, she inherited the family sword (“Nimangâ€). As she began to wield the sword, a new power emerged: in her hands the sword would glow as it tasted blood. A small cut would provide a welcome glow in a dark cavern, but in battle, as the blade dance and blood spills, it becomes terrible to behold. She believes that she is chosen of the gods to fight for her people in these troubled times.


I don’t have a picture yet (will look for a good one), but let’s assume she’s hot in an androgynous elvish kind of way.  :-)



That sounds awesome she sounds a little bit like a female Aenarion. And good research work on the background

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From the Blasted lands, he emerged. a Black Orc with his armour nearly melted unto his skin, it's almost arguable that he's not an orc at all, underneath all of that, if not for small gaps in his armor which show small patches of dark green skin covered in scars. A foul creature with eyes burning of intense hatred, hatred of whom however, no greenskin has the answer too. The last Warboss who attempted to beat the question out of him found his nose in the back of his own skull, his double-edged axe taken and his entire tribe leaving him behind. A long scar caresses the left side of his helmet, the red hue gave him the nickname "Redskar" and like all other warbosses, it became his insignia, his calling card, depicted by every Boss and Big Boss punching himself in the face giving himself a scar similar to their new leader. And from thence, the Redskar Waaaagh! was unleashed, fueled by a hatred as pure as evil itself...


Race: Greenskin


Deity: Gork and Mork


General: Black Orc (veteran/battle scared Orc, for those who don't know)


Spellcaster? No


Upclose and Personal or Fight from a distance? Up close and personal


Weapon of Choice: Giant Axe


Frontline or Vantage Point? Frontline


Feelings of Religion? Redskar recognizes the divinity of Gork and Mork, as he had survived some insane circumstances. He believes that by fighting in pure hatred, he's honoring the Green Gods.

love it. Great writting style, had me hooked

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Hot damn, Burpees!


Aaaaannnd, I'm gonna add some yoga to my durability work, because KITTIES!


Beastmaster and Jaguar pack

Release...the kittens!






And, of course, Mama won't be far behind...





In the company of Amazon Priestess and General, Alala, shown in her early years as a Huntress...



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All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity:

but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible.

~T. E. Lawrence


When we contemplate the whole globe as one great dewdrop, striped and dotted with continents and islands,

flying through space with other stars all singing and shining together as one, the whole universe appears as an infinite storm of beauty. 
~John Muir

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Edited the first post with more rules on Unit Stats, Putting your army together, Deploying it on the battlefield and giving you an idea of how the battles will be processed. Much thanks to cn3wton for many ideas. I hope it's not too complicated, please read it and make sure you understand how it all works, because your characters will soon (as soon as I manage to post the options) have to pick their first Leader Ability. Some disclaimers to questions that will probably be asked


Q: Unit stats?

A: Yes, check Bretonnia's sheet. I used it for experimentation until I got it right. Stats will soon be added to the other armies as well, at least the armies that will be involved in this first round.


Q: Minimum squad size? How can we hope to muster enough troops for the first round?

A: For this starting round, you will be putting together a small warband, not an army, so we'll overlook Minimum Squad Size for now


Q: Attacks have a d6 bonus but Defense doesn't

A: One, it has to be so, in order for casualties to happen and replacement recruits to come in, otherwise armies would get bloated or stuck in a neverending melee with no hits getting through. Two, it's Warhammer. Life is cheap and getting killed is easier than breathing. Learn to love it :D

  • Like 4

Lvl 65 Multitasker

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Edited the first post with more rules on Unit Stats, Putting your army together, Deploying it on the battlefield and giving you an idea of how the battles will be processed. Much thanks to cn3wton for many ideas. I hope it's not too complicated, please read it and make sure you understand how it all works, because your characters will soon (as soon as I manage to post the options) have to pick their first Leader Ability. Some disclaimers to questions that will probably be asked


Q: Unit stats?

A: Yes, check Bretonnia's sheet. I used it for experimentation until I got it right. Stats will soon be added to the other armies as well, at least the armies that will be involved in this first round.


Q: Minimum squad size? How can we hope to muster enough troops for the first round?

A: For this starting round, you will be putting together a small warband, not an army, so we'll overlook Minimum Squad Size for now


Q: Attacks have a d6 bonus but Defense doesn't

A: One, it has to be so, in order for casualties to happen and replacement recruits to come in, otherwise armies would get bloated or stuck in a neverending melee with no hits getting through. Two, it's Warhammer. Life is cheap and getting killed is easier than breathing. Learn to love it :D


Shit man thats alot of work. Kudos.


So are we going to have to participate in the war during it? For the whole six round attack thing, morale checks, etc? Or are you gonna handle that? 

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"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - J.R.R Tolkien

"Progress, not perfection."

"Persist, Pivot, or Concede." - Matthew McConaughey

"Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't."

Rants, Thoughts, and Workouts-->Battle Log | The Improvening (Current Challenge)

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Shit man thats alot of work. Kudos.


So are we going to have to participate in the war during it? For the whole six round attack thing, morale checks, etc? Or are you gonna handle that? 

Thanks. The idea for now is to try a more loose narrative approach. I'll handle it, you give me the general orders/battleplan, I sort out the math and rolls, then post an RP description of the battle and a short report of rolls etc to give you an idea of what went down. For this first try, you'll be recruiting, deploying and fighting 4 small battles against your respective foes (End of Weeks 3, 4, 5 and 6), we'll see how that works out and modify as needed. If we don't like it, we can try converting workouts to recruits during the break week and fight out one round per challenge week, with you giving new orders in the meantime

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Lvl 65 Multitasker

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Norscan unit stats are done. Now, what you've all been waiting for, your character's first ability! Pick one from the options corresponding to your race



  • Templar of the Lady: The player may opt to skip the first round of battle in order to have his army kneel and pray to the Lady. If he does so, all his units gain a +1 bonus to their Attack or Defense or a +2 to Morale (player's choice) for the rest of the battle.
  • Peasant Hero: All peasant units in the army are allowed to re-roll failed Morale checks
  • Knight: The general may personally lead a squad of Knights, chosen during deployment. His squad gets a +1 bonus to its Attack and Defense and becomes Immune to Psychology, never having to check Morale for Fear, Terror or Panic



  • Beserker: The general may personally lead a squad with the Beserkergang ability, chosen during deployment. His squad gets a +1 bonus to its Attack and Defense and may re-roll Morale checks for going into a Frenzy
  • Seer: The general becomes a Level 1 spellcaster
  • Skald: All units in the army may re-roll Morale tests for Fear, Terror, Panic and Fleeing



  • Chaos Warrior: The general may personally lead a squad of Chaos Warriors, chosen during deployment. His squad gets a +1 bonus to its Attack and Defense and becomes Immune to Psychology, never having to check Morale for Fear, Terror or Panic
  • Chaos Sorcerer: The general becomes a Level 1 spellcaster. Unavailable if the general is a follower of Khorne
  • Skulltaker: Only available if the general is a follower of Khorne. The general may personally lead any Infantry squad, chosen during deployment. His squad gets a +1 bonus to its Attack and Frenzy


Chaos Dwarf

  • Slaver: Any non-dwarven units in the army may re-roll Morale checks for Fleeing
  • Engineer: All artillery and vehicle units in the army alter their die type to increase their minimum Attack (so a 6-sided diceroll stat would become two 3-sided dicerolls)
  • Zealot: All dwarf units in the army are allowed to re-roll failed Morale checks


High Elf

  • Noble's blood: The general may personally lead a squad of Cavalry, chosen during deployment. His squad gets a +1 bonus to its Attack and Defense and becomes Immune to Psychology, never having to check Morale for Fear, Terror or Panic
  • Mage: The general becomes a Level 1 spellcaster
  • Sea Captain: The general may deploy two squads on each flank instead of the normal one



  • Lord: The general may personally lead a squad of Infantry, chosen during deployment. His squad gets a +1 bonus to its Attack and Defense and becomes Immune to Psychology, never having to check Morale for Fear, Terror or Panic
  • Engineer: All artillery and vehicle units in the army alter their die type to increase their minimum Attack (so a 6-sided diceroll stat would become two 3-sided dicerolls)
  • Smith: All units in the army get a +1 Defense bonus


Greenskins (Orc)

  • Warboss: All units in the army get a +1 Attack bonus
  • Shaman: The general becomes a Level 1 spellcaster
  • Tyrant: All Goblin squads get a +2 Morale bonus



  • Priestess: The general becomes a Level 1 spellcaster
  • Commander: The general may personally lead a squad of Infantry, chosen during deployment. Her squad gets a +1 bonus to its Attack and Defense and becomes Immune to Psychology, never having to check Morale for Fear, Terror or Panic
  • Huntress: The general may personally lead a squad of Cavalry, chosen during deployment. Her squad gets a +1 bonus to its Attack and Defense and becomes Immune to Psychology, never having to check Morale for Fear, Terror or Panic


Pirates of Sartosa

  • Captain: All units in the army are allowed to re-roll failed Morale checks for Fleeing
  • Spellsailor: The general becomes a Level 1 spellcaster
  • Gunner: Any squads in the army making a Ranged attack gain a +1 bonus to it



  • Warleader: The general may personally lead a squad with the Gaelic Fury ability, chosen during deployment. His squad gets a +1 bonus to its Attack and may re-roll all failed Morale checks
  • Battle Crier: All squads in the general's army get a +2 Morale bonus
  • Truthsayer: The general becomes a Level 1 spellcaster
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Lvl 65 Multitasker

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This is looking great!  It may take a few tries before we're comfortable with the mechanics, but I'm already motivated to stick with workouts.


My general is going to go with 

  • Spellsailor: The general becomes a Level 1 spellcaster 

And probably stick with the Fire school of magic (lore?) at first.  I can play her pretty close to what I've been doing for the rest of the RP at NF.  

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Level 63 Human ... Oath of Ancients Paladin

"We are better than we know, if we can be made to see it, [then] for the rest of our lives, we'll be unwilling to settle for less."  - Kurt Hahn

STR: 14 | DEX: 14| CON: 17 | INT: 17 | WIS: 17 | CHA: 14


The SIde Tracked Quest (rough draft)



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And probably stick with the Fire school of magic (lore?) at first.

Someone's been reading the tabletop wargame rulebook... :D Well, that one includes 8 Schools/Lores and each army/race has an extra of its own. I consider the 8 basic ones certain to overload us with rules and tbh, a little lacking in flavor, so each player will only be able to pick spells from his special list. I've sorted out the spellcasting rules, will go to edit the first post now and add spell options on the spreadsheet. Also, since I'll be out of town for the weekend, I'll try to post the intro story as well. Stay tuned...

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Lvl 65 Multitasker

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Zarthan lowered his binoculars, a twisted contraption of glass and black metal created by the Chaos Dwarves of his clan. Beneath his feet, the mountain rolled down to become the hills and forests of the Bretonnian borderlands. A pack of Orks had already set up camp on a hill. The Chaos Dwarf Slaver smiled with satisfaction to himself as he played out the scenario in his mind: Soon, Orks from the surrounding area would be drawn to this camp, forming a Horde. Meanwhile, some Bretonnian border scout was bound to take notice and inform the local lords. Whoever made the first move, a battle was guaranteed. Meanwhile, he would send out word to his own warriors to join him. Then, when the crimson mist cleared, they would march down the mountain and grab anyone still breathing to slave in the Pits.


On the other side of the ocean, another general surveyed its unsuspecting enemy. Hidden well inside her familiar jungles of Lustria, the Amazon Alala watched the dragon-headed Norscan longboats sail towards the shore. The area had no defensive fortifications, not because the amazons had forgotten them, but because the huge trees of the jungle practically formed a mighty wall against those who would march deeper into the mainland. Still, Alala was no fool. She knew that if the invaders were allowed to establish a beachhead, they would be able to push deeper one way or another. They had to be kicked back into the sea as soon as they landed.


Halftor's Norsemen weren't the only ones headed for shore. Even from the mist-shrouded island of Albion, it was hard to miss the full array of High Elf warships making their way towards solid ground. Herja watched through her spyglass from her ship's deck. It was safely hidden in a protected gulf, but she knew the Elves would never muster such a force if they didn't mean serious business, so there was no true safety. The waters around Albion were seeing some major activity lately, which was certainly the reason that made one of the leading naval powers to take action. Fleeing was not an option, neither was a straight-up confrontation. She would have to hide in Albion's mists and pounce just when the time was right. And the right time would surely be when the arrogant Eldar were welcomed by the local population...


Far from any sea and just as they like it, Okri Kadrinsson's Dwarfs were faced with a situation they didn't like at all. Their outpost had fallen under the hateful eye of the Kurgan, the Warriors of Chaos. What Okri couldn't understand was why they had set up two seperate camps. When his scouts returned, they gave him more than answers; they gave him hope. The enemy forces were not led by one, but two Aspiring Champions. One followed Khorne, the god of blood and slaughter, while the other was a disciple of his hated brother Slaanesh, the god of excess and depravity. Maybe he wasn't faced with such an overwhelming foe after all. If he could only manage to turn one against the other...


Alright people, for anyone who missed it, the matchups are as follows:

  • Bretonnia(ItsDaniel) vs Greenskins(Red1263) vs Chaos Dwarfs(DarK_RaideR)
  • Amazons(ShadowLion) vs Norse(JoeBlend)
  • High Elves(Xena) vs Pirates of Sartosa(Chris-Tien Jinn) vs Albion (bassman123)
  • Dwarfs(CommanderKidd) vs Chaos(LishVicious) vs Chaos(cn3wton)

Anyone joining until Sunday, such as any random Necrachs (:P) will be thrown into one of the above battlefields as a wildcard or into a new one, if more than one new players join. Feel free to post any RolePlay stuff for your character. Come Monday, start tracking any activities you do and don't rush to convert them into units until I say, since some may still be added or removed


Thanks for signing up, thanks for bearing with me as I put all this together. I hope it's not overwhelmingly complicated and that you all have fun!

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Lvl 65 Multitasker

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This sounds awesome! I've had a half thought somewhere in the back of my mind since joining NF that some sort of actual game like this should happen (I was thinking of D&D though because that's what I know, but didn't know how that could work. This sounds like it will work really well). I'm going to be basing my general slightly on a character I had in a D&D campaign, but I'm not sure of the details of warhammer to know what can directly be transferred and fit and what I need to think of a way to rework.


Race: Human (Norsca)
God: Olric
General: Axel
1st Ability: Berserker
  • Are they spellcasters or not?
    • At least not right now. If picking future abilities allows for it, maybe, but the first ability is definitely Berserker
  • Do they prefer to fight from a distance or up close and personal?
    • Up close.
  • What is their weapon of choice?
    • A large axe between a battle axe and a greataxe (hand-and-a-half in D&D terms, designed to be used with one hand or 2) and a shield with sharpened edges.
  • Are they frontline leaders or do they achieve tactical superiority by giving orders from a vantage point?
    • He's a front line leader. How can he expect his men to follow him if he doesn't prove himself brave and strong in battle?
  • How do they feel about their race's religion?
    • He venerates the Æsafólk believes in proving oneself worthy of going to Valhalla and joining Olric in battle against chaos in Ragnarok.

I'm still not really sure about back story.

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Dreghar sat back, taking it all in. His power was growing, the she-demon illusion standing next to him, caressing his arm in a rather sensual way. What fortune to find not one but two enemies in this place. This feeble Dwarven outpost would not stand against his might, and these pitiful beings claiming to follow Khorne of little contest.


Perhaps the dwarves believe that our armies are here to aid each-other. Or perhaps they believe us to be the foes that we are, it matters little. He would enter the fray and slay them indiscriminately. 


But now he had other needs that must be satisfied.

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"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - J.R.R Tolkien

"Progress, not perfection."

"Persist, Pivot, or Concede." - Matthew McConaughey

"Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't."

Rants, Thoughts, and Workouts-->Battle Log | The Improvening (Current Challenge)

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Oh, okay. I thought we were already tracking and were going to actually start this Sunday with the fighting. Makes sense, though, as you've done a ton of work and still have more to do.

N00b question - Do I need to get some kind of special dice, or do you do the rolling?

Good. I've got another day to finish researching and delineate my character. This is going to be fun...and bloody, from the looks of it.

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All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity:

but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible.

~T. E. Lawrence


When we contemplate the whole globe as one great dewdrop, striped and dotted with continents and islands,

flying through space with other stars all singing and shining together as one, the whole universe appears as an infinite storm of beauty. 
~John Muir

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