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Injured Indra: Lil Tia Chi, And Call Me In The Morning......

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I'm Kelli


I have been a fito for a while and have been a fan of the NerdFitness blog for a few years (LOVE the game based workouts!), but now I need help....


I started this adventure in 2012 and went from 270+lb (I say plus because I never had the guts to weigh myself until I had been watching what I eat for over a month) to 170lb and loving the body that was shaping up.  WOW  100lb  whoot.  ...... yea until I thought that I could start letting little things slip because I had done so well and I deserved it right??


Nope!  Fell into some really bad habits again and have now gained 20lb back.  Let stress from work, home, money, kids, workouts, nutrition stress me out.  THEN when I do decide to get my ass back in gear I pull a muscle in my back/hip (gluteus medius)  OUCH!  


It is taking so long to heal!  At first I could barely walk.  I have started to do Tai Chi but am letting myself get stressed out over not being able to workout.  I keep pushing myself and I know I shouldn't. I need to let it heal but I am finding that I am a huge stress and pain eater.  I am now over 200lb again.... Damn that was hard to type!  and I need community to get me back in gear.  I know what I have to do but this mindless eating and lack of workouts has me in a bad cycle.  


I know I know SUCK IT UP BUTTERCUP!!  ;}  


ANY advise is more than welcome!

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Level 4 Demon/Assassin

We Can't All Be The Hero.


STR:6  DEX:7 STA:8  CON:5  WIS:8 CHA:2


"No power in the 'verse can stop me." River


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Ouch indeed.


Yeah. These things take forever to heal. And then when you think you're all good, you go and hurt the exact same place next time you get hurt. It's a b**.


I too have injuries that are getting in the way of losing weight. I have the worst time controlling what I eat, so I tried to exercise as much as I could to improve my chances of losing weight and then BAM! All my old injuries started to scream. I've been pretty much sitting on my arse for three weeks waiting for things to heal. Ankles, left knee and lower back. I had some seitai therapy done on it and it hurts less, but I'm sure not okay to go back to barbells and treadmill and all that.


I'm swimming when my back doesn't bother me too bad. You should try, it's a great way to exercise, keep your muscles and cardiovascular system working, spend some energy and relieve stress :)


Other than that, what can we do? We wait and till we're well again and try not to go too eagerly at it next time :-/ (cuz that's totally what got me, was that what got you?) 

"Don't bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself." - W. Faulkner

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Hey there Kelli, that blows! Besides the injury, the stress eating is a tough one to overcome. You know that old saying that "Diets are easy until you get hungry", is very true. Personally what I had to do is go through the fridge and cupboards and throw out all the junk and buy healthy foods. I spend the day on Sunday chopping and sorting little snacks for myself. I like to nosh and when I get hungry, I just eat without thinking. So if it's there and ready and I have nothing bad to eat, I eat much better. Maybe you can try the same strategy?


Either way, good luck to you. You can get past this! You did it before, you can do it again!

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Thanks for the support!  


Ouch indeed.

Yeah. These things take forever to heal. And then when you think you're all good, you go and hurt the exact same place next time you get hurt. It's a b**.

I'm swimming when my back doesn't bother me too bad. You should try, it's a great way to exercise, keep your muscles and cardiovascular system working, spend some energy and relieve stress :)

Take forever is right!!  I have an appointment with my reg doc tomorrow.  The last was with an instacare doc.  Hopefully she has good news.  As for swimming.... yea.... me and water don't work well together hehehe.  Maybe a Quest for another challenge.  Get over my fear of water.....  Anyway!  Hopefully I will have good news to report tomorrow.


Hey there Kelli, that blows! Besides the injury, the stress eating is a tough one to overcome. You know that old saying that "Diets are easy until you get hungry", is very true. Personally what I had to do is go through the fridge and cupboards and throw out all the junk and buy healthy foods. I spend the day on Sunday chopping and sorting little snacks for myself. I like to nosh and when I get hungry, I just eat without thinking. So if it's there and ready and I have nothing bad to eat, I eat much better. Maybe you can try the same strategy?

Good idea on the food prep.  I do need to get back to that.  It always helped knowing everything was good to go.  

Level 4 Demon/Assassin

We Can't All Be The Hero.


STR:6  DEX:7 STA:8  CON:5  WIS:8 CHA:2


"No power in the 'verse can stop me." River


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As for swimming.... yea.... me and water don't work well together hehehe.  Maybe a Quest for another challenge.  Get over my fear of water.....


I hear that pilates is also indicated for anyone, including the injured. You see, Joseph Pilates came up with the idea for the machines to help the lame soldiers from the war to exercise, people without limbs or paralized! If you get a good pilates instructor, you could get the exercise you need even in non ideal physical conditions.


The reason I don't do pilates, however, is because it's kinda expensive :(


But, you know, just an idea. 

"Don't bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself." - W. Faulkner

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But, for me at least, the real challenge is not to find the exercise that will get me going through injury, but to learn to accept it and take the time to let it heal and all... argh! it's so dull! Dealing with my own impatience, you know what I mean.

"Don't bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself." - W. Faulkner

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Went to my regular doc yesterday. She decided it is not a pulled muscle but a pinched nerve. The muscles around it are trying to tighten up and protect the injury.  Few new meds and PT. I was SO sore from PT last night. I didn't sleep well but I'm up and ready for a new day.

I have been doing pretty good with my nutrition. Doc thinks the Tai Chi is a good idea but PT is a little skeptical. He doesn't want anything that has me bending forward at all right now. I may continue and at least do the Reboots for the foam rolling and just follow along just watching not to bend forward.

I'm glad I decided to get a second opinion on this. The meds were not doing anything to help and it was not getting better.

Right now I am just focusing on Tai Chi and PT, cutting out junk food and watching my portions and forcing myself to sit down every now and then to rest. I need to heal up to get back to BEASTING UP! ;}

The reason I don't do pilates, however, is because it's kinda expensive :(


Pilates are a great source for an excellent workout.  I really enjoy them.  As for too expensive.... you never have to take a class from a teacher BUT that is the best way if you really want to make it a focus of your lifestyle.  There are lots and lots of sources online for some really good resource  Bet you could find some links here in NF. Yoga as well. 


But, for me at least, the real challenge is not to find the exercise that will get me going through injury, but to learn to accept it and take the time to let it heal and all... argh! it's so dull! Dealing with my own impatience, you know what I mean.

You are so right!  It is going to be my hardest challenge. 

Level 4 Demon/Assassin

We Can't All Be The Hero.


STR:6  DEX:7 STA:8  CON:5  WIS:8 CHA:2


"No power in the 'verse can stop me." River


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