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Dragon Age Inquisition

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Lindsey Stirling, moderately well known performing violinist and nerd, did a cover of Inquisition's theme, very well made video too. I think the video on youtube is just called "Lindsey Stirling-Dragon Age" for anyone wanting to check it out.


Yeah, Violin Link. She's awesome.

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Lindsey Stirling, moderately well known performing violinist and nerd, did a cover of Inquisition's theme, very well made video too. I think the video on youtube is just called "Lindsey Stirling-Dragon Age" for anyone wanting to check it out.


 I love her! Beautiful music!



The Qunari remind me to much of the Draeni in WoW...and that just makes me want to avoid them entirely. I hated that race so much. 


I only played WoW briefly. I only played it because several of my MMO and Real life friends were playing it and asked me to join them. I ended up getting annoyed and hating it so much.

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Lindsey Stirling, moderately well known performing violinist and nerd, did a cover of Inquisition's theme, very well made video too. I think the video on youtube is just called "Lindsey Stirling-Dragon Age" for anyone wanting to check it out.


I got to watch it and I agree :)  Kinda made me a lil bit giddy about being a nerd lol. 

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Rising Heroes Faction: HAVIK 

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Vanilla and BC practically ruined my life.


feel that. i had a lot of good times in game, but if i could change anything in my life it would be the years i wasted living in the suburbs playing wow. "nothing to show for it" is exactly right. 

It's the moose on the inside that counts.

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Picked up Inquisition a couple of days ago; I've never played the first games in the series, but this one seems popular with Dragon Age fans so I figured I'd give it a go. I've been having trouble with the system not wanting to save my game (although that could be an Xbox One problem and not the game itself). I've had to completely restart the game twice now because I died and none of the saves were actually that; hence I haven't progressed beyond character level 4 yet.


Pros I've found thus far are, IMO:

- The dialogue options (I love being allowed to be a smartass)

- The open world environment

- The ability to swap between my custom character (female Qunari rogue - I made her look like Angelina Jolie and named her Malificent :-P) and party members. I also enjoy being able to customize the party members' skills, and I'm interested to see what other personalities show up as I get further into the game.


Cons I've discovered, IMO:

- No ability to switch to first-person view (Skyrim spoiled me)

- You have to keep hitting the X button in order to skip cutscenes - seriously, what's the point?!

- My 8 ft, [probably] 400 Lb horned giantess walks like a fairy, and runs like a middle-schooler who just discovered her tampon is leaking. Yes, I count that as an actual fault in the design of the game. If you're gonna give me the opportunity to be the biggest muthafugga in my party, I expect her to walk tall and run like the rhinoceros I made her to be!

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Evicious, Khajjit Ranger STR 7 | DEX 13 | STA 3 | CON 6 | WIS 16 | CHA 4

Current 4WC: Evicious: The Unburdening II + Blitz Week!

Fitocracy! I Play To Win!

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- You have to keep hitting the X button in order to skip cutscenes - seriously, what's the point?!


Perhaps the better question is why would you skip cutscenes? Thats like dragon age sacrilege lol.


Secondly this game has always been 3rd person view. Its not skyrim. Its a game where tactics and party organization are more important. Thats why you don't aim the bow etc etc. I can see why people don't like this, and I would consider it a con for you. But as far as it being a con for the entire game. Meh.


I have not played the qunari, so I cant say anything about this. But I think this is a pretty minimal thing as well. With a game as large and in depth as this. I can deal with it.


If you never played origins I can understand why you have certain "issues" with the game. The first one (which is generally everyone's favorite) is meant to be fully explored. Where the dialogue options and exploration are equal to, or for some a greater part of the game, than the combat is. 


For me the real con is that specializations feel a lot more under-powered. The multiplayer characters feel more powerful than the single player ones. But maybe thats just the rogue...


Also the horses are not needed. If your running around on a horse your missing a lot. And the maps aren't that big anyway... 

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"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - J.R.R Tolkien

"Progress, not perfection."

"Persist, Pivot, or Concede." - Matthew McConaughey

"Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't."

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Perhaps the better question is why would you skip cutscenes? Thats like dragon age sacrilege lol.


Secondly this game has always been 3rd person view. Its not skyrim. Its a game where tactics and party organization are more important. Thats why you don't aim the bow etc etc. I can see why people don't like this, and I would consider it a con for you. But as far as it being a con for the entire game. Meh.


I have not played the qunari, so I cant say anything about this. But I think this is a pretty minimal thing as well. With a game as large and in depth as this. I can deal with it.


If you never played origins I can understand why you have certain "issues" with the game. The first one (which is generally everyone's favorite) is meant to be fully explored. Where the dialogue options and exploration are equal to, or for some a greater part of the game, than the combat is. 


For me the real con is that specializations feel a lot more under-powered. The multiplayer characters feel more powerful than the single player ones. But maybe thats just the rogue...


Also the horses are not needed. If your running around on a horse your missing a lot. And the maps aren't that big anyway... 


Not being able to skip the cutscenes is only an irritation because I've had to start over so many times, due to the aforementioned save issues. I have enjoyed changing my dialogue choices over the course of navigating that problem, though! 


Yes, I am a huge Skyrim fan and I recognize that this influences my perception of Inquisition a lot. I am, however, learning to enjoy the game for what it is; it just takes time to adjust, I suppose. :P 


I agree about the horses, definitely. I was very excited to be able to ride around at first, but there truly isn't much benefit to doing so; you don't really travel that much faster than running where you need to go, especially if you fast travel to a point near your destination. 

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Evicious, Khajjit Ranger STR 7 | DEX 13 | STA 3 | CON 6 | WIS 16 | CHA 4

Current 4WC: Evicious: The Unburdening II + Blitz Week!

Fitocracy! I Play To Win!

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@cn3wton - you know, people enjoy games differently, and what you think is just fine may be a major drawback for someone else. these are called opinions, you cant just tell someone their objectively wrong, or that its not a big deal. a con for them is a con for the game - especially so if one of those cons is directly related to a technical failing (no saves forcing restarts leading to sitting through long and unskippable non-interactive exposition sequences).

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It's the moose on the inside that counts.

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Not being able to skip the cutscenes is only an irritation because I've had to start over so many times, due to the aforementioned save issues. I have enjoyed changing my dialogue choices over the course of navigating that problem, though! 


Yes, I am a huge Skyrim fan and I recognize that this influences my perception of Inquisition a lot. I am, however, learning to enjoy the game for what it is; it just takes time to adjust, I suppose. :tongue:


I agree about the horses, definitely. I was very excited to be able to ride around at first, but there truly isn't much benefit to doing so; you don't really travel that much faster than running where you need to go, especially if you fast travel to a point near your destination. 


I have a glitched rift... its closed and the quest is still there. The last save I had was 5 hours prior... needless to say that rift is gonna be open for awhile. Sorry to hear your having saveissues. What  platform are you on?


Skyrim drew a lot of people to games like it. I am glad you enjoy it though. I have friends that have never played a game like dragon age go "wow that game looks really good I am thinking about getting it." But its a pretty tough game that not everybody has the patience for.

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - J.R.R Tolkien

"Progress, not perfection."

"Persist, Pivot, or Concede." - Matthew McConaughey

"Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't."

Rants, Thoughts, and Workouts-->Battle Log | The Improvening (Current Challenge)

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I have a glitched rift... its closed and the quest is still there. The last save I had was 5 hours prior... needless to say that rift is gonna be open for awhile. Sorry to hear your having saveissues. What  platform are you on?


Skyrim drew a lot of people to games like it. I am glad you enjoy it though. I have friends that have never played a game like dragon age go "wow that game looks really good I am thinking about getting it." But its a pretty tough game that not everybody has the patience for.


Xbox One (which my loving husband bought for me when he purchased one for himself, and which we both are exceedingly disappointed in on multiple levels). I reset the entire console back to factory settings and downloaded the game again; now it saves as it should... most of the time!


It definitely isn't what I would consider a beginner's RPG. I'm slowly coming to grips with having to continue the storyline in order to continue exploring, which feels more difficult than it is simply because each area feels so open-world - but isn't. :-P 


My husband and I just started in on the multiplayer today, and I have to admit I was officially over it within 10 minutes. For starters, the multiplayer mode is strictly for dungeon crawling, which I have never enjoyed. Additionally, the micro-transactions to purchase the IG currency may be "optional" but it only took me a few deaths to realize that any genuine progress to be made in multiplayer mode was going to have to be bought with real-world money: the sheer amount of grinding necessary to obtain enough IG to make a purchase is, IMO, ludicrous. 


I'm determined to play through the game, but I admit that I will likely trade it in as soon as I have done so. And I'll be looking to purchase an Xbox 360 for the husband (he traded his in when he bought the Xbox Ones) for Christmas - and I highly recommend no one bother with the Xbox One for a while, either.

Evicious, Khajjit Ranger STR 7 | DEX 13 | STA 3 | CON 6 | WIS 16 | CHA 4

Current 4WC: Evicious: The Unburdening II + Blitz Week!

Fitocracy! I Play To Win!

Keep up the momentum!

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Hmm. My experiences with the one have been rather different. I will say that I got a day one edition at the midnight launch, put a disc in and found out it was broke. Luckily I knew the guy at the gamestop and he got me a new one the next day.

I have had minor issues which require a hard reset of it (where you press and hold the power button to completely power it down, or unplugging it). But nothing as severe as needed a factory reset. All new systems seem to have their issues though. And I've been with xbox since, well the xbox. And I have had great experience all around. I went through 7 or more 360's. I only paid for 2. The original and when I upgraded. Their customer service is awesome and I was usually back up and running in a week or so. If you have a bunch of issues with more than one game it may be worth giving them a call.

I've kind of gotten to the point where I realize that these things are gonna happen for awhile.

Aa far as trading in the game I can understand that 100%. Personally I never will but as I said this is one of those games that I rarely suggest people pick up.

Multiplayer is a dungeon crawl, if you don't like that then I can see why you wouldn't want to play it. You have to have 4 people, if your playing with less then you have to have someone at a high level with you. Also on the easiest difficulty you earn enough gold to buy a large chest every 3-4 games. Games should only last 15-20 minutes as well. Once you find a group of 4 people with mics it gets much more fun. I find its a more laid back version of diablo, which I like. We basically laugh and have a good time while playing. Joking around and not taking it serious. Which is another plus for me.

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - J.R.R Tolkien

"Progress, not perfection."

"Persist, Pivot, or Concede." - Matthew McConaughey

"Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't."

Rants, Thoughts, and Workouts-->Battle Log | The Improvening (Current Challenge)

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Just bought DA:I 2 days ago, finally got around to it. I love this series and the game looks epic. Like the characters and the world.


That being said, who the fuck designed this combatsystem. The tactical camera gives no overview due to lack of zooming out, the AI is the most retarded one I have had to deal with in years. Give me back my customizable AI from one of the previous 2 games and ffs stop making my ranged peeps run into fucking melee whenever I look away for even a microsecond. They don't even run to the fight they just teleport next to my damn tank sometimes. I get that the third instalment is meant to be played with a controller (irritating since the first to played fine on PC) but that AI just fucks up everything! Like someone put it so nicely "It's like I'm relaying orders through an 8 year old with ADHD to a bunch of mentally challenged toddlers".


Anyone else getting frustrated with the AI?

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I have found that having them hold position helps.

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - J.R.R Tolkien

"Progress, not perfection."

"Persist, Pivot, or Concede." - Matthew McConaughey

"Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't."

Rants, Thoughts, and Workouts-->Battle Log | The Improvening (Current Challenge)

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Have you found a way to fix this issue:

Tell Solas to go use rez on someone, go back to different character. Solas stops and starts autoattacking again. Stupid AI overwriting my explicit commands -.-

If your talking about the spell no. If they get hit that seems to overwrite anything you told them to do.

If you want them to revive someone off the ground you need to double clock on the downed person.

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - J.R.R Tolkien

"Progress, not perfection."

"Persist, Pivot, or Concede." - Matthew McConaughey

"Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't."

Rants, Thoughts, and Workouts-->Battle Log | The Improvening (Current Challenge)

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So I've now clocked about 20+ hours and am loving the game so far. The DA series has a special place in my heart, and I tend not to notice messy mechanics because I'm a little oblivious and assume I'm bad at games. :)


I'm not sure how I feel about multiplayer. I loved ME3 multiplayer, but I'm not feeling the love for DA:I yet. I'm also re-learning how to play on a PC since I've been a console player for years (probably another reason why I'm oblivious to poor game mechanics - I assume it's my fault). 


I'm also stuck playing on my partner's origin account, so if anyone wants to try multi and is on the PC my user name is brandonbri199.

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For some reason I am not attached to most of the playable characters in DAI as I have for the first 2. But I do love Cassandra and Varric's relationship, makes for some good laughs. 

I started a second playthrough last night with a completely different world state from the Keep. This should be interesting :) I still haven't discovered everything from my first playthrough lol.

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