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My training log




Hudson Valley Strongman presents Lift for Autism (USS), April 16th Contest report


Hudson Valley Strongman presents Lift for Autism (NAS), April 18th Contest report

Eighth Annual Vis Vires Outdoor Strongman Competition (Unsanctioned), August 1st Contest report


"What's the difference between an injury that you train around and an injury that you train through?"

"A trip to the hospital"

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Squat: 3 @120kg, 3 @125kg - knee cave of the 125kg but the 120kg was solid

Squat: 3x5 @100kg

Bench Press (1st rep paused): 3 @70kg, 3 @77.5kg, 3 @80kg - the heaviest was my best set, a good set up turns your body into a springy bench shirt

Bench Press (1st rep paused): 3x5 @70kg

Snatch: 3 @41kg, 2 @46kg, 1 @49kg, 1 @51kg - messier than usual today

Hang snatch: 4x3 @35kg

Assistance: dumbbell row and over head lunges


Oh yeah, 55.4kg today.  Cutting it fine for making 52kg on the 17th of January. 

"Gentle means tired."

Battle Log / Youtube Channel / (lol am an..) Athlete Page

Level 4 Halfling Monk: STR - 181 | DEX - 12.5 | STA - 4.5 | CON - 6 | WIS - 4 | CHA - 7

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Clean & Jerk: 3 @51kg, F @56kg, 2 @50kg, 3 @51kg, 2 @54kg, 3 @54kg, 2 @54kg - still all over the place

Snatch Grip Deadlift: 3x5 @70kg

Paused Front Squat: 5x5 @74kg

Assistance: inverted row, push up, lat pull down and ab stuff

"Gentle means tired."

Battle Log / Youtube Channel / (lol am an..) Athlete Page

Level 4 Halfling Monk: STR - 181 | DEX - 12.5 | STA - 4.5 | CON - 6 | WIS - 4 | CHA - 7

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At some point, can I steal some advice on my bench set-up? Outwardly it seems to look all right but I'm convinced there's something not right given how little progress I've made.

No problem.  I'll grab you in Dumfries when I've got a second and look at some set up stuff.  If Marc is there too then we could get some feedback/ collaborative coaching going on.

"Gentle means tired."

Battle Log / Youtube Channel / (lol am an..) Athlete Page

Level 4 Halfling Monk: STR - 181 | DEX - 12.5 | STA - 4.5 | CON - 6 | WIS - 4 | CHA - 7

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Time to crack out the NSFW training gear :P


Paused Squat: 3x3 @107.5kg

Squat: 5x5 @ 107.5kg

Competition Bench: 1 @77.5kg, 1 @82.5kg, 1 @85kg, F @87.5kg (double recovery)

Long Pause Bench: 5x5 @68kg

Assistance: Overhead Squat, bent over row and cable row

"Gentle means tired."

Battle Log / Youtube Channel / (lol am an..) Athlete Page

Level 4 Halfling Monk: STR - 181 | DEX - 12.5 | STA - 4.5 | CON - 6 | WIS - 4 | CHA - 7

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Thanks for lookin out, SS.

My training log




Hudson Valley Strongman presents Lift for Autism (USS), April 16th Contest report


Hudson Valley Strongman presents Lift for Autism (NAS), April 18th Contest report

Eighth Annual Vis Vires Outdoor Strongman Competition (Unsanctioned), August 1st Contest report


"What's the difference between an injury that you train around and an injury that you train through?"

"A trip to the hospital"

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Deadlift (Volume): 4x4 @112.5kg

Deadlift (Heavy): 2 @130kg, 1 @145kg - failed on week 5 of program, considering how the last double at 145kg went I'm not suprised

Deadlift (Sillyness): 9 @112.5kg - can still rep this out like a bad boy
Shoulder Press: 12 @25kg, 8 @30kg, 5 @32.5kg, 3 @34kg, 12 @25kg

Jerk: 5x3 @48kg - Its coming back, looks like I need to be hitting jerks from the blocks plus clean & jerk once a week.

Assistance: Renegade row, push up


Basically, the program needs adjusting.  Females tend to rep closer to maxes than men so looking at the past few weeks, the top sets need to come down, the volume sets need to go up and rather than having set in stone weight I feel working up to 2 or 3 at 8RPE is more appropriate.


Achievement Unlocked: first free standing hand stand!


Messing about on paralletes with one of the body weight guys.  I kept thinking that there's no reason I can't do an l-sit, except every time I go to straighten my legs my quads are like nope.  Tried the hand stand instead, eventually got my legs extended.  Next stop, do them on the floor without nice grippy bars that trigger the right muscle activation.


This is months old but it'll make me feel better.

"Gentle means tired."

Battle Log / Youtube Channel / (lol am an..) Athlete Page

Level 4 Halfling Monk: STR - 181 | DEX - 12.5 | STA - 4.5 | CON - 6 | WIS - 4 | CHA - 7

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two observations that are nothing more than that

on your split jerk you tend to drop your rear knee inward at the moment of tension. You correct quickly but with the angle of video it does appear that it falls in.

In your older squat video (I also saw it in the newest I could find) you take power bar placement but a supper narrow hand position. 


I'm sure these are things you're already observing and are either deliberate or being address just curious to hear your thoughts.

You can't spell Slaughter without laughter

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Just out of curiosity, what's wrong with a narrow hand position?


I can't stay tight with my hands inside the rings. If I go close with my grip I end up dumping forward hard.

My training log




Hudson Valley Strongman presents Lift for Autism (USS), April 16th Contest report


Hudson Valley Strongman presents Lift for Autism (NAS), April 18th Contest report

Eighth Annual Vis Vires Outdoor Strongman Competition (Unsanctioned), August 1st Contest report


"What's the difference between an injury that you train around and an injury that you train through?"

"A trip to the hospital"

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I can't arch out of the hole with my arms tucked in tight. They need some abduction so my lats have something to pull against. YMMV of course but if collapsing in the hole is a thing then try widening out to the rings and see where it gets you. If I go much beyond that I can't keep my scapulae pinned.

My training log




Hudson Valley Strongman presents Lift for Autism (USS), April 16th Contest report


Hudson Valley Strongman presents Lift for Autism (NAS), April 18th Contest report

Eighth Annual Vis Vires Outdoor Strongman Competition (Unsanctioned), August 1st Contest report


"What's the difference between an injury that you train around and an injury that you train through?"

"A trip to the hospital"

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I can't arch out of the hole with my arms tucked in tight. They need some abduction so my lats have something to pull against. YMMV of course but if collapsing in the hole is a thing then try widening out to the rings and see where it gets you. If I go much beyond that I can't keep my scapulae pinned.

If I come out much wider than I am I can't been my scapula tight, the bar either rolls back or forward.  Take a look at how a lot of the female light weights squat, they'll all be pretty narrow on their grip.

"Gentle means tired."

Battle Log / Youtube Channel / (lol am an..) Athlete Page

Level 4 Halfling Monk: STR - 181 | DEX - 12.5 | STA - 4.5 | CON - 6 | WIS - 4 | CHA - 7

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two observations that are nothing more than that

on your split jerk you tend to drop your rear knee inward at the moment of tension. You correct quickly but with the angle of video it does appear that it falls in.

In your older squat video (I also saw it in the newest I could find) you take power bar placement but a supper narrow hand position. 


I'm sure these are things you're already observing and are either deliberate or being address just curious to hear your thoughts.

Compensation for my right ankle, you'll notice that it doesn't point straight ahead either.

I used to power jerk, it feels much more natural to me and I'm faster under the bar.  If I switch back to power jerks now I'll have no problem hitting what I split jerk, however getting to grips with the split will benefit me in the long run.  Power/ squat jerks would be unstable at heavier weights for a lanky person where as split jerks (despite being hard to learn because there's a million things in a second) will be much more stable.

If you look at my snatches, cleans and deadlifts you'll notice that the right foot isn't always where it should be or isn't doing it's fair share of work.

"Gentle means tired."

Battle Log / Youtube Channel / (lol am an..) Athlete Page

Level 4 Halfling Monk: STR - 181 | DEX - 12.5 | STA - 4.5 | CON - 6 | WIS - 4 | CHA - 7

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Just out of curiosity, what's wrong with a narrow hand position?

I wanted to answer this specifically. nothing. Nothing is wrong with a narrow grip, it's just uncommon. Tankweasel is no noob and seems to have a pretty solid coach so it appears to me that nothing she does is by accident. It's precisely because she's so strong, aware of what she's doing, got a solid coach and is doing something abnormal that I wanted to hear about it. 


She's also got super solid thoracic and shoulder mobility which probably contributes to why this setup works for her. A lot of the big, fat dudes who powerlift may benefit from a narrower grip but never tried and got so muscle bound that it was simply no longer an option. It's an interesting thought exercise/thing to experiment with when my bar thaws out again.

You can't spell Slaughter without laughter

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Squat: 3 @122.5kg - knees are starting to go back to acceptable

Squat: 3x5 @100kg

Bench Press (1st Rep Paused): 3 @80kg - elbows didn't like the lock out on my second rep, recovered ok

Bench Press (1st Rep Paused): 3x5@70kg

Snatch: 5x3 @44kg - not looking sharp enough on these

Assistance: dumbbell row & overhead lunges


"Gentle means tired."

Battle Log / Youtube Channel / (lol am an..) Athlete Page

Level 4 Halfling Monk: STR - 181 | DEX - 12.5 | STA - 4.5 | CON - 6 | WIS - 4 | CHA - 7

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