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Respawn while in college

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Confession: I completely overate during Thanksgiving.


Resolution: Instead of giving up, I will respawn NOW!


My main challenges are: 

-College food is not really healthy let alone paleo

-Finals are right around the corner and stress may lead to emotional eating

-The Holiday season is filled with comfort foods and desserts that are hard to resist


This is my plan of attack:

-Eat for nutrition by making sure to find sources of protein and vegetables at every meal 

-Take walks around campus, read for pleasure, and listen to music to destress 

-Bring paleo food to social gatherings or eat beforehand to avoid gluten and sugar

-Never let one bad day spiral out of control and turn into more days of bad eating


Motivational Advice:

-Strive towards becoming the best version of yourself

-It's never too late to be what you might have been

-The best gift you could give yourself this holiday season is good health

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"Don't trade what you want most of all for what you want in the moment." 

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I've been maintaining healthy habits for ten days since my respawn, but today I completely "fell off the wagon." My day was going smoothly: eating paleo and taking walks throughout the day. Then everything changed after dinner when a friend gave me a bag full of candy. I thought I could treat myself to a Hershey kiss, but one piece of chocolate led to several pieces, which led to an Almond Joy, which led to ice cream, which led to a slice of pizza, which led to some pasta, which led to a piece of cake, which led to more ice cream, which led to a Kit Kat bar. So yeah... I'm disappointed in myself for letting my impulsive emotions take over my eating habits. It's just that I'm in college and am surrounded by other students eating unhealthy food all the time. They seem fine, so sometimes I wonder why I can't just eat like everyone else and still be healthy. In addition, parties and social dinners come up and I'm constantly tempted with comfort foods and desserts. So, I guess today I just couldn't take it and gave in and overate. I realize that eating healthy each day will benefit me in the long run, so I shouldn't pay attention to other people's eating habits and just focus on doing my personal best. Therefore, I'm determined not to let this one bad day turn into two and then three and then a week of bad eating. I'm getting right back on track, starting now, and tomorrow will be a better day. For the Win! 

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"Don't trade what you want most of all for what you want in the moment." 

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This is somewhat of a rant, but I have to get it off my chest...


I'm trying to eat healthy (meat, vegetables, healthy fats, etc.) but I'm surrounded by people eating according to the Standard American Diet (cereal, low fat milk, tofu, etc.). Most look attractive (i.e. fit and slim) and seem healthy. I suppose that I'm jealous that I'm eating healthier than they are, but they look better than I do. This discourages me, and I'm tempted to fall into old habits and be like everyone else. I know that eating healthy (i.e. paleo) will work to my benefit, but then I see people who are not eating paleo and they look fine. It's like I'm working harder but not getting rewarded for it. Good news is that I'm reminded that I'm a rebel and there are many other people out there like me. You all give me motivation to keep moving forward. For the Rebellion!!! 

"Don't trade what you want most of all for what you want in the moment." 

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Hey Aegle!  Fellow college student here so I understand you pain.  It can be very challenging almost all the time to keep your diet up to snuff when all the people you know don't do a very good job with their own diets.  Also don't beat your self up too much about that one night of over eating.  One meal out out 30 (if you ate three times a day over those ten days) is 3.33% failure rate, that is pretty dam good in my book.  I know that it has been said here before but one day, one meal means nothing in the grand scheme of things, I know Steve has said for him that as long as he doesn't skip working out two days in a row there is no problem.


And don't forget to not compare your self to others in that way (though of course I don't know how much you know about how they eat all the time). I heard it once said to not compare your whole life story to their highlights/snap shots of theirs,  they may eat really well when your not around or not eat much as all plus it is a lot easier to maintain your weight than lose weight.  Plus who knows, they may look healthy but its all aesthetics and they couldn't lift a twig.  Just remember the only people should compare ourselves to are the people we where yesterday.  Keep up the good work! :)

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Lord S'jet   lvl: 4


Challenges - Current


"All you have to decide is what to do with the time given to you" -Gandalf The Grey


Weight goal



Current: 174  Goal:140

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Confession: I completely overate during Thanksgiving.


Resolution: Instead of giving up, I will respawn NOW!


My main challenges are: 

-College food is not really healthy let alone paleo

-Finals are right around the corner and stress may lead to emotional eating

-The Holiday season is filled with comfort foods and desserts that are hard to resist


This is my plan of attack:

-Eat for nutrition by making sure to find sources of protein and vegetables at every meal 

-Take walks around campus, read for pleasure, and listen to music to destress 

-Bring paleo food to social gatherings or eat beforehand to avoid gluten and sugar

-Never let one bad day spiral out of control and turn into more days of bad eating


Motivational Advice:

-Strive towards becoming the best version of yourself

-It's never too late to be what you might have been

-The best gift you could give yourself this holiday season is good health


That sounds like a perfect way to deal with it!! You sound so positive and determined, that's touching - I'm burned out. Don't let that happen to you. Stay to your plan at making time for destressing and enjoying life, I highly underestimated its importance!

"The purpose of life is to be happy." - Tendzin Gyatsho, the 14th Dalai Lama 


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I'm embarrassed and disappointed in myself for not keeping to my goals. One day of bad eating turned into five days, and now I feel sick and am ashamed that I let down the Rebellion. I knew what I should have done but did basically the opposite. As the saying goes, "It's easier said then done." There was a time when I actually considered giving up and just waiting until the New Year to get back on track. But that is NOT acceptable if I really want to regain control over my health. So, I'm respawning again and I'll keep on doing it until I get it right. It doesn't matter how many times I fall down; what matters is that I keep getting up. I will not let my failures determine my future. They are just setbacks on the way to success. For the rebellion!

"Don't trade what you want most of all for what you want in the moment." 

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fellow rebel,  YOU CAN DO THIS!!! 


In doing the 6 week challenges, I learned that you sometimes need to readjust your goals, tweak things till they work.  You may need to allow yourself one special meal or treat especially if you are feeling deprived.  You may be trying to hard to do it "perfectly" (I struggle with this all the time) and are in the all or nothing mindset.  I see many fellow rebels strive to eat one paleo meal a day instead of jumping into all meals being perfectly paleo. 


Remember your brain will want to go back to its old habits during times of stress and being tired - college and finals week is all about being stressed out and being tired. Don't be too hard on yourself and do something ASAP that is positive for your health - a walk, have a healthy meal, meditate, or just play a game like frisbee.  At least for today you will have done something healthy for yourself.


Let us know how you are doing - we are routing for you!!!

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Liser Frenche


Level 1 - STR : 1.3 | DEX : 1.5 | STA : 1.5 | CON : 1.5 | WIS : 0 | CHA : 0

 Current Challenge  /Battle Log I   

Previous challenges:

 1I  2  3 Epic Respawn



MFP username: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/profile/liserfrenche

"Strive for Progress, Not Perfection"



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Hey fellow Rebels, thanks for your support! The first day is always the hardest, but I'm proud to say that I accomplished it! I broke my binge eating cycle; ate for nutrition; and took several walks. Now that I've gotten the ball rolling, I have a renewed mindset and will continue on my journey to improved health. 

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"Don't trade what you want most of all for what you want in the moment." 

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Great news!!!   Woot!!  Woot!!  Just realize how hard what you are trying to do is, ie trying to eat healthy in a very unhealthy place at a very stressful time and give yourself credit.  You rock!!!  

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Liser Frenche


Level 1 - STR : 1.3 | DEX : 1.5 | STA : 1.5 | CON : 1.5 | WIS : 0 | CHA : 0

 Current Challenge  /Battle Log I   

Previous challenges:

 1I  2  3 Epic Respawn



MFP username: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/profile/liserfrenche

"Strive for Progress, Not Perfection"



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Yeah there will be setback's every now and then but as long as you keep fighting and stand up again everything is fine :) What I realized by now is that the more you concenctrate on changing something the more difficult it becomes for me. I now want change my environment - arrange my room after feng shui rules (gua-number), start the day with 10 to 30 minutes Yoga and change my look. I have tried many, many things by now, somewhen something will help, I am sure.


Wish you the power to not let yourself drag into guilt feelings because not accomplishing something you had planned to. We are human, we are allowed to make mistakes. Really make sure you enjoy your life and keep in balance work, health, social life a.s.o. :) We are going to make it ^_^

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"The purpose of life is to be happy." - Tendzin Gyatsho, the 14th Dalai Lama 


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Hello my friend!  I understand but I wouldn't be your self up too much as I also had a lot of trouble since finals were going. In fact I haven't posted anything in at least a week.  It is understandable though and I wouldn't beat your self up too much over it.  I know that is sucks to fall off the wagon so close to starting but in reality that was just gonna happen with finals.  I know I just finished them my self yesterday and I hope you are almost done as well.  Finals are the worst and it is understandable that during that one to two weeks period you don't do so great with health, working out and eating.  Now is the time to rise back up!  Never give up! Never surrender!

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Lord S'jet   lvl: 4


Challenges - Current


"All you have to decide is what to do with the time given to you" -Gandalf The Grey


Weight goal



Current: 174  Goal:140

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