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Greetings from the dark side of the lost moon of poosh...

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... or at least that's where I feel like being stuck atm. ;)


I'm usually not very organized and methodical, but I need to do something to climb out of the dark hole that swallowed me health-wise. So I thought where would I find inspiration & perhaps likeminded people if not here?

Initially I wrote a whole novel about my past experiences with excercise and nutrition, but I doubt anyone would want to read that.
Let's just say I got badly injured last December and couldn't train for a while. After I got better physically, I didn't find the motivation to start over with weight lifting (I wasn't that good before, but with Wendlers 5/3/1 I managed to get my deadlifts up to about 82 kilogramms at least and I barely able to lift 50 post injury).
So I turned to bodyweight/HIIT again, which was my first love in terms of excercise, besides running.

Everything was fine until summer. Then all of a sudden I developed Plantar Fasciitis on both feet and am barely able to walk or stand for more than some minutes without being in massive pain.
I haven't been for a run since the pain started and I miss it so much. Had to alter my usual HIIT/Rep routines to suit my needs too - no more jumps/thelike, weights are down to the bare minimum. And of course I don't excercise as often as I did before. About three times a week, without getting any real satisfaction from it (<"I could do so much more!" tennant voice on>).

Over the last couple of moth I have been seeing 3 doctors, but only got shoe inlays, homeopathic balms and the advice to wait about a year and take painkillers if I needed to.
I did some research myself and do a lot of stretching, yoga (which I already liked before, so yay that's something i can still do the way I used to) and take homeopatic globules - but nothing seems to help more than short term.

In order to all that my dietary habits dropped from homemade, non-processed, organic fresh stuff 90% of the time to... well... a nasty crossbreed I guess. Too much processed food/snacks and too much gluten for my taste. Still love my fruits and starches, but neglected the greens a bit lately.
So I got jiggly and don't like it. What I eat is under my control, so I think getting back on track foodwise will not only make me feel better physically, but mentally as well.

What to do with the excercise... I don't know. A part of me wants to start running again, but at this point I don't feel that's realistic and would do me any good. Even if it's been my main declutter mechanism over the past years.

That one got long anyways... so thanks for reading till the end if you did! You earned a very special banana - Alons-y! ;)


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Aye I 've been 90% gluten free and eating an organic diet for the past couple months (since April) and noticed a huge change in my body. I feel better. My wife feeds me a steady diet of gluten free, non-GMO articles that help me not go back to my bad habits. It may be a little more expensive but it is well worth it. I never knew avocado's tasted so good.


Having a bum knee is disheartning but I am sure you can find other means of escape. Not sure about the weather near you but kyaking gives you the scenary and a good workout without the stress on the knee. I have myself a small 1 person canoe that's used for freestyle canoeing and canoe ballet..(yeah I don't know ballet in a canoe it's wierd yeah?)  I like it for fishing and easy mobility. It's nice and open for all my gear and I can put my 5 yr old in the front and when she's not with me I can really get that thing moving across the lake and into hard to reach area like a kayak allows. On top of that it's super light weight and can be lifted by one person.


cheers and goodluck to you

Sir Shaggs

Xeph Level  newb aspiring to ranger

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Six week challenge

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I'm afraid canoeing isn't an option around here - suburban Germany, not my top choice but what can you do -  but biking is a big thing in this town and I'm really concidering it. All my life I thought of bikes as spawns of hell and I just seem to un-learn how to handle them each time i get of the saddle. But it would be a way to not bas my decision to excercise on how bad my feet hurt that day. We'll see..


Food wise I can already say registering here did some magic.Yesterday was a pretty good day. 

My "crap sources" are limited anyways, because I don't eat anything processed/store bought that contains any animal product whatsoever (i don't eat meat or dairy in general, eggs ocassionally, fish once in a blue moon - if I can get some from free range chickens which I'm sure of are running around the garden of an old lady all day long or some wild caught fish), but there are still too many options to stuff your face.

I at least managed to prepare everything I ate myself. Too many Muffins included. ;)


But now it's time to roam the Forum and get involved a little.





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