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33 minutes ago, Sloth the Enduring said:

So I put that on with the rest of me looking causal-business-like. Slothgirl was impressed, she said,"You look like a president! But not the new one, the old one." :).


Aw that's really sweet, particularly with the clarification ;)

  • Like 3

If it's not siesta or fiesta, I'm not interested. 

Profile picture credit : NF's resident super artist - NinjaKitten

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55 minutes ago, Sloth the Enduring said:

"You look like a president! But not the new one, the old one."


Phew, that was a close one.  LOL.  No one wants to look like the new one. :D 


Everything turned out okay for Mr. Marauder in the end.  He was his own worst enemy.  He clearly doesn't mess up often enough to be good at it.  Neither do you I'd guess. ;)  

Rangering since Sept 2015



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On 2017/02/15 at 6:36 PM, Sloth the Enduring said:

"You look like a president! But not the new one, the old one."

:love_heart: for slothgirl, not the president.

On 2017/02/15 at 6:36 PM, Sloth the Enduring said:

Mrs. Sloth loved her Afghani scarf thing.

Told you so! So glad for you and her.


Mrs. Van's Latest Challenge


Zechariah 4:6

"Not by might, nor by power, but by My spirit, saith the Lord."

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On February 15, 2017 at 10:28 AM, DJtrippyT said:


not yet. bad week threw me off but I may yet regroup.


I, too, assumed everyone likes cheese. 




*sigh* I guess I'll just keep waiting. 


On February 15, 2017 at 10:46 AM, shaar said:






Glad you're moving ahead one day at a time with the job thing.  Ugh.  Things like that can really wedge themselves into the little crevices of your brain for a long, long time.  We are here for you!! <3


Sometimes I wonder how hard it would be to ditch the traditional ~*~career~*~ and run away to become a blacksmith/leatherworker/farmhand/something less "society-ey".


Burrito cat > Tacocat. 


Being a blacksmith is a dream job for me. I just can't figure out how to make it work. I guess the first step would be to finally set up my forge. 


On February 15, 2017 at 10:50 AM, Rooks said:


Because 'MURICA!  




P.S.  While Google image searching this, I stumbled upon this amazing page.  Feel free to thank me later.  http://www.funnyjunk.com/Murica/funny-pictures/5959889#b2b8b6_5959445


That made me lol, first time in a few days. 


On February 15, 2017 at 11:10 AM, deftona said:


Aw that's really sweet, particularly with the clarification ;)


On February 15, 2017 at 11:18 AM, The Most Loathed said:

That is a heck of a compliment.


It was a heck of a compliment.  For the record, Mrs. Sloth is the one who is radicalizing the kids. 


On February 15, 2017 at 11:35 AM, Marauder said:


Phew, that was a close one.  LOL.  No one wants to look like the new one. :D 


Everything turned out okay for Mr. Marauder in the end.  He was his own worst enemy.  He clearly doesn't mess up often enough to be good at it.  Neither do you I'd guess. ;)  


At least I don't get caught messing up very often. 


On February 15, 2017 at 1:41 PM, Fonzico said:

Sloth-girl is adorable. And sure knows how to butter up her old man, eh?


Extra chill Valentine's days are recommended. Good call. Glad the missus liked her scarf! Good husbanding.




3 hours ago, elizevdmerwe said:

:love_heart: for slothgirl, not the president.

Told you so! So glad for you and her.



I should crowd source my romantic decisions more often; I sure don't know what I'm doing. 

  • Like 4

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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2/15/17 Wednesday


It was a good day.  I overslept through my workout time.  Normally I can't sleep past about 4:30, so I don't begrudge it when it happens. It was conference day.  Which is normally pretty rough, but they went pretty well. It was busy all day long without being chaotic and the conversations with parents were reasonable.


I literally woke up, went to my classroom and stayed there until I went home and went to bed and somehow got 12'000 steps in.


Training: no.

Eating: on point. 

  • Like 9

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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15 hours ago, Sloth the Enduring said:

Being a blacksmith is a dream job for me. I just can't figure out how to make it work. I guess the first step would be to finally set up my forge. 

You know a blacksmith in South Africa that could probably use the help :). Bound to be some good riding trails down there.


Don't you have a hammer race coming up soon? Shouldn't you be training for that? What would pirate yoga instructor say?

  • Like 4

Viking Adventurer

Battle Log: Bearlee is ...

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2/16/17 Thursday


It was a good day.  The Day Without Immigrants gave me about half a class to teach. The day was pretty relaxed. Even though all of the students that have behavior issues were at school (their parents never, ever let them stay home) I didn't have to deal with any behavior issues.  I attribute that to more individual attention and better surveillance with only 14 students per hour.  


We had conferences again after school.  Again they went well. I had a few girls in row who were solid B, or better, students all year long and all of a sudden in the last two weeks started failing.  You can't tell a parent their daughter is boy-crazy, so I attributed it to an early onset of Spring Fever.  A parent asked one of my very best students what was distracting her in class and she said, "It's Kevin!  He's so cute and he makes me laugh."  Here's the trick to getting sixth grade girls to think you're cute and funny, be as obnoxious and disrespectful as you can without actually getting kicked out of class. 


Training: No.

Eating: On point.


2/17/17 Friday


It was a good day up until the end.  I had the day off as a comp day for evening conferences. I slept in a bit. It was ungodly warm out.  My plan was to prime the bedroom, go on a ride outside and start painting. I seriously underestimated how long it would take to paint all of the trim and doors.  I didn't get done priming until dinner time.


Plan B was to ride the trainer after I got the kids to bed.  Mrs. Sloth has arthritic hips and can't get comfortable on the couch and the lack of sleep is making her very hard to live with.  So I set up the sleep number mattress on the living room floor, but we couldn't find the remote for it.  I'm assuming the kids played with it and stashed it somewhere. I spent 2 hours methodically searching the house and still haven't found it. Now it's 10:00 and I just want to go to bed. 


Training: No.

Eating: No.  I couldn't find anything quick for lunch that I could eat and I didn't want to leave the house, so I opened up the emergency jug of trail mix and ate it.  It's too fatty and has chocolate chips and M&Ms. Hopefully I won't be too gassy at TML's game day. 




ETA: Snoopavision watches mountain biking.  This needed to be a lot longer. 


  • Like 6

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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7 hours ago, Sloth the Enduring said:

 A parent asked one of my very best students what was distracting her in class and she said, "It's Kevin!  He's so cute and he makes me laugh."  Here's the trick to getting sixth grade girls to think you're cute and funny, be as obnoxious and disrespectful as you can without actually getting kicked out of class. 


As a former sixth grade girl, I could have told you that but then I have always been a sucker for a bad boy. 


And I assume the Day Without Immigrants was a kind of protest? I feel the need to check though because at some point the world slipped into some sort of dystopian nightmare and I don't know what's real any more. 

  • Like 6

If it's not siesta or fiesta, I'm not interested. 

Profile picture credit : NF's resident super artist - NinjaKitten

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11 hours ago, Sloth the Enduring said:

2/16/17 Thursday


It was a good day.  The Day Without Immigrants gave me....

Day w/o immigrants?  Is that called a pow-wow? (for America)

Current Challenge 


We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.
Diet is 80% of losing weight, exercise is 80% of motivation.

The only thing I am 100% sure of is my ability to be wrong.

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On February 17, 2017 at 5:49 AM, Bearlee said:

You know a blacksmith in South Africa that could probably use the help :). Bound to be some good riding trails down there.


Don't you have a hammer race coming up soon? Shouldn't you be training for that? What would pirate yoga instructor say?


Long commute. 


That's two months away. Plenty of time to get ready. Worse comes to worse I can rely on Dad Strength. 



On February 17, 2017 at 9:50 AM, elizevdmerwe said:

There are! World mountain bike championships was held here (in my town) in 2013. South Africans love their mountain biking.


It looks lovely there and the weather seems perfect.  


6 hours ago, deftona said:


As a former sixth grade girl, I could have told you that but then I have always been a sucker for a bad boy. 


And I assume the Day Without Immigrants was a kind of protest? I feel the need to check though because at some point the world slipped into some sort of dystopian nightmare and I don't know what's real any more. 


Yes, it was a protest against the new immigration policies and the stricter enforcement that is starting to happen. The majority of my experience is through my students, almost all of whom were born here, and there is a lot of fear right now. This morning my newsfeed had a story about refugees fleeing the United States into Canada.  I'm an admitted lefty; my whole opinion on immigration issues can be summed up with "do onto others as you want them to do onto you."


22 minutes ago, peelout said:

Day w/o immigrants?  Is that called a pow-wow? (for America)



  • Like 11

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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2/18/17 Saturday


It was a good day. I did some painting. Went to TML's game day, Jitters and Rooks were also there. I didn't take my ADD meds and had a hard time following along with the games even though most of them were pretty simple. I played stupidly. It was fun all the same. I painted some more. And finally went to SuperCross with my dad and Slothboy.


Everyone at Supercross had jeans with prominent white stitching. Not most people, everyone. I hadn't ever seen them before. My jeans are bland and plain. Also, almost everyone lit up a cigarette as they got off the train. I'm not used to seeing people smoke anymore.


Like this:



Grandpa did not make it through security. He got buzzed and took a 6" (15 cm) folding knife out of his pocket. We had to take the train back. I sprinted (lumbered) the block to the car and sprinted (lumbered) back just in time to catch the very next train. We made it just in time to see the opening. It was crazy. Lots of pyrotechnics and Miss Supercross was shooting off a flamethrower.


Like this:



Training: no.

Eating: no. I had a dry cider (that's ok), a small pizza with no cheese, and a large macrobrew beer at the billion-dollar tax-payer-funded stadium. I think this is how it'll go from now on. I'll normally eat clean, but if I go out I'm not going to sweat it if I have something made out of wheat.

  • Like 14

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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15 hours ago, peelout said:

What is supercross?  And was that girl in the pic really their?  

Probably not. Not many Tatra 813 in the US of A (although the US army received quite a few of these from Germany after reunification and used them in Desert Storm), so the video this still is from was probably filmed in a former Warsaw-pact country. A bit of google-fu reveiled the young lady to be DVJ Bazuka. (Sorry, no english wikipedia entry. Only French and Italian, so I linked the French one.) The next two links would be considered NSFW in most work environments (unless you happen to work in the adult industry), might perhaps be considered inappropriate for juvenile audiences in most jurisdictions, and could possibly disturb some prudish americans. Klick on your own risk, you have been warned. But @Sloth the Enduring being half-german, he will certainly appreciate the nudity. (Not so sure about the violence.) B)


Ok, you are still here? This is the original video, this her VK profile.

Sloth, Sloth... does Mrs Sloth approve of you looking at scancily clad young russian ladies? :beaten: :D

  • Like 1

Rowing, rucking, running, lifting heavy stuff. Why not do it all?

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On February 18, 2017 at 7:23 PM, Xena said:

sorry you didn't get to see the monster trucks, but dad daughter dance sounded very cute.


No worries. Monster Trucks will come around next winter, but Slothgirl may decide she's too old for this sort of thing soon. 


21 hours ago, peelout said:

What is supercross?  And was that girl in the pic really their?  


Supercross is motocross racing crammed into a stadium.  There are lots of tight turns and jumps.  I rode dirt bikes with a couple of guys who raced when I was a kid, but I was far too timid to ever race. 


Helmet cam shot. 


I think Turbo gave a definitive answer to that question. There were several scantily clad young women carrying signs and whatnot. I believe this is the woman with the flamethrower, although my flamethrower knowledge is limited and I can't tell you the model:



19 hours ago, Xena said:

yikes, those jeans!


And there you were with your hipster raw denim...


I'm the last person who should be judging other people's fashion.  I just wear what my wife buys me.  If it isn't cargo shorts and a race T-shirt I don't care about it.  I thought it was interesting that outer-ring suburban fashion sense was distinct from city fashion sense. 


9 hours ago, turboseize said:

Probably not. Not many Tatra 813 in the US of A (although the US army received quite a few of these from Germany after reunification and used them in Desert Storm), so the video this still is from was probably filmed in a former Warsaw-pact country. A bit of google-fu reveiled the young lady to be DVJ Bazuka. (Sorry, no english wikipedia entry. Only French and Italian, so I linked the French one.) The next two links would be considered NSFW in most work environments (unless you happen to work in the adult industry), might perhaps be considered inappropriate for juvenile audiences in most jurisdictions, and could possibly disturb some prudish americans. Klick on your own risk, you have been warned. But @Sloth the Enduring being half-german, he will certainly appreciate the nudity. (Not so sure about the violence.) B)

  Reveal hidden contents

Ok, you are still here? This is the original video, this her VK profile.

Sloth, Sloth... does Mrs Sloth approve of you looking at scancily clad young russian ladies? :beaten: :D


Hah.  Your google-fu is much stronger than mine. I can't believe you found all of that out. I asked Mrs. Sloth and she said, "No, I don't know, maybe.  Why are you looking at scantily clad Russians?"

  • Like 8

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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Let's get back on the straight and narrow ;)


2/19/17 Sunday


It was a good day.  I painted for most of the day.  This is taking so long because I work at the speed of sloth and because I'm painting 100 year old Craftsman-style trim with lots of reveals, so lots of persnickety brushwork. If I was a smarter man I would have rented a sprayer. I let Slothgirl help.  She stepped on a pan of paint and made a huge mess.  She cleaned it all up though and was proud of the walls she rolled. 


We finally had our Valentine's date night.  We didn't go to Sushi though, instead Malaysian. Dinner was marred a bit when she asked why I was so sad lately.  I'm not one who enjoys talking about feelings.  My guess was she wanted to know that it wasn't her.  I didn't have time to PM Elize or the rest of you for advice so I had to wing it.  I didn't even know I was sad, but we talked a bit about job stress, chronic back pain keeping me from doing what I want to do, and the joy of eating boring food day after day and were able to move on.  I ordered seaweed soup and sautéed squid for variety. The squid smelled like low tide, but I ate it anyway. Today I'm sick. Bleh. 


Training: DDP Red Hot Abs, 40 minutes on the trainer.

Eating: Clean except for one Pilsner to wash down the squid. 



  • Like 10

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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1 hour ago, Sloth the Enduring said:

Dinner was marred a bit when she asked why I was so sad lately.  I'm not one who enjoys talking about feelings.  My guess was she wanted to know that it wasn't her.  I didn't have time to PM Elize or the rest of you for advice so I had to wing it.  I didn't even know I was sad, but we talked a bit about job stress, chronic back pain keeping me from doing what I want to do, and the joy of eating boring food day after day and were able to move on.

Not too bad for a guy who doesn't like to talk about his feelings.

  • Like 8

Current Challenge

"By the Most-Righteous-and-Blessed Beard of Sir Tanktimus the Encourager!" - Jarl Rurik Harrgath

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I'm so sorry to laugh, but your thread never disappoints.  It is absolutely the best place on NF.  I'm not even exaggerating.  


I'm sorry about the feelings talk and the slow painting, but I thoroughly enjoyed your story about knife shuttling and Russian babes with flamethrowers.


Lots of people in Utah wear those jeans with the white thread.  I don't really love the look.  My rear already looks enough like a highway lane of traffic, thank you very much.

  • Like 6

Rangering since Sept 2015



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Maybe you should have found an alternative use for the squid


(from Monsters Inc)

Mike: Can I borrow your odorant?
Sulley: Yeah, I got, uh, Smelly Garbage or Old Dumpster.
Mike: You got, uh, Low Tide?
Sulley: No.
Mike: How about Wet Dog?
Sulley: Yep. Stink it up.



The beer sounded like a good idea

  • Like 2

Xena, Level 14+ Valkyrie Ranger

January 2017  December 2016

Oct/Nov 2016


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2 hours ago, Sloth the Enduring said:

Let's get back on the straight and narrow ;)


2/19/17 Sunday


It was a good day.  I painted for most of the day.  This is taking so long because I work at the speed of sloth and because I'm painting 100 year old Craftsman-style trim with lots of reveals, so lots of persnickety brushwork. If I was a smarter man I would have rented a sprayer. I let Slothgirl help.  She stepped on a pan of paint and made a huge mess.  She cleaned it all up though and was proud of the walls she rolled. 


We finally had our Valentine's date night.  We didn't go to Sushi though, instead Malaysian. Dinner was marred a bit when she asked why I was so sad lately.  I'm not one who enjoys talking about feelings.  My guess was she wanted to know that it wasn't her.  I didn't have time to PM Elize or the rest of you for advice so I had to wing it.  I didn't even know I was sad, but we talked a bit about job stress, chronic back pain keeping me from doing what I want to do, and the joy of eating boring food day after day and were able to move on.  I ordered seaweed soup and sautéed squid for variety. The squid smelled like low tide, but I ate it anyway. Today I'm sick. Bleh. 


Training: DDP Red Hot Abs, 40 minutes on the trainer.

Eating: Clean except for one Pilsner to wash down the squid. 



The part about you talking about your feelings made me laugh. I bet you had the same look my son or husband have when I ask them about their feelings- sort of like a trapped convict with no way out:) Mr. Incredible is getting a bit more where he will talk about his feelings, but really, I think he would just as soon not. 

Super sweet that you let Slothgirl help you.

  • Like 3

Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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