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Collecting unterpants stops now

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Dear fellow nerds,


I'm a 30something female from Germany who grew up with thick fantasy novels and discovered Star Trek in her teens. As soon as I was reasonably well versed in reading, I used books as my escape (had not much fun at school), and later the computer (games and chatting with fellow nerds), too. I've known Steves blog for... oh, about a year, I guess, and read a lot of motivational stuff here. Sometimes it was so motivating that I stopped visiting the page for weeks - couldn't bear the feeling "this is awesome, I should do something! - But WHAT?"


I still have not found a secret treasure chest containing THE SOLUTION, but at least I know: the way I'm currently living makes me unhappy, I need to change something, and through the friendly and encouraging community here I'm hoping to figure out what will aid me with my quest.


First problem is, I'm kinda demotivated by "I can't set a goal". I know basics (set some small very specific goals) but struggle tremendously with defining/writing down goals. I guess part of me is afraid: what if I can't do it? I could fail! - And so I'm procrastinating even setting teeny-weeny goals, let alone something substantial.


What is it, very vaguely, that makes me currently unhappy? I suffer from several food intolerances/allergies which I have collected during the past few years (and with the help from my alternative practicioner I might be able to solve a few of them during the next months, we found some clues why I'm suddenly overly sensitive to food I'd never had any problems with), which leads me to a paleo-ish lifestyle. Or rather - it should. Part of my problems is constantly thinking "ah, a tiny bit of this chocolate with soy lecitin won't kill you - take it, it's only one piece!" and such. Sure, it doesn't kill me, but I suffer nonetheless (soy is one of my allergies). Same goes with milk - my skin will break out, but the terrible digestion problems I had some years ago are not that awful anymore. Only with gluten I'm quite strict (although there was a fluke a few weeks back with almost no consequences, so the "just a tiny bit won't hurt you"-thoughts are creeping up on me again...)


I'm overweight (100 kg /168 cm), but I have lipedema in both arms and legs. This does not only look strange (I have a rather slim waistline, compared to bulging butt and especially thighs) or makes buying trousers a pain (too tight on the thighs, far too wide on the waist), it also says almost everywhere it's uncureable anyway and going on a diet will not do a lot - it will only distort the body silhouette more because patiens with lipedema are able to shed weight at belly and waist, but not at thighs (and, in my case, arms). So I'm almost like "meh, doesn't matter what I do, can't change that bloody thing anyway".


I feel like I've kinda resigned. And this makes me truly unhappy. What use is it to read about good nutrition and fitness and stuff when it (seemingly) won't help me anyway?


But tonight I'm stopping collecting underpants. I truly want to level up, and I need your help. Tonight I'll be reading all the rules for the next 6-week-challenge, and then I'll find my goals. And if I realize I can't do it? Then I'm hoping you, my fellow nerds, will help me to revise my goals so that I'll finally be able to move something. Because what I had for the past... uh... seven or eight years? It's stagnation. Not good.


What I'd love to do: eat properly, shed some weight and get reasonably fit. Basically what everyone here wants :D How to accomplish that? Not completely sure yet. I'd love to go swimming once a week (have to re-check finances from January, though), and I'd like to make use of the stairs in the apartment house I'm living in (completely free - I just need to find momentum to JUST DO IT!). Come spring, I'd like to use my bicycle again. What I'm already doing: during break at work (sitting in an office, not much possibility to move) I take a walk (about 30 mins).


Tl;dr: I'm unhappy and want to change things for myself, please help ;)

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Well my sisters both have lipodema or however you spell it. They both still work out. Its good for your heart. It's good for your bone density. It's good for all sorts of stuff that isn't your clothing size or the number on the scale.

Take some time to think about "fit" in terms of the things you want to do, not how you want to look. Make those things into your goals.

You can level up your life. You can!! Say it! I CAN LEVEL UP MY LIFE!!!

(Man, I'm feeling like a cheerleader today.)

Battle Log    Challenges:  1, 2

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Thanks for the cheers! I will repeat: I CAN LEVEL UP MY LIFE!

This is a really interesting point of view I've never thought about - thinking of fitness, not looks. Thanks, that's a good one! I'm currently trying to figure out my exact goals and want to participate in the next 6-week-challenge, that's really helpful!

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I have come to terms with never having skinny little legs, etc..I have legs like tree trunks. But I've made progress in setting goals for what I want my legs to DO! Like last time I climbed the arc d'triomphe I thought I was gonna die and took several breaks. (When I got to the top I yelled "achievement unlocked!!")

In two weeks I'm climbing the Mayan ruins at Lamanai. I will NOT be the laggard.

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Battle Log    Challenges:  1, 2

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Hi there! I have several food intolerances/allergies also, but it's due to my being autistic. Mine go back to infancy, which is not unusual for autistics, since we tend to have all sorts of hypersensitivities.  Eat what your system handles well, because doing otherwise, isn't going to work, not in the long-term anyway.  For me, it's also important to get plenty of sleep and to meditate regularly, which is absolutely necessary for autistics as both help to calm our hyperfast brains down, which results in also calming our bodies down.

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You guys all rock! I feel sorry for myself - I should have come out of my closet and joined your wonderful community waaaaay earlier than just lurking on the blog! :D

Right now I'm creating my challenge (still a bit struggling with setting goals, but well, I can only improve, can't I? Better start with some almost-finished product than waiting for impossible perfection...) and then we'll see how I can level up! :) Thanks for your support, Vielen Dank ;)

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you know ... there is an Edit button, so you can always go back and refine your goals after you set them to start with.

I already threw out one of my goals once I realize that I was overburdening myself. And I have refined them a few times so far just to clarify what it is that I am trying to do, and established grading and rewards for myself. Making my goals quantifiable was the hardest part I think.

Don't let needing it to be "perfect" stop you from getting started. 80% is just showing up.

Battle Log    Challenges:  1, 2

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Allrighty, so... there I go: http://rebellion.nerdfitness.com/index.php?/topic/58912-no-more-underpants/


I feel anxious and am afraid. This is not as defined as I'd wanted it to be. And I'm scared to fail. But fear of failure has kept me inactive for so long it's time to start doing stuff, even if I mess up, and then learn from it and go for a second run. Or third. Or whatever.


I will level up my life!


Thanks for all your support! :)

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