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what makes you a nerd?

Guest Snake McClain

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Ok lets see..it's hard for me to seperate some of these things from reality vs. just me being weird lol

1. I've been reading since I was 4, I own over a hundred books and still consider myself a bookworm

2. I will google anything and everything and I love random/meaningless knowledge

3. I've wanted to be Indiana Jones since I was a kid

4. Will still engage in a lightsaber duel if challenged

5. Took Latin for two years and got to where I could interpret some texts..can't remember sh*t now

6. One of the goals on my bucket list is to win a Mortal Kombat tournament

7. I love photography, scrapbooking, graphic design, and I wish I knew how to knit/crochet

8. I wear glasses :]

9. Half my wardrobe consists of band tshirts and Converse

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"What lies behind us and what lies before us is nothing compared to what lies within us"~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I've had to fight like hell, and fighting like hell has made me what I am"~ John Arbuthnot Fisher

"Every man dies, not every man really lives"-~Braveheart

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Lit and map nerd. Chose cartography as a career path. I liked classic literature growing up. Jane Eyre is still my favorite book. Definitely was into fantasy stuff, which evolved into video games, anime for a period in college, and fantasy shows. Second to Doctor Who. Star Trek and Firefly also get a holler out. I tend to plan for the zombie apocalypse from time to time....

~Miranda (aka Farax K)


Stars hide your fires for these here are my desires
And I won't give them up to you this time around
And so I'll be found with my stake stuck in the ground
Marking the territory of this newly impassioned soul ~ Mumford and Sons

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Well for one thing, my first memory is of myself playing video games.

I regularly played them since I was very little to... well to this very day. RPGs are my specialty, although I do know my way around some fighting games. I have an obsession with Star Wars and Star Trek (I actually love them both!), I drool over complex machinery, I love computers and all their capabilities even if I don't understand them too well (Minus nerd points for me :( ), I love gadgets, I read a lot of comic books and novels, I'm interested in world history, and I love everything about the observable and unobserved Universe! I also dream of becoming a fighter pilot (though my eyes are in terrible condition) or an aeronautical engineer. If there's one thing I love more than anything, it's aeronautics.

On the sadder side of things I was never a popular kid, though I did have a lot of nerdy friends (which in the long-term was MUCH better). I guess my attitude was a little too quirky for "normal" people. I also never played any sports. Actually, I did play little league baseball as a child. I was far more interested in the ants that inhabited the outfield than what was happening with the game.

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Guest Snake McClain

The movie character I relate to most is Michael J. Fox's father in "Back to the Future". He gets the hot chick, becomes successful, triumphs over Biff(?). Love every part of that movie.

I can kind of see the younger members of this board with glazed eyes wondering what I'm talking about.

wondering what you're talking about? Everyone knows back to the future. greatest movie ever. even with the ridiculous time paradoxes that simply would screw everything up.

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Guest Snake McClain

Well for one thing, my first memory is of myself playing video games.

I regularly played them since I was very little to... well to this very day. RPGs are my specialty, although I do know my way around some fighting games. I have an obsession with Star Wars and Star Trek (I actually love them both!), I drool over complex machinery, I love computers and all their capabilities even if I don't understand them too well (Minus nerd points for me :( ), I love gadgets, I read a lot of comic books and novels, I'm interested in world history, and I love everything about the observable and unobserved Universe! I also dream of becoming a fighter pilot (though my eyes are in terrible condition) or an aeronautical engineer. If there's one thing I love more than anything, it's aeronautics.

On the sadder side of things I was never a popular kid, though I did have a lot of nerdy friends (which in the long-term was MUCH better). I guess my attitude was a little too quirky for "normal" people. I also never played any sports. Actually, I did play little league baseball as a child. I was far more interested in the ants that inhabited the outfield than what was happening with the game.

me and this guy have a lot in common. Love the sweatshirt by the way. GO TEAM HOPE!

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I never really considered myself a nerd because I was never smart enough to earn the moniker. I consider myself more of a dork. I've played tonnes of video games, spent excessive hours playing RPGs in my friend's basement (Werewolf, Vampire, Hol, random victim campaigns...although no D&D), been interneting since the days of text only BBS' (anyone remember 1200baud modems?), I did drama and band in high school, and been one of the more tech savvy people in any group of people I know (not always the most, but I know enough to get myself in serious trouble), and there's the exorbitant amount of ridiculous pop culture floating around my skull. Finally, I tell my wife that I keep a stockpile of water/non-perishable food for "emergencies", but really it's in case we are barricaded in the house during the zombie apocalypse...not to mention all those old hockey sticks I have in the basement that will be used as spears.

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Guest Snake McClain

HAHAH KILLERGRILLER That's funny. I have a zombie apocalypse (really for when society collapses) plan. I am planning on buying riot gear in the next six months.

@Lutzy: I love NATGEO. I love all animal things. I secretly want to be able to read animals minds (no so secret really). that would be my super power...except maybe invincibility.

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And I work at a local Renaissance Festival hocking beer in a wench costume.

This is awesome! I want to this for my local faire some time.

Make today your someday~~~"It's a lifestyle - train like there's no finish line~~~"I hated every minute of training, but I said, don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life a champion." - Muhammad Ali, Boxer~~~"There is nothing we cannot live down, rise above, and overcome." - Ella Wheeler Wilcox

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Spending my free time in libraries, being editor of yearbook club in HS, participating in theater, my large manga and sci-fi fantasy book collection. I also get super excited about watching Nova. I am terrible at most science fields, but I love learning about it. One time I saw that Scientific American Magazine was putting on a cruise, where they were going to have lectures and presentations and I got super excited about it! My boyfriend thought I was insane. Still does. Not that he's wrong. I have swords hanging on my wall (Excalibur, Templar, random other sword) and a card catalog under my desk. Does making Piñata Sculptures add to the nerd count, or is it just weird?

Sadly I'm pretty awful at video games. I don't care about the mechanics, I just want the story. Except for Pokemon. I rocked at Pokemon.

And who isn't preparing for the zombie apocalypse? That should be automatic.

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The Cast Iron Skillet: a moment to buy, a lifetime to master

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Haha, great thread. My credentials:

-HUGE bookworm and devour classic literature

-love comic books (for the stories AND the art), especially classic Frank Miller and stuff from the '80s

-love super heros, especially Batman and Daredevil

-play the flute

-obsessed with all things Apple, especially my iPhone

-grammar-crazed and know a ton of word eymologies

...the list goes on. ;)

The rain on my chest is a baptism. I am born again.

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Guest Snake McClain

Does making Piñata Sculptures add to the nerd count, or is it just weird?

No. that is AWESOME!

I'm a huge horror movie fanatic. I'm watching the original Halloween right now.

i watched the firt one last night. plan on wtching 2 tonight. I love how they kicked the sequel off right at the end of the first. best thing ever.

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I've been playing (and sucking at) video games since I was old enough to sit up. Started with Atari and still own my super nintendo (which is only semi functioning :()

Love of all things sci-fi, quirky, ridiculous and campy-especially B-rate horror movies.

Reading...lots and lots of reading. Every time I moved kids thought I was a substitute teacher because I would hang around and read at recess/before school started instead of hitting some boy with my barbie doll (seriously, people did that) or whatever else kids did.

Documentary fanatic. I've yet to meet a documentary I don't want to watch.

Immense disdain held for most things most people like (or what it seems most people like).

No television (some shows-yes BBT!!- on DVD or streamed but no cable and still own the tv I had when I was 12).

And I could go on and on...

"I'm just going to remember to not eat like an asshole most of the time" - MoC

three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: one must squat.- Brobert Frost
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More dork than nerd probably... But it's stuff like HAM radio operator, shaving as a hobby, BBT resides permanany on my DVR, played WoW religiously for years, watch documentaries for fun... Good times.

Do or do not, there is no try. - Yoda"Always pushing up the hill, searching for the thrill of it..." -Empire of The SunJohn 15:13 

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me and this guy have a lot in common. Love the sweatshirt by the way. GO TEAM HOPE!

Finally! Someone appreciates blue lanterns besides me! I have countless friends who rag on me for liking them, but what's not to like? I mean sure they have virtually no offensive power when not around a green lantern, but they're invaluable for fighting baddies! I just don't everyone understand why people tend to flock to red lanterns and yellow lanterns so much.

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Guest Snake McClain

Haha, great thread. My credentials:

-HUGE bookworm and devour classic literature

-love comic books (for the stories AND the art), especially classic Frank Miller and stuff from the '80s

-love super heros, especially Batman and Daredevil

-play the flute

-obsessed with all things Apple, especially my iPhone

-grammar-crazed and know a ton of word eymologies

...the list goes on. ;)

Girls who like comics = Awesome.

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Guest Snake McClain

Finally! Someone appreciates blue lanterns besides me! I have countless friends who rag on me for liking them, but what's not to like? I mean sure they have virtually no offensive power when not around a green lantern, but they're invaluable for fighting baddies! I just don't everyone understand why people tend to flock to red lanterns and yellow lanterns so much.

Dude, when the Flash got the blue ring I flipped my $#!% it was awesome!

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Played just about every console out there....

Been playing D&D 20 years (but currently playing rolemaster)

Have a disturbing dry sense of humor

Been told I'm a "trend setter"...

never cared for cliches

walk to my own beat

Prefer a book to human interaction.....

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“Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things that escape those who dream only at night.â€

Edgar Allan Poe

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-Have loved Star Wars since I was a kid

-My family had a 'no books at the dinner table' rule because of me

-Fix software for a living

-Doctor Who!

-I have 3 copies of the Sherlock Holmes canon

-Obsessive about acquiring knowledge in a new interest.

-I have never fit in with my peer groups--don't have the same interests, goals, mindset, etc.

However, I really suck at video games. Though I just started playing WoW and I seem to suck less at it.

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-Love of Star Wars (who doesn't?) and watched the trilogy about a dozen times on a 5-week cross country trip when I was 11.

-Love of video games, though I'm not as current on them lately I still derive great joy from FFVII, Madden, Pokemon, Age of Empires 2, Starcraft 1 in addition to the more recent Portal and Minecraft.

-Love of Sci Fi in general, including Doctor Who.

-I'm a mechanical engineer. And unapologetic about using engineering/physics terms in day-to-day life.

The Tin Man: Cyborg Ranger

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I am what I do.


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