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Here we are yet again. However this time focus on health, looking fantastic and shifting weight not just from my arse but shifting of the ground and lifting it on my shoulders.

So far this year I have sucked at keeping even the basics going and we haven't even finished January!

My birthday is on Monday, I will be 44 years of age and I have decided I will give it my all for the next twelve months because when I hit 45 I want to be a fucking machine!

So the plan for 2015 is going to look like this:

Paleo all the way! Juicing and having it on hand so temptation is quickly quelled. Keeping my vitamins and mineral intake up and taking that multi every-fucking-day. Drink all the water! Just being more aware of diet and fuck the calorie counting.

Stronglifts because how I love thee. When/if I stall this year move onto an intermediate lifting plan like mad cow or something similar. Find a trainer and get some coaching at least once every couple months. Stop over analysing my lifts, I really did lose my shit when I started trying to break every lift down to micro movements and lost the love. New Rules of Lifting for Women is going to provide my accessory lifts and when/if I get bored or finish I will do Blaha's Ice Cream workouts.

Walk the track every day!

Don't lose focus! I have 12 months. However my first goal is to start lifting on my birthday and weigh and measure, I will weigh and measure again on the 2nd of April. I will work hard to drop my body fat percentage and lose at least 6 kilo. I will let my hair grow and get a proper cut and colour by the 2nd of March.

2015 is going to be my bitch!

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Spent some quality time with Son5 today, we got to talk a bit about a lot of things, he is keen to have his own journey in 2015, so it would seem I have a training partner! This is exciting, we got him a book to track his food and one to log his lifts!

He is going to try Paleo with some dairy and he says he's OK with the fact that he may get some teasing from "mates". I'm really looking forward to having him along side me!

Getting keen for Monday. Tomorrow Sunday is set up day!

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Tonight was the last hooray.

We Beast Mode tomorrow.

Homemade pizza, fresh ingredients and for pudding we had cold watermelon, pineapple and frozen mango cheeks! OMG sooo yummy!!

Son5 has already planned his lunch for school tomorrow and rules up his book for tracking his food.

This is going to be so fucking awesome. :)

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Hahaha, this beast is beginning with a whimper, I slept through my alarm, so no early morning walk! Feeling like a right dunce, :) Happy Birthday to me and here have a sleep in!

Ok so measurements, the meat and guts of it all:


Weight: 102.6 kg

Waist: 107 cm

Chest: 117 cm

Hip: 113 cm

Abdomin: 116 cm

Neck: 40 cm

Thigh: 60 cm

BF%: 31% approx

31.6 kg of body fat

70.4 kg of lean muscle/bone/water.

So there it is, I'm still fighting demons about body image of course, but I'm working on it. Photos are going to have to go up, I need to get over myself and just do it!

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So how pathetic was this day........by 11.00 I had a headache you could not drive a dump truck over! I'm thinking carb headache plus no coffee today. It is now 7.50 in the PM and still feel sick, the headache has moved from the back of my head to behind my eyes.

I stuck to my foods until dinner, my eldest brought a cheese cake for my birthday, I also got a new watch which is freaking awesome and my 16 year old who works gave me Jamie Oliver's 30 minute meals! Awesome!

Time for bed, but I feel stink, no walk and no lifting. I suck. I should have seen this coming when I slept through my alarm this morning.

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Up with Dawn's crack!

Fed and watered sheep, managed to farmers carry two 25L gerry cans if water down to the bottom paddock, about 400 meters! Also took down a bale of hay, used a wheel barrow but jogged it down and back.

No walk because I'm on call for transfers so hanging around the house.

Had a win today, finished all the washing that had accumulated when I was away, as well as bedding change on all the beds and finding clothing under beds and under lounge chairs!

Righto then, school room is next, by which I mean getting rid of outdated crap and really setting short term and long term goals for the school year.

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Warm Up:

Swept out the shed and re-arranged everything, much better now. Worked up a pretty good sweat, it was still 31 C at 1830.


1x5@20 kg

1x5@30 kg

1x5@40 kg

5x5@50 kg

Felt like I was all over the place, going to stay at 50 kg for my next lifts, just to really make sure I can get the form happening again. After 6 weeks off I have definitely lost some strength. :(


1x5@20 kg

4x5@25 kg

This was expected, but not too far from where I left off, having a break may well be a good thing on this lift.


1x5@40 kg

1x5@50 kg

This really did upset me, I was pushing an 85 kilo lift and here we are back at 50 kg. I can only trust in the process and hope progress from now on is good and steady! :)

Accessory Lifts NRoLfW:

Push Up:

2x15@hip height

Seated Rows:


Step Ups:

2x15 each leg@BW

Prone Jackknife:


Was really tempted to forgo these extra bits, but I really am glad I did them, although I was enjoying Blaha's 5x5 ice cream program. I will finish NRoLfW again, I am not going to underpants this thing. Ice cream for later!

Time for a late dinner........chicken and a wee bit of rice!

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Had a late job yesterday. Just think, drinking on an empty stomach and woman trying to climb up a slippery dam bank in flip flops. We had mud and stuff everywhere. Not to mention the half ton pig called Princess Crackles hanging around.

Off to the Boyup Brook country music festival today, to do some fundraising with the Scouts. We get to go and pick up rubbish for two days.............I hate country music. The Lads want to camp as well, which is good for my little fella, he loves camping. So I guess,

Time to get up and move!

I am deliberately ignoring the fact that this week was another complete failure health wise. :(

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