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Final thought for the day, my skin hurts, like burnt without the heat, dunno, being in that much chlorine all day must be doing something to it. Everything smells of chlorine, skin, hair, sweat, clothes, bus, everything, reminds me of my childhood! So happy to have about 4 weeks left, kinda over swimming in the snot and band aids and having kids spit in my face, when they come up from underneath the water. 4 more weeks! :)

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Madcow-Week 1-4/11/2015

Warm Up:

Skipping and stretching and carry on!






Light squats due to Deadlifts, made these speed squats just because we can do these silly things!






My nemesis lift, yucky, yucky, yuk!






1x3@95kg (belted)

The rest of me was feeling mighty fine, but my girly soft hands let me down, near on tore my callouses clean off! I attribute this to being water logged most of the day and my skin deteriorating!

Roly is home on the morrow, looking forward to it really, the kids can stay at home with him instead of being at my Mum's place. I think he has a ride planned for the weekend, I think it might nearly be time for me to start researching for a bike of my own! :)

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Pretty excited about my lurch in the morning these days, the lurching is getting longer and the walking bits shorter, still a long ways to go, but it's definitely an improvement! The smoke was nasty though.

We have smoke everywhere, from the southern suburbs of Perth to Margaret River, some idiot has a controlled burn far too big and the sea breeze didn't come. Smoke has permeated everything, my washing, my house, my bus!

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Wait! What............?

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What is going on? The weather has turned sour, [emoji20]


Cold front. xD Apparently it will get better :P Thursday was such a beautiful day as well! xD



Currently reading: Good Omens by Terry Pratchet & Neil Gaiman

Currently playing: Outer Worlds (Xbox)

Current DnD character: A radio presenter who’s magical bardic weapon is a portable radio broadcaster’s kit

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Madcow Week 1 8/11/2015 Friday workout done Sunday:

Warm Up:























Felt pretty good. Son6 had a bit of a slow start. He was pretty upset about his squats. But we're working on it. He did however manage 10kg bench, and BOR! Awesome little dude!

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Madcow Monday, Week 2, 9/11/2015

Warm Up:

Skipping races with Son6 and other potentially silly stuffs!



















Son6 and I have tried something new. He started the Stronglifts 5x5 tonight and we took different areas so we could keep working instead of swapping ridiculous plates each set! Worked beautifully, I could spot him when he needed and visa versa. Worked awesome. He was so cute when he asked for a spot on his 10kg bench, I was all like "nawww" :)

So we'll see how he goes with this, he finally found his lifting face tonight! He looks like me, LOL!

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Madcow Week 2, Wednesday 11.11.2015

Warm Up:

Stuffs with Son5.














This all felt ridiculously easy. Son6 was put out and probably felt betrayed, his words " why did he come out here? We had a good thing going" I felt really bad, with him being on the spectrum he has a hard time adjusting quickly to change. I managed to talk him into Friday night workout. Sometimes it's hard with these kids. :(

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Just thinking about a conversation that happened at work yesterday. Young girl (17) all into fitness was telling older woman, our boss, about how working out is good for older people, boss is 49, she was banging on about how squats were only good for quads and if boss wanted to lose stomach fat she should work on abs. Besides nearly choking on my lunch, I said Deadlifts, the mother of all lifts for whole body work, I was promptly dismissed with a curt "deadlifts work the hamstrings, ok" under my breath I am muttering " well you're doing them wrong"

A bit later boss comes up to me and says, she is not impressed with young people today, I LOL'd, me neither. She said lunch time conversation shouldn't become a show boating area for people who don't know what they are talking about! I have to agree.

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Had such a shitty day at work yesterday, it just reinforces the fact that I do not like other people's kids..........at all.........nada.........zero.......

When you are stuck in a pool with pre teen angst and anger and they will swear at you and throw tantrums what can you do but put them out and tell them to go and get dressed. Although politically incorrect I could have slapped the child.

Got into town after work and went to do shopping for the Scouts and the crowd has started moving in for the Blues @ Bridgetown weekend, not all Blues followers are mild tempered and all Snoop Dog stoned, some are nasty and aggressive. Trying to get to a check out was like roller derby with shopping trolleys and if one more person had hit the back of my heels while I was wearing flip flops, I was going to lose my shit!

Get to Scouts and we had a slow start to our international cooking night! However chicken curry and caramel dumplings made everything better! :)

At home and my other half decides to get into a grumpy, sullen, cranky pants mood and just set the day off perfectly, especially trumping at the Lads who were home. Way to go man, chase the kids away, ggggrrrrrrrrr!! :(

So here's to Friday, more idiots in town and I don't mean the blow in's, the locals get all "this is my town" and we're off to a great start for the weekend. :(

The up side, I am not in the pool dealing with shitty kids, down side I am in Ambulance uniform hoping idiots do not hurt themselves!

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Maybe you should take up roller derby, Sev! Good for getting out some aggression :P (there's a team in Margaret River?)


Or just go smash our some Iron reps :D

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Currently reading: Good Omens by Terry Pratchet & Neil Gaiman

Currently playing: Outer Worlds (Xbox)

Current DnD character: A radio presenter who’s magical bardic weapon is a portable radio broadcaster’s kit

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People-bomb has hit Albany too; the Ag Show is on this weekend and The Royals have decided they wanna wander around in the slush and draw a massive crowd of stalkers and extra policemen. xD

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Currently reading: Good Omens by Terry Pratchet & Neil Gaiman

Currently playing: Outer Worlds (Xbox)

Current DnD character: A radio presenter who’s magical bardic weapon is a portable radio broadcaster’s kit

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Sorry to hear about your rubbish day, I feel the same way about other people's kids! And it's ok to want to slap them when they're being awful as long as you dont actually do so. 


At least the bike v road wasnt as bad as it could have been :)


Hopefully your partner is feeling better. 

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Cephalopod Dreams

Halfling Monk

Challenges: Level 4 | Academy: Level 10

Str 4 | Dex 4 | Sta 4 | Con 7 | Wis 5 | Cha 2


My Character


I'm aiming for my black belt in Shotokan Karate, training to defeat the monster that is chronic pain.


Battle Log | Current Challenge | Previous 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6


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Have had a week off. Shit just got fucking crazy around here. Feel like a salmon trying to swim up stream only to spawn and die. Had a rough time over the week and a really crappy depressing job today. :(

But aim to push that shit back and smack this shitty mood down! Which means no more Challenges for a wee bit, too much pressure on one's self.

We're on to it. :)

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Right made sure that I am following you here. Don't want to be missing a friend.

Woden uses ravens, I use an iphone.

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Where to find me: Current Challenge : Battle Log Facebook : Instagram :

"Each day, just focus on getting 1% better in whatever it is you're trying to improve. That's it. Just 1%." ArtofManliness Article.

"That which is wise and holy helps the health and wholeness of the chain of generations." D. R. Miller. 

"We do not rise to our expectations. We fall to our level of training." Archilochus

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What is it about people having a shitty week two this challenge? Several people over in the Rangers camp are in a similar boat. Maybe I should talk to a friend that gets astrology, they might have some ideas. Or not. Things seem to be pretty sucky all round at the moment.

Hugs my friend, you can get on top of the shit.

Woden uses ravens, I use an iphone.

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Where to find me: Current Challenge : Battle Log Facebook : Instagram :

"Each day, just focus on getting 1% better in whatever it is you're trying to improve. That's it. Just 1%." ArtofManliness Article.

"That which is wise and holy helps the health and wholeness of the chain of generations." D. R. Miller. 

"We do not rise to our expectations. We fall to our level of training." Archilochus

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It is cool.

Woden uses ravens, I use an iphone.

Where to find me: Current Challenge : Battle Log Facebook : Instagram :

"Each day, just focus on getting 1% better in whatever it is you're trying to improve. That's it. Just 1%." ArtofManliness Article.

"That which is wise and holy helps the health and wholeness of the chain of generations." D. R. Miller. 

"We do not rise to our expectations. We fall to our level of training." Archilochus

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