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80kg squat? Awesome.

Woden uses ravens, I use an iphone.

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Where to find me: Current Challenge : Battle Log Facebook : Instagram :

"Each day, just focus on getting 1% better in whatever it is you're trying to improve. That's it. Just 1%." ArtofManliness Article.

"That which is wise and holy helps the health and wholeness of the chain of generations." D. R. Miller. 

"We do not rise to our expectations. We fall to our level of training." Archilochus

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*cough* come to albany for fuel *cough*


Written on a miniature supercomputer with only my thumbs.

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Currently reading: Good Omens by Terry Pratchet & Neil Gaiman

Currently playing: Outer Worlds (Xbox)

Current DnD character: A radio presenter who’s magical bardic weapon is a portable radio broadcaster’s kit

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I just looked at a challenge thread that I had not checked out before.  Something like 6 days of posts of "cute" pictures w/o a single day of comments regarding what the person had actually done relative to meeting their goals.  That's why I like your posts.  I see "shit getting done".  Keep up the inspiration.

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Current Challenge 


We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.
Diet is 80% of losing weight, exercise is 80% of motivation.

The only thing I am 100% sure of is my ability to be wrong.

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Thank you guys! See now you have given me the inspiration to keep going and smashing these workouts! LOL.........no pressure ;)

Madcow Week 6 Monday 11.01.2015

Warm Up:

Skipping, stretching and dislocations, BW squats 1x10 pause.






1x5@80kg (never thought this day would come PB, reps)













Shits and Gigs:

Standing Calf Raises:


Front Squat:




Well this felt pretty damn good. Hitting PB's all round for reps so happy smiley face. Absolutely shattered now, but just happy.:)

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Wait! What............?

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Madcow Wednesday 13.01.2015

Warm Up:

Skipping, stretching, dislocations, lunges, 1x10BW squats/paused










1x5@35kg (last 2 reps were push press.......again........grrrrr, silly weak arms)





1x5@105kg (belted) felt pretty good lifting these. Getting used to the belt but still flaring on the way down at the knees. Really gotta stop that shit.

Shits and Gigs:

Peelout Body Curl Thingy:


Laying Leg Raises:


Russian Twists:



3x30s (contraction of absolutely everything, these were hard keeping everything tight for that long)

Time to get ready to feed and bed down for the night, have a really big day tomorrow, huge!!!

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Wait! What............?

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I like the "Peelout Body Curl Thingy" name.


Your routines have got me started doing the 5x5 on bench and overhead pulldowns.  I'm using the same wt for each set (I thought you said you did that originally until you hit a block and then switched to madcow?).  Starting at a low wt and going to increment about 5lbs every 2 weeks.  I'm not looking for great strength gain in my w/o's right now.  I just wanted something for now that would not be that taxing on my energy level.  Since I am starting low and building slowly, it should be a while before these 2 exercises become that strenuous.  I kind of like that.  At least its fun right now so I'm more likely to stick w/ it.

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Current Challenge 


We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.
Diet is 80% of losing weight, exercise is 80% of motivation.

The only thing I am 100% sure of is my ability to be wrong.

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Had words with my supervisor today. Old cow was putting the hard word on me to work tomorrow. Now she knows I am an Ambulance officer, and I don't work on the Friday, never have in all the years of knowing her, but she kept pushing and pushing, finally at lunch time I made mention that if her husband who is ailing needed an Ambulance and there were none available because someone else thought their priorities were above the Officers on call how would she feel? Would she not want her husband to have the best possible care when he needed it?

It may have sounded harsh but the old bitch is a bully and I am sick of it. She had one of our better instructors in tears because of her bullshit. Over it!

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Wait! What............?

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Good on you for standing up to her. Sometimes people need reminding.

Woden uses ravens, I use an iphone.

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Where to find me: Current Challenge : Battle Log Facebook : Instagram :

"Each day, just focus on getting 1% better in whatever it is you're trying to improve. That's it. Just 1%." ArtofManliness Article.

"That which is wise and holy helps the health and wholeness of the chain of generations." D. R. Miller. 

"We do not rise to our expectations. We fall to our level of training." Archilochus

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Had words with my supervisor today. Old cow was putting the hard word on me to work tomorrow. Now she knows I am an Ambulance officer, and I don't work on the Friday, never have in all the years of knowing her, but she kept pushing and pushing, finally at lunch time I made mention that if her husband who is ailing needed an Ambulance and there were none available because someone else thought their priorities were above the Officers on call how would she feel? Would she not want her husband to have the best possible care when he needed it?

It may have sounded harsh but the old bitch is a bully and I am sick of it. She had one of our better instructors in tears because of her bullshit. Over it!

Sometimes you have to hit someone upside the head with some figurative bricks...

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"Insanity - you make my world a better place man, you really do! That shit is awesome! :D" - Guzzi-

My first challenge

My battle Log: Insanity: Warrior Monk

Honorary Ranger dubbed by DarK_RaideR, 1000 Pound club (875 of 1000)

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And sometimes you need to use real bricks.

Woden uses ravens, I use an iphone.

  • Like 4

Where to find me: Current Challenge : Battle Log Facebook : Instagram :

"Each day, just focus on getting 1% better in whatever it is you're trying to improve. That's it. Just 1%." ArtofManliness Article.

"That which is wise and holy helps the health and wholeness of the chain of generations." D. R. Miller. 

"We do not rise to our expectations. We fall to our level of training." Archilochus

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Madcow Week 6 Friday on a Sunday

Warm Up:

Skipping, stretching, Windmillx2 each side, dislocations, 2x10BW squats.






















Tried the hook grip on these, so might give it a burl on the heavier Deadlifts next week.

Shits and Gigs:

Kroc Rows:


Lateral Raises:


Front Raises:


LOL, my shits and gigs started. Out pretty good but by the end of the Kroc Rows I was fatiguing, so I dropped my reps from 10 to 5 for the raises. So weak with these, gonna have to address that.

Between sets I was shifting hoses around the lawn area and garden trying to get some water down, it has been really dry this summer, and my poor fruit trees are thirsty!

Peetree is giving me the stink eye every time I pass her cage, so gonna try and find some bottle brush for her, not sure I will be lucky this time of the year, at least I might find some Grevillia, or flowering wattle on it's last legs.

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Wait! What............?

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Not sure if it has anything to do with the hook grip today but tonight my index finger and middle finger are sore and stiff.

I was really looking forward to the Shannara Chronicles only to find the lead kid is a whiney, pretty boy and is pissing me off. I hope this gets better soon, Crixus (Manu Bennett) deserves better!

Wait! What............?

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