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Looks like a nice party.  I spotted Son 1 hidden behind boy holding puppy in bottom picture by the new tattoo on his arm.  Also got to see more of your gym equipment.  More gym equipment pics wanted.

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Current Challenge 


We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.
Diet is 80% of losing weight, exercise is 80% of motivation.

The only thing I am 100% sure of is my ability to be wrong.

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The Cube/Heavy Squat, finishing Week6 18.04.2016


Warm Up:

Skipping, stretching, dislocations, stretching, overhead squat 1x5@28.5kg, this felt really cool, doubt I could go heavier.


Heavy Squat:

1x10@41kg (fast and furious)


3x2@88.5kg (fast and furious, didn't feel like any form break down)


Front Squat:

2x2@66kg (belted, but feeling strong)


Pause at Parallel:

2x4@83.5kg (these tested the legs, but done, felt my lower back do a bendy thing on the last rep, but all good)


Bulgarian Split Squat:




4x12@20kg plate (6 each leg, but felt pretty good tonight, progress?)





Leg Extension:



Leg Curl



No ABS, I was fried. Started late finished late.........fried!


Wait! What............?

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Spotted here in their natural surroundings we have caught two Bushius Mechanicus, working on what seems to be a Lancer. These social creatures can be identified by their, bent postures, unusually long yet strong fingers, often soiled outer coat and grumpy personalities. They have a diet of beer and pies, but will sometimes wander into dwellings for more substantial fare. [emoji13]


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Wait! What............?

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Spotted here in their natural surroundings ......

#1  "Dude, why's she taking a picture of us?"

#2  "Something to do w/ her fitness site.  She's been taking pictures of everything."

#1  "Strange."

#2  "Yea."

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Current Challenge 


We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.
Diet is 80% of losing weight, exercise is 80% of motivation.

The only thing I am 100% sure of is my ability to be wrong.

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Most of my relatives are part of the Bushius Mechanicus family. xD Did the Lancer survive it's surgery? :P

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Currently reading: Good Omens by Terry Pratchet & Neil Gaiman

Currently playing: Outer Worlds (Xbox)

Current DnD character: A radio presenter who’s magical bardic weapon is a portable radio broadcaster’s kit

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The Cube/Week7 Heavy Deadlift Wednesday 20.04.2016


Warm Up:

Skipping, stretching, Glute Bridges and extended bits for these, owwww! Stuffs.


Heavy Deadlift:



1x113.5kg (belted, fucking awesome)

1x116kg (smashed it out!)

AMRAP@98.5kg (did 5, OMG, totally just done!!!!)


Leg Extensions:

4x10@40kg (fuck me! These were a different beast on the cable machine, you can't lean back into them, so it's all leg! Owwwwww)


Split Squats:

4x12@20kg plate (tired and hard)


Good Mornings:



Seated Rows:

4x12@30kg (I have missed these, felt goooood)


Hang Cleans:

2x5@21kg (need to do more research on these, but liked the motion)


Overhead Squat:

2x5@21kg (wow, needing to look into these too, kinda like them)


Overhead Press:

7x5@21kg (gym buddy and I found an anomaly, her hand placement was very close together, essentially pushing her boobs together, elbows pointing towards the ground, when she pushed up her elbows stayed pointing forward. When she watched me, she said my hands were directly in front of my shoulders, not squishing my boobs, but I could feel my arms resting on my Lats, elbows up at 45* from the ground, when I pushed she said my elbows rotated slightly, but no flare apparently.

So I tried to emulate her OHP and felt my chest, shoulders and biceps working, with my way I had my upper back, shoulders, tricep working, it was easier to tighten my upper back, Lats, shoulders and arms ready to press, her way made it difficult to tighten these areas, and I couldn't find a way to tighten my upper chest [even though this seemed to be the main muscle group working almost like a bench press] and back to get ready to press) more research needed and perhaps a form check. 


Great at workout though and loved lifting a little heavier. :)





Wait! What............?

Wait! What............?

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Ok, my iPad has died, so relying on my phone to update and this is not fun.

Went to Madurah to see Roly's Mum and brother in law who are both sick.

The good thing is it was nice to go and look at the old houses we used to live in, some Sons remembered some of it.

Had a really nice lunch down on the foreshore:



Tried to do some shopping got abused by a crazy old lady, tried to take Son7 to the toilets and was confronted by a junkie.

It was nice for a visit, but I am so glad we got out when we did, when the Lads were young.

What a day.[emoji33]

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Wait! What............?

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Is this a Boy Scouts that allows girls?


How's the GoT premier? (don't worry about spoilers - I don't have HBO, didn't see season 5, and I follow along with what I hear around town)


What'd you pull on the DL?

Scouts Australia allows boys and girls, progressive thinking. Girl Guides are struggling because they haven't changed anything in 100 years.


We watched Got and was a little deflated by the first episode!


DL was doing Rep work, so nothing major.:redface:

Wait! What............?

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