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Alrighty down to the business and the guts of it all.


Madcow, Week 4 Monday 06.06.2016


Warm Up:

Just the usual stuffs.







1x5@95kg (belted today, was a lot more comfortable)
















Extra Shit:

3x10@15kg Face Pulls 

3x10@10kg Skull Crushers

3x10@5kg Tricep Kick Backs ( they burnt us, precious )


No ABS tonight, had to cook the family and the +1's dinner! Even had a treat and ate in the Lounge Room to watch GoT while stuffing our faces with mash and curried sausages!


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Well, well, here I am yet again, I was seriously not going to do another Challenge, they were becoming frustrating, repetitive and just an excuse to suck and fail!


However, not this time Zurg! I am taking this in a different direction. I lift, I know that, I eat, I know that too, but one of these things is not getting me to where I want to, or need to be. Healthy weight for height and off BP meds. I will give you a hint............*whispers* it's not lifting.


I have figured that I am not an emotional eater, proved last week. I am not a bored eater, proved because you know life gets that way every now and then, my problem with food is I LIKE IT! My portion size control panel has a glitch! I do admit to grazing during the day, then boom, meals are gonna be worth the effort I put into cooking them. Unlike many, eating out in country Australia is not an option, so home cooked is the norm for me and the Lads. So if I put all the effort in I am going to enjoy it. 


So my excuse for eating this way..........my pregnancies. I shit you not. Before falling pregnant with Son1, I had a diet of cigarettes and alcohol and hard work rousing in the shearing sheds, think Third World Squats 8 hours a day with weight between 2-15kg, running (HIIT) the board between 5-12metres. It's what we did, how I lived for years, 175cm tall and weighing about 57-60kg, not a good look unless you were going for the heroin chic of the day.


My first pregnancy, young, stupid and still in an era of "Eat for 2"........alright! Son1 *9lbs12oz*, lost the weight, because he was a hungry little sucker and milk production was a must, eating did not slow down!


Second pregnancy, twins! Fuck yeah eat for 3! Son2 *7lbs4oz*, Son3 *6lbs11oz*, plus all the goop that goes with growing babies, over 16lbs of babies and stuffs! My body did not bounce back, there was a flap of skin/fat (apron) that has been with me ever since, I lost the weight and was a healthy 80kg again, and EATING everything! Feeding 2 babies for 14 months was a great way to lose weight! Plus running around after a energetic 2 year old and no help as Roly was still working away as he had done since Son1 was born.


Son4 hit *10lbs11oz* he was big! So was my appetite. The skin fold was now worse, lost baby weight with a bit more effort than last time, but his appetite was voracious so keeping up supply was more important than stupid skinny jeans that were all the rage! The Dr's tested for Gestational Diabetes but I dodged that bullet............this time.


Son5 *9lbs12oz*, gestational diabetes and strict diet plan, managed to settle down after his birth but now the weight was there and stuck and gross. I still liked my food and feeding my babies and he was not letting go until he was ready, 14 months worth of nursing! I began swimming again and trying to be good, but I was eating carb laden foods, easy and cheap for a growing family.


Son6 *9lbs12oz* but wanted to come out bum first. My first cesarean. It wrecked me! I had always been up and about within hours of my other births, but this shut me down, gestational diabetes again, overweight to start with, moderately healthy but pretty much only because I had kids to run after! Homeschooling was now in full swing so we didn't even need to leave the house at all. I could hide away and just be with the kids and cook and eat and cook! 


Son7 *9lbs6oz* my second cesarean and I didn't even care. Bloated, fat, ugly, gross, diabetic and I couldn't even birth my own kid........too "high risk" was now my status! Just fucking great! I hated myself and what I was and how I looked and all I could do was cry for 5 days while in hospital with my boy, who was under lights because of severe jaundice.........


Fast forward and a move to a new town, Lads growing up and being wonderful kids, and I found New Rules of Lifting for Women! I was instantly hooked! But food was still an issue, I tried pills, diets, pills and diets, shakes, pills/diets/shakes.........nothing. Then like a bright light Nerd Fitness and Paleo entered my life and fuck yeah my Holy Grail was found.


This Challenge is not strength based, got that covered. I have already mentioned in past posts about my stupid Dr and me wanting to show him..........well now it is time to get a fucking serious on and do this! My motivator into this challenge was reading @SpecialSundae tally for her competition on the weekend. I looked at the weight class I would be in, 2 competitors and I seriously think I could have a go, but then the 83kg (?) class! Smaller, stronger and just fucking awesome! I want to be an 83kg lifter. No more fatty videos I won't post or photos because you know ugh!!! This is it guys, I need to do this. No more dicking around like in the past Challenges, just hanging about and posting boring non committal shit. Time has come the walrus said.

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You had a lot of big babies. But all the pictures you've posted of sons are skinny...

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

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Warriors don't count reps and sets. They count tons.

My psychologist weighs 45 pounds, has an iron soul and sits on the end of a bar

Tally Sheet for 2019

Encouragement for older members: Chronologically Blessed Group;

Encouragement for newbie lifters: When we were weaker


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3 hours ago, wildross said:

You had a lot of big babies. But all the pictures you've posted of sons are skinny...

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

They are skinny, but tall. Only 3 of them are probably going to be average height. I will be the shortest one in the family! I guess most of their weight genes come from their Dad's side of the family! His lot are like roo dogs, built for speed! :)

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I did workout yesterday, but totally run out of time to post it, so here 'Tis.


Madcow Week 4 Wednesday 08/06/2016 


Warm Up:

Stretching, stretching, skipping, skipping!











1x5@40kg (last one was push/press, running out of gas, no breakfast and two coffees does not make for good pre-workout)





1x5@100kg (easy but belted)

1x5@115kg (2 hook grip, 3 alternate grip, belted)


By the time 1 got to the very last set I was so hungry and I know my form was off and I just had to get going again! Boo!

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Something has been bugging me all day.


I had a Scout Leader meeting last night and a comment was made about one family that has left the movement, who coincidentally are homeschoolers. 


Our Group Leader said something about it being a shame because, Scouts is great for socialisation and learning for homeschoolers. I almost bit my tongue off, but one of the other Section Leaders jumped in and went on to say her program would be an awesome learning experience for the children of this family. NO, NO, NO!


Honestly I was foaming at the mouth, but all I could do was mention that this family may not be able to afford Scouting.


I am angry that in this day people are still using socialisation to basically demonise homeschoolers.

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It's funny how it never occurs to these people might home school their kids to avoid things such as bullying, exposure to drugs (yes, even that young), etc. You know, social issues. Or to ensure a better quality of education than what most schools nowadays seem to provide.


Take off the judgey pants, people!

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Current form: Chubby House Cat (lvl4)

Weight objective: 20%

S. 4 P. 6 E. 4 C. 7 I. 8 A. 4 L. 5

Battle log

Current Challenge

Handy linky.

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3 hours ago, SevenofSeven said:

Something has been bugging me all day.


I had a Scout Leader meeting last night and a comment was made about one family that has left the movement, who coincidentally are homeschoolers. 


Our Group Leader said something about it being a shame because, Scouts is great for socialisation and learning for homeschoolers. I almost bit my tongue off, but one of the other Section Leaders jumped in and went on to say her program would be an awesome learning experience for the children of this family. NO, NO, NO!


Honestly I was foaming at the mouth, but all I could do was mention that this family may not be able to afford Scouting.


I am angry that in this day people are still using socialisation to basically demonise homeschoolers.


As someone nowhere near the homeschool movement, I was raised that homeschooled kids are weird and unsocialized. I can't say that the popular take has changed all that much. The only difference for me was that when I was young the only "out" homeschoolers were weird and unsocialized. Since then I've learned that a lot more kids are homeschooled than I thought and I probably knew more than I thought they just were aware of the stigma and didn't talk about it. Also, many of them got a much better, much more complete education than non-homeschooled kids.

I'm afraid their is a stigma and it's not going away in the near future. It sucks and it's not fair but It seems to just be the case. 

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You can't spell Slaughter without laughter

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1 hour ago, Basement Cat said:

It's funny how it never occurs to these people might home school their kids to avoid things such as bullying, exposure to drugs (yes, even that young), etc. You know, social issues. Or to ensure a better quality of education than what most schools nowadays seem to provide.


Take off the judgey pants, people!




1 hour ago, The Most Loathed said:


As someone nowhere near the homeschool movement, I was raised that homeschooled kids are weird and unsocialized. I can't say that the popular take has changed all that much. The only difference for me was that when I was young the only "out" homeschoolers were weird and unsocialized. Since then I've learned that a lot more kids are homeschooled than I thought and I probably knew more than I thought they just were aware of the stigma and didn't talk about it. Also, many of them got a much better, much more complete education than non-homeschooled kids.

I'm afraid their is a stigma and it's not going away in the near future. It sucks and it's not fair but It seems to just be the case. 


I guess it bugged me all the more because they KNOW I have been homeschooling my own kids, for for ever, so what the what??? 


The homeschooling movement here in Australia has until very recently been little known or heard of. I guess in the last 5 years there has been a huge insurgence of parents of all walks of life, opting for this kind of education. It is no longer the domain of mung bean tree huggers or religious fanatics. 


Thank ni you for the support guys! Much appreciated!

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Madcow Week4 Friday on a Saturday! 11/06/2016


Warm Up:

What a fucking joke! Warm up in the shed is like taking a lot longer at the moment.







1x3@100kg (belted and felt kinda ridiculously easy, but I am thinking they may have been a wee bit high)



















No real surprises here. It all felt very easy! Might have been that one sneaky energy drink. Hmmmm, or the fact I ate all the food.....

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No hiding it, here they are Stats and the numbers in (brackets) are my previous stats taken about 2 and a bit months ago:



Height: 175cm

Weight: 107.8kg   (107.2kg)

Neck: 40.5cm  (40cm)

Chest: 122cm  (123cm)

Waist: 105cm  (104cm)

Abdomen: 117cm (123cm)

Hip: 118cm (123cm)


R Thigh: 65cm  (62cm)

L Thigh: 67cm  (64cm)

R Calf: 41cm (40cm)

L Calf: 40cm  (39cm)


R Bicep: 40.5cm  (39cm)

L Bicep: 42cm  (37cm)

R Wrist: 17.5cm  (19cm)

L Wrist: 18cm (19cm)


BF% 34

36.4 kilo of fat, 70.6 kilo of lean muscle, bone and water.


Hmmmmm, so not as disgusting as I thought. Not sure of previous BF%, but can only assume it would be relatively the same.


Sunday is now forever known as Measurement Day, as long as I have access to a scale and tape measure.

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Week5 Madcow Monday, 13.06.2016


Warm Up:

A lot of stuffs! Sooooo cold, took ages to warm up!







1x5@100kg (was nervous as fuck. The second rep was very ugly!! Have the feeling that they might be high)







1x5@60kg (fuck yeah, strong, controlled and paused on chest!)







1x5@50kg (nothing to see here, move on people! Totally good)


Totally thinking that instead of doing one huge set of 5@100kg, I might break it down and do sets of 2 reps, my knee is kinda pissed off at me, even though I had a sports knee sleeve on it today. Hmmm, I don't want this to be a bad or confining thing.

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Week 1 Day 2 Fuds:


Breakfast: 1 white coffee 1 sugar, 2pcs bacon (shortcut), 2 eggs, 1 pc whole grain toast.

Snack: 1 white coffee 1 sugar.

Snack: 1 white coffee 1 sugar.

Lunch: Chicken breast, 25g feta, 25g tasty cheese, 1/2 small capsicum, 1/2 small cucumber, 1/4 red onion, 1 medium tomato, 1/4 romain lettuce.

Snack: 1 white coffee 1 sugar

Snack: Chicken breast

Dinner: 1 lamb forequarter chop, 2 small jacket potatoes, 2 pcs broccoli, 1 pc cauliflower, 2 rounds zuchinni, 5 pcs carrot. All veggies steamed and a wee bit of butter for me taters. 

Snack: 1 white coffee 1 sugar.


Came in under again today, 1756 eaten with 524 still to go, even with me delish lamb chop! Do I go the Protien shake? How does this work? May have to add veggies to breakfast. Sweet taters and egg and avacado! Nom, nom!


This current Challenge is about tracking fud. So will be putting it here as well, just to keep an eye on it. 


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it would be a challenge!

challenges are good.

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My Profile        |     I must not fear.  Fear is the mind killer.

My Battle Log  |     Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration.

                           |     I will face my fear.  I will permit it to pass over me and through me.

Start to Run      |     And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path.

                           |   Where the fear has gone, there will be nothing.  Only I will remain.

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