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On an island and the storm has been raging since this morning. How fitting this is literally the same thing happening in my life figuratively back on the mainland.

Is it a thunderstorm? If yes, here's the positive side: you get a free light show! (I love thunderstorms)

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Current form: Chubby House Cat (lvl4)

Weight objective: 20%

S. 4 P. 6 E. 4 C. 7 I. 8 A. 4 L. 5

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Current Challenge

Handy linky.

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Just need to understand why my partner won't be more supporting of my efforts. Strange little conversation about how Arnold Schwarzenegger was ugly back in the day and even worse now, he is a lump of lard..............WTF. Showed him Arnie, Frank, Reg and some of the others in their prime and compared them to PHIL, Kai and Jay, he reckons it's all ugly.

So my adoration of Arnie and his mates now goes underground, their work ethic, their will power and all that I hold dear from them is now stuffed back inside and I will endeavour to carry on.


I took a bunch of bodybuilding magazines from the gym to read at lunch.  People have noticed.  They usually comment on the physiques like, woah, that's way to much.  I think so too, but I've looked at so many, that now it does look normal, lol!  In a recent interview with Lou Ferigno, a comments on the difference between competing in the 70s to when he tried again int he 90s.  The competition was completely different because now the bodybuilders show more striations, are bigger, more definition, etc.  I think I mostly like reading the magazines because these people have a goal and have a drive.  And lifting is something we have in common :)


I agree, there's just something about Arnold.  His body in the 70s was like POW and he's incredibly charismatic.  He looks different than the other competitors, and his drive really inspires me.  I love this photo the most:




I'm sorry to hear about the lack of support, Seven. We're here for you though! You keep pursuing your goals! Go go go! Smiley-IPB-409.gif


Yeah, you got us all here!

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<--<< Daughter of Artemis >>-->


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I've had a crush on Arnie since Conan! I think it was the way he looked, then because Australia pre-Internet I had to rely on magazines for information. Been reading men's magazines for decades, LOL, for the articles of course! :)

I like Frank Zane, Reg Parks, Franco Columbu, Lou Farigno, they all had that look, not just muscle but a like you say Leimanu charisma, then to find out they helped each other, they trained together, became a family really, no doubt they had their own in-fighting and problems but you know what they still supported each other. The things I saw in my Lads when all hell broke lose at their employment.

These days every man for themselves and I don't care who I tread on to get to the top. Not the qualities I want for my boys.

Anyway still on Rottnest, it's still really crappy weather and I'm about to head for the Dome to hunker down and wait for the ferry. Sooooo different from last year's weather.

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Woahh, Rottnest in this weather, you are a brave woman Sev! The ferry always made me sick even on a calm day xD 

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Currently reading: Good Omens by Terry Pratchet & Neil Gaiman

Currently playing: Outer Worlds (Xbox)

Current DnD character: A radio presenter who’s magical bardic weapon is a portable radio broadcaster’s kit

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So far the forecast for the weekend in Perth is looking good. I hope it stays fine. This time on Rotto we are staying in tents, the younger guys have to do it tough!

Thanks everyone for the support the last week or so, it has been really nice, knowing in this big world you are not alone. Cheers.

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5.27pm - 6.35pm


Warm Up

Skipping and stuff.










Back didn't twinge at all and knee behaved itself. I guess it came down to mindful lifting.:) I will do another session at 65kg before moving up again, just to be sure things stay right.





Last set fail

Well no surprises there, I haven't done these in 2+ weeks. Oh well, I guess 30kg is a good place to restart.





Fail at 95kg


Practise, practise, practise! I love DL.



Cool Down:

Stretching, because I am not flexible at all these days.

I liked that we got out into the shed tonight, even though it was 4 degrees C. The bar was cold and it almost hurt on the bar skin. I really need to work on my consistency again, this hodgepodge of lifting is just not good enough.

Thinking of starting a thread for lifting Mum's, curious to see how other busy Mum's actually find time to do ALL the things.

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Almost caught up on the washing. Have to set Son6 up for this stupid standardised testing, so the Govt feels better about dumbing down the education system, then pack for the second weekend at Rottnest. Transfers today, Scouts tonight, trying to lifton a Thursday really does kinda suck!

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Alrighty, so still thinking on my short term and long term goals. What is it that I want? In the meantime though:


Warm Up:

Skipping 1 minute.

Rowing 5 minutes on Rolling setting.







On the third set I tried a narrower stance and seemed to help a little with the knee wobble, but seemed to put my leg drive out. Hmmmmm.




These felt remarkabley easy, however without on of the lads spotting, didn't feel comfortable going up in weight.



Nice! Loved doing this, felt awesome strong.

Shits and Giggles:

1x10@5kg side raises

1x5@5kg each side tricep curls behind the head.

2x10@25kg Lat Pulldowns

2x10@25kg Leg Raises

Glad I got this done, feel pretty good about it.

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I reckon I just need to get stronger! :) I think though I will be at 70kg for a little while, 60kg and everything is good, add 10kg and things get silly!

Learnt today that the local crazy family is now gunning for Son5 because of his best mate is having problems with his ex-GF which is best friends with crazy family daughter! OMG, shit is out of control. These people need to just go away now!

Wait! What............?

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Pre-Stronglifts warm up:

Feeding stock, watering stock, which means hauling 25L jerry cans full of water........GO FARMERS CARRY!!! Splitting Jarrah and red gum, hard wood. The dog found a rat carcas in the wood shed that had been petrified and began rolling around on it.......I just can't........


Warm Up:

Skipping and stretching on my clean mats.


1xlots of BW , all sorts of squats, pause, third world, speed squats etc.





Knee felt pretty stable although a little wobbly in the 3rd set. I did feel as though I was too forward in the last set. Maybe just fatigue. Keeping on at this weight for a little while longer.




The fourth set was really heavy, so ended up doing push press, staying here for sure.





1x5@70kg (touch and go for shits and gigs!)

Loved the songs I got on shuffle and enjoyed this Workout!

My Little brother sent me his old/new phone, so now I have a touch screen phone! Have been playing with it for ages, and as a bonus he left his music on it! AWESOME!

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Pre-Stronglifts warm up:

Feeding stock, watering stock, which means hauling 25L jerry cans full of water........GO FARMERS CARRY!!! Splitting Jarrah and red gum, hard wood. The dog found a rat carcas in the wood shed that had been petrified and began rolling around on it.......I just can't........


Warm Up:

Skipping and stretching on my clean mats.


1xlots of BW , all sorts of squats, pause, third world, speed squats etc.





Knee felt pretty stable although a little wobbly in the 3rd set. I did feel as though I was too forward in the last set. Maybe just fatigue. Keeping on at this weight for a little while longer.




The fourth set was really heavy, so ended up doing push press, staying here for sure.





1x5@70kg (touch and go for shits and gigs!)

Loved the songs I got on shuffle and enjoyed this Workout!

My Little brother sent me his old/new phone, so now I have a touch screen phone! Have been playing with it for ages, and as a bonus he left his music on it! AWESOME!

Maybe the dogs are on to something, rolling around on dead rats could be the secret to eternal happiness... I mean, they seem to be happy all the damn time.


also, YAY for touchscreen phones... :-)

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"Insanity - you make my world a better place man, you really do! That shit is awesome! :D" - Guzzi-

My first challenge

My battle Log: Insanity: Warrior Monk

Honorary Ranger dubbed by DarK_RaideR, 1000 Pound club (875 of 1000)

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Warm Up:

Feeding stock, stretching, skipping and stuff.








Ok so I feel like a right newb, after checking out a squat video yesterday I tried something and you know what.........holy shit my squats were awesome! Instead of taking a breath in and holding it for the duration of the squat, take a lung full, like really pull it in and hold and squat and awesome! Knee was good, back was good and a lung full of air to help brace! OMG!





Again with the breathing, this shit is awesome, I wish I had known that a lung full would be wonderful in getting things tight and awesome!

Pendley Rows:



It's all about the breathing! The only thing is, my plates are too small and I am kind of doing a RDL and not quite hitting the floor with the bar, but managed to get more explosive pull without using momentum! Lurve it.

Big Lung full of air = fucking awesome.

Sorry but this little epiphany gave me all sorts of "Hell Yeah" today.

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Had two things I really wanted to do today, workout and watch the Lads play soccer, yesssssss, did both and added bonus, Son1 was home so he worked out and came to soccer, really nice having company in the shed!


Warm Up:

Skipping and stretching








Mixed it up a bit, with the shed door open I get to lift in the sun, which is really nice, although we are expecting crappy weather for the next 3 days :(. Knee is wobbling no more, breathing is sorted and feeling pretty strong at 70kg, finish the week at this weight then add more me thinks.




Admittedly the last set was push press, not moving with these and it's beginning to piss me off.




2x6@30kg (RDL)

The last set on the 90kg, my grip began to slip, pretty sure it was due to sweat, but no doubt about it, I have to work on grip strength. To finish off did some grip strength stuff with the 10kg plates.

Wait! What............?

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Woohoo, yesterday our Alexandrine tried to go free bird again, this morning Son5 found him, the resulting rescue was pulling on the branches to shake him out, and because he doesn't have tail feathers he glided about 500m into the bush, I'll tell ya running through wet bushland in rubber thongs can make you feel very unsafe. Anyway he's home again and very hangry!

On other news I was so Bro yesterday I broke my cable machine, doing 25kg Lat Pulldowns, next thing you know I've pulled the bar straight down onto my lap, scared the. Beejeezus out of me and Son1. Looking at it though The cables were broken within the plastic, finally the last two strands broke and everything came crashing down. No more pull downs, leg extensions, rows, or other really convenient stuff to do warming up or dicking around. I guess you buy cheap.........

My other half has been surfing around on the Internet looking at rubber mats........I asked him yesterday if he could look into building a platform, now that my DL's are getting bigger I don't want to crack the cement in the shed or crack my plates, he found some proper weight lifting rubber mats, but at $36.00 per 500ml square, we might need to save up for this one, I'm just really happy he has been looking and heard me yesterday.

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I'll tell ya running through wet bushland in rubber thongs can make you feel very unsafe.

Oh god.... the mental image here is epic. It took a second reading to realize you were talking about what we call flip flops... thongs are a much different item, that would also make you feel very unsafe in "wet bushland"... which adds to the mental image even more.

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"Insanity - you make my world a better place man, you really do! That shit is awesome! :D" - Guzzi-

My first challenge

My battle Log: Insanity: Warrior Monk

Honorary Ranger dubbed by DarK_RaideR, 1000 Pound club (875 of 1000)

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