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Serial Workouter alert...

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This is not my first time here, but I made a new account because I don't really care for the old account name >.>


I'm one of those people you just sigh at apparently. I start a workout, I go strong on it for some length of time, then something comes up and the workouts stop, and it takes me forever to realize I fell off the horse and try again.


College, Freshman year. I convinced my friends to do nightly runs with me about 4 months from the end of the semester because I thought being healthy is good, and my body image sucks... everyone says body image is helped by workouts so let's do this! School ended, and my workout followed suit.


Sophmore year, realized my self image was bad, started working out using Nerd Fitness's body workouts, kept it up for about 5 months... then Finals hit and my roomates basically told me they were kicking me out so my emotions shot and my focus lost I stopped.


Junior year I joined Latin and Ballroom Dancing. Was fun, but obviously not a workout. Second semester I didn't have enough time for their sessions, but I could workout so I picked it up again. When I got home though, once again I found it difficult to maintain the workout past a few months into the summer.


Senior year, I tried my darndest to focus on school work, get good grades and stuff hoping that would lift my spirits. Didn't really work lols. I tried working out again. Changed my diet, and even began trying to influence my friend to work out with me! Tons of crap happened, finals, coming out of Denial as being trans and having to hunt down a therapist, and school ending. I stopped working out...


BUT NOT FOR LONG! I started it up again within 3 months, and this time with a friend. We would skype chat while working out and we were sure to push ourselves together. But I had to get a job to pay for my shrinking bank account (therapists are expensive and future surgeries I need are the same plus a wardrobe I actually like) so I was searching for a job before I decided I'd go back to school in the fall. Found one right after starting HRT... 3rd shift. Suddenly I couldn't meet with my friend on skype anymore. I also was feeling TONS better after starting HRT... so I stopped working out.


And 6 months later here I am. I'm not going back to school since my application was denied, but come September once my legal gender and name gets switched over I'll use the degree I already have to land me a job in my actual field as opposed to the 3rd shift job I'm currently still occupying. But, I still seek health, and I still seek to be in better shape, and I still have some goals in terms of my image (bigger butt, tighten up the waist if possible though I'm rather skinny as is).


So Doc, any help for a Serial workouter?

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Don't look at your story as a string of "workouts then fails." Think of it instead as "workouts and then more workouts with some downtime in between." What I mean is, every day when you worked out, your body benefited, even though you went through subsequent days with no workout. You didn't lose anything or break anything, you can always work out again. It's not like by skipping workouts, you went on a bender and burned down your house and alienated your loved ones and got arrested and now your life is RUINED FOREVER.

(actually I've seen people come back from even that low, so your life wouldn't be ruined even if you did burn down your house and get arrested. You'd just have a lot more cleaning up to do.)

Just take it one day at a time. Either you worked out today or rested today, that's it. too many days in a row of either is bad, so you want to mix it up.

anyways, welcome back, don't be lonely. I take it from your username that you are transitioning to female?

Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.

Hylian Assassin 5'5", 143 lbs.
Half-marathon: 3:02
It is pitch dark. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.

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anyways, welcome back, don't be lonely. I take it from your username that you are transitioning to female?


Thanks! And yeah that's correct. The username is a bit tongue in cheek ofc (Inspired by a different forum), but yeah XD


It's just that I wish I could find a way to maintain workouts even when I know big events are coming up. For instance, while my life will be moderately stable for the next 6 months, once September hits I'll likely be moving halfway across the country (as there aren't jobs for Astronautical Engineering in my area) among other large changes. I'm hoping I can find away to build something before then that will last beyond those events in terms of healthy exercise, and looking back it seems I need a new approach than I've used before.


And once again thanks for the reply~

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I hear you on getting thrown off your game when something comes up. I was really active in college and I lived near a walking/biking trail, and then when I graduated and moved, I lost my convenient route and stopped jogging. 10 years later, I'm now living near another length of that same trail and... guess what I'm doing? XD But I'm hoping that this time I can be more adaptable if my circumstances change.

Current Goal: Be able to jog a continuous 5k 

Daily Battle Log

Klara goes the Distance - My first 6 Week Challenge (in progress)



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