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I figured I would create an intro thread for myself here. 


I've heard of this site for a while but never bothered checking out the forum until now, when I felt like I could use a place for workout discussion and this seemed to fit the bill (and Bodybuilding.com wasn't really an option for obvious reasons LOL).


Anyways, about me:

32, from Toronto, Canada (any other Torontonians here?)


Favourite nerd topics:

  • video games, especially old school 90's and 00's video gaming. Nowadays I don't have the time and money to play on a regular basis, but I really do want to get a PS4 to checkout some games.
  • Books: everything from sci-fi and fantasy, to non-fiction political/current events stuff and self help. 
  • TV/Movie junkie
  • Music: House, techno, hip hop/rap and some rock


Anyways, I have a very sarcastic personality sprinkled with a lot of cynicism so a disclaimer for some of my posts: if it reads on the side of ridiculousness, I'm probably talkin s*** :tongue:



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Oh yea, as for weight lifting goals and all that:


Just want to get stronger and more defined/lean. I'm currently doing something along the lines of stronglifts/starting strength.


Current stats include:

Squat: 225lbs

Bench: 160lbs

OHP: 110lbs

DL: 255lbs

Pen. Row: 165lbs


I'd like to get my squat to about 285lbs, DL to 315 and bench my body weight at 185lbs. Preferably by end of April, although I feel like my DL and OHP have maxed at the moment (hit a huge stall today)

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A sarcastic/cynical Canadian? Naaaaah! I don't buy it, you all are way to polite for all that.  :nevreness:


Welcome, and good luck with the lifting. Stronglifts is a great method. I prefer 5/3/1 for building pure strength but stronglifts is more well rounded in my opinion. We are the same age and about the same size so I'll be following your progress with interest!


What are you doing on your off days from stronglifts? Working on mobility/flexibility at all?



Malakir - Human Ranger


[Current Challenge] [battlelog] [MyFitnessPal]

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A sarcastic/cynical Canadian? Naaaaah! I don't buy it, you all are way to polite for all that.  :nevreness:


Welcome, and good luck with the lifting. Stronglifts is a great method. I prefer 5/3/1 for building pure strength but stronglifts is more well rounded in my opinion. We are the same age and about the same size so I'll be following your progress with interest!


What are you doing on your off days from stronglifts? Working on mobility/flexibility at all?




Hahaha, trust me there's a lot of us with that attitude!


At the moment I'm not doing anything on my off days. I used to do ab/core work because I felt like my core couldn't keep up with my legs (for squats), but now that I have gotten used to keeping my core tight I don't do anything.


As for my program, it started as Stronglifts but I was pretty inconsistent with my routine/dedication and eventually I got bored of it. And doing 5x5 with 4-5 minute rest periods took way too long. That, and I noticed that I couldn't keep up with my nutrition and recovery (having a job where you're walking for 8-10 hours a day does that).


My routine looks like this now:


Workout A

  • Squat 3x5 (at whatever weight I am currently at...so 230lbs will be next)
  • Bench 4x5 or 5x5 (with FatGripz on barbell to improve forearm strength (my weak link)
  • Pendlay Row 3x5 (warm up with FatGripz only)
  • Accessory work: eg. diamond pushups for 5 reps with 5 or 10 second rest. Same with Inverted Rows.

Workout B

  • Squat 3x5 (weight is 80% of working weight, with 2 minute resting periods)
  • OHP 3x5 (with FatGripz)
  • DL 1x5
  • Accessory work: Chin ups with 1 minute rest for 5 sets. Once I complete that without a problem, I reduce the rest period to 45 seconds, then 30 seconds, then 15 until I do all 5 sets as 1 rep and then repeat by adding more reps per set.


So that is the gist of it. How does 5x3x1 work? Do you add weight on each set? So for example, 5 reps @ 185lbs; 3 reps @ 205 and then 1 rep @ 225? Or is the weight constant?

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Easier to let you read this as part of an explanation. Not a huge fan of everything T-nation does but they have some pretty good write ups and this one was done by Jim Wendler himself, the 5x3x1 creator (compiler). Wendler's book itself is a good read too. 




It's a great method to build strength quickly. Not ideal for year round, in my opinion, but throwing it into the mix a couple time a year made for some large gains for me. 



Malakir - Human Ranger


[Current Challenge] [battlelog] [MyFitnessPal]

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