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Getting fit to go to Europe

Getting in shape for Summer

Losing weight to buy cuter clothes


Nope nope nope....


Oooooo "Reducing BMI so I can enlist" haven't played this one before...



Alright so I've been in limbo career wise since 2010/2011... nearly 5 years! Wow. I've floundered with admin, I hate it but I'm good at it and have a mortgage to pay so yeah.

Fast forward through many different options and we find Rachy applying some out of the box thinking earlier this week and standing in front of the enlisting office (electronicly speaking). I've made an appointment for the end of May to do apptitude testing and finding out what options I have for the different defense force services. I know it's a while away but that was the first option available.

Doing my research, looking at practice/sample tests and I'm feeling pretty confident in my abilities. My partner and my family are willing to support me wherever I get posted to (assuming I get enlisted etc). Everything looks like it's coming up Milhouse! hmmm what's this link... fitness requirements... oh F%$#.


I have 7 weeks until my appointment and I can not physically get to the minimum requirements but that shouldn't be an issue as at this stage it's just to find out how suitable I am for the defense force mentally and medically. If I get the thumbs up I've been told I have up to a year (?) to get my fitness up to an acceptable level. That being said I don't want to take 12 months to get there, I want to be at that level as soon as possible. Don't worry I'm not going all in and giving up in 3 weeks time. I am however switching on the game with the hardest difficult rating I've ever played. I'm expecting a lot of restarts, respawns, swearing and *headesk*-ing. I'm going to get through it though because the sooner I clock it then the sooner I'm out of this 9-5 M-F that I dislike so much (well 7-3.30 actually).


Minimum requirements for females:

BMI of 32.9* or lower (15kgs to lose but that's based off a weigh in a few weeks ago)

4 push ups (sounded achieveable until I realised that my technique sucks and doing it properly is a huge struggle)

20 sit ups (I tried doing 1 properly... nope just nope)

6.5 shuttle run/beep test score (insert swear words)


*Ideally under 29.9 but up to 32.9 is acceptable however will be monitored.



So you're probably thinking "Rachael if you train every day for 7 weeks those sit ups will be a breeze, 4 push ups would just be a warm up and I sure you'd be getting close to that shuttle run score". You're probably right and that's why this thread is going to be focusing on the BMI to begin with.

I hate the BMI, imo it's a Big Massive Inaccuracy however that's the tool they use to assess suitablity so I'm between a rock and hard place with that 1.


Tonight I'm going to grab my stats and enter them in below tomorrow so we have a starting point to monitor me by. Also see below for different "levels" of this new "game".

BMI: 37.87 (need to lose 14.04kg)

Push ups: 1 (need 4)

Sit ups: 0 (need 20)

Beep test: 1.6 (need 6.5)

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Level X - Human Ranger

Str: X ~ Dex: X ~ Sta: X ~ Con: X ~ Wis: X ~ Cha: X

Rachy87 - Going to level up my way, watch this space!

Not all who wander are lost 

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Tutorial Level:

(Week 0)

  1. Bring gym stuff to work to eliminate it as an excuse to not do lunch time fitness classes
  2. Purge house of junk food
  3. Complete 3 exercise activities

Bonus Stuff:

  1. Acquire weights for Bat Cave
  2. Prepare a meal plan
  3. Make up meal and snack boxes to avoid needing to go with cheap easy bad options
  • Like 1

Level X - Human Ranger

Str: X ~ Dex: X ~ Sta: X ~ Con: X ~ Wis: X ~ Cha: X

Rachy87 - Going to level up my way, watch this space!

Not all who wander are lost 

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Go you!! What lunch time fitness do you do?

Thank you! :)

Wed = Yoga and Fri = Pilates

Tried yoga last week and it's tough, people who do the classes at work tell me that pilates is tougher so I'm a little concerned but I'm still going to go! :)

Level X - Human Ranger

Str: X ~ Dex: X ~ Sta: X ~ Con: X ~ Wis: X ~ Cha: X

Rachy87 - Going to level up my way, watch this space!

Not all who wander are lost 

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Alright kiddies. I downloaded a beep test app and managed 1.6 and that was tough. Each level has 8 parts ie 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, ... 1.7, 1.8, 2.1


Easter has meant chocolate and damn it's my weakness. Plan is to collect up the eggs and bunnies I got, put them in a container and get my partner to hide them. Each Saturday after exercise I'm allowed something from the stash and it will be at his discretion what I get.


Over the weekend I brought some juice (100% stuff) and some sparkling water (which I'm not a fan) and mixed them together to give me my fizzy hit with watered down sugary liquid. I'm allowing myself 1 glass M-F and whatever on the weekend.

Red bull is still a problem, aim this week is to go down to 3 times a week. X


(Week 0)

  1. Bring gym stuff to work to eliminate it as an excuse to not do lunch time fitness classes :positive:
  2. Purge house of junk food X
  3. Complete 3 exercise activities :positive:

Bonus Stuff:

  1. Acquire weights for Bat Cave :positive:
  2. Prepare a meal plan X
  3. Make up meal and snack boxes to avoid needing to go with cheap easy bad options :positive: /X (Lunches done = chicken/veg, snacks I have everything for I just haven't done them into packs.

3.5/6 = not bad.


Level 1

(Week 1)

  1. Purge house of junk food & red bull challenge as per above
  2. Complete 4 exercise activities
  3. Work on sit ups and push ups 3 times

Bonus Stuff:

  1. Prepare a meal plan
  2. Make up meal and snack boxes for week 1 & 2
  3. Attempt beep test at the park to allow 20m straights instead of doing 2 x 10m straights at home.

Level X - Human Ranger

Str: X ~ Dex: X ~ Sta: X ~ Con: X ~ Wis: X ~ Cha: X

Rachy87 - Going to level up my way, watch this space!

Not all who wander are lost 

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Wow, a career change!

My son started his enlistment journey last year, we're nearing the end of his journey for the yah or nah!

Good luck! Wishing you all the best.


Excellent, what is he aiming for?

Thank you, I'm trying my hardest :)

Level X - Human Ranger

Str: X ~ Dex: X ~ Sta: X ~ Con: X ~ Wis: X ~ Cha: X

Rachy87 - Going to level up my way, watch this space!

Not all who wander are lost 

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Be careful cutting out caffiene. It can cause serious headaches during withdrawl, and you may be better off either cutting down how much you have every day or cutting it out completely. Drinking every other day puts me in a constant state of withdrawl. (yuck)

Base Character: Elantrian

Class/ Profession: Druid

Level: 0 | STR 0 | DEX 0 | STA 0 | CON 0 | WIS 0 | CHA 0

Battle Log Whole30

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Be careful cutting out caffiene. It can cause serious headaches during withdrawl, and you may be better off either cutting down how much you have every day or cutting it out completely. Drinking every other day puts me in a constant state of withdrawl. (yuck)


Thank you for the concern :) Constant withdrawal sounds terrible!

My caffiene consumption is limited to 1 red bull 250ml (I don't like coffee or tea) during the first hour of work and 1 or 2 for the occassional all nighter over the weekends (which might happen once or twice a month) so unlike my brother who consumes bucket like cups of coffee each day with an energy drink chaser I don't get that massive whack in the face which is withdrawal (a couple of times a year he does a month long "detox" to prove he can and the headaches he get sound awful).

2013 I went energy drink free which was a struggle but got easier as the year went on. That I quit cold turkey and while no headaches I did get mood swings. I'm hoping to avoid that by powering down. 1 day without red bull this week, 2 days next week, etc until I get down to almost red bull free. I'll allow the weekends but after I've been off red bull for a while and then I have 1 it affects me more intensely and next things I know I can't sleep for the next 12hrs which makes me seriously weigh up the pros and cons of having it.

Level X - Human Ranger

Str: X ~ Dex: X ~ Sta: X ~ Con: X ~ Wis: X ~ Cha: X

Rachy87 - Going to level up my way, watch this space!

Not all who wander are lost 

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Today is berocca day. I'm doing ok so far....

Didn't get to do yoga yesterday as I was the only person in my department and wasn't able to leave the front desk for an entire hour. Also had to stay back into close so by the time I got home and everything exercise didn't happen which I'm rather bummed out about. Looks like I'm facing the same today and maybe tomorrow as well :/

Level X - Human Ranger

Str: X ~ Dex: X ~ Sta: X ~ Con: X ~ Wis: X ~ Cha: X

Rachy87 - Going to level up my way, watch this space!

Not all who wander are lost 

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Just lost my post :(


Basically I failled level 1 (situation changed and I got tripped up)

Doing a 'walk-through' for levels 1-3 in the form of a 6 week challenge.


Find details here: http://rebellion.nerdfitness.com/index.php?/topic/63748-rachy87-vs-bmi/

Level X - Human Ranger

Str: X ~ Dex: X ~ Sta: X ~ Con: X ~ Wis: X ~ Cha: X

Rachy87 - Going to level up my way, watch this space!

Not all who wander are lost 

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I don't understand the focus of so many institutions on BMI

If you look at the BMI of a single person and take decisions based on it, you don't understand what BMI is.


The inventor of BMI said it should never be used for individual cases.  It works for large groups, because it averages out.  You could have a BMI that is way to high and be very healthy (but probably very muscled).

My Profile        |     I must not fear.  Fear is the mind killer.

My Battle Log  |     Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration.

                           |     I will face my fear.  I will permit it to pass over me and through me.

Start to Run      |     And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path.

                           |   Where the fear has gone, there will be nothing.  Only I will remain.

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Congrats on the career change!  9 years after graduation and I still have no idea what I want to do!


Also, I think you may be my new hero for voluntarily doing beep tests!  Brings back so many bad memories of high school!!  Ha!


Good luck!  :)

Thank you :)

Yeah the beep test is a cruel mistress that's for sure!

More than happy to be your hero :P


I don't understand the focus of so many institutions on BMI

If you look at the BMI of a single person and take decisions based on it, you don't understand what BMI is.


The inventor of BMI said it should never be used for individual cases.  It works for large groups, because it averages out.  You could have a BMI that is way to high and be very healthy (but probably very muscled).

Yeah I like referring to it as Big Massive Inaccuracy.

I did not know that the inventor had intended it for groups.

Unfortunately it's what they are measuring me by so I'm stuck, *sigh*

Level X - Human Ranger

Str: X ~ Dex: X ~ Sta: X ~ Con: X ~ Wis: X ~ Cha: X

Rachy87 - Going to level up my way, watch this space!

Not all who wander are lost 

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