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Kiwi in Brisbane, Australia on the path to Leveling up.

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I'm Marcus and I've had enough of being fat.

I've always been big - always said my body has settled in on a weight.

From 90 to 95, 100, 105... slowly creeping up through the years to 118kg.

But recent knee surgery has made me go: enough. After struggling with my wieght up and down the stairs to my apartment on my weak knee, I realised it wasn't because of my knee that I'm injured. It's because of my wieght that my knee is injured... time to do something about it.

I've always been active, running, Outrigger, boxing, Karate, BJJ - and always stated "it doesn't matter how much exercise I do i just aren't losing any weight"

Then I found nerd fitness, read up about the paleo and the attitude of Steve and others here as they have to training and realised it's time to change.

Brought a mountain bike so I could start strengthening my knee and started eating right. Since August I've now dropped 14kg... to get me down to about 104kg. I am aiming at the moment for 95kg - still large for my 6'2" height - but it's my first goal - I can't remember the last time I was under 100kg.

I have started following the paleo roughly - I don't drink milk to start with - gave that up years ago - and most forms of dairy even. I've started to eat a LOT of Salad and proteins, fresh fruits... my diet is becoming pretty routine... in fact and it seems to be working though I am worried I am going to plateau at some point - if I don't refine it further.

My training has increased. I'm doing 6 - 9 hours of martial arts a week (BJJ, MMA and Karate) 1-2 hours of boxing, 2-3 hours mountain biking, 3-6 hours outrigger, 2-3 hours crossfit and 1-2 hours running a week (so I have the variety in there) I'm doing roughly 2 sessions a day and listen to my body - if it's wrecked I pull back.

I am lucky in that I live close to work - I can fit all this exercise in and work 3 jobs (Graphic Designer, Crowd Controller and Freelance Web Dev)

I've already felt the results - hills aren't so painful on the bike, kms are getting faster on foot (already back up to 52mins for 10km - aiming for <60mins/12km) I'm rolling (BJJ) faster and stronger and have more endurance. These results keep me inspired to work harder, train more and keep eating better - I can't imagine going back to eating what I was before.

As I approach 100kg I know that last 5kgs to get to 95 are going to be hard - and slow and I know I'm going to need that motivation and support - advice - from WHOEVER I can get it from, and this place seems a natural as any to look for it.

Bring it at me - what can I improve (aside from my life)

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Welcome to the rebellion xxnu!

It sounds like you're making some pretty good progress already, have you actually hit a plateau already or you're just anticipating one in the future?

Good to know I'm not the only Brisbanite on the site anymore =)

My Workout Log: Ass Getting Kicked. || My Beach 2012 Photolog: WINTER Beach 2012.

Convict Conditioning progression:

PushUps: Lvl3 || Leg Raises: Lvl3

Squats: Lvl7 || Bridges: Lvl4

PullUps: Lvl2 || Handstand Pushups: Lvl1 o_0

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Happiness comes from reaching the goals! It's all with a greater purpose - getting lighter in the canoe - fitter for races - rolling lighter and faster - saving my body from having to carry around 25kg excess...

I fear a plateau more than have encountered one. My loss has been fairly consistent so far - roughly about a KG or more a week - but I get a little upset when I don't manage to keep the loses consistent. I'm only focusing on straight weight loss at the moment - no way to measure fat loss other than looking in the mirror and judging - though - all my clothes are starting to get too big - so while I don't see the scales go down it may be due to muscle gain?

It usually happens though I will lose a couple of kgs in one week and then come out heaver after the weekend - I try to be VERY careful with eating on the weekend - but not always possible due to work. I have an enduro tri this weekend - hoping to lose a couple of kgs before then and I anticipate I may very well be VERY close to under 100kg after the race... (350m swim, 10km mountain bike, 4km trail run, 350m swim, 10km mountain bike, 4km trail run)

I guess I wouldn't mind some more advice on eating plans and maybe a way to track any fat lose v. muscle gain?

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Welcome my Kiwi friend! Man, you sound like you do a lot of exercise already! As has been said all over the place, and espeically by Steve, diet is 80% of your fat loss/muscle gain, and it sounds like you've got it sorted now and the kilos are flying off!

A few years ago when I was paying close attention to the scales, I'd weigh myself daily and record it, but not worry too much about day to day fluctuations, then at the end of the week I'd average it. It was the average I cared about, as long as that kept dropping, I was happy. The day to day there are so many variables that make for fluctuations, but averaged over the week they are flattened out.

And DaveInBris, I'm a Brissy lad too! Only been here a week or so though, so you've probably not noticed me bouncing around yet.

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Thanks Dave and Lachy.

I have been watching the scales but not really tracking it. I started out tracking all my food intakes, but I know what I should and should not be eating already, and as long as I stay healthy with what I am eating, portions doesn't seem to be an issue.

I think I'll start recording my weight as you said Lachy, start charting it so I can see net losses rather than day to day gains/losses.

So where are you guys, what sort of exercise regeime do you guys follow? (anyone else miss running on the floating walkway or is it just me?)

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At the moment I do a series of 3 weight sessions, breaking up into chest & back, legs, and shoulders & arms, then a run day. Currently working on a 3 x 10 plan, and running 6.5k around my neighbourhood. Rest days as needed. You can check out my log in the Logs sub forum if you're really interested, but it's dry stuff. I'm trying to do the fat loss & muscle gain combo right now. It actually seems to be working. And I'm dipping my toe into Paleo.

I used to run on the floating platform occasionally, but I don't get down to New Farm area as often as I used to so I'm not really missing it. It did make part of a good loop run around the city though!

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