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Today's run kicked my ass!

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Usually I run in the streets around my neighbourhood, I'm up to about 6.5KM (~4mi), last time I did it in about 36 minutes.

Today was wet so I went to the gym to run on the hamster wheel. I can't explain it, but it was a massive struggle! Very disapointed with my results, had to drop to a walk a couple of times. Ended up taking me 39 minutes.

I don't know if it was because of the humidity, the running on a treadmill instead of the road, low carb intake the last few days (though honestly, not that low) ... or just general fatigue. Based on previous performance, it was way too much effort needed to get those results!

I am Jack's disapointment. Any input appreciated, thanks.

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i don't know what it is but i have those days every now and then where i just cannot do what i normally do. a few weeks ago i had a cold and the first day back at the gym (even though i felt fine) was really really tough. every now and then i go to run and it just hurts my body. like, not in a particular body part or anything, but something just doesn't feel right. i think you did the right thing though in finishing your goal (the distance). sometimes i guess it just happens. i'm sure next time will be better!

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I read in a rw article that going from the treadmill to the road you gain on avg 7% in time reduction. Something to do with pacing faster. Anyhow, I'm constantly humbled by how a run I thought i'd killed keeps coming back to kick my @$$.

i don't care what u think of me. unless u think i'm awesome. in which case u're right.

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It was a struggle to hit my distance for sure, initially I wanted to do 7Ks, but given the difficulty I had to at least make my current range!

7% reduction in time from treadmill to road, really? I used to find the opposite, that I could run further, faster on a treadmil. Maybe because the treadmil is constant speed and level, but on the road I have to deal with hills, people, cars, etc, and I modulate my speed slightly to deal with these things?

Next run is in 4 - 5 days, and paybacks a bitch! I'm gonna kick that run's ass!

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I've actually consistently gotten the same result, and wondered why. I suspect it's for a few reasons - one is temperature regulation. I get hot very quickly and being indoors when I run, especially since I run for at least 30 minutes, is torture. Not only do I get really hot, but the air is so much warmer and stuffier. I love having the cold air against my skin when I run outdoors. Another thing is that running outside is so much more fun for me. I run in a park with a half mile loop so I don't have to worry about traffic. I listen to my music and kinda get lost looking at the scenery. When I'm on a treadmill I stare at the screen...those little dots going around in a circle, or the numbers...and I think that messes with me psychologically. I just get bored, even if I'm listening to music. No euphoric runner's high!

One thing I will try next time I'm stuck on the treadmill is interval training (e.g. sprinting for 1 minute, resting for 2, repeat, repeat, repeat). That'll keep things more interesting and is supposed to be just as effective (fitness wise).

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I think you might be on to something there Krystle. Deninfetly the still air in a gym environment make a difference for me, as does the scenery. Looking up at the bank of TVs, then down to those moking red led lit numbers, isn't exactly stimulating. When I used to regularly run on the treadmil, I'd set the time or distance, then throw my towel over the display so I didn't know how far or long to go. Road running is so much better though.

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That happens to me every now and again. I think everyone has days when they just can't do as well as they normally can. There are a lot of factors, so it's hard to say what may of caused it.

"It's always the ones that don't do anything that try to bring you down" - Henry Rollins

"There is no meantime, there is only now" - The Ditty Bops

 Trail Blazing Elf Ranger Sumdawgtwigg Level 3  STR-3 DEX-4 STA-4 CON-3 WIS-5 CHA-2


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