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Pullup/negative pullup fears and some advice needed

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Ok ... question for anyone who might eventually read this after the holiday. This is also posted in my challenge thread, so sorry for cross posting.

I've started the 100 pullup program, starting on week negative 2 LoL - I cannot do one single pullup. So I am supposed to work on negatives. Last night was day 1. Dudes - I was terrified up on that pullup bar that I was going to fall. I had zero confidence in my hand strength and zero in my arm strength - felt like my hands were just going to slip right off. I know part of it is I am so small, and my hands are so small, but I have never, ever used my size as an excuse before, so I don't really understand I seem to think my size matters now. I HATE being afraid of something. My pullups bar is one of those that can swing down and lock into a low position for inverted rows, so my feet are on the floor - but to get the pullup or negative pullup in, I'm having to stand on a chair, and even from that I am reaching up slightly and having to somewhat pull myself up to get into the position to do the negative. And I am wicked afraid I'll fall. I'm thinking more about falling than kicking these pullups ass. Anyone have any ideas? I feel like a completely baby!!

Should I just keep working on the inverted rows until my muscle and hand strength is better?

Human Druid/Cleric - LvL 3
STR (6.5); DEX (4); STA (9.5); CON (10); WIS (9); CHA (3)

I will not live my life based upon the ideals of someone else. My value is inherent in my existence.

Long term goal: King Pigeon and Dancer.

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Consider assistance bands with the pullups/chinups, they were my big help/confidence booster.

When I started doing dedicated S&C (which was only a couple of months ago), I couldn't do any chinups, even negatives were very hard. I used assistance bands slung around the bar then under my knees (or feet) which would take over 10Kg off the weight I essentially had to shift. Really, really helpful confidence builder.

If you want to try grip strength by itself, dead hanging from a towel for as long as you can is useful...it sucks, but it's useful! ;)

GoToTheGround"The two most powerful warriors are patience and time" - Leo TolstoyTwitter | My 130lb weight-loss journey in photos & words 

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Is there any way to move the bar so that you stand on tiptoes to grab the bar to get ready to do the pullup, no chair involved?

I'd be terribly afraid I'd fall as well and I cannot afford to get injured.

Another thought, can you find a kids playground with bars closer to the ground to work on first?

Oogie McGuire

Black Sheep Shepherdess

STR 4.25 | DEX 4.5 | STA 3.75 | CON 3 | WIS 4.75 | CHA 1

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I'll second finding a lower bar.

Also, when I started trying pull-ups, I found an article saying to just try and hold yourself in the "up" position for as long as possible multiple times a day. It worked for me, after being able to hold myself up, for 13 seconds or so, I was able to do a few pull-ups in a row. You might be able to benefit from this, because you won't even need to find a bar above your head. Just grab onto a fence/tree branch/counter top/deck/etc. that's at least shoulder height and bend your knees so your feet are off the ground. Once you feel like you're not able to hold yourself up anymore, just put your feet back on the ground.

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Or use a chair. I always use a chair because I go until my grip gives, and I always know I am in no danger. Bench, boxes, milk crates, they all work. I also hang from the bar with my feet on the chair to stretch out my back without holding up my entire bodyweight after the set. I can also stretch my shourders by holding the wide grip and inching my chest fwd.

My best advice is if you believe it, set your goal and you can do it. If you don't believe it, you will come up with excuses for why you can't. Have faith in yourself and your ability. I have faith that you can do it. :-)

i don't care what u think of me. unless u think i'm awesome. in which case u're right.

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Maybe I'm missing something, or maybe I just don't have an understanding of your fear, but, I don't understand why the fall is an issue. You're only like 2 feeet off the floor, and if you can't hold the grip, you just drop to your feet. You won't be off balance or anything that would cause you to fall on your side or your ass. It'd be just like hoping off that chair with a small jump. Do you have bad joints that won't be able to handle the impact?

Still, it doesn't matter what my rationalisation is, I'm sure the fear is real. A lower bar is a good idea, or maybe you can get someone to spot you?

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Grip, hang with a dead dangling hang, look down, and drop. When people hang full-length, the floor and their feet aren't so far apart. A few of these drills will convince the irrational bit that's getting scared.

Reading the thread and was just about to post this.

My grip's given out on me in my early days doing pullups and all that happens is you drop to your feet. It nearly gave out on me once when I was doing inverted rows on the same bar (which is fixed at the ceiling, and my feet were resting on top of another fixed bar which is further along the ceiling). If that had happened I would have fallen backwards and most definitely landed on my head. That was a bit scary, so I stopped doing those and started doing barbell rows instead until my grip was much stronger.

In your case, I'd imagine (but correct me if I'm wrong) that the bit that plays on your mind is if the grip gives out when you're not expecting it to? If so, just do like andygates says and try doing some controlled drops to the floor. That way, your grip gives out when you control it, and then if and when your grip does give out unexpectedly, it's not so bad when it happens.

Also, if your grip is weak, practise strengthening it. Farmer's carries, big bags of shopping, wring out wet towels, anything. Even do pull-ups with a hook grip if it helps.

And remember: when you're looking down from the bar it looks like you're miles up in the sky. You're not :)

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That's all really good advice, so serious thanks everyone. I'm 4ft 10 inches tall - and the bar is about 14 inches from the 8 ft. ceiling. I have to stand on a high 3-legged bar stool to get the bar even at forehead level for me! I'm afraid of falling onto that damn bar stool and breaking my head, then, once I hit the floor. Damn me and my shortness LoL.

I like the idea of the band assist. I also like the idea of deadhangs until I feel comfortable with the grip issue - and looking down at the floor. Maybe with the band I can use a more stable chair to "hop" to the top position, removing the wobbly stool from the equation. I'm also going to continue with the inverted rows to increase strength there, but I think I will add in these other ideas to get over that fear. Thanks for the suggestions, everyone.

Human Druid/Cleric - LvL 3
STR (6.5); DEX (4); STA (9.5); CON (10); WIS (9); CHA (3)

I will not live my life based upon the ideals of someone else. My value is inherent in my existence.

Long term goal: King Pigeon and Dancer.

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My squeamishness about negative pullups disappeared when I started getting up the bar in a different way. Jumping. Jumping straight up and holding at the proper height, then lowering down slowly. It might sound scarier, but it's really not when you do it on a bar that's not extremely high overhead. Because you got yourself up there with your own power, it's not as freaky because you can "feel" how high you are. Once you can feel how low to the ground you are it's not so bad.

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