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Hi all,


No really, hi. You all already seem lovely. I have no idea how many of these welcome posts get read (I've gone through a few of yours) but here's my story thrown out there:


I'm about 150lbs and 5ft 7 so fairly average. Fitness scares me and I have bad self esteem. On top of that waiting for visa news.


First world problems, right?


I know the next year will involve stress and tears and I can't go on anymore living like this with sleepless nights and half a bottle of red every evening.


I need some friends, kind words, harsh words... 


... hi :)

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Hi, welcome.


Living that way is not easy. I don't think you can really understand it fully unless you are living with something like that hanging over you 24/7. I've been in a similar situation awaiting a visa for the US since last summer. The ifs/whens/what is happenings are a sort of slow form of torture. I think its perfectly normal to feel anxious/frustrated/whatever.

Are you apart from your boyfriend at the moment or is he in NZ with you?


Do you want to start some sort of fitness? There really is nothing to be scared of. You don't even have to join a gym or have anyone see you.

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Hi Separatist,


Thank you. I am very lucky in that my partner with me here.


I found nerd fitness while googling for 'getting control in your life'. 


Now I have not managed this before, and I have given it a go.


Recommendations? If I had to be REALLY basic, I would like stronger arms. I broke my collarbone a few years ago and never really trained it to get any real strength back. What happens when I'm trying to fight off zombies?!


I'm sorry you're feeling stuck with your visa stuff. *virtual hugs*

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The key is to start small. Don't do too much at once. I started 22months ago by just walking for exercise. Then i slowly improved my diet. Just a bit at a time, no wholesale changes. Then repeated the process over and over. That is the only method that has made it stick for me after being overweight, unfit and unhealthy my entire adult life.


I'm no expert in anatomy but i would think collar bone probs would require improvements in chest (pecs), shoulders, arms and possibly your upper back too. 

When you get around to starting an exercise routine you want a well balanced one anyway.


In terms of getting stronger you there are 6 basic things you should work on, with an almost endless supply of exercises you could use.

Horizontal push - eg, pushup, bench press

Horizontal pull - eg, bodyweight row or dumbbell/barbell row

Vertical push - eg, handstand things, overhead press

Vertical pull - eg, pull/chin-ups

Legs - eg, squats

Back/posterior chain - eg, bridges, deadlifts.


That all sounds confusing but it really isn't and what route you go down really depends on what equipment you have access too. Most of the bodyweight stuff can be done in the home and there are variations for all ability levels as if you are anything like the rest of us when starting out you probably won't be able to do a pull up or even push up.

There are a plethora of beginner strength routines to follow depending on equipment. Eg:



starting strength



Having said that it might not be the right time for you to jump into a full routine just yet. Start slow, keep improving and when you've built up a bit of confidence that you are going in the right direction you can start.

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Hi Kryton,


I know exactly how you feel, I went through the same thing last year getting my work visa for the UK (I'm originally from NZ). I can't imagine going back to NZ because my life is here in the UK now, this is my home. One thing that really helped me was being social, so either playing DnD or group sports, being able to distract myself really helped. And being with a group of people made getting distracted much easier! My current passion is indoor rock climbing, awesome workout and best of all I am so focused on the climb that I forget the stresses.


I wish you all the best and I hope it all pans out for you!

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Thank you for all your kind words - but Fiscat... how can you move to the UK from NZ? NZ is stunning!


I cycle 3 miles a day to and from work 5 times a week. I mountain bike when I can and snowboard as soon as a flake falls.


I don't eat well though. I think what I want is a feeling of control in my life which I may only achieve now via regular fitness or goals.


I've decided I will eat one piece of fruit with every meal. Lucky if I did that before. Any other advice?

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 but Fiscat... how can you move to the UK from NZ? NZ is stunning!


You're missing out the part where it's the ass end of no-where, the country is run by a team of douchebags and there are bugger all opportunists for a career in video games. A gilded cage is still a cage I'm afraid and here in the UK I can progress my career, might not be as pretty to look at is all  :playful:


I find calorie counting with an app like MyFitnessPal helps me, I have been doing it for the last month and I'm making head way which is encouraging. It also highlighted exactly what I am eating and showed me where I was eating high calorie food posing as 'healthy'. 

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The UK isn't so bad, even to look at. Its not the same nice to look at as NZ but its a very pretty country in its own ways (mostly, buildings, old things, etc rather than landscapes, although it has its fair share of those too).

Every country has its issues.


The UK is run by douchebags too. I think that might be a universal truth for all countries.

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Shall we start our own country? With blackjack...and hookers!

Oh damn... I'm in... I am SOO in for that... can we can we can we... please please please...


*breathes in... and out*


Ok... I'm calm....


First, while it might be hard to do, I would stop worrying about the visa thing. It's something you can't change and/or control, therefore there's no reason to worry about it.


Second, and this is only if you're like me and get caught up in research. Get a starter lifting program and begin with that, don't do a bunch of research on it (outside of getting your form right), just get it and start going. Stronglifts is the one I do,  there's another that's referenced on here a lot, but I can't think of it right now... anyone know?



Other than that, have fun here. :-)

"Insanity - you make my world a better place man, you really do! That shit is awesome! :D" - Guzzi-

My first challenge

My battle Log: Insanity: Warrior Monk

Honorary Ranger dubbed by DarK_RaideR, 1000 Pound club (875 of 1000)

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First, while it might be hard to do, I would stop worrying about the visa thing. It's something you can't change and/or control, therefore there's no reason to worry about it.


It's a bit unfair to say this - the stress of such an important thing is very deeply embedded and short of becoming some sort of meditation master the anxiety won't just go away. That's why is called chronic lol, I personally got horrible nightmares, epic chest pains and became a bit too fond of whiskey. BUT I manage the anxiety by distracting myself and slowly the systems became less debilitating. 


I think your suggestion of just jumping into something and not getting hung-up on research is a really good one - getting immersed quick helps.

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It's a bit unfair to say this - the stress of such an important thing is very deeply embedded and short of becoming some sort of meditation master the anxiety won't just go away. That's why is called chronic lol, I personally got horrible nightmares, epic chest pains and became a bit too fond of whiskey. BUT I manage the anxiety by distracting myself and slowly the systems became less debilitating. 


I think your suggestion of just jumping into something and not getting hung-up on research is a really good one - getting immersed quick helps.

That's why I said it might be hard, I know that "to stop worrying" isn't some easy "Oh, okay... done" type of thing. Hell I've been living under that mantra for years and still find myself worrying about things I can't control. Like you said, it helps to distract yourself, what's also helped me is to prepare for all possible outcomes as much as I can, so that no matter what I'm ready to hit the ground running when things are set.

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"Insanity - you make my world a better place man, you really do! That shit is awesome! :D" - Guzzi-

My first challenge

My battle Log: Insanity: Warrior Monk

Honorary Ranger dubbed by DarK_RaideR, 1000 Pound club (875 of 1000)

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