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Cheat food disappoints/successes

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1. I have been proper craving a full English breakfast at a local cafe. I've had a few there and I do like the place and find the breakfast served well, not at all oily or greasy. Only one egg though, which is the first disappointment. Today, for a number of strategic and macro-fitting reasons*, I went. I was saddened to find they no longer included a mug of tea with the breakfast. You can't take away the tea! Now I am thirsty and I am halfway through my meal and I don't want to order a separate tea, fumble for my purse again and delay leaving the café while I drink it. Hmph. Afterwards I expected to be floating along in a joyous bubble of fat and carbs, but instead, I felt gross, heavy, stodgy and strangely moody and low. It was terribly disappointing.


2. I had a Snickers bar the other day. I like chocolate, I have a number of favourites both of the regular Cadbury variety (British formulation, ofc :) ) and hipster artisan chocolate, but then one day I just bought a Snickers on a whim. I think I felt the presence of peanuts would add protein and, um, health food to the otherwise poorly chosen purchase.


It was absolutely amazing. The saltiness! The nuttiness! The texture! It was like water in the desert. I am now a bit hooked on Snickers bars (I haven't had another, but I'm thinking about sticking one in the macros next week as a reward.)


Tell me about your cheat day/cheat food/you simply decided you were going to eat something you were craving, and was it awesome, or did it make you a bit ill and strange?



*this is possibly stretching the truth a little.

warrior : level 8

str: 20.75 | dex: 13.75 | sta: 11.75 | con: 9.75 | wis: 8.25 | cha: 4.75

''Difficult' and 'impossible' are cousins often mistaken for one another, with very little in common' - Locke Lamora


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I had 7 beers on Friday at the Phillies game, along with a cheesesteak, crab fries, and a phiolly pretzel. It was wonderful.

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Massrandir, Barkûn, Swolórin, The Whey Pilgrim
500 / 330 / 625
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"No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. " ~ Socrates
"Friends don't let friends squat high." ~ Chad Wesley Smith
"It's a dangerous business, Brodo, squatting to the floor. You step into the rack, and if you don't keep your form, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." ~ Gainsdalf

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I'm convinced that Ben & Jerry's Half Baked ice cream is the epitome of frozen treats, and I pay my respects to it every weekend.


Try The Tonight Dough, it's recently dethroned other flavors for me.

Massrandir, Barkûn, Swolórin, The Whey Pilgrim
500 / 330 / 625
Challenges: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 34 35 36 39 41 42 45 46 47 48 49 Current Challenge
"No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. " ~ Socrates
"Friends don't let friends squat high." ~ Chad Wesley Smith
"It's a dangerous business, Brodo, squatting to the floor. You step into the rack, and if you don't keep your form, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." ~ Gainsdalf

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When I wrapped up my Whole30, I wanted Krispy Kreme doughnuts SO BADLY. I grew up with them, and for the last week of my W30, there were times I felt like a dying man in a desert, and they were the oasis for which I was reaching. 


And then I had one. And yeh, it was delicious, but... it also kinda gave me a headache. And made my mouth feel kinda slimy and grainy and weird all at once? And then I spent the rest of the day feeling pretty sluggish. It was really upsetting. 

the power of [geekhood] compels me:

"Oh, I'm gonna hit you so hard, your children will be born bruised!" -- Tank Girl

"Do you know what the definition of a hero is? Someone who gets other people killed. You can look it up later." -- Zoe Washburn

"No, people are particularly stupid today. I can't talk to anymore of them." -- Michel Gerard

"A vague disclaimer is nobody's friend. Have fun!" -- Willow Rosenberg

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There's a bar here in town locally owned by a nice guy named Spencer. He makes a Texas BBQ Burger (1/2lb beef, bacon, cheese, onion rings, a fried egg, and bbq sauce on a big fancy bun) that is absolutely incredible. It does tend to leave me in an incredible amount of discomfort the next day because my body gets absolutely rekt by such a changeup in intake since I only do it once every 6-8 weeks, so I'll call it a success/disappointment combo.

5'11'' Male

SW: 251 | CW: 199 | GW: 175

Battle Log: Grifball's Freelancer Training



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Try The Tonight Dough, it's recently dethroned other flavors for me.


I'll second this.  it was awesome.  

May Br0din bless you with mighty gains, and may your shaker bottle always be full.



...and, if you die...  Walk it off - Captain America


Level 13: 1/4 Giant Warrior

STR - 50 | DEX - 19 | STA - 19 | CON - 14 | WIS - 28 | CHA - 24

My food logging is here*: MFP: tyrsnbdr


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Had a crazy expensive foofy cocktail at an underground bar in a super hip neighborhood.  The drink was disappointing (it tasted like lemonade), but the ambience was fun.



cream tea in an historic English cottage with little old ladies was also totally worth it.  Probably should have just had one scone though.

Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.

Hylian Assassin 5'5", 143 lbs.
Half-marathon: 3:02
It is pitch dark. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.

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I may or may not have eaten 3/4 of a batch of Snickerdoodle  cookies my partner made on Monday in one sitting. 


I really regretted it the next morning...When there were not any more cookies for me to eat.


I do this with packages of oreos. When I fall off the wagon, it's commonly with 15-20+ Oreos at a time.

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Massrandir, Barkûn, Swolórin, The Whey Pilgrim
500 / 330 / 625
Challenges: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 34 35 36 39 41 42 45 46 47 48 49 Current Challenge
"No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. " ~ Socrates
"Friends don't let friends squat high." ~ Chad Wesley Smith
"It's a dangerous business, Brodo, squatting to the floor. You step into the rack, and if you don't keep your form, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." ~ Gainsdalf

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Last night's test was inconclusive; will need to try again with another pint of each.  There's still plenty of time to cut before the beach, right guys?



Move to Florida... it's always beach season here... :-)


My current cheat meal is a Baconator from Wendy's, 2 patties.... It's damn good, and still has a crap ton of protein.


That tends to be my cheat meals... "Does it give me any protein" Yes... then I'm good...


Out of all the macros, that's the one I worry about most.

"Insanity - you make my world a better place man, you really do! That shit is awesome! :D" - Guzzi-

My first challenge

My battle Log: Insanity: Warrior Monk

Honorary Ranger dubbed by DarK_RaideR, 1000 Pound club (875 of 1000)

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I don't really consider anything a true "cheat" these days, but if I'm going to do a $#@!load of calories in one sitting,t here are a few things that are worth it:

  • Any of my girlfriend's homemade baked goods
  • Premium ice cream(Preferably homemade at the local place a few blocks away, but Ben&Jerry's and Haagen Dazs are also good choices)
  • High quality alcoholic beverages
  • Stroopwafels

Stuff I generally won't touch, because it's seldom worth it:

  • Most boxed cookies/treat foods
  • The vast, vast majority of the food people bring to the office, including, but not limited to doughnuts, store-purchased baked goods, and crappy pizza that people order for lunch meetings because they're cheap.
  • Generic/mediocre alcoholic beverages

"Restlessness is discontent - and discontent is the first necessity of progress. Show me a thoroughly satisfied man-and I will show you a failure." -Thomas Edison

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For me, definitely craft beer... I currently have a strawberry ale fermenting in my closet (I brew), and when it's bottled/ready you betcha I'm going to imbibe.  In the meantime, Atlanta has had several local breweries open up I have not visited yet, which means tasting every brew they make...  Worth it every time.


Also, free food.  I just... can't ethically turn down free food (but I can limit my portions hah).

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Jess the Adventurer

"jess!" on MYZONE * Goodreads

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Update: I had a Bagger Dave's 1/2lb burger with bacon, cheese, a fried egg, onions, and chipotle bbq sauce with a side of fries with buffalo garlic sauce for lunch on Saturday and then went and drank bourbon while playing card and board games with friends. Went over my budget intentionally by about 1000cal (so basically I ate at maintenance for the day). Still totally worth it. Weighed in at the same weight the next day and then 2lbs lighter the day after that (today), which is just about in line with what I'd expect based on the numbers I've been tracking for the past few months.

5'11'' Male

SW: 251 | CW: 199 | GW: 175

Battle Log: Grifball's Freelancer Training



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Also, free food.  I just... can't ethically turn down free food (but I can limit my portions hah).


I completely disagree.  If someone simply bought something at a store, I feel no obligation to take any, and someone's feeling shouldn't be hurt that I'm not interested in something they didn't even make.  On the other hand, if something is homemade(as in legitimately homemade, not add-an-egg-and-water cake or muffin mix) I'll generally at least sample.


In fact, I make a deliberate point of never eating pizza at lunch meetings.  Not only does it make me feel sluggish relative to a lighter lunch, but the fact that people can't even be bothered to have a healthy option for lunch meetings is unacceptable in my book, and I feel no obligation to eat one or more slices just to be "polite".

"Restlessness is discontent - and discontent is the first necessity of progress. Show me a thoroughly satisfied man-and I will show you a failure." -Thomas Edison

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I'm spending a day in the 'big' city with my mother Wednesday.  We're going to a newer pub that has some 40+ beer on tap.  As we're both something of a beer connoisseur, it's definitely a monumental event.


Otherwise my next cheat meal will be an epic peanut butter and jam on a bagel with banana and melted chocolate.  Don't worry, it will live up to the hype!

[Level ??] Rurik, the Thunderer

Class: Stormborn War-Shaman (Path of Giants Barbarian/Conquest Paladin/Elemental Domain Cleric)


Equipment:  Studded leather armor, war club, plus adventurer's pack containing rations, rope, and nature-based potions. 


"Rangers have to at least give up on pants. It's a special rule we enacted after Rurik became a Guild Leader.” – DarK_RaideR

"Did I just get my ass kicked by a member of Metallica meets History Channel's Vikings?" - Wild Wolf

"By the Well-Oiled-and-Meticulously-Groomed Beard of Rurik!" - Tanktimus the Encourager

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I was so psyched about this bbq yesterday. Chicken! Beer! Cake! Ice Cream! ALL THE THINGS! 


Chicken was amazing. Beer was disappointing. I'm a huge beer fan so I was just so bummed that it wasn't the deliciousness I was expecting. So bummed I passed on the cake. Went for the ice cream...once more disappointed. My favorite part of the meal was chicken, sadly the only part of the meal that wasn't a cheat! 


I think I'm just going to hold off like most have said before me- no generics and indulge on the super nice craft beers/fresh churned ice cream....I'm counting the days until pumpkin season. 


Actually, speaking of ice cream...I've been eyeing the Ben&Jerry's Core ice creams...thoughts? Worth it or nah? 

Spaz Ranger


You can have results or excuses. Not both

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In'n'Out.  Argument over.  I'm heading back to Cali (I'm going, going, back, back to Cali, Cali) and I might just stop at everone as I drive south.  All the double doubles right to my food hole. 

In vino veritas, in aqua sanitas.


Our life is frittered away by detail... simplify, simplify.

-Henry David Thoreau


There's a trick to it:

You either do it or you die.


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