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Hi everyone! 


It's been a while since I've been on the forums. Actually, it's been a while since I've read many articles. I'm on the mailing list but since November I've been saving the articles in my inbox and not actually reading them.


Well, the article this morning caught my eye. I have failed and I am starting over. Here is a status update I posted to Facebook on April 30th, after weighing myself for the first time in about 6 months:


"Had a bit of a weight wake-up call this evening. I've been avoiding the scale because of what the mirror has been telling me.

I lost 38 pounds a couple of years ago, so I know it's possible. I know how. I have experience and I know how damn good it feels to see and feel the changes. I remember the pride and the energy. I remember feeling strong and healthy.

I WILL get back there.

I WILL lose the weight again.

Be ready for some healthy food photos, weight loss updates, "then and nows", and some amazing hiking adventure stories!"

And here is the FB update I posted just over two weeks later:


"Ok, so it's been just over two weeks since my "weight wake-up call" and I've weighed in a couple of times. I have been eating better (though still misbehaving more than I should). I have been working out, and making plans to learn Deadlifting and Squats, since I don't believe in that cardio hamster wheel crap. I'm going to lift heavy things, put them down, and repeat. My cardio will consist of hiking on the weekends, walking to work, playing basketball down the street, badminton in the back yard, and swimming.

My progress so far: I am down about 3-4 pounds in the last two weeks. I am very pleased."



When I first joined Nerd Fitness and started my journey, I had incredible results. I started off at 195lbs (I'm 5'3") and got down to 157lbs. My goal was 145lbs, followed by a self-evaluation and new goal setting. Well, I never met that goal. Shortly after hitting 157, I started to gain slowly but surely. I well off the wagon. I briefly started up again, and failed, even though I knew I could do it, because I had done it before. But because I failed, I lost focus and lost my determination. I started slipping more and more, and getting those bad habits back. Yes, good habits can be easy to build, but bad habits can be easier to go back to. It's so important not to let yourself get back into bad habits. 



When I had my weight wake-up call a few weeks ago, I weighed in at 200lbs. More than I have ever weighed in my life. More than I weighed the LAST time I had a wake-up call and did something about it. I have trouble bending over to get my shoes on, none of my clothes fit, and those that do fit, don't fit nicely. I'm having trouble finding clothes at most of the popular stores (a lot of them don't carry extra large!). It's time to get my life back.



My Plan of Action:

I recently started a new job (YAY), and the new place had a gym (yay again!), so I have contacted some fitness-guru friends who are going to help me learn to deadlift and squat properly. I've always wanted to try deadlifting since joining NF, but never had access to the equipment. So, DEADLIFTING 101, SQUATS 101


Get back to hiking weekly. At my best, I was hiking at least twice weekly, plus walking a 5km beach path to go swimming once a week. Over this past fall/winter, I've barely gotten out. I'm getting back to hiking 1-2 times per week, every week. 


Swimming! I loooooove the water. I could swim every single day. The problem is access. I moved further from the beach in December, so now it's a 45 minute drive instead of 10. There are nearby pools, though, one of which I visited already. I will make the effort to swim at least every 3 weeks, preferably every 2 weeks. I still have not obtained my goal of swimming across Buntzen Lake. Outdoor swimming weather is limited here, so I may not make it again this year, but I will try! :)


Most of all, I will get my eating under control. On top of eating less sugar, I will also endeavor to eat more organic, sustainable, farm-fresh, local meats, dairy and produce. I will also make more from scratch. I recently learned to do homemade pulled pork, roast beef, and ribs. I also have a great recipe for homemade BBQ sauce. The only issue I have with that is that it calls for ketchup, and that's store-bought. So my next project is homemade ketchup



My recent life wins:

  • I got a new job that I LOVE! No more dreading going to work! Yipee!
  • I have read 32 books since October (I'd like to increase that number)
  • I moved in with my bf in December and everything is going great.
  • Since moving in together, I am saving $400/month, which will go to improving my quality of life, and chipping away at my debt. 
  • I became a beekeeper! It's a dream I've had for YEARS, but didn't think it would happen until I was a property owner. Well my friend and I went halfsies and found a farm. 
  • I started becoming more crafty. I pin crafts and actually DO them! Working with my hands and making things is so rewarding! 


Me being a beekeeper! :D


My lovely bees, working away:



Me on a 4-hour hike this past weekend:




Me about 2 years ago, when I was around 160lbs:




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  :strawberry:Hobbit Ranger, Dragon Slayer, Crazy Cat Lady, Beekeeper :strawberry:

Sixth Ranger Challenge

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No productive input, other than Beekeeping? Awesome! (I hope you know all of their names... You have to be attentive to your animals...)

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


The Queen is Her Grace, Queen Jezebel, First of Her Name. 

The workers and Drones are still awaiting their names. 

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  :strawberry:Hobbit Ranger, Dragon Slayer, Crazy Cat Lady, Beekeeper :strawberry:

Sixth Ranger Challenge

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I'm super jealous of the beekeeping. I really want to do that! I may bug you for tips on how to get started :)

No pun intended...

I'm super jealous of the tire flipping! haha I need to get myself a tire....


Best thing to get started is take an introductory course. Google local Bee Keeping supply stores and bee keeping associations, and find an inexpensive course. Most of them are going to be $200+, but I found a really great one for $75, which included the book "The Beekeeper's Handbook". Also make sure you're taking the class from someone who uses all natural methods. No chemicals and no irradiation. I honestly didn't think I would have my own bees for YEARS. Not until I had my own property for sure. But then my friend and I took this course, got super excited, found a local organic farmer who didn't mind us keeping the bees on her property, and bought a "nuc" (nucleus hive) on Craigslist. Boom! Done. Now we're bee keepers :)

Make sure your hive isn't close to a Lowe's, Home Depot, or Walmart, because they're poison. If you have any more questions, PM me!

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  :strawberry:Hobbit Ranger, Dragon Slayer, Crazy Cat Lady, Beekeeper :strawberry:

Sixth Ranger Challenge

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I'm super jealous of the tire flipping! haha I need to get myself a tire....


Best thing to get started is take an introductory course. Google local Bee Keeping supply stores and bee keeping associations, and find an inexpensive course. Most of them are going to be $200+, but I found a really great one for $75, which included the book "The Beekeeper's Handbook". Also make sure you're taking the class from someone who uses all natural methods. No chemicals and no irradiation. I honestly didn't think I would have my own bees for YEARS. Not until I had my own property for sure. But then my friend and I took this course, got super excited, found a local organic farmer who didn't mind us keeping the bees on her property, and bought a "nuc" (nucleus hive) on Craigslist. Boom! Done. Now we're bee keepers :)

Make sure your hive isn't close to a Lowe's, Home Depot, or Walmart, because they're poison. If you have any more questions, PM me!

Good info thanks! Yeah I live way out in the country and have plenty of land (and 5+ old tractor tires :P). I think bees would be very happy at my place...

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Also, I just discovered MovNat, short for Move Naturally. It's like Paleo, but for exercise. 


I'm planning some weighted Power Walking in Sand, lots of swimming, lots of hiking, and if I'm not too scared, some tree-climbing. Definitely going to be picking up random heavy rocks and logs soon. 


If anyone is on Pinterest, here's my "In Case of Zombie Apocalypse" Board. I've posted a few MovNat items there, including Tire Flipping like Wovercast above. 


I also have a "Healthy Ideas" Board, which contains some Paleo and some non-Paleo recipes and food ideas. 

  :strawberry:Hobbit Ranger, Dragon Slayer, Crazy Cat Lady, Beekeeper :strawberry:

Sixth Ranger Challenge

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Saturday night dinner:


Elk sliders in sweet potato "buns" with lettuce, pickle, and homemade BBQ sauce. 


On the side, sweet potato and golden beet chips. Pro Tip: Don't internet and cook. May cause charring. 



Saturday Hike: Buntzen Lake. 4.75hrs


Saturday night entertainment:



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  :strawberry:Hobbit Ranger, Dragon Slayer, Crazy Cat Lady, Beekeeper :strawberry:

Sixth Ranger Challenge

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Also, I just discovered MovNat, short for Move Naturally. It's like Paleo, but for exercise. 


Thanks for linking this--I need to check it out!  MovNat seems to fit with my fitness/exercise philsophy.  I'm not interested in driving 5 miles to the gym to run 3 on a treadmill!


ETA:  Also, your meals look lovely and delicious.

Level: 0 | Race: Corvid | Class: Recruit/Assassin-in-Training

STR: 0 | DEX: 0 | STA: 0 | CON: 0 | WIS: 0 | CHA: 0

Intro  Current/first challenge  Battle log

Weight goal:  136 by Dec. 31, 2015

Starting weight:  178 on May 22, 2015

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Thanks for linking this--I need to check it out!  MovNat seems to fit with my fitness/exercise philsophy.  I'm not interested in driving 5 miles to the gym to run 3 on a treadmill!


ETA:  Also, your meals look lovely and delicious.

Yeah I know what you mean! I'll drive an hour for a hike, but I won't drive a minute for a gym. That's why I invested in a few free weights and made my own sandbags. I'd like to do more MovNat-style workouts when I am out hiking! :)


Re: meals - if you see anything you like, feel free to ask for a recipe. I don't actually follow recipes... but I can give you a general idea!

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  :strawberry:Hobbit Ranger, Dragon Slayer, Crazy Cat Lady, Beekeeper :strawberry:

Sixth Ranger Challenge

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Sunday Weekly Weigh-In: 193lbs (Down from 200lbs on April 30th. 


Had a lazy/sick week. Didn't really do anything active, other than carried my 25lb dumbbell around the apartment for a while the other night. Went on a super short nature walk today. The eating has been pretty good. Still taking lunches to work every day. 


Got more eggs from the farm and also bought strawberries, turnips and salad greens. 


Dinner last night was Taco Salad with roasted carrots & parsnips


Salad: Mixed greens, bell peppers, cucumber, tomato, turnip, organic extra lean ground beef with taco seasoning and red onions. Chips for texture. Peach salsa for dressing. 

Carrots & Parsnips: Lightly drizzle with honey, place butter (or ghee) on top, sprinkle with ginger and garlic, roast in the oven until soft and browned. The parsnips were really nice. Soft and sweet. 


Bee Adventures

Did a weekly hive inspection on Friday afternoon. Bees seem healthy, except I spotted one mite. Will treat with tea tree oil. Possibly looking into other treatments if more show up. 

We've named the drones - they are collectively named Richard. The workers are Rosie, after Rosie Riveter. 


I brought home more propolis to experiment with. Making a tincture. My mint tincture is complete now. 

I also grabbed a tiny little bit of beeswax, so I melted that down with some coconut oil, added a drop of my homemade mint tincture, and voila! My very own homemade lip balm! If it works out, I will probably sell it next year along with candles, other beeswax products, and of course, honey. 


  :strawberry:Hobbit Ranger, Dragon Slayer, Crazy Cat Lady, Beekeeper :strawberry:

Sixth Ranger Challenge

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Hey, are you starting a Challenge Thread? The next 6 week challenge starts Monday the 8th!  Also, a Battle Log might be a good place for all these awesome meals :)


If you start either, post links here so we can find and follow!

I haven't decided yet whether I am doing the 6 week challenge. I was going to decide on my goals once I did my first set of deadlifts and squats, but my friend who was going to teach me wasn't available over the weekend :(


I'll probably just stay here for now, but if I make a new thread, I will for sure link to it. 

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  :strawberry:Hobbit Ranger, Dragon Slayer, Crazy Cat Lady, Beekeeper :strawberry:

Sixth Ranger Challenge

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Here's my delicious breakfast! 

Fried farm fresh eggs in yellow pepper rings. Ambrosia Apple slices.



I got these eggs from the organic farm where I keep my bees ^.^



Hi! Sorry, I know this is random, I've been on the forums for a couple weeks now and found this post. (Had some trouble with validation so I couldn't respond then.) But it was the first time I saw eggs in a bell pepper like that and I tried it out with my wife and we both loved it. Anyways, just wanted to say thanks for posting this haha. 

Level 2 Human Ranger (in training)

STR [5] - STA [3] - DEX [0] - CHA [0] - WIS [1] - CON [4]

Introduction - Challenge [1] [2]


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Hi! Sorry, I know this is random, I've been on the forums for a couple weeks now and found this post. (Had some trouble with validation so I couldn't respond then.) But it was the first time I saw eggs in a bell pepper like that and I tried it out with my wife and we both loved it. Anyways, just wanted to say thanks for posting this haha. 

Glad it worked out for you! ^.^ If you like onions, you can do it with onions as well. You can also add some salt, pepper, garlic, chili powder or whatever spices you like. Then it's like eggs in onion rings, but Paleo! :) Oh and if you fry up some bacon first, you can fry the eggs and peppers/onions in the bacon grease. Yum. 

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  :strawberry:Hobbit Ranger, Dragon Slayer, Crazy Cat Lady, Beekeeper :strawberry:

Sixth Ranger Challenge

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Saw this on Facebook today after walking home from work:



Today was day 1 of going to the Office Gym with the ladies at work. I decided to walk despite carrying my lunch and workout bag (yay me!). 


My goal for today was to try (bar only) deadlifts and squats. GOAL ACHIEVED! :)

The deadlifts were EASY, so I will be adding weight next time, once I am comfortable with my form. The squats were fine with just bar for now, I think. May try something light next round. 


I did some bodyweight exercises, some bent over rows, the deadlifts and squats, stretches and a bit of a "rest" on the stationary bike. There was no clock in the gym and I was surprised and pleased to discover we were there for an hour! 


On my walk home, I stopped by the local school, where I noticed they had a tractor tire. It was just sitting there all alone in the field, and every time I go by I want to try to flip it. 

Here's the tire, which looked WAY bigger once I was close up:



I tried lifting it from the outside, like I see in all the crossfit photos.... NOPE. 

So I tried again from the inside. Like a deadlift, kind of....



Aaaaannnd..... SUCCESS! :D Damn that thing was heavy. I lifted it a few times. Tried a few times to flip it from the outside (unsuccessfully) and dragged it a little bit. Oh, and it was also filled with water LOL


When I was taking a break in between tries, I noticed the Earth was telling me "Good Job!" with a sprinkler rainbow! :)



And when I was even more tired than I was after the gym, I gathered up my bags and headed home...


.... BUT THEN I SAW THIS! and I had to do a little balance beam walking.



Because really.... once you get started, you just don't wanna stop! 


Now I am rewarding myself with Peas and Bacon "Mac" and Cheese (made with cauliflower and spaghetti squash instead of pasta). 


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  :strawberry:Hobbit Ranger, Dragon Slayer, Crazy Cat Lady, Beekeeper :strawberry:

Sixth Ranger Challenge

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Your meals look fantastic!!! How do you do that egg/pepper thing?

Thanks! :)


The secret is to cut the pepper really straight, otherwise it will leak. I use a giant knife. The other secret is to grill both sides of the pepper a bit before cracking the egg into it. 


Other than that, it's pretty much just a fried egg! 


Pan, medium heat, olive oil/ coconut oil/ ghee etc...., slice pepper (or onion) really straight. Place in heated pan with oil for 30 sec. flip. 30 sec. crack egg into pepper/onion ring. Sprinkle salt/pepper/other spices. Flip when it's at the desired doneness, pop on your plate when it's done! You can omit the flipping of the egg if you like sunny side up. 

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  :strawberry:Hobbit Ranger, Dragon Slayer, Crazy Cat Lady, Beekeeper :strawberry:

Sixth Ranger Challenge

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