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Very busy, and very unhealthy weekend....


On Friday I cleaned all the things


And made a GIGANTIC pot of chili to freeze for camping. 


Saturday was my good friend's birthday, and we went to the local amusement park, Playland. I ate SO MANY bad-for-me things and I have regrets. But it was delicious while I was doing it! <sigh> 

I wore SPF 45 sunscreen at the park, but my skin is MUCH too Irish to walk/spin around an amusement park for 8 hours on a sunny day.... so I got a nice burn on my back and chest, and a teensy bit on my face. 


I was super tired from sun and long day so I did nearly nothing on Sunday. Just went for a short nature walk in a local park. I went out for fish and chips but the batter was disgusting, so I pulled it off and just ate the fish (which was TINY) and fries. Highlight of Sunday was going to Spy with my Dad. Good movie! 


I forgot to do my weekly weigh-in yesterday, but I doubt it's changed since last week. I will take a peek tomorrow morning. 


This week will be mainly prepping for my 9-day camping trip which starts next weekend.


I did get some natural bug spray made, which I am excited to try out. 


Here are some photos from the past week:

I made a sign for my beehive:



My friend and I on a ride at Playland



Playland's newest Ride, THE BEAST (I did NOT go on this one):


  :strawberry:Hobbit Ranger, Dragon Slayer, Crazy Cat Lady, Beekeeper :strawberry:

Sixth Ranger Challenge

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Back from camping!! 


It was a great trip. Really relaxing. Saw lots of awesome stuff. 


Unfortunately, I gained weight on the trip. I blame alcohol. I ate fairly well, but at the family reunion, people were cracking open cold beers and ciders shortly after breakfast. I may have had a few drinks over the past 5 days. 


I didn't get much hiking done, since it was so damn hot, but I swam almost every day. We stayed by lakes at every place. Also walked around a couple parks and nearly got heat stroke. I was looking forward to getting back home because the temperatures were supposed to be about 5 degrees cooler, but the whole lower mainland is blanketed in smoke due to dozens of wildfires all over the province (I bet all the Americans are like WTF was that whole sentence? LOL). 


I saw one of the wildfires on the way out, when it was still fairly small. 



The fire ban didn't begin in that region until a week AFTER that fire started. Ridiculous, really.... but I was happy to be able to have my safe, contained campfires to roast marshmallows and wieners over. 



Apparently a lot of people were NOT as careful as us, and a lot of people ignored campfire bans, because this is what the air now looks like where I live.



Feels like the apocalypse....




The air quality out where I was camping was wonderful. We didn't see any smoke at all even though we were closer to where some of the fires were. 



Here are some highlights of my trip:

Just in case you ever wondered, this is what an Emu Chick looks like.



This is my bf with a capybara



This is apparently how Bald Eagles cool off in the heat



Whereas this is how people cool off in the heat:



And I discovered that toothpaste works really well on mosquito bites! I had so many of them that I just started to put random things on my bites to try to stop to insane itching. I walked around like this for several days.


  :strawberry:Hobbit Ranger, Dragon Slayer, Crazy Cat Lady, Beekeeper :strawberry:

Sixth Ranger Challenge

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Welcome back! looks like you had a wonderful trip. Hope to be seeing more of your updates!



I have a strange question.... is your profile pic supposed to be a beaver? I ask because I am Canadian and beavers are kind of our animal....


And your profile pic is a platypus. I wasn't sure if you knew or not! :P 




(beavers are cuter, imo)

  :strawberry:Hobbit Ranger, Dragon Slayer, Crazy Cat Lady, Beekeeper :strawberry:

Sixth Ranger Challenge

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I am soooooooore today. The highlights of yesterday's workout were:

11 squats @ 95lbs

11 deadlifts @ 135lbs

45 second wall sit

5 seconds hanging from the chin-up bar, arms bent. (x2)


I did lots of other hand weight stuff, but I'm guessing the soreness all over my body is mainly from the above :)


You can see in this one that my glutes are working!






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  :strawberry:Hobbit Ranger, Dragon Slayer, Crazy Cat Lady, Beekeeper :strawberry:

Sixth Ranger Challenge

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12@95lbs (one more than last week)



13@135 (two more than last week)


Wall Sit!

50 seconds (5 seconds longer than last week)


Pull-Up Training!

8@25lbs dumbbell rows (same as last week)

7 seconds hanging, arms bent, legs up, from pull-up bar (2 seconds longer than last week)


Yay for improvements :)


And on the way home I saw a friend....



Flipping it from the outside remains outside of my current abilities. It's partly a grip thing. Maybe I need some straps?



But this way works!!




Fun fun!!


Now time for grocery shopping and dinner-making. Have a lovely evening (or day, if you're lots of timezones away). 

  :strawberry:Hobbit Ranger, Dragon Slayer, Crazy Cat Lady, Beekeeper :strawberry:

Sixth Ranger Challenge

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Here's the tire, which looked WAY bigger once I was close up:




Here's Brutus, my 250lb tractor tire:




along with my 10 lb sledgehammer, 20 lb sledgehammer, 25lb kettelbell, 45lb kettelbell, and 2x 80lb handled-woven sandbags.


Tire flipping is awesome but beating the living sh*t out of it with a sledgehammer is even more fun.  Good job :)

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...along with my 10 lb sledgehammer, 20 lb sledgehammer, 25lb kettelbell, 45lb kettelbell, and 2x 80lb handled-woven sandbags.


Tire flipping is awesome but beating the living sh*t out of it with a sledgehammer is even more fun.  Good job :)


LOVE the home made Halloween Kettle Bell! Ha!


I'd love to take a sledgehammer to the tractor tire at the park, but I think I might get arrested walking to the park with a sledgehammer! haha :)


One day, when I have a house, I will have all sorts of home made gym equipment! I've got all sorts of things pinned already.

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  :strawberry:Hobbit Ranger, Dragon Slayer, Crazy Cat Lady, Beekeeper :strawberry:

Sixth Ranger Challenge

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LOVE the home made Halloween Kettle Bell! Ha!


I'd love to take a sledgehammer to the tractor tire at the park, but I think I might get arrested walking to the park with a sledgehammer! haha :)


One day, when I have a house, I will have all sorts of home made gym equipment! I've got all sorts of things pinned already.


Thank you- the halloween one is the 25lb kettelbell.  The clear tub is an old cheeseball container and is the 45lb kettelbell.  I took my weakness for cheese and candy into a strength.


What's pinned already?  I have a couple of other things that I'm debating on making.

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Thank you- the halloween one is the 25lb kettelbell.  The clear tub is an old cheeseball container and is the 45lb kettelbell.  I took my weakness for cheese and candy into a strength.


What's pinned already?  I have a couple of other things that I'm debating on making.


Tire/sledgehammer combo, pull-up bars, adult playgrounds/ outdoor gyms, home made bow and arrow sets, junkyard gym ideas...

Most of these are in my In Case of Zombie Apocalypse Board: https://www.pinterest.com/catmarshall23/in-case-of-zombie-apocalypse/


I also have a couple items in my Garden, Patio, Plants Board: https://www.pinterest.com/catmarshall23/garden-patio-plants/

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  :strawberry:Hobbit Ranger, Dragon Slayer, Crazy Cat Lady, Beekeeper :strawberry:

Sixth Ranger Challenge

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I didn't really do anything active this weekend, unless you count strolling around the Night Market last night (that doesn't count), but I got a lot of things done!


I dyed my hair with henna which I mixed with beetroot powder and made with hibiscus tea. 




And I cleaned my machete (I had been using it as a fire poker, as well as what it's meant for):



I did some crafts:




And my big project.... I finished my computer desk, which I started painting months ago but never finished because I was unhappy with it. It started off life as a $30 Ikea desk, then got something stuck to it and the veneer ripped off. It looked fairly hideous... so I decided to paint it. I tried to do a galaxy-type painting, but it didn't turn out like I saw it in my head, so I just put a blotter over it and left it as-is for months. This weekend I repainted it and when I was happy with the result, I covered it in a layer of resin filled with pink sparkles :)






I also sorted through the beeswax I scraped from the hive, and removed all the pollen. Now I have a tub of wax waiting to be rendered, and a jar of pollen. 


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  :strawberry:Hobbit Ranger, Dragon Slayer, Crazy Cat Lady, Beekeeper :strawberry:

Sixth Ranger Challenge

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Added a second gym day to my week! :)


Squats: 14@95

Deadlifts: 15@135

Wall Sit: 51 seconds

Pull-Up Training: 8@25 bent over rows, 7 second hang from bar, arms and legs bent. 




I might try adding more weight and do less reps of the deadlifts on Thursday. There are 2.5lb plates, so I can try out 140. I've done 140 before, but I couldn't do many. 


I drove to work so I didn't visit the tire on my way home. 

  :strawberry:Hobbit Ranger, Dragon Slayer, Crazy Cat Lady, Beekeeper :strawberry:

Sixth Ranger Challenge

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