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The W00Ts of Scotticus!

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Today is a good day:

1) In about an hour, I hit the chair for the FINAL session of my chest tattoo. It's taken about a year to finish this thing, mainly because of $flow issues, but it's going to feel amazing to finally have it done. Of course, there is still a short touchup session to follow but it's short and doesn't cost any money.

2) The artist has asked me if I would be willing to enter the piece in the large colour category at an upcoming convention. I've never been to one of these, so it will be a very cool experience. Plus, there is a chance that I could end up with a photo in a Tattoo Magazine, which instantly increases my badassery ranking by 7.3!

The downside is that I promised my wife I would take a couple of years off of the ink before finishing my right arm (and thereby completing the tattoo aesthetic that I'm shooting for)...

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congrats. Sounds like you are living your life with all its glories and allowances for those we love. I on the other hand have been on a sardine can (aka an airplane) on the runway, waiting for an hour for weather to clear up in NY. Just announed that it will be another half hour b4 clearance. Your life could suck like mine at the moment but hey, at least I'm bumping all the threads on NF trying to make lemonade out of lemons. Keep it rolling Scott...

i don't care what u think of me. unless u think i'm awesome. in which case u're right.

Intro - Workout Log - ABS Log - Fitness Philosophy - Accountability - NERDEE - Weight Maintenance

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congrats. Sounds like you are living your life with all its glories and allowances for those we love. I on the other hand have been on a sardine can (aka an airplane) on the runway, waiting for an hour for weather to clear up in NY. Just announed that it will be another half hour b4 clearance. Your life could suck like mine at the moment but hey, at least I'm bumping all the threads on NF trying to make lemonade out of lemons. Keep it rolling Scott...

That's the worst. The I've had the same problem with bad weather before. Now, if someone next to you starts eating and egg sandwich and farting a lot, then you've got real problems.

Also congrats on the mma membership. that is awesome. i want that. lol

I'm pumped. I've tried mt before, and it was pretty rad. I have a feeling it's more fun when you're in better shape, too, so I'm looking forward to that aspect.

Well, now you get to show off your 4pack, Scotticus.

Maybe if I'm lucky I can get it up to 6 :) MOAR squats!

NO! Chest tattoo or no, he is wearing the shirt....

We'll just ask steve to make a mesh version of the shirt. That wouldn't be wrong in any way...

Going to be hard to show off a chest tat with a shirt on....

see previous ;)

FWIW, think long and hard about chest tattoos people, especially big ones. I've always considered myself to be pretty good at taking it when the tatgun meets the skin. BUT the chest hurts like !@%&. It's done now though, save a short touchup session prior to the convention. I'm thankful.

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Guest Snake McClain

I have a chest tattoo. i didn't think it was all that bad except the outline portions (cuz the line is so thin it just felt like a razor blade) over all it is just so so for me. not that bad.

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dude, do we get pics of the finished chest?

"Come with me if you want to lift" -The Brominator

"Later, I would learn that coincidences are the most planned things in the world. Later, I would learn that every single moment is a coincidence." - Douglas Coupland

"Anyone who doesn't want french fries every day is a commie." - AngelaTheGeek

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I have a chest tattoo. i didn't think it was all that bad except the outline portions (cuz the line is so thin it just felt like a razor blade) over all it is just so so for me. not that bad.

Is it a full panel? If so, my hat goes off to you sir. I've now got full coverage from the collar bones down to just below my nipples (20-25 hours worth of work). While parts of it weren't too bad, others were pretty much the worst thing I've ever felt in my life.

dude, do we get pics of the finished chest?

Indeed. I will post a shot after the peeling and so forth is done. I'll post another after the touch-up session in January, as although the tattoo is technically finished the artist has assured me that some final adjustments will really make it pop (emphasizing certain lines, shadows, etc.)

Scott's challenge threads are starting to be as bad as mine. We use any excuse we can to go topless...

I'm sure we'll see the finished art soon enough.

I'm starting a gratuitous partial nudity squad for the next challenge...

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A little while ago, I did a collaboration with a company called Clothing Brand Experiment, and my handmade Ts are on sale through the CBE website.

T-shirts aside, the real story here is the hoodies. They're definitely on the expensive side BUT they are seriously the best hoodies going (way better than lululemon, for instance). Even better, is that they're a hyperlocal product - every single part of the garments is made/manufactured within 50km of Toronto. Y'all should definitely check them out!

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I did 5, 5, 4, 3, 3 @ 90lbs for SL5x5 workout today. Gonna have to try again in a few days for 5s all the way, but this is still huge progress over my pre-SL best of 85lbs for 3 sets of 3-5 reps. BOOM!

Also back up to 170lbs on the deadlifts, and it felt like a piece of cake! Soon to be crushed: my previous working weight for deads (190lbs for 5)...

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Dude, so many woots here!

1. Awesome chest piece! You should probably move south. You live in too cold a climate for someone with so much to show off in the upper body region.. and yes, I'm also referencing your SL abdominals.

2. Have you tried the MMA/Muay Thai yet? LOVE IT! I'm excited for you and super jealous.

3. Hyperlocal=hyperlovingit.

4. I am in awe of your OHP! Freakin' sweet.

"I'm just going to remember to not eat like an asshole most of the time" - MoC

three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: one must squat.- Brobert Frost
 Half-Elf Warrior | Current Challenge
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Special thanks to AkLulu for drawing my awesome avatar!

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Dude, so many woots here!

1. Awesome chest piece! You should probably move south. You live in too cold a climate for someone with so much to show off in the upper body region.. and yes, I'm also referencing your SL abdominals.

2. Have you tried the MMA/Muay Thai yet? LOVE IT! I'm excited for you and super jealous.

3. Hyperlocal=hyperlovingit.

4. I am in awe of your OHP! Freakin' sweet.

1. *BLUSH* I would seriously love to move south - I HATE the cold. I mean snowboarding is awesome, but it barely makes winter tolerable.

2. No MMA just yet. I'ma wait 'til the new year to get going on this.

3. Seriously, get one. You won't regret it.

4. Thanks! I really thought that I was going to nail 90lbs, but alas, le fail. Still, as I have no real shoulders to speak of, I'm pretty pumped about getting to this point. Wish I could have seen my "oh crap" face on those failed reps...

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Posting a woot for the first time in a long while.  Just had one of those sessions today where everything clicked, hit all of my target weights and reps, so it'll be increases across the board next week.  Even better, I'd been struggling with plateaus and for the last couple of weeks my final sets were just sucking.  Today they were all easy.  So stoked.  Definitely one of those sessions that keeps you coming back.


Also, my wife ordered me a pair of Risto lifting shoes as a surprise, which I've been using for the last two weeks.  Definite game changer.  I'm so pumped to have them.

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