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(Edit: See below for update)

Hey guys! Nerdy big guy here looking to increase the nerdy and lessen the "big". I just joined with my buddy Tom (Archon on here) and we are helping each other getting started. I live in the far outskirts of the Detroit area and completely love most areas of my life. The part that I'm working on improving is my health and size. This is my first attempt on here and so here goes!

My Character
Level 0 Half Ogre Adventurer (going for Scout to drop weight at first even though I'm definatly a Warrior build)
All stamina and weight based for the remainder of the year
Short Term:
To play raquetteball 2x a week until the end of the year
To play 1 hour of raquettball without being completely exhausted by the end of June
Run for 1 mile without being winded by the end of July
Swim 1/5 mile (a 100) in the pool without stopping by the end of June
Swim 1 mile (a 500) in the pool without stopping by Oct 1
Long Term:
To lose weight and fit into a size 40 pants and a 2XL shirt by Dec 1st 2015
Swim a mile a month by 2016
To lose weight and fit into a size 38 pants and a Lg-XL shirt by July 1st 2016
Sign up for a yoga class at the start of 2016
Why am I here/ doing this?
Being big runs in my family and I want to break that cycle and be healthy both for myself and my loved ones. I want to be active and healthy. My regular recreations are very stationary (gamer: tabletop & video) along with a desk job based in my home give rise to the need to be physically active whenever I can. I currently need a cpap to sleep because snoring got incredibly bad as I gained weight. I would like to not have to depend on it for a good night's sleep. I also would like to not have my weight issues develop into a long term issue like diabedes.
CHALLENGE #1 - (June 8 - July 19)
Main Quest - Lose 20 pounds in 6 weeks
1 - Remove fastfood from my diet (if eating out it has to be sit down and reasonably healthy) - 1 STA
2 - Limit alcohol/hookah consumption to no more than 1x every 2 weeks - 1 WIS
3 - Have a Bi-weekly gym schedule established (1x with Personal Trainer and 1x+ with friend) - 1 STR
4 - Swimming 1x a week - 1 STA
5 - Thinking walks / meditation 1x a week


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Level 0 Half Ogre Adventurer

Nerdy Bear | Gamer | Small Business Owner

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Welcome to the NF forums and glad to have you here with me!  I linked your intro in the top of my Intro. 


We are totally playing racquetball Wednesday.  Maybe Tuesday too! (Gunna make my Wed morning BBWW really rough and I will be moving slow by Wed night, but I will be happy to be sore and totally going to make you sore with me Mr. Bobby!

Level 14 -- Yeti Ranger -- STR 30.25 | DEX 12.00 | STA 21.00 | CON 14.75 | WIS 18.00 | CHA 7.50

Current Challenge -- Previous Challenges -- My Epic Quest -- Album of Holding -- About Me

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I think this might be a little more manageable. 

First time with the 6 week challenge and I'm already a day late in posting. Super busy but not super healthy lifestyle at the moment and hopefully this will help change that.

CHALLENGE #1 - (June 8 - July 19)
Main Quest - Lose 10 pounds in 6 weeks (345 to 335)
Here are the ways I plan on accomplishing this goal:

1 - Cook meals at home at least 5 days a week 
     (Limiting eating out namely fast food from my regular diet and if eating out it has to be sit down and reasonably healthy) Cooking at home for weekdays and planning meals is one of the best ways to regulate what I'm consuming. If it does need to be eaten on the run I need to be able to monitor it in my MyFitnessPal calorie monitoring app. The goal is to have meal plans for 5 days each week. That's 30 day plans for 90 meals in the next 6 weeks.

= Specific Yes

= Measurable Yes - putting it on the calendar & lists

= Attainable/Achievable Yes

= Realistic/Reasonable Yes

= Timeous Yes

2 - Keep under my Calorie goal of 2800/day (an extension of #1)
     I have an app on my phone MyFitnessPal that helps in monitoring what I eat and what the stats are. I have been using it for a couple weeks already leading up to this. I will be keeping a log that is shared with a friend in the program.

= Specific Yes

= Measurable Yes - With app assistance

= Attainable/Achievable  Yes

= Realistic/Reasonable  Yes & completely in healthy range

= Timeous Yes

3 - Have a Bi-weekly gym schedule established (1x with Personal Trainer and 1x+ with friend)
     LA Fitness down the road and going for at least 2x exercises a week (minimum) without a burnout. That's 12 sessions at the gym over the next 6 weeks.

= Specific Yes - 2x a week

= Measurable Yes

= Attainable/Achievable Yes

= Realistic/Reasonable Yes

= Timeous Yes


Here are some questions to put your goals to the test:

  1. Is your overall quest achievable (over a short or long period of time)?  Is it reasonable?
    I think the 10lbs vs the initial thought of 20 is doable


  2. Do your 3 quests all build towards your main quest in little ways, or are you taking on too much? Do your quests have sub-quests or is it just one thing to focus on?
    Getting active and starting to pay attention to intake and limit it to be reasonable.

  3. Are your main goals realistic? Can you scale them to smaller steps to fit your life better, even if it will make it take a little longer to achieve them?
    I think I chose reasonable small steps to get started. This is mostly about habbits this time around for me.


  4. Are your goals able to be measured and tracked?  What will you use to track them?
    MyFitnessPal and I am a big calendar person so I can look back at what and when I did something


  5. How are you grading your goals?  Are they pass/fail (“every dayâ€, “not even once over the six weeksâ€)?  Is there a reward for the effort, or are you only grading yourself on whether or not you “lose the weight†or “run the distanceâ€?
    The base habit is what I'm looking for versus a grade at this point. I have been monitoring my calorie intake for the last 2 weeks and I'm usually way under the goal. I think this is more of a pass/fail total this round.


  6. What is your plan for continuing/altering/grading those goals if you become ill or injured?
    Unless debilitated I will have something that is possible to do. There's an excellent pool at my gym if injury happens. I'm planning on a lot of racquetball sessions with friends though.


  7. Did you take into consideration any special occasions (Labour Day, Independence Day, birthdays, anniversaries, etc) that may occur during the challenge?  What modifications do you need to build into your goals for those?
    I believe that this should not derail at the moment because it's more weekly goals other than calories and that I can monitor during special occasions.


  8. Do any of your main goals conflict with each other? Will one goal make it hard to do another?
    I think my goals build on each other pretty well this round.


  9. Do you already have the time in your schedule to actually complete the goals you’ve set?  If not, what are you planning to do to make time for them?
    I do. I have been doing the test run leading up to this week.


  10. Are you trying to build multiple habits, or is all your energy focused on your main quest?
    Habits definitely! The weight loss is a happy outcome of these basic habit changes.


Level 0 Half Ogre Adventurer

Nerdy Bear | Gamer | Small Business Owner

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