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And...another mid-lifer joins the ranks!

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Yup, I'm another old guy joining up. I turn 41 next month, so I think that qualifies me as 'experienced'.

I came here from a google search on bodyweight exercise, liked what I saw, and decided to join the community.

I'm a reforming long distance runner, I guess. I've done the requisite marathon, a couple of half marathons, and countless 10k and 5k runs. This past spring, I injured myself when I accidentally ran onto a patch of sweetgum balls on the road. (Picture the classic "marbles on the floor" toon - you get the idea?) I ended up with a broken foot, a severe ankle sprain, and rotator cuff surgery as a result.

Now that I've recovered from all of that, I'm carrying 30 pounds more than I want, and I'm really tired of running hours/miles on end. My long distance running days are definitely behind me. The worst part of all this is that I realized that I spent way too much time running and next to no time building muscle, so my metabolism was completely dependent on my cardio to prevent excess fat storage, as evidenced by my current portly appearance.

I've started following the recommended weekly routine of alternating interval running and bodyweight/weight lifting workouts. I've also made the dietary change to primal eating (I don't think I'm fully paleo, since I still eat peanuts and dairy on occassion). I've looked into crossfit, but frankly, I'm not the gym-going type, and doing it at home requires a LOT of equipment that I don't have. (Wall balls? Rings?)

I hope to learn a lot from those of you who have more experience than I, and I hope to be able to contribute to the group with my own knowledge and experience.

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For what it's worth, Crossfit in the purest sense doesn't require those toys, though some are nice to have, sure. Really, a barbell and a safe place to drop it is all you REALLY need, and there are tone of workouts you can do even without that.


There's something you might be interested in. Crossfit...ish but not Crossfit at all, really. 20 minute workouts, often circuit-style training, just about all bodyweight training.

In any event, and what5ever path you choose, welcome! Hope we can be of assistance!


"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." --GK Chesterton

Domine, non sum dignus ut intres sub tectum meum, sed tantum dic verbo et sanabitur anima mea...


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Welcome aboard (said the other newbie)! I'm lucky enough to live in the country with a barn and everything. The "everything" in this case is piles and piles of field stones to pick through and a place to keep an old tractor tire and different lengths of old telephone poles. I've got a small collection of some rather large stones now, some for throwing, some for carrying around and some just for picking up and dropping. The telephone poles I use for carrying, doing ass-to-heels squats and flipping end over end. I attached a chain to the tire and drag it around - sometimes with one of my kids on board.

These things didn't cost me a thing and it's nice to do a wacky workout in the backyard! Other things I've done when I don't feel like the gym is push my old truck back and forth on the gravel and take a sledge hammer to the tire.

Picking heavy stuff up is just kinda cool. (My 13 year old daughter would like me to tell you all that I'm not qualified to say what's cool...)

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HI! Welcome!! so good to see you. I am new here too! I love how this board has a wide variety of ages in its members (I'm 36)

I decided to start with the Rebel Fitness guide. It looks like you have a good plan going for you. From what I have read the body weight thing is a great way to start. The fitness guide can use either barbell weights or resistance bands and those can be inexpensive :D

We're all pulling for you!

I am my own evil twin!

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