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Hi Everyone,

I am new to the boards. I just turned 30 and my wife and I are getting ready for our first kid [baby girl.]

At my wedding I was 5'11" and 195 lbs with a substantial gut and moon face. Now, I am the same height, but around 155 lbs.

My current workout is P90X, which I have done for the better part of a year. I am getting ready to start P90X-2. I need to improve my pull ups, core strength and get rid of my spare tire

Here's a typical day of food


Two scrambled eggs with turkey, hot sauce, and cheese

Whole wheat toast with PB

Protein shake made of muscle milk, whey protein, banana, spinach, peanut butter


Sandwich on whole wheat or salad, soup, sometimes chips, Diet Coke


Chicken Curry with Brown Rice

OR Cheese Fondue OR Ground Pork Tacos in a whole wheat shell

I think I'm in a situation where I need to eat more to gain more muscle but its hard to tell. I was bigger before, but it was "skinny" fat guy. The weight came off fairly easy once I gave up eating like garbage.

I look forward to being part of the boards, especially in months 3-6 with my new daughter when I'm taking over as stay at home Dad.

Favorite Video Games: Fallout 3, Resident Evil 4, Chrono Cross, Portal, Half Life 2, Skyrim

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Hey Rob. Welcome to the boards. At 5'11" and 155 you must be pretty thin and that spare tire must not be too big. Does P90X build muscle? I'm 5'9" and 158 and it doesn't feel like I'm carrying a lot of extra weight. My diet is pretty similar to yours and as I hit my BF goals in the next few weeks or months will focus on building muscle by adding some lifting. Look fwd to reading what works for you.

i don't care what u think of me. unless u think i'm awesome. in which case u're right.

Intro - Workout Log - ABS Log - Fitness Philosophy - Accountability - NERDEE - Weight Maintenance

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I am pretty thin overall. I wear a 32 waist pant but the love handles still like to hang out over the side. For me, P90X definitely built muscle on my chest, shoulders, and arms but I have a generally low muscled frame so each muscle gain is a struggle. But, again, given the substantial neglect and relative ease with which I lost weight, I can't complain.

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Welcome Rob. Congratulations on the incoming addition to your family! And well done on your weight loss so far.

I'm not familar with P90X, is it a US thing? I've seen it mentioned about the place though, is it a body weight program? If so, you'll only gain muscle/strength up to the point your muscles can handle that weight, after that you won't see much of any gains. You'll need to start picking up the heavy stuff if you want to add much muscle.

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Welcome Rob. Congratulations on the incoming addition to your family! And well done on your weight loss so far.

I'm not familar with P90X, is it a US thing? I've seen it mentioned about the place though, is it a body weight program? If so, you'll only gain muscle/strength up to the point your muscles can handle that weight, after that you won't see much of any gains. You'll need to start picking up the heavy stuff if you want to add much muscle.

I'm not sure about its international availability. It combines body weight and free weight training [curls, shoulder presses, triceps extensions, etc.] You are correct that I need to get heavier weights and spend more time in the 8-10 rep range rather than 12-15. Good thing Christmas is coming.

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I probably should do a straight strength train protocol. With being homebound for the forseeable future, I think P90X with heavier weights it is. In a real sense, I am in for functional fitness. I like feeling good and looking better. I don't need to get shredded like lettuce. I enjoy the balance and stretching work in P90X.

That said, I do want to get a bit bigger. I need to track my protein intake. I try to down eggs, protein shakes, and lean meats everyday in decent quantities. But I am probably one of those people that if I am moving, I probably would have to work to eat too much because I have a low tolerance for rich food. I do have a weakness for sugar that I work hard at curbing.

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Have you considered dropping bread/pastas/grains altogether. You and I share similar stats: I am 5'11", 158 right now, skinny fat abounds and thank genetics for my love handles. Everything else is getting cut up, but those blasted love handles remain. I'm trying to work abs into my regimen, but doubtful that will affect what I'm shooting for. The squats should help, since I've never done them before. Anxious to see how this goes. I'll give it a full 16 wks before I'm unconvinced whether or not it worked.

Good luck and post your results.

Congrats on your new family additions!


...and I awoke to the Zs and they were chanting, "Da-vid...Da-vid..."

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Have you considered dropping bread/pastas/grains altogether. You and I share similar stats: I am 5'11", 158 right now, skinny fat abounds and thank genetics for my love handles. Everything else is getting cut up, but those blasted love handles remain. I'm trying to work abs into my regimen, but doubtful that will affect what I'm shooting for. The squats should help, since I've never done them before. Anxious to see how this goes. I'll give it a full 16 wks before I'm unconvinced whether or not it worked.

Good luck and post your results.

Congrats on your new family additions!


I have considered it but given our family diet I don't think it's feasible without substantial alterations. Given the upcoming baby situation, I might try it when I am home by myself with the baby for 3 months from April-June.

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