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Overweight SW Geek working to get in Shape

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Hey guys, been reading this site for the past week or so. I love it! Thought was a good place to begin posting.

I am 23 years old. I became overweight somewhere in middle/highschool I guess. I never really thought much of it back then. Got married at 19 and anything I had done as far as being active before that was replaced with snuggling and watching TV/movies with my wife. :-) 3 years later and I knew I was horribly over weight. Started doing small things to work on this like biking to and from work (11 KM round trip). I thought I could increase my activity and still eat junk and make progress. I was wrong, but resisted the change.

Then one day My wife and I were shopping with a couple we're good friends with. We found some suits on sale for a great deal. My friend was able to find a bunch he liked and bought 3 suits. I could only find ONE suit that fit me. And I didn't like the style/color. The rest of the day shopping was depressing as I continued to find clothes just would not fit. I decided in my mind that this was it. This in the middle of a two week trip to Florida. I enjoyed the rest of the trip telling myself that once home I would change my eating habits and really start to work out.

When I got home I did. I started working out using Tony Horton's 10 Minute Trainer and eating better little by little. After 4 months and only missing about 8 days of workouts I moved on to Power 90 (also with Tony Horton) Did it for the full 90 days. The last week was spent in a bit of upheaval and I fell off the bandwagon when done. About 2 months later I started up again with P90X. Only got 2 days in before being side lined with tonsillitis. When I was better I started again and got 3 days in before tonsillitis struck again. Could this be my kryptonite? When I got better I was lazy for about a month. Then I started Insanity (little afraid to start P90X again... lol). I'm just over midway through the program. Although currently injured.

I also play Footbag.

I have to admit I've fallen for the "Healthy Food" trick. I have already started to correct this and will continue to. Although I'm not sure I'm ready to embrace Paleo.

TL;DR: I'm working on getting fit.

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save your tonsils! no more p90x! lol, but seriously, i'm a little suspicious of things like that too. congrats on trying to change your habits, though. perhaps you tried to change too much too quickly and thus falling off the bandwagon? i still struggle with this myself, though, so i wish i could tell you how to keep it going long term...i'll let you know if i find the magic pill :) one question - does your wife work out/eat healthy? how supportive is she of the changes you are making? perhaps if you both are working getting fit together it will be more permanent? welcome to the community!

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Forgot to mention... So far I'm down 65 lbs! That's from about a year of work. I'm actually only 20 pounds away from my "Goal Weight" ... not that that's the be all and end all. I'll probably start trying to gain once I get there. heh. P90X? Ya, I'll be doing that again. Just decided a change was in order after 2 false starts. Insanity it fun. It's intense and almost kills me, but in a good way. Crazy cardio! My current plan is to finish Insanity and then spend about 3 weeks focusing on Footbag and Body Weight workouts (as featured on NF) and then in Feb start P90X. Then in the summer go back to footbag training and some form of strength training.

My wife is supportive enough. Although the cookies she baked on Saturday might say otherwise... she isn't actively trying to join me or anything. I wish she would. But only because I'd love the company. She cheers me on when I workout and let's me buy the more expensive natural versions of foods even though it hurts the budget she works hard to maintain. :-)

Thanks for the warm welcome!

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