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Returning to fight the crazy.

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Short story: I haven't been around because, as I've only recently found out, I'm bipolar.

Long story: I used to be a very frequent poster and reader on the forums. At the time I was living with my parents after getting kicked out of college. I dove head first into fitness and health and I was eating the paleo diet and was determined to for life. Though at the beginning all of this was born out of mania, but at a certain point I didn't feel manic anymore but wasn't depressed either, I was normal. For like a month. Well it was during this time that I had moved back to my hometown into my friend's mom's house (she's basically family) and got a job at a gas station there. Keeping the same diet and fitness habits was difficult and almost as soon as I started eating poorly due to convenience, everything went to hell and I couldn't get out of my depression. I started drinking heavily (at least 4 nights a week, usually 5-6) and basically did nothing for my health in any regard. Getting up to fry some eggs seemed like the most difficult task in the world. After a few mental break downs, visiting my parents during one of them, and seeing my mom's psychiatrist (my mom also has bipolar) everyone basically came to the conclusion I'm bipolar. After reading about it I looked back at my life and it fits like a key. One day I know I am going to be a physicist, the next day I can't bring myself to take a shower. Story of my life. Anyways, I've moved back up with my parents and I started taking medicine as of a few days ago. Now part of what I have to do to help my bipolar is to create routines, so I am getting right back into health and fitness where I left off. Well, I'm going to have to build back up some for the fitness part, but I'm coming back with a (non-manic) vengeance.

As a point of interest, I am currently studying to get NASM certified to be a personal trainer. So I may have many questions (and maybe some answers too).

Good to be back :-D

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Hey! I thought about you the other day.. I belive it was how you "lifted the metal version of yourself over you" or something to effect.

Anyhow, glad to see you're back! And glad things appear to be upward trending.

"I'm just going to remember to not eat like an asshole most of the time" - MoC

three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: one must squat.- Brobert Frost
 Half-Elf Warrior | Current Challenge
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Special thanks to AkLulu for drawing my awesome avatar!

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Guest guest4729

I'm new here but I'm glad to see that you've gotten things back on track! You can't accomplish your goals by ignoring a certain part of yourself. Now that you know what's wrong with the mental part of you, you can work on the physical. Being bipolar is NOT easy - I watched my dad struggle with it when I was a kid all the way up until his death. It's painful to see someone beat themselves up from the inside. Seeking help was the best thing for you because look - now you're back on track! You got this and we've got your back. :D

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It's really great that you've found this out about yourself and are taking charge of your health, mental and otherwise.

I've found diet and mental health (depression for me) to be so intimately related, it's no surprise you ran into trouble when your habits changed. Medication, mindful living, etc will be so helpful and I wish you the best of luck.

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@Crooked, Thanks!

@Laura, I do believe that was the phrase. I've got a lot of slacking to make up for to get back to that point, but knowing how it felt when I did it will be a great motivating factor.

@Ebm, I never knew one piece of information had the potential to turn my life around until now. I was always told I was just lazy or an idealist. But now I am starting to feel like I can ACTUALLY do anything I want without having to be obsessed over it.

@The Tin Man, Nice to meet you! It'll be my pleasure to see ya around the boards!

@awsd (btw, your name makes me think of nothing other than playing computer games. I can only assume this is intended therefore you are not allowed to get mad at me for any jokes that involve me mentioning "stroking your keys" or anything of the like.) Its good to know that someone else other than my family understands (my mom's been bipolar since I was born) what being bipolar can be like. And I assure you I'm on my way to normal. And the top. And ontop of normal. You get the idea.

@Roos, Diet DEFINITELY has an impact on my mental well being. That is one of the only things I can say with certainty. Anything sugary or too carb-filled straps my brain to a rocket and points towards a hole in the woods that many-a-bear have shat upon. While living at home with my parents, my diet has surged with great foods and my moods seem stable. YAY!

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Bipolar. That sucks but now you know you're not crazy. I know.

I've got three things I've written about - lifting/strength training, motorcycling and playing guitar. I hate the crash - that I can feel it coming on. But I do know now that I don't have to always be on top of the world and over achieving and receiving sparkling accolades from my bosses... Sometimes I just have to get up in the morning, be a dad and a husband, and do my job. Then I play a little - guitar and lifting and riding. Eventually the storm passes (although while in the midst I'm never so certain).

I'm new here so I can't really welcome you back, but I can welcome you. Keep us posted.

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@Scott, thanks man. And yea I somewhat wish I had what sounds like type one. The Highs aren't as high and the Lows aren't as low. But it seems like I've got type two, which means soaring high highs and a getting-dragged-through-the-mud-low. Nonetheless with the change of diet and the addition of medication I can feel actually normal. Thanks for the welcome and the insight :-D.

@Loren Wade, Thanks man. I'm definitely here to kick Health's ass.... In a good way. And you can bet your buns I'm gonna join the challenge! I gotta keep track of my progress for fitness as well as my personal trainer certification. I actually just found an awesome gym so I'm stoked to get started!!

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Good to hear you have gotten things moderately under control and seeking out the corrective, hopefully supportive help from your folks. And congrats for returning to a place of additional encouragement. And for a great cause too. A good friend of mine was bipolar. He got caught up in a downward cycle and spun completely out. :/

So, I am very happy (even though I don't really know you) to hear that you are moving in the right direction. ;)



...and I awoke to the Zs and they were chanting, "Da-vid...Da-vid..."

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