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"Restart from last checkpoint"

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So, as the title said, I'm not sure which class I should pick to participate in the Challenge with (based on my goal(s)).


To start off, as embarrassing as it is for me to admit, this is something like my sixth or seventh time in the past couple years trying to pick up the ball. Again. My first issue, which I know is really something that only I can fix, is my motivation to keep with it. I'm always really gung ho for the first week or so, and then I'll get a busy day at work and come home to errands, and have (seemingly) no time for a workout. I've previously gone with the Assassin class because I wanted to focus more on being able to move my own body weight before moving on to full on weights, wanted agility, and prefer strength over size.


Currently, my goal is to lose a good bit of weight quick-ish (in the healthiest way possible), and/or at the very least drop a couple inches from my waist while adding inches to my neck. Now, for honestly having no clue what I want or what to do in the fitness world, my goals are only so specific because that's what I have to do for the military. I'm somewhere around 50lbs overweight for my height (5'9" and ~220lbs last time I was weighed). I haven't weight since a couple months ago, and have no idea how much I've gained from my sedentary lifestyle and not-so-great-but-not-horrible eating habits. I have yet to fail a PFA, but I'd rather not fail at all, and losing those 50lbs and/or inch differences in around 10 weeks is where I'm at right now. I know dropping weight quickly is unhealthy and I want to stay far away from that, but I have no idea what to do beyond "eat better". As for inches, I think lifting does that? I really don't know.


I've cut most soda out, but rather frequently end up drinking at least two sugary, caffeinated drinks a day, be it soda or energy drinks. My wife and I have started cooking at home again, which is good. I've gotten into the habit of foregoing breakfast, having a small, not very good for me, lunch (think convenience store sandwich, or something along those lines), and then having a home-cooked dinner.


Here in a couple of weeks, I'll be on a ship working outside mostly (and it's frickin hot here), so there's that to help me with getting moving and sweating. I'd like to have a headstart though, and be able to get there with the ability to go for a little bit without needing to have a break.


We're also going to be getting a puppy at the end of August, an Australian Shepherd/Louisiana Catahoula mix, so I expect her energy level to get us both outside on a regular basis.


As a final question, how can I encourage my wife to join me? I know that having a workout buddy can make all the difference because of accountability and an added level of fun and friendly competition. She's expressed some discontent with her body, and I'm not sure how to bring up the subject - past attempts have ended poorly due to her receiving a much different message than I was trying to send. I've suggested we go hiking together and check out a rock climbing place, to which she gave a good response. But whenever I bring up going to the gym or pool provided by our apartment complex or even staying in our home and using the FitDeck that I have, she seems very against it and for whatever reason that discourages me from doing it myself.


I think that's everything. If y'all want any more info, just ask.

"A strong man doesn't need to read the future. He makes his own." -MGS1

"Building the future and keeping the past alive are one and the same thing." -MGS2

"An amateur practices until he can get it right. A professional practices until he can't get it wrong." -Anon.

"Focus. Control. Conviction. Resolve. A true ace lacks none of these attributes. Nothing can deter you from the task at hand except your own fears. This is your sky." -Ace Combat 5

"Too many people have opinions on things they know nothing about. And the more ignorant they are, the more opinions they have." - Fallout: New Vegas

"Don't focus on words so much. Find the meaning behind the words, then decide." -MGS2

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Welcome back. If you're wanting to focus on weight loss, the adventurer's guild is a good place to go. It sounded like you've done a challenge before, if not you might want to start with the recruits. Cleaning up what you eat will definitely help with weight loss.


As for your wife, just tell her what you are doing and once mention it would be fun if she joined you. Nothing will make you more miserable than trying to force a partner to do something they don't want to do. If she responds to hiking or rock climbing, do those things. If she doesn't want to do something else, don't mention them again.  Actually plan a hike and ask her to come. Remember, however, her fitness is her responsibility just as your fitness is yours.

Current Challenge

"By the Most-Righteous-and-Blessed Beard of Sir Tanktimus the Encourager!" - Jarl Rurik Harrgath

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Howdy & Welcome!


A few pieces of advice for you:

- This was my inspiration towards eating better. Not saying you have to go 100%. Decide what will work for you and do that.

- Make small changes that will last. If you are doing a challenge... start small. Make slow changes and then maintain them. Think of it like traveling in a car. What direction are you going in and at what speed? If you are going 10 miles an hour in reverse and want to be going forward, don't put the car into drive and slam the gas. You have to decelerate first, come to a stop, put it in neutral, then drive, then it is best to accelerate slowly.

- As for your wife... the best thing you can do is to lead by example. Start changing your life/health for the better. Let that be your passion. If she expresses an interest in joining you, tell her that "This site" or "This article" were your motivations and that "This community" or "This challenge thingy" has really helped you (whatever the case may be). And that you would love to help her get plugged in if she wanted to, but don't push her. Just be there for support & encouragement if she wants it. There is no guarantee that she will want to take this journey with you, but the best thing to do probably would be to jump into it whole-heartidly yourself. If she sees you doing it and loving it, there is a good chance she might want to join. If not... like Tanktimus said... your health is on you and hers is on her.

Level 14 -- Yeti Ranger -- STR 30.25 | DEX 12.00 | STA 21.00 | CON 14.75 | WIS 18.00 | CHA 7.50

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