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New guy here.


long story short?


i am in my low 40s and fat. not obese fat but fat none the less.

Plz spare me the "you shouldn't call your self fat" routine.

problem is i sit behind a desk all day at work and pretty much do zero excerise.


i am 6'2 299


Can i run and catch the bus without dying? yes 

Can i touch my toes? no

do i miss seeing half my junk due to my belly? yes


Problem is I am lazy

I don't have no push or will to join a gym thats 5 mins from where i live.

its not that i eat wrong. I don't drink. don't snack. and  do control my eating habits (when i can).

My problem is that i just don't move and sweat anymore.


Well thats all going to change. Starting Monday I am joining the Gym.


I know i have to start slow so I was thinking 10 min bike (sit bike cause reg. bike destroys my nuts) 10 mins tread (walk/sprints/fat man jog) and 5 mins elliptical.( fucking hate that machine)

and end with a 5 min walk and do light lifting in-between.


Baby Jesus blessed me with 2 jello knees and  a sore back ( from sitting all day and me being fat i am sure.)

SO i know i will never be able to do them T25 and P90 workouts.


as its looking now i am aiming for 3 days a week.

I won't make me any life changing Goals like " I will lose 100Pounds by Christmas" cause i know those fail. just looking to take baby steps and to do that I need to crawl first.


Holy Gerbil Poo did i go all Dr. Phil on my first post.


Thanks for listening 




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You can have amazing goals, it's great to keep those in the back of your mind if you really need the extra push.


Just have shorter achievable goals first. It's my whole outlook. I watched a Netflix show and it was the silliest thing ever but my life philosophy pretty much revolves around one of the lines now- 'you can do ANYTHING for 10 seconds!' So once that 10 seconds is done, start again for another 10 seconds- it'll add up in the end. 


You're in a good place for motivation. Check out the challenges, one starts tomorrow! 

Spaz Ranger


You can have results or excuses. Not both

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Yraen is right. Don't torture yourself with the elliptical. Check out the Beginner Body Weight workout on the blog and give it a try. Don't worry if you can't do all the exercises yet, just do what you can. 

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Current Challenge

"By the Most-Righteous-and-Blessed Beard of Sir Tanktimus the Encourager!" - Jarl Rurik Harrgath

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Can i third this, the guys are right if you dont like it dont do it, it is even more important at the beginning of your journey to do the things you are capable of.

Later when you are in a better condition then give other things a go and you may find that you can start to enjoy them.

Always remember the journey is a marathon and not a sprint, to much to soon will lead to faliure. You wont see much progress in six days but it starts to notice after six weeks and after six months.................

It's never to late to be the person you always wanted to be.

The voice in your head telling you that you can't do it is a damn liar.

Endorphins, the best high you can have.

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