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hello from a grad student who wants to lift weights!

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Hello everybody!

I'm a first-year PhD student, and I'm tired of not being fit. I've heard from multiple sources that exercise helps to reduce stress (a big deal in grad school!), and I'm really inspired by Staci's story, and you know what, it's time to get started.

I've never been at all fit. I'm not overweight per se, but my body fat % isn't great. I can't do a proper pushup, let alone a chinup. I can't run for more than 3 minutes at a time before getting out of breath. It's always been easy for me to say that exercise is just for beautiful people who already were athletic and genetically blessed, but obviously that's not true - and as a corollary, even I could one day be fit if I work hard enough!

Of all the activities I've tried for fitness, weight-lifting is the most interesting to me. Unfortunately, I get really anxious when I'm surrounded by guys who are lifting 5-8x as much weight as I am! Seriously, what am I even doing being in their presence? I know that feeling isn't going to help me, and I'm trying to counter it, but it's still there. (It also feels weird to be the only woman in the weight room. Other ladies who have had this experience?) But when I'm in the zone, lifting feels wonderful. As for cardio... Treadmills and elliptical trainers? Anxiety city! Swing dancing? So much more fun!

As for food... right now I'm hoping to focus on introducing more healthy ingredients to my diet, instead of focusing on taking old favorites away. Has anyone else tried this approach successfully?

Right now I'm traveling for winter break, but starting Jan 1 I'll be back home and ready to get properly started. I'm scared as anything, but also really excited! I look forward to getting to know this community :-)

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Welcome to the rebellion! I too am a grad student working on being fitter (Though I'm a 4th year - aah the first year of stress). I do bodyweight exercises to avoid the whole gym thing (and I haven't had proper training in how to do lifts without busting something) and find it very fulfilling. Pushups/squats/rows etc are really great, especially when your goals are to be fitter and lose some weight without having to brave the gym (I know, I'm a coward).

I'm also a swing dancer - are you new to the Chicago scene?

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welcome to the community! i'm totally with you - dance or other types of classes are so much better than being strapped to a cardio machine. as for the weight room issues, you just have to remember that no one cares what you're doing or lifting. and they esp don't care since you're a woman and you aren't using the same weights they are...so they don't have to share :) as for diet, i tend to agree that things aren't that hard...add in more veggies and fruits, cut out some of the crap. no need to go all hardcore if what you are doing is working for you.

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Guest guest4729

I totally know where you're coming from. For me, walking over to the free weight section of the gym was initially terrifying. Most of the guys are lifting 45lbs or more and there I am with my 20-25lb weights. I feel silly, but at the same time I feel accomplished. Why? Because I'm one of the only girls who isn't a "cardio bunny" running my life away on a treadmill. I'm lifting weights and doing as many arm exercises and possible to get the most upper body strength that I can. My legs are already pretty strong to begin with, it's my arms that need all the help they can get. Just have faith in yourself and try your hardest because that's all you can do.

It's okay to be afraid to move to new territory - but don't be afraid to work yourself up to it. Just jump in and do your thing and ignore the people around you. If they stare at you, so what? You probably won't see them that often and possibly might never see them again. You go to the gym to GET fit not just because you ARE fit. And besides - haters gonna hate.

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>> 'Roos: Huzzah for grad students! What are you studying? Also, yes, bodyweight exercises may be just the ticket. Can you tell me more about how you got started on that route? Haven't checked out the Chicago scene yet, but will do so come January.

>> ebm1224 & awsd00: Thanks for the reassurance re: the gym and diet things. I'm wondering if maybe adjusting the time that I go to the gym would make it easier to deal with the curlbros. How long did it take for you to get over that initial anxiety?

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I'm a computational and systems biology student (Bioinformatics basically). Are you a Lindy Hopper, Balboa, blues dancer? If you ever feel like coming down to St. Louis to dance, shoot me a PM. Also, if you have time to do some dance-traveling, I'd be happy to give a rundown on the cool events in the area (it took me like, two years to figure out what was worth going to)

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I'm a computational and systems biology student (Bioinformatics basically).

Oh neat! I'm studying CS and considering going into a bit of biology. Biology is just so incredibly fascinating. How's grad school going?

Are you a Lindy Hopper, Balboa, blues dancer?

It's been years, but I used to do east coast swing and blues. Lindy looks really fun.

Whups - and as far as bodyweight exercises I'd start with something like this:


Perfect! Thanks for the link!
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Guest guest4729

>> 'Roos: Huzzah for grad students! What are you studying? Also, yes, bodyweight exercises may be just the ticket. Can you tell me more about how you got started on that route? Haven't checked out the Chicago scene yet, but will do so come January.

>> ebm1224 & awsd00: Thanks for the reassurance re: the gym and diet things. I'm wondering if maybe adjusting the time that I go to the gym would make it easier to deal with the curlbros. How long did it take for you to get over that initial anxiety?

It didn't take long for me. I'm paying MONEY to go to this gym over break while my campus is closed and I'm sure as hell not going to waste it. I'm going to get right in there and do my thing and get my money's worth. Sure, the guys stare and sure, I use lower weights than them, but why should I care? I've developed a very "F*ck it all" attitude when I go to the gym. I don't mean it in a sense that I don't care about working out, I mean it in a sense that it's just like "I don't even care anymore if you stare at me, talk/whisper about me or laugh at my puny girl arms. Don't care. Nope, still not caring." If you go in like that it takes a lot of pressure off of yourself. I do what I can and then I move on. Are their words hurtful? Probably, but I don't hear them, so I don't care. For all I know they could actually be talking about how I have "balls" because I'm not afraid to use the weights. If you keep worrying about the "What ifs" then you won't accomplish anything. Just do yo' thang gurrrllll. :P

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My suggestion is the Angry Birds bodyweight workout as a starting point for all-over exercise. There's squats, planks, pushups, and a back exercise (starts with dumbbell rows and works up to pull ups), so it's pretty simple. I like it because of the levels, it lets you measure/see your progress and I always feel accomplished when I level up on an exercise!

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...I've developed a very "F*ck it all" attitude when I go to the gym. I don't mean it in a sense that I don't care about working out, I mean it in a sense that it's just like "I don't even care anymore if you stare at me, talk/whisper about me or laugh at my puny girl arms. Don't care. Nope, still not caring." If you go in like that it takes a lot of pressure off of yourself. I do what I can and then I move on. Are their words hurtful? Probably, but I don't hear them, so I don't care. For all I know they could actually be talking about how I have "balls" because I'm not afraid to use the weights. If you keep worrying about the "What ifs" then you won't accomplish anything. Just do yo' thang gurrrllll. :P

This made me smile a lot, thanks! I'll remember that when I next find myself going :-)

The PhD progresses - it's what it does. Hopefully I'll be writing in the next 16 months. Biostats are the way to go if you want to have awesome job security!

Man, and it's such a huge field too! It seems like it'd be easy to find an interesting problem in it, though of course that's always easier said than done...

My suggestion is the Angry Birds bodyweight workout as a starting point for all-over exercise. There's squats, planks, pushups, and a back exercise (starts with dumbbell rows and works up to pull ups), so it's pretty simple. I like it because of the levels, it lets you measure/see your progress and I always feel accomplished when I level up on an exercise!

That's really interesting, thanks! I like the idea of leveling up too. Game designers really know how to manipulate human emotions effectively, and I guess there's no reason we shouldn't learn from their lessons where appropriate...

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