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265lbs. Thats the weight I needed to reach before my depression, due to a hard break up with my ex gf, turned into a fiery rebirth. I am more motivated then I ever have been in my whole life. I would like to meet some people on here and get a good support group going to be there for me for my change. so I'm asking everybody and anybody to be here with me, as I will be with you. I WILL get back to 180lbs. There is no but, so who here is with me?!?!?!?! RAWR!!!!!!!

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My plan for workout is a lot of things,but basically its daily and its everything from weights, cardio, hiking to grappling. Still figuring out diet.I know what to eat just havent made up my mind calorie intake yet. Want to see how hungry I am while I work out a lot. Any other tips?

Welcome to the rebellion! Eat clean and lift heavy and everything will work out. What are your current plans for eating and exercising?

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Just two. Go over to Steve's blog and check out the articles on eating. 

The best workout is the one you'll actually do. Don't worry if you like some stuff other than others and only stick with the fun ones.

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Current Challenge

"By the Most-Righteous-and-Blessed Beard of Sir Tanktimus the Encourager!" - Jarl Rurik Harrgath

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RAWR!! Keep it up! I made my decision to lose weight and get fit just this last Sunday, and this morning I found out I've already lost 7 lbs. Do you have a goal for when you want to lose the weight by?

When it comes to eating right, I'd suggest grabbing one of the calorie-counting Apps(of which there are a billion) if you have a smartphone. I'm currently using Lose It!, and so far so good. You enter in your weight and other info, then tell it how fast you want to lose the weight, and it gives you the number of calories you should eat each day. I'm not too heavily dependent on it, I try to make sure my calories are in the general ballpark, but I found that even just keeping a record of everything you eat in a day will help you cut back. :D

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Race: Fire Elemental | Class: Assassin
{ Level: 3 | STR: 7 | DEX: 1 | STA: 4.5 | CON: 3.5 | WIS: 2.5 | CHA: 5 }
Chapter 1: Into the Fire ; Chapter 2: Fanning the Flames ; Chapter 3: Stormy Cs

Main Quest: Reach 150 lbs by July 31st, 2016.
{Start: 215 | Current: 194 | Goal: 150 | Updated: 02/02/2016 }

"The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire."
~Ferdinand Foch
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I have started to journal everything. I havent made an actual calorie count yet because im going to be moving around a lot and I want to make sure I eat enough. Im eating tons of veggies, fish and meat. Thats all im allowing myself to eat. Took all the other food from my place and took it to the local food bank. Even the delicious bagels. I will look into a calorie counter to see what it has me at. I dont have a time frame per say, im just super motivated and dont think it will take long before I syart seeing the change. I really like the feedback. So thank you for taking the time. It means a lot to me. Self worth and friends is what I lack and why I joined this site.

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Oh, journaling is cool. I actually started a normal Diary/Journal just to help organize my thoughts and wow has it been helpful. Yay for super motivation. If I was having any doubts about this, the change in numbers on the scale this morning blew them all to pieces. That's the best motivation I could hope for. :D

I love giving and getting feedback, its fun to see peoples different views and get advice from everyone.

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Race: Fire Elemental | Class: Assassin
{ Level: 3 | STR: 7 | DEX: 1 | STA: 4.5 | CON: 3.5 | WIS: 2.5 | CHA: 5 }
Chapter 1: Into the Fire ; Chapter 2: Fanning the Flames ; Chapter 3: Stormy Cs

Main Quest: Reach 150 lbs by July 31st, 2016.
{Start: 215 | Current: 194 | Goal: 150 | Updated: 02/02/2016 }

"The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire."
~Ferdinand Foch
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I've been journaling most of my life! It is great😊 for organizing thoughts, and for me ,a way to express myself!I've learned that with the rebellion you've got a lot of friends and positive support! Believe in you!!! We're here to help!

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-Jadyn Rayne-
Race: Wood Elf
Class: -Adventurer-DIVERGENT
STR: 11 | CHA: 5 | STA: 3 | WIS: 8| CON: 7| DEX: 4

Jadyn Rayne's Battle Log

JadynRayne's current challenge

"Not all who wander are lost."
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I am with you! My friend!Like the positive attitude!!! Sounds like your eating paleo!!! Good for you for not just throwing your food out! Taking it to a food bank awesome!!!

You've got this😊

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-Jadyn Rayne-
Race: Wood Elf
Class: -Adventurer-DIVERGENT
STR: 11 | CHA: 5 | STA: 3 | WIS: 8| CON: 7| DEX: 4

Jadyn Rayne's Battle Log

JadynRayne's current challenge

"Not all who wander are lost."
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I'm always glad to see someone with big goals. 265 to 180 will be tough but so very doable. I went from 250 to 190 using a lot of the resources for NF and help from my local support group at the gym. Focus on the journey and don't give up. The blood, sweat, and tears are going to be worth it in the end.

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Be excellent to each other.
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Thanks Wyld Bill! Glad to see someone did something similar. Makes me feel less like a mad man. I'll keep you up to date.

Jadynrayne thankfully a positive attitude is one of my consistent qualities. Im trying to do mostly paleo but I can't lie. I love jalapeno cheddar bagels. But now its just a sunday treat with my coffee.

We got this friends. We all have our goals we arw about to smash!!!! RAWR!!!

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Excellent...time to kick ass and chew bubble gum, but we're all out of gum (and off the sugar).  Good luck to you! 

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I leave this as a declaration of intent, so no one will be confused.

One: "Si vis pacem, para bellum."  If you want peace, prepare for war. 

Two: The old me is dead...he died with his old habits.  The new me will be stronger, faster, sharper, better.


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Definately keep up the journal... especially if it's a real life paper one... then you've got a resource to go to if/when things get a little slack. (I found it's too easy to change or delete a blog post)

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Whole30 - 30 days down 0 to go...




You know the first rule of combat? Shoot them before they shoot you. - Faye Valentine




Link to my blog for day to day rambling: http://melsuarez79.blogspot.com/

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