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......, well almost but it sure felt like it.  Been almost a month now, the Tuesday after July 4th I woke up in the early AM and my heart was racing and I could not go back to sleep, so as I have done the couple other times this happened I got up, got a glass of water and went and sat on the couch and flipped channels and in a little bit it would settle down and I would go back to bed.  This time was different, I could not get a good pulse reading on my phone app (I tried 2 more just in case it was broken, same result) so I woke my wife, explained the situation and had her try as my control….70 BPM, maybe I was broken!  Tried some deep breathing and meditation and finally got back to restless sleep, that morning it was still all over place so we packed up and headed to the ER, they got me in pretty quick, saw I was in afib and my BP was sky high over 200/100.  The doc had me hold my breath and bear down (seemed dumb but he said it works about 10% of the time and is free), tried a drug to stop my heart only for a second but still not fun and finally, knocked me out and hit me with the paddles to correct the afib.  But the BP did not come down into even a moderately high range, so they started slow with drugs with helped a little but was still pretty high, then they got to aggressive and dropped me 100 points in about 30 seconds which also was a very wild and unpleasant ride.  After 6 hours of fun, I was finally in a normal rhythm and my BP was lower but still not good, I got a Rx for blood thinner (don’t want you throwing a clot) and a referral to a Cardiologist.  I left tired, confused and scared.  While not the picture of health, I am overweight and no marathon runner but I do lift 3 times a week, walk 3-4 times a week and take Taekwondo with my wife and son 3-4 times a week.  We have been dabbling with a Primal diet for 6-8 months but not really committed, not like I binge on Twinkies and chips, much. I don’t have a history of high BP, I take my vitamins and see the MD on a regular basis, why is the health meter in the red?  After two more trips to the ER, they finally found a cocktail of drugs that would keep my BP under stroke out status.  I was able to relax a bit and reflect on what was going on. 


I saw the cardiologist and we had a nice long honest talk.  Turns out it has been almost 2 years since I had my annual physical ( traveled a lot in my birthday window when I usually get my physical last year and never got it rescheduled), yes I could stand to lose 50-75 pounds, yep I snore (the fat on my neck may have something to do with that), sleep too little, work stress..well maybe a LOT.  I left with an updated cocktail of pills and orders for blood work and a cardiac echo.  I was less tired, confused and scared now, I was starting to get mad (I know not good with HPB), mad I had been ignoring the old health meter and sure enough it was in the red. 


Death was not only stalking me, I was carrying it around with me in big fatty globs, I was eating too much poison and not doing enough to fight it off much less realize it.  So I decided to focus that anger and make the changes that I was previously working into.  I resumed tracking what I ate while eating Primal (no more partial efforts), walking 30 minutes 6 times a week, lifting 3 days a week and adding flexibility and yoga on 2 other days, continuing my Taekwondo efforts, focusing on getting 7-8 hours of sleep a night, enjoying life more,  and learning to manage work stress.  Had my second Cardiologist visit and got some good news, my heart was ok and not thickened so the HBP has not been going on long enough to damage it, no proteins in my urine (no kidney damage), and most of the other numbers were good, down 10 pounds since my previous visit and some bad news, my Cholesterol was elevated (but not high as it had been in the past and Triglycerides were good too, an old battle fought and still winning), and my AC1 was borderline diabetic.  My BP was down to 130/80 at my visit good but that is medicated so good news but not great news.  New orders for follow-up blood work, a sleep study, and a calcium study.  The Cardiologist was familiar with Primal and said it was a good choice and to keep it up and was happy my BP was now under control. 


So I cheated death, found a healing potion with Death hot on my heels and lived to tell the tale. 


Now what?  Well the health meter is still in the red, I still carry death with me everywhere I go, and I must sip from the healing potion a couple times a day.  Death may still stalk me but I have become more wily prey.  I am dedicated to exercising and more importantly diet.  I stopped underestimating my opponent and take him very seriously now.

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The Reel Godfather, level 5 Ranger STR 10|DEX 7|STA 12|CON 12|WIS 8|CHA 6 My Respawn story

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That's a crazy story. Welcome to the rebellion. Keep doing what you're doing, eating clean and working out will pay off in the long run. The pounds will drop off and you will eventually stop needing your healing potion. Consistency is your friend.

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Current Challenge

"By the Most-Righteous-and-Blessed Beard of Sir Tanktimus the Encourager!" - Jarl Rurik Harrgath

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Holy cow man.  Glad you're back at it.  I too have HBP and am doing my best to combat it.  I see a lot of myself in this post.  Thanks for sharing.  Proud and happy your back.

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Lycansbane (NF CHaracter)

1st | 1st redo | 2nd | 3rd


"Pain is for the living. Only the dead don't feel it." ~ Jim Butcher


"They live lives that don't matter, that touch no one and change nothing. For better or worse, you and I stared evil in the eye and didn't flinch. We raised our swords and went to war, and even if we didn't win we kicked some ass along the way. We made a difference, and that's all any man can ask." ~ Simon Green

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that is a very exciting story!  I like the part about Death stalking you and you carrying it around.  Your life should be a webcomic.


so, good job.  Keep making Death chase you, and buff yourself so when she turns up, you'll give her an epic fight.

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Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.

Hylian Assassin 5'5", 143 lbs.
Half-marathon: 3:02
It is pitch dark. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.

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RG, How're things? 


Things are going well, aproaching almost 4 weeks of 6 days a week 30 minute walk, 3 times a week lifting, and hitting Taekwondo 3/4 times a week.  Down 10 pounds from my first Cardiologist visit and primal is going well with a couple minor struggles, having trouble getting enough calories and enough fiber and keeping sodium low (it is everywhere in huge amounts!).  Doing a good job on carbs and pretty good on protein, still trying to work out the macros but I am learning and trying to sort it all out.  Had a couple additional cardiac tests that came out good so this is has not been going on for too long and I don't have any heart damage.  BP is still up and down, better than it was and not been stroke out high since the week of excitement, tracking and trying for consistency, higher times are often related to stress so trying to manage and understand that.  Tomorrow is the last day on blood thinner so I can go back to contact in TKD so that is good too.


All and all making good progress, still work to do, a lifetime (long, I hope) of work to do.  But its all good, I know my adversary and am working to understand that adversary and be aware of complacancy and new tricks and twists.  Thanks for asking.

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The Reel Godfather, level 5 Ranger STR 10|DEX 7|STA 12|CON 12|WIS 8|CHA 6 My Respawn story

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that is a very exciting story!  I like the part about Death stalking you and you carrying it around.  Your life should be a webcomic.


so, good job.  Keep making Death chase you, and buff yourself so when she turns up, you'll give her an epic fight.

Thanks, I was trying to have a little fun with it.  Not going to go down easy or without a fight!

The Reel Godfather, level 5 Ranger STR 10|DEX 7|STA 12|CON 12|WIS 8|CHA 6 My Respawn story

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Things are going well, aproaching almost 4 weeks of 6 days a week 30 minute walk, 3 times a week lifting, and hitting Taekwondo 3/4 times a week.  Down 10 pounds from my first Cardiologist visit and primal is going well with a couple minor struggles, having trouble getting enough calories and enough fiber and keeping sodium low (it is everywhere in huge amounts!).  Doing a good job on carbs and pretty good on protein, still trying to work out the macros but I am learning and trying to sort it all out.  Had a couple additional cardiac tests that came out good so this is has not been going on for too long and I don't have any heart damage.  BP is still up and down, better than it was and not been stroke out high since the week of excitement, tracking and trying for consistency, higher times are often related to stress so trying to manage and understand that.  Tomorrow is the last day on blood thinner so I can go back to contact in TKD so that is good too.


All and all making good progress, still work to do, a lifetime (long, I hope) of work to do.  But its all good, I know my adversary and am working to understand that adversary and be aware of complacancy and new tricks and twists.  Thanks for asking.



Completely agree re: the sodium --- once you start tracking that stuff it's easy to see how much of it is in just about everything that's prepackaged.


It sounds like you're making some outstanding progress and building great momentum, very happy to hear that!

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Battle Log: Battling at the Speed of Lou




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Wow, I had a similar but not quite as extreme situation last weekend.  Woke up in the middle of the night (after drinking too much) and my heart just didn't feel right.


Waited a while to see if it would work itself out, and went to the ER when it didn't.


At the ER they told me my BP was pretty high but not extreme, but my EKG was normal.  I felt like an idiot as they told me they don't really see anything wrong, but I know something wasn't right.


What's your plan?

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Weight loss goal (38 lbs by March 21)


Time elapsed (Started July 27)



July 26 Challenge Thread

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Wow, I had a similar but not quite as extreme situation last weekend.  Woke up in the middle of the night (after drinking too much) and my heart just didn't feel right.


Waited a while to see if it would work itself out, and went to the ER when it didn't.


At the ER they told me my BP was pretty high but not extreme, but my EKG was normal.  I felt like an idiot as they told me they don't really see anything wrong, but I know something wasn't right.


What's your plan?

BLB, my plan is eating Primal (Paleo was a little too strict for me, I don't have any milk problems and like cheese and yogurt and I even eat green beans on occasion), walking 30 minutes 6 days a week, lifting 3 days a week with flexibility and range of motion stuff on the other 3 days and 3-4 days attending Taekwondo classes.  I have one cheat meal a week and don't over do that and that seems to be working pretty good.  Still purging some of the non-primal stuff from the house, pretty much down to salad dressing, bbq sauce/ketchup, and mayo but some avacado oil mayo is on the way.  On meds for BP but loosing weight will help that as well eating better food.  Work/stress is still a factor that needs work but I am learning ways to deal with that.  I am down over 10 pounds since my respawn, sleeping better, and my BP is almost in the good range most of the time.  The only real struggles right now are getting enough calories, keeping the sodium down, getting rid of the processed crap helped but still a bit of work to do there, and getting enough fiber.  Eating lots of good proteins, fats and veggies and never feel hungry but calorie count is still kinda low.  Really trying to watch my macros, keep my carbs under 100 and closer to the 50 side than the 100 side.  That is the plan for now, still a work in progress just like me but so far so good.  Good luck on your journey.

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The Reel Godfather, level 5 Ranger STR 10|DEX 7|STA 12|CON 12|WIS 8|CHA 6 My Respawn story

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Death is still in my shadow but I continue to put distance between us, I am down 15 pounds now, pants fit better (usually wear big shirts so not noticable just yet), sleep continues to improve..mostly, now I wake up because I am sore!  Down to just 2 meds for the BP and it is in the normal range with little spikes in to prehypertension range everynow and then.  Primal diet continues to go well, lots of good meat, fats and veggies, only thing I miss are fruits but those continue to make minor visits, just too many dang carbs.  The amazing thing is that I never feel hungry, even on occassion when my calorie deficiet is too much, the veggeis, fats, and protein keep me feeling full.  The most amazing was yesterday when we had Taekwondo testing (testing for 1st Gup) and we had a very energetic warm up that got me warm but not winded (woot!) and then when we went to spar (my opponent was the same level belt but 6 years my junior), I rocked out and when we finished, I was tired but not ready to die, I was so jacked the rest of the day.  Anyway, I still take my morning and evening healing potion everyday to stave off the HBP demon and I carry 50 pounds poisonus death arround but when I check the health meter, it was still red but not flashing anymore.  It was a good day and a nice milestone, More steps to come, more challenges to face but it was nice to see some progress. 

The Reel Godfather, level 5 Ranger STR 10|DEX 7|STA 12|CON 12|WIS 8|CHA 6 My Respawn story

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I know you how feel dude.  Within two months I went from having major surgery to have 1/4 of my liver removed in order to excise a benign tumor, to my cardiologist telling me my septal defect had returned.  I, too, went beyond sad/depressed and straight into anger.  It was absurd and also it was great motivation.  I decided it was time for my body to work FOR me, not against me.

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Hobbiton to Rivendell




Level 2 Human
STR 2.75|DEX 2|CON 2.5|STA 3|WIS 1|CHA 1

Current Challenge

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Just a quick update on my respawn:


Weight down 30 pounds

6 day a week continues

have only missed 1 weight session since respawn

Taekwondo classes 4 days a week, gonna test for next grade in October

BP numbers are good and trending really good

Consistently eating Primal and sticking to only one cheat meal a week, counting calories and working my macros


So I died......now I am starting to live and put some daylight between me and the reaper.

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The Reel Godfather, level 5 Ranger STR 10|DEX 7|STA 12|CON 12|WIS 8|CHA 6 My Respawn story

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Just a quick update on my respawn:


Weight down 30 pounds

6 day a week continues

have only missed 1 weight session since respawn

Taekwondo classes 4 days a week, gonna test for next grade in October

BP numbers are good and trending really good

Consistently eating Primal and sticking to only one cheat meal a week, counting calories and working my macros


So I died......now I am starting to live and put some daylight between me and the reaper.


Outstanding, RG! Very impressive stuff, and very glad reaper man is more than a scythe's length away.

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Battle Log: Battling at the Speed of Lou




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Outstanding, RG! Very impressive stuff, and very glad reaper man is more than a scythe's length away.


Thanks Lou, yep the ol reaper is still hanging out, his new favorite spot is to sit on the edge of my bed.  He likes to tell me to stay in bed, I deserver a rest, don't need to lift of walk today, just take a break, just today, it will be ok.  Some days, Wednesdays mostly, he even sings Soft Kitty. 

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The Reel Godfather, level 5 Ranger STR 10|DEX 7|STA 12|CON 12|WIS 8|CHA 6 My Respawn story

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Mini update - Went to see the sleep doctor today regarding a sleep study my cardiologist recommended.  BP was great 110/70 at the appt. and weight was down to 254 from my 293, closing in on the 40 lb mark, the doctor had me weighted again just to make sure since it was such a change from my record on the last visit to the cardiologist.  Doing an at home sleep study tonight, hope I can sleep with all that stuff strapped to me.  


Thanks again to everyone for their kind words and support, it means the world to me and keeps me going when I stumble.   

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The Reel Godfather, level 5 Ranger STR 10|DEX 7|STA 12|CON 12|WIS 8|CHA 6 My Respawn story

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Dude, well done on the weight loss and good luck with the sleep study!




Well the sleep study results are in and.......my quest to be Darth Vader is one step closer to reality.....I have mild sleep apena which is better than having my arms and legs cut off.  I have my CPAP sleep study/fitting on 10/24.  I am sure it would have been much worse 40 pounds ago, wonder what it will be in another 30 pounds.  Just another challenge to deal with and conquer. 

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The Reel Godfather, level 5 Ranger STR 10|DEX 7|STA 12|CON 12|WIS 8|CHA 6 My Respawn story

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